Millwall F.C. (original) (raw)
- El Millwall Football Club és un club de futbol d'Anglaterra, de la ciutat de Londres. Va ser fundat en 1885 sota el nom de Millwall Rovers i juga en la Football League Championship. Té una forta rivalitat amb un altre equip de la ciutat, el West Ham United. (ca)
- Millwall FC (celým názvem: Millwall Football Club) je anglický fotbalový klub, který sídlí v jihovýchodním Londýně. Založen byl v roce 1885 pod názvem Millwall Rovers FC. Od sezóny 2017/18 hraje ve druhé nejvyšší anglické soutěži EFL Championship. Klubové barvy jsou námořnická modř a bílá. Své domácí zápasy odehrává na stadionu The Den s kapacitou 20 146 diváků. (cs)
- نادي ميلوول (بالإنجليزية: .Millwall F.C) هو نادي كرة قدم إنجليزي تأسس في 3 أكتوبر 1885، يقع في منطقة برموندسي في جنوب شرق مدينة لندن. تأسس النادي في 2 أكتوبر 1885، ويلعب في يلعب في بطولة التشامبيون شيب لكرة القدم. يلعب الفريق منذ تأسيسه على ملعب ذي دان الذي يستوعب 20146 متفرج. (ar)
- Η Μίλγουολ ΦΚ (αγγλικά: Millwall F.C.) είναι αγγλικός ποδοσφαιρικός σύλλογος με έδρα το νοτιοανατολικό Λονδίνο. Ιδρύθηκε το 1885 ως Μίλγουολ Ρόβερς (Millwall Rovers) και έδρα της είναι το στάδιο (The New Den). (el)
- Der FC Millwall (offiziell: Millwall Football Club), vormals „Millwall Rovers“ und „Millwall Athletic“ – auch bekannt als The Lions (die Löwen) – ist ein englischer Fußballverein im Südosten von London. (de)
- Millwall Football Club, Ingalaterrako Londres hiriburuko futbol talde bat da, hain zuzen ere, hiriaren hego-ekialdean dagoen auzokoa. Gaur egun Football League Championship mailan lehiatzen da (2. maila) eta etxeko partiduak The Den estadioan jokatzen ditu. (eu)
- Le Millwall Football Club est un club anglais de football fondé en 1885. Il est basé dans la banlieue sud de Londres, bien que le quartier originel du club soit situé dans l'East London, à quelques kilomètres du stade actuel, du côté sud de la Tamise. Depuis la saison 2017-2018, le club évolue en EFL Championship (deuxième division anglaise). (fr)
- Millwall Football Club (/ˈmɪlwɔːl/) is a professional football club in Bermondsey, South East London, England. They compete in the EFL Championship, the second tier of English football. Founded as Millwall Rovers in 1885, the club has retained its name despite having last played in the Millwall area of the Isle of Dogs in 1910. From then until 1993, the club played at what is now called The Old Den in New Cross, before moving to its current home stadium nearby, called The Den. The traditional club crest is a lion rampant, referred to in the team's nickname 'The Lions'. Millwall's traditional kit consists of dark blue shirts, white shorts, and blue socks. Millwall was one of the founding members of the Southern League in 1894. They competed in it for 22 seasons until 1920, claiming the title twice in 1895 and 1896. Since joining the Football League in the 1920–21 season, the club have been promoted eleven times (five times as champions in 1928, 1938, 1962, 1988, and 2001) and relegated nine times. They have spent 89 of their 96 seasons in the Football League yo-yoing between the second and third tiers. The club did have a brief spell in the top flight between 1988 and 1990, in which they achieved their highest ever league finish of tenth place in the First Division in 1988–89. Millwall reached the 2004 FA Cup final and qualified for Europe for the first time in their history, playing in the UEFA Cup. The club have also won two League One play-off finals in 2010 and 2017, the Football League Group Cup in 1983, and were Football League Trophy finalists in 1999. In the media, Millwall's supporters have often been associated with hooliganism, with having been made fictionalising their notoriety. The fans are renowned for their terrace chant "No one likes us, we don't care". Millwall have a long-standing rivalry with West Ham United. The local derby between the two sides has been contested almost a hundred times since 1899. The club also share a rivalry with Leeds United, and contest the South London derby with local rivals Crystal Palace and Charlton Athletic. (en)
- El Millwall Football Club es un club de fútbol de Inglaterra, del sudeste de la ciudad de Londres que juega en la Football League Championship. Fue fundado en 1885 bajo el nombre de Millwall Rovers. A pesar de no jugar en Millwall desde 1910, el club conserva dicha localización en el nombre. Desde entonces, y hasta 1993, disputó sus partidos en The Den, un estadio ya derruido de , fecha en la que se trasladó a su nuevo estadio, homónimo del anterior, radicado en South Bermondsey. El escudo es un león rampante, en referencia al apodo del equipo, (the lions, los leones). Si bien el uniforme tradicional consistía en camiseta y medias azules con pantalón blanco, el actual es totalmente azul, con un tono más oscuro; en recuerdo a las raíces escocesas del club y al primer equipo del Millwall Rovers, que vistió hasta 1936. En 2004, se clasificó por primera vez para una competición europea, la Copa de la UEFA; gracias a su clasificación para la disputa de la final de la FA Cup. En esta última competición, llegó a semifinales en otras tres ocasiones (1900, 1903 y 1937). Acumula la mayoría de sus años de competición en la segunda y la tercera divisiones inglesas. Su mejor clasificación fue una décima plaza en la primera división. Está considerado el cuadragésimo club más exitoso del país. Mantiene una brutal rivalidad con otro equipo de la ciudad, el West Ham United, con quien ha disputado más de cien partidos desde 1899, en lo que se conoce como el derbi del sur y el este de Londres. Los hinchas del Millwall son conocidos por su cántico No one likes us, we don't care. (es)
- Millwall Football Club adalah sebuah klub sepak bola dari Inggris yang bermarkas di The Den, , London Tenggara. Saat ini klub bermain di Kejuaraan EFL, tingkat kedua sepak bola Inggris. Didirikan sebagai Millwall Rovers pada tahun 1885, klub tetap mempertahankan namanya meski terakhir bermain di area Millwall pada tahun 1910. Sejak saat itu hingga 1993 klub bermain di yang sekarang dinamakan The Old Den, sebuah stadion di New Cross yang sekarang sudah tidak berfungsi, sebelum pindah ke stadion baru hingga saat ini di Selatan Bermondsey, yang kini disebut The Den. Pada tahun 2004, Millwall mencapai final Piala FA dan terkualifikasi untuk kompetisi Eropa untuk pertama kalinya, di mana mereka bermain di Piala UEFA. (in)
- 밀월 FC(Millwall Football Club)는 잉글랜드 런던을 연고로 하는 축구 클럽이다. 1885년 창단되었으며 현재 EFL 챔피언십에 참가중이다. (ko)
- ミルウォールFC(Millwall Football Club ([ˈmɪlwɔːl] or local /–ˈ–/))は、イングランド・ロンドン・サザーク・ロンドン特別区・バモンズィーを本拠地とするサッカークラブチーム。 1885年にミルウォール・ローヴァーズとしてクラブが創設され、彼らが最後に試合を行った地区の名前にちなんで、1910年にクラブ名をミルウォールに改めた。この時から1993年まで使用したスタジアムをザ・オールド・デンと呼び、現在使用しているスタジアムはザ・デンと呼ぶ。クラブの愛称は”ライオンズ”であり、前足を挙げた一頭の雄ライオンが立ち上がる図をクラブのクレストとして用いていることにちなんでいる。チームのモットーは、「俺たちはどこで戦おうとも敵を恐れない」という意味の「We Fear No Foe Where E'er We Go」。millは、風車の意味から転じて工場を指す。ミルウォールは伝統的に、青の服、白のパンツに青のソックスをユニフォームとして用いている。彼らの多くがスコットランドからの出稼ぎ人夫であったことが、白と青を基調としたユニフォームの由来である。 リーズ・ユナイテッドとライバル関係にあり、同じ地域に本拠地をもつクリスタル・パレスやチャールトン・アスレティックとの一戦は、ダービー・マッチとして盛り上がりを見せる。とりわけウェストハム・ユナイテッドとの関係は、1899年から今日まで続く根深い対立意識が存在し、サポーター同士の衝突により死傷者が発生するなど、重大な事件に発展したこともある。このような経緯もあり、マスコミは、ミルウォールのサポーターをフーリガンと関連させたり、彼らの悪い部分だけを切り取ってと報道した。これらの出来事から、ミルウォールのチャントに"No one likes us, we don't care"「みんな俺たちのことを嫌うが、俺たちは気にしない」というものが存在する。また、彼らのフーリガニズムを題材にしたフィクション映画も数多く制作された。 1894年に設立されたサザンフットボールリーグの創設チームであり、1920年までの22シーズンの間に二度優勝した。1920-21シーズン以降からは、現在も加盟しているフットボール・リーグに参加して、八回の昇格と九回の降格を経験している。ミルウォールは、2部と3部リーグの間を行き来するクラブとして知られているが、1988年から1990年の間には1部リーグに在籍し、特に1988-89シーズンにはそこで10位の成績を残した。2004年は、FAカップで決勝に進出し、クラブ史上初の欧州の舞台となるUEFAカップの出場資格を得るなど飛躍の年となった。FAカップは1900、1903、1937、2013年に準決勝へ進出している。 (ja)
- Millwall Football Club is een Engelse voetbalclub gelegen in Bermondsey in London Borough of Southwark, Londen. Millwall is opgericht in 1885 door Schotse havenwerkers en komt sinds het seizoen 2017/2018 uit in de Championship. De club speelt zijn thuiswedstrijden in het New Den Stadium. Het officiële toeschouwersrecord staat op 48.762, dit werd behaald in de FA Cup van 1937 tegen Derby County FC. Millwall heeft sinds 1936 een leeuw als embleem op zijn shirts. Tot begin 1960 was Millwall de enige Engelse club die thuis mocht spelen om 15:15 uur in plaats van om 15:00 uur. Dit om de havenarbeiders de kans te geven hun ochtenddienst af te maken en op tijd bij de wedstrijd te kunnen zijn. Millwall heeft een keiharde aanhang met als bijnaam "The Lions", ook wel "The Dockers". De harde kern van Millwall FC bestaat uit "Bushwackers", "Millwall Youth", "Treatment" en "F-Troop". Grootste tegenstanders op dit gebied zijn de aanhang van Tottenham Hotspur, Crystal Palace en West Ham United. Millwall heeft ook twee bekende motto's: "No One Likes Us, We Don't Care" en "We Fear No Foe Where E'er We Go". (nl)
- Il Millwall Football Club, noto semplicemente come Millwall, è un club calcistico inglese con sede nella città di Londra, militante in Football League Championship (seconda divisione inglese) dal 2017; disputa le proprie partite casalinghe al Den Stadium, impianto da 20.000 posti a sedere. Il Millwall ha trascorso gran parte della sua esistenza nella seconda e nella terza divisione del calcio inglese, ma ha partecipato alla prima divisione nelle stagioni 1988-1989 e 1989-1990. Nel 2004 ha raggiunto la finale di FA Cup per la prima volta nella sua storia, perdendo per 0-3 contro il Manchester United di Sir Alex Ferguson, il che gli ha permesso di qualificarsi alla Coppa UEFA e diventare una delle sole tre squadre inglesi a partecipare ad una competizione europea pur militando in seconda divisione (le altre due sono il Birmingham City e il Wigan Athletic). (it)
- O Millwall Football Club é uma equipe de futebol da cidade de Londres, capital da Inglaterra, fundado em 1885 por trabalhadores da fábrica de geleias JT Morton, em sua maioria escoceses, próxima ao Rio Tâmisa. Seu uniforme é composto por camisas azuis, calções brancos e meias azuis e seus torcedores são conhecidos como leões. Seu estádio é o The New Den, com capacidade para 20.146 espectadores, inaugurado em 4 de agosto de 1993, em amistoso internacional contra o Sporting Clube de Portugal, em substituição ao antigo estádio The Den. O New Den foi o primeiro estádio inglês a cumprir os requisitos do Relatório Taylor, a determinar medidas de segurança para prevenir tragédias como o desastre de Hillsborough, com assentos e sem alambrados - e, no caso do clube, com laterais do campo abertas para facilitar a eventual entrada de viaturas policiais. O Millwall já foi campeão da Segunda, Terceira e Quarta Divisão inglesa, mas apesar disto, talvez a maior glória deste clube tenha sido chegar a final da Copa da Inglaterra em 2004. Apesar de ter perdido esta final para o Manchester United, já garantido na Liga dos Campeões da UEFA, o Millwall automaticamente classificou-se para a Taça UEFA, sua primeira competição europeia oficial, sendo eliminado na primeira rodada pelo Ferencváros, da Hungria. Entre 1988 e 1990, o Millwall disputou a primeira divisão inglesa, e desde 1991 está entre a segunda e terceira divisão. Na Temporada 1988-89 alcançou o décimo lugar, sua melhor colocação na primeira divisão. Um dos cantos da torcida do Milwall é "No one likes us, we don't care", que significa "Ninguém gosta de nós, e não nos importamos". Os torcedores do Millwall têm fama de serem os mais brigões de Londres, estigma que data desde a década de 1960, antes mesmo do termo hooliganismo existir. Em 2017, no entanto, um típico torcedor do clube, Roy Larner, virou um reconhecido herói em meio aos atentados de junho ao, desarmado, atrair sozinho contra si alguns terroristas berrando-lhes palavrões de desdém ao perigo que os extremistas representavam, pois seria torcedor do Millwall. Sofreu oito facadas, inclusive na cabeça, mas sobreviveu sem maiores sequelas e permitiu que potenciais vítimas escapassem. (pt)
- Millwall Football Club – zawodowy klub piłkarski, rozgrywający swoje mecze na stadionie The New Den w Bermondsey. Zespół występuje w Championship. Przydomek Millwall to „The Lions” (Lwy), a wcześniej „The Dockers” (Portowcy), który był związany z zawodem większości kibiców Millwall. Ten ostatni zmieniono, gdy w roku 1900 drużyna doszła do półfinału Pucharu Anglii. Wtedy to w herbie znalazły się dwa lwy i słowa: „We Fear No Foe”. Zdanie znajdowało się na trykotach piłkarzy Millwall tylko w półfinałach FA Cup w 1903, 1907 i 1937. Tradycyjne stroje drużyny składają się z niebieskich koszulek, białych spodenek i niebieskich getrów. W mediach, kibice Millwall są często kojarzeni z chuligaństwem, a w wielu brytyjskich filmach i serialach, postacie kiboli są przedstawiani jako zwolennicy Millwall. Klub jest postrzegany jako jeden z najbardziej nielubianych na wyspach, a największym rywalem jest West Ham United. (pl)
- Millwall Football Club är en engelsk professionell fotbollsklubb i Bermondsey, södra London, England. Man spelar sedan säsongen i Championship, näst högsta divisionen i engelsk fotboll. Klubben grundades 1885 under namnet Millwall Rovers FC av arbetare från marmeladfabriken J.T. Morton i i Isle of Dogs. Fram till 1993 spelade klubben på det som nu kallas The Old Den i New Cross, innan man flyttade till sin nuvarande hemmaarena i närheten, kallad The Den. Det traditionella klubbmärket är ett lejon och hos fansen är klubben mest känd som The Lions ("Lejonen"). Millwalls traditionella hemmaställ består av mörkblåa tröjor, vita byxor och mörkblåa strumpor. Sedan Millwall gick med i English Football League 1920/21 har klubben kvalificerat sig elva gånger (fem gånger som mästare 1928, 1938, 1962, 1988 och 2001) och degraderats nio gånger. Millwall har tillbringat 88 av sina 94 säsonger i Englands andra- och tredje division. Klubben hade en kort period i Premier League (First Division) mellan 1988 och 1990, där man uppnådde sin hittills högsta ligaplacering då man hamnade på en tionde plats i första divisionen 1988/89. Millwall nådde FA Cup-finalen 2004 och kvalificerade sig därmed Europa-fotboll för första gången i sin historia och spelade i UEFA Europa League. Klubben har också vunnit två League One-slutspelsfinaler 2010 och 2017, Football League Group Cup 1983 och har varit i finalen i Football League Trophy 1999. I media har Millwalls anhängare ofta förknippas med huliganism. Fansen har gjort sig ett namn med sin ökända sång: "No one likes us, we don't care". Millwall har en långvarig rivalitet med West Ham United. Det lokala derbyt mellan de två klubbarna har spelats nästan hundra gånger sedan 1899. Klubbens fans och Leeds Uniteds fans är även rivaler, och Millwall tävlar i South London-derbyt med de lokala rivalerna Crystal Palace och Charlton Athletic. (sv)
- 米禾爾足球會(英語:Millwall Football Club,英語發音:/ˈmɪlwɔːl/,AIM: MWH),1903年前名為米禾爾體育(Millwall Athletic),是位於英格蘭倫敦東南部狗島西端米禾爾的足球會。由一群蘇格蘭船塢工人在1885年成立,主場為可容20,146名觀眾的尼尔球场(The Den),於2014/15年降級在英格蘭足球甲級聯賽作賽。2017年嬴得英甲升班附加賽冠軍,於2017/18年度球季返回英冠作賽。 (zh)
- «Ми́ллуолл» (полное название — Футбольный клуб «Ми́ллуолл»; англ. Millwall Football Club; английское произношение: [ˈmɪlwɔːl 'futbɔ:l klʌb]) — английский профессиональный футбольный клуб, который базируется в , Саутуарк, в юго-восточной части Лондона. Домашние матчи проводит на стадионе «Ден», вмещающем более 20 тысяч зрителей. В настоящее время выступает в Чемпионшипе, втором по значимости дивизионе в системе футбольных лиг Англии. Традиционная форма команды — синие футболки, белые шорты и синие гетры. Распространённое прозвище клуба среди болельщиков — «львы» («The Lions») или «докеры» («The Dockers»). (ru)
- «Мі́ллволл» (англ. Millwall F.C.) — англійський футбольний клуб. Розташовується в Лондоні, в однойменній місцевості. Заснований 1885 року як «Мілволл Роверз». Відомий історією своїх фанатів, які вважалися протягом 1960–1980 років синонімом футбольних хуліганів. У відповідь фанати співали Ніхто не любить нас, нам байдуже. Протистояння фанів «Міллволл» та «Вест Гем Юнайтед» стало сюжетом стрічки «Хулігани Зеленої вулиці». (uk)
- dbr:Cabinet_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Callum_Styles
- dbr:Cap_(sport)
- dbr:Cardiff
- dbr:Caretaker_manager
- dbr:Carlos_Edwards
- dbr:Premier_League
- dbr:Preston_North_End_F.C.
- dbr:PricewaterhouseCoopers
- dbr:Primeval_(TV_series)
- dbr:Private_Eye
- dbr:Prostate_Cancer_UK
- dbr:Public_housing_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Queens_Park_Rangers_F.C.
- dbr:Sam_Allardyce
- dbr:Scotland_national_football_team
- dbr:Scott_Barron
- dbr:Scott_Malone
- dbr:Behind_closed_doors_(football)
- dbr:Bradford_City_A.F.C
- dbr:Bradford_Park_Avenue_A.F.C.
- dbr:English_Football_Hall_of_Fame
- dbr:English_football_league_system
- dbr:Mills_Blue_Rhythm_Band
- dbr:Rise_of_the_Footsoldier
- dbr:1920–21_in_English_football
- dbr:1925–26_in_English_football
- dbr:1927–28_in_English_football
- dbr:1939–40_in_English_football
- dbr:2007–08_Football_League_One
- dbr:2007–08_in_English_football
- dbr:2008–09_Football_League_One
- dbr:2008–09_in_English_football
- dbr:2009_Football_League_One_play-off_Final
- dbr:2009_Football_League_play-offs
- dbr:2009_Upton_Park_riot
- dbr:2009–10_in_English_football
- dbr:2010_Football_League_One_play-off_Final
- dbr:2010–11_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_FA_Cup
- dbr:2012–13_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_in_English_football
- dbr:2013_FA_Cup_Final
- dbr:Barnsley_F.C.
- dbr:Barry_Bridges
- dbr:Barry_Kitchener
- dbr:Barry_Rowan
- dbr:Bartosz_Białkowski
- dbr:Bath_City_F.C.
- dbr:Beko
- dbr:Ben_Thatcher
- dbr:Benik_Afobe
- dbr:Benny_Fenton
- dbr:Bermondsey
- dbr:Bert_Lipsham
- dbr:Billy_Bonds
- dbr:Billy_Gray_(footballer)
- dbr:Billy_McCullough
- dbr:Billy_Mitchell_(footballer,_born_2001)
- dbr:Birmingham_City_F.C.
- dbr:Black_Books
- dbr:Bobby_Bowry
- dbr:Bobby_Robson
- dbr:Boleyn_Ground
- dbr:Bradford_City_A.F.C.
- dbr:Brentford_F.C.
- dbr:Brexit_Party
- dbr:Brian_Horne
- dbr:Brighton_&_Hove_Albion_F.C.
- dbr:2017_Football_League_One_play-off_Final
- dbr:Dave_Cusack
- dbr:Dave_Mangnall
- dbr:Dave_Savage
- dbr:Dave_Tuttle
- dbr:David_Forde_(footballer)
- dbr:David_Haye
- dbr:David_Jason
- dbr:David_Jones_(footballer,_born_1940)
- dbr:David_Livermore
- dbr:Dean_Horrix
- dbr:Dean_Neal
- dbr:Dennis_Wise
- dbr:Derby_County_F.C.
- dbr:Derek_Possee
- dbr:House_of_Fun
- dbr:Hugh_Curran
- dbr:Hull_City_A.F.C.
- dbr:Hummel_International
- dbr:Hungary
- dbr:John_Seasman
- dbr:John_Shepherd_(footballer,_born_1932)
- dbr:John_Smith_(Labour_Party_leader)
- dbr:John_Willie_Sutcliffe
- dbr:Johnny_Johnson_(footballer)
- dbr:Jon_Goodman
- dbr:Jordan_Archer
- dbr:Josh_McQuoid
- dbr:Alex_Rae_(footballer_born_1969)
- dbr:List_of_teams_promoted_from_English_Football_League_Two_and_its_predecessors
- dbr:List_of_teams_promoted_from_the_Englis..._League_Championship_and_predecessors
- dbr:List_of_winners_of_English_Football_League_One_and_predecessors
- dbr:Pat_Saward
- dbr:Paul_Goddard_(footballer)
- dbr:Paul_Hartley
- dbr:Paul_Ifill
- dbr:Paul_Jones_(footballer,_born_1967)
- dbr:Paul_Kaye
- dbr:Paul_Roberts_(footballer,_born_1962)
- dbr:Paul_Robinson_(footballer,_born_1982)
- dbr:Paul_Robinson_(footballer,_born_December_1978)
- dbr:Paul_Sansome
- dbr:Paul_Shaw_(footballer)
- dbr:Peter_Burridge
- dbr:Republic_of_Ireland
- dbr:Republic_of_Ireland_national_football_team
- dbr:Richard_Hill_(footballer,_born_1893)
- dbr:Richard_Jones_(footballer,_born_1879)
- dbr:Richard_Sadlier
- dbr:Richard_Shaw_(footballer)
- dbr:River_Thames
- dbr:Rob_Knox
- dbr:Robbie_Ryan_(footballer)
- dbr:United_Kingdom
- dbr:Defender_(association_football)
- dbr:East_End_of_London
- dbr:East_London
- dbr:Inter_City_Firm
- dbr:John_Berylson
- dbr:L!VE_TV
- dbr:Leyton_Cricket_Ground
- dbr:Josh_Simpson_(Canadian_soccer)
- dbr:The_Jam
- dbr:Harchester_United_F.C.
- dbr:1899–1900_FA_Cup
- dbr:1902–03_FA_Cup
- dbr:1920–21_Football_League
- dbr:1921–22_FA_Cup
- dbr:1926–27_FA_Cup
- dbr:1976–77_Football_League_Cup
- dbr:1977–78_FA_Cup
- dbr:1982_FA_Cup_Final
- dbr:1982_FIFA_World_Cup
- dbr:1984–85_FA_Cup
- dbr:1988–89_Football_League
- dbr:1988–89_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:1990–91_in_English_football
- dbr:1991_Football_League_play-offs
- dbr:1994_Football_League_First_Division_play-off_Final
- dbr:1994_Football_League_play-offs
- dbr:1994–95_FA_Cup
- dbr:1994–95_Football_League_Cup
- dbr:Connal_Trueman
- dbr:Conor_McLaughlin
- dbr:Coventry_City_F.C.
- dbr:Crystal_Palace_F.C.
- dbr:Mason_Bennett
- dbr:MasterChef
- dbr:Matt_Lawrence_(English_footballer)
- dbr:Ryan_Leonard
- dbr:Ryman
- dbr:Chelsea_Headhunters
- dbr:Chris_Armstrong_(footballer_born_1971)
- dbr:No_Surrender_(song)
- dbr:North_Greenwich_(football_ground)
- dbr:Offshore_company
- dbr:Mike_Calvin
- dbr:Matthew_Lawrence_(footballer)
- dbr:1885–86_Millwall_Rovers_F.C._season
- dbr:1894–95_Southern_Football_League
- dbr:1895–96_Southern_Football_League
- dbr:1989–90_in_English_football
- dbr:1993–94_in_English_football
- dbr:1994–95_in_English_football
- dbr:1995–96_in_English_football
- dbr:1997–98_in_English_football
- dbr:Chris_McGrath_(footballer)
- dbr:Chris_Wood_(footballer,_born_1991)
- dbr:Colin_Cooper
- dbr:Colin_Lee
- dbr:Colin_West
- dbr:Alf_Twigg
- dbr:Elijah_Wood
- dbr:Elland_Road
- dbr:England_national_football_team
- dbr:Freddie_Fox_(footballer)
- dbr:Fulham_F.C.
- dbr:Gary_Alexander_(footballer)
- dbr:Gary_Oldman
- dbr:Gary_Rowett
- dbr:Gary_Waddock
- dbr:Gateshead_F.C.
- dbr:Gavin_Grant_(footballer)
- dbr:George_Eustice
- dbr:George_Evans_(footballer,_born_1994)
- dbr:George_Fisher_(footballer)
- dbr:George_Graham_(footballer,_born_1944)
- dbr:George_Honeyman
- dbr:George_Long_(footballer)
- dbr:George_Petchey
- dbr:George_Saville
- dbr:Gillingham_F.C.
- dbr:Gordon_Bolland
- dbr:Gordon_Hill_(footballer)
- dbr:Gordon_Jago
- dbr:Greater_London
- dbr:Murray_Wallace_(footballer)
- dbr:Nana_Boateng_(footballer,_born_2002)
- dbr:The_Observer
- dbr:The_Sun_(United_Kingdom)
- dbr:The_Valley_(London)
- dbr:Theo_Foley
- dbr:Theo_Paphitis
- dbc:Millwall_F.C.
- dbr:Millwall_Bushwackers
- dbr:Millwall_brick
- dbr:1936–37_FA_Cup
- dbr:1937–38_in_English_football
- dbr:1945_Football_League_War_Cup_South_Final
- dbr:1952–53_in_English_football
- dbr:1956–57_FA_Cup
- dbr:1963–64_in_English_football
- dbr:1973–74_Football_League_Cup
- dbc:Bermondsey
- dbc:Football_clubs_in_England
- dbr:1973–74_in_English_football
- dbr:1975–76_in_English_football
- dbr:1982–83_in_English_football
- dbr:1984–85_in_English_football
- dbr:1987–88_in_English_football
- dbr:2017–18_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:2018–19_FA_Cup
- dbr:2019–20_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:2020–21_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:Andreas_Voglsammer
- dbr:Andy_Fordham
- dbr:Andy_Frampton
- dbr:Andy_Keogh
- dbr:Andy_Marshall
- dbr:Andy_Roberts_(footballer)
- dbr:Anton_Otulakowski
- dbr:Anton_Rogan
- dbr:Lee_Gregory_(footballer)
- dbr:Leeds_United_F.C.
- dbr:Leeds_United_F.C.–Millwall_F.C._rivalry
- dbr:Leeds_United_Service_Crew
- dbr:Leicester_City_F.C.
- dbr:Len_Julians
- dbr:Leonard_Graham
- dbr:Les_Briley
- dbr:Les_Sealey
- dbr:Lewisham
- dbr:Lewisham_London_Borough_Council
- dbr:Leytonstone
- dbr:Liam_Trotter
- dbr:Lilyhammer
- dbr:Lincoln_City_F.C.
- dbr:Lion
- dbr:Liverpool_F.C.
- dbr:Loftus_Road
- dbr:London_Calling_(song)
- dbr:Lonsdale_(clothing)
- dbr:Lucas_Neill
- dbr:Luton_Town_F.C.
- dbr:Luton_Town_MIGs
- dbr:Macron_(sportswear)
- dbr:Madness_(band)
- dbr:Mahlon_Romeo
- dbr:Maidstone_United_F.C.
- dbr:Malcolm_Allen_(footballer)
- dbr:Malcolm_Finlayson
- dbr:Manchester_United_F.C.
- dbr:Sky_Sports
- dbr:Slough_Town_F.C.
- dbr:Status_Quo_(band)
- dbr:Steve_Claridge
- dbr:Steve_Coppell
- dbr:Steve_Gritt
- dbr:Steve_Lomas
- dbr:Steve_Lovell_(Welsh_footballer)
- dbr:Steve_Lowndes
- dbr:Steve_Morison
- dbr:Steve_Wood_(footballer,_born_February_1963)
- dbr:Steven_Reid
- dbr:Stevie_Crawford
- dbr:Stuart_Nethercott
- dbr:Compulsory_purchase_order
- dbr:Zak_Whitbread
- dbr:Zerkaa
- dbr:Zian_Flemming
- dbr:Darren_Ward_(footballer_born_1978)
- dbr:David_James_(footballer)
- dbr:David_Jones_(footballer_born_1940)
- dbr:David_Mitchell_(Australian_association_footballer)
- dbr:Dhan_Dhana_Dhan_Goal
- dbr:Public_house
- dbr:John_Kerr,_Jr._(soccer)
- dbr:1996–97_in_English_football
- dbr:1999_Football_League_Trophy_Final
- dbr:2000_Football_League_Second_Division_play-off_Final
- dbr:2000_Football_League_play-offs
- Millwall crest: a blue circle with a white border, in the centre is a white and grey lion, around the border are the words Millwall Football Club and the year 1885 in blue letters. (en)
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- El Millwall Football Club és un club de futbol d'Anglaterra, de la ciutat de Londres. Va ser fundat en 1885 sota el nom de Millwall Rovers i juga en la Football League Championship. Té una forta rivalitat amb un altre equip de la ciutat, el West Ham United. (ca)
- Millwall FC (celým názvem: Millwall Football Club) je anglický fotbalový klub, který sídlí v jihovýchodním Londýně. Založen byl v roce 1885 pod názvem Millwall Rovers FC. Od sezóny 2017/18 hraje ve druhé nejvyšší anglické soutěži EFL Championship. Klubové barvy jsou námořnická modř a bílá. Své domácí zápasy odehrává na stadionu The Den s kapacitou 20 146 diváků. (cs)
- نادي ميلوول (بالإنجليزية: .Millwall F.C) هو نادي كرة قدم إنجليزي تأسس في 3 أكتوبر 1885، يقع في منطقة برموندسي في جنوب شرق مدينة لندن. تأسس النادي في 2 أكتوبر 1885، ويلعب في يلعب في بطولة التشامبيون شيب لكرة القدم. يلعب الفريق منذ تأسيسه على ملعب ذي دان الذي يستوعب 20146 متفرج. (ar)
- Η Μίλγουολ ΦΚ (αγγλικά: Millwall F.C.) είναι αγγλικός ποδοσφαιρικός σύλλογος με έδρα το νοτιοανατολικό Λονδίνο. Ιδρύθηκε το 1885 ως Μίλγουολ Ρόβερς (Millwall Rovers) και έδρα της είναι το στάδιο (The New Den). (el)
- Der FC Millwall (offiziell: Millwall Football Club), vormals „Millwall Rovers“ und „Millwall Athletic“ – auch bekannt als The Lions (die Löwen) – ist ein englischer Fußballverein im Südosten von London. (de)
- Millwall Football Club, Ingalaterrako Londres hiriburuko futbol talde bat da, hain zuzen ere, hiriaren hego-ekialdean dagoen auzokoa. Gaur egun Football League Championship mailan lehiatzen da (2. maila) eta etxeko partiduak The Den estadioan jokatzen ditu. (eu)
- Le Millwall Football Club est un club anglais de football fondé en 1885. Il est basé dans la banlieue sud de Londres, bien que le quartier originel du club soit situé dans l'East London, à quelques kilomètres du stade actuel, du côté sud de la Tamise. Depuis la saison 2017-2018, le club évolue en EFL Championship (deuxième division anglaise). (fr)
- 밀월 FC(Millwall Football Club)는 잉글랜드 런던을 연고로 하는 축구 클럽이다. 1885년 창단되었으며 현재 EFL 챔피언십에 참가중이다. (ko)
- 米禾爾足球會(英語:Millwall Football Club,英語發音:/ˈmɪlwɔːl/,AIM: MWH),1903年前名為米禾爾體育(Millwall Athletic),是位於英格蘭倫敦東南部狗島西端米禾爾的足球會。由一群蘇格蘭船塢工人在1885年成立,主場為可容20,146名觀眾的尼尔球场(The Den),於2014/15年降級在英格蘭足球甲級聯賽作賽。2017年嬴得英甲升班附加賽冠軍,於2017/18年度球季返回英冠作賽。 (zh)
- «Мі́ллволл» (англ. Millwall F.C.) — англійський футбольний клуб. Розташовується в Лондоні, в однойменній місцевості. Заснований 1885 року як «Мілволл Роверз». Відомий історією своїх фанатів, які вважалися протягом 1960–1980 років синонімом футбольних хуліганів. У відповідь фанати співали Ніхто не любить нас, нам байдуже. Протистояння фанів «Міллволл» та «Вест Гем Юнайтед» стало сюжетом стрічки «Хулігани Зеленої вулиці». (uk)
- El Millwall Football Club es un club de fútbol de Inglaterra, del sudeste de la ciudad de Londres que juega en la Football League Championship. Fue fundado en 1885 bajo el nombre de Millwall Rovers. A pesar de no jugar en Millwall desde 1910, el club conserva dicha localización en el nombre. Desde entonces, y hasta 1993, disputó sus partidos en The Den, un estadio ya derruido de , fecha en la que se trasladó a su nuevo estadio, homónimo del anterior, radicado en South Bermondsey. El escudo es un león rampante, en referencia al apodo del equipo, (the lions, los leones). Si bien el uniforme tradicional consistía en camiseta y medias azules con pantalón blanco, el actual es totalmente azul, con un tono más oscuro; en recuerdo a las raíces escocesas del club y al primer equipo del Millwall Rov (es)
- Millwall Football Club (/ˈmɪlwɔːl/) is a professional football club in Bermondsey, South East London, England. They compete in the EFL Championship, the second tier of English football. Founded as Millwall Rovers in 1885, the club has retained its name despite having last played in the Millwall area of the Isle of Dogs in 1910. From then until 1993, the club played at what is now called The Old Den in New Cross, before moving to its current home stadium nearby, called The Den. The traditional club crest is a lion rampant, referred to in the team's nickname 'The Lions'. Millwall's traditional kit consists of dark blue shirts, white shorts, and blue socks. (en)
- Millwall Football Club adalah sebuah klub sepak bola dari Inggris yang bermarkas di The Den, , London Tenggara. Saat ini klub bermain di Kejuaraan EFL, tingkat kedua sepak bola Inggris. Didirikan sebagai Millwall Rovers pada tahun 1885, klub tetap mempertahankan namanya meski terakhir bermain di area Millwall pada tahun 1910. Sejak saat itu hingga 1993 klub bermain di yang sekarang dinamakan The Old Den, sebuah stadion di New Cross yang sekarang sudah tidak berfungsi, sebelum pindah ke stadion baru hingga saat ini di Selatan Bermondsey, yang kini disebut The Den. (in)
- Il Millwall Football Club, noto semplicemente come Millwall, è un club calcistico inglese con sede nella città di Londra, militante in Football League Championship (seconda divisione inglese) dal 2017; disputa le proprie partite casalinghe al Den Stadium, impianto da 20.000 posti a sedere. (it)
- ミルウォールFC(Millwall Football Club ([ˈmɪlwɔːl] or local /–ˈ–/))は、イングランド・ロンドン・サザーク・ロンドン特別区・バモンズィーを本拠地とするサッカークラブチーム。 1885年にミルウォール・ローヴァーズとしてクラブが創設され、彼らが最後に試合を行った地区の名前にちなんで、1910年にクラブ名をミルウォールに改めた。この時から1993年まで使用したスタジアムをザ・オールド・デンと呼び、現在使用しているスタジアムはザ・デンと呼ぶ。クラブの愛称は”ライオンズ”であり、前足を挙げた一頭の雄ライオンが立ち上がる図をクラブのクレストとして用いていることにちなんでいる。チームのモットーは、「俺たちはどこで戦おうとも敵を恐れない」という意味の「We Fear No Foe Where E'er We Go」。millは、風車の意味から転じて工場を指す。ミルウォールは伝統的に、青の服、白のパンツに青のソックスをユニフォームとして用いている。彼らの多くがスコットランドからの出稼ぎ人夫であったことが、白と青を基調としたユニフォームの由来である。 (ja)
- Millwall Football Club – zawodowy klub piłkarski, rozgrywający swoje mecze na stadionie The New Den w Bermondsey. Zespół występuje w Championship. Przydomek Millwall to „The Lions” (Lwy), a wcześniej „The Dockers” (Portowcy), który był związany z zawodem większości kibiców Millwall. Ten ostatni zmieniono, gdy w roku 1900 drużyna doszła do półfinału Pucharu Anglii. Wtedy to w herbie znalazły się dwa lwy i słowa: „We Fear No Foe”. Zdanie znajdowało się na trykotach piłkarzy Millwall tylko w półfinałach FA Cup w 1903, 1907 i 1937. (pl)
- Millwall Football Club is een Engelse voetbalclub gelegen in Bermondsey in London Borough of Southwark, Londen. Millwall is opgericht in 1885 door Schotse havenwerkers en komt sinds het seizoen 2017/2018 uit in de Championship. De club speelt zijn thuiswedstrijden in het New Den Stadium. Het officiële toeschouwersrecord staat op 48.762, dit werd behaald in de FA Cup van 1937 tegen Derby County FC. Millwall heeft sinds 1936 een leeuw als embleem op zijn shirts. (nl)
- «Ми́ллуолл» (полное название — Футбольный клуб «Ми́ллуолл»; англ. Millwall Football Club; английское произношение: [ˈmɪlwɔːl 'futbɔ:l klʌb]) — английский профессиональный футбольный клуб, который базируется в , Саутуарк, в юго-восточной части Лондона. Домашние матчи проводит на стадионе «Ден», вмещающем более 20 тысяч зрителей. В настоящее время выступает в Чемпионшипе, втором по значимости дивизионе в системе футбольных лиг Англии. (ru)
- O Millwall Football Club é uma equipe de futebol da cidade de Londres, capital da Inglaterra, fundado em 1885 por trabalhadores da fábrica de geleias JT Morton, em sua maioria escoceses, próxima ao Rio Tâmisa. Entre 1988 e 1990, o Millwall disputou a primeira divisão inglesa, e desde 1991 está entre a segunda e terceira divisão. Na Temporada 1988-89 alcançou o décimo lugar, sua melhor colocação na primeira divisão. (pt)
- Millwall Football Club är en engelsk professionell fotbollsklubb i Bermondsey, södra London, England. Man spelar sedan säsongen i Championship, näst högsta divisionen i engelsk fotboll. Klubben grundades 1885 under namnet Millwall Rovers FC av arbetare från marmeladfabriken J.T. Morton i i Isle of Dogs. Fram till 1993 spelade klubben på det som nu kallas The Old Den i New Cross, innan man flyttade till sin nuvarande hemmaarena i närheten, kallad The Den. Det traditionella klubbmärket är ett lejon och hos fansen är klubben mest känd som The Lions ("Lejonen"). Millwalls traditionella hemmaställ består av mörkblåa tröjor, vita byxor och mörkblåa strumpor. (sv)
- Millwall F.C. (en)
- نادي ميلوول (ar)
- Millwall Football Club (ca)
- Millwall FC (cs)
- FC Millwall (de)
- Μίλγουολ ΦΚ (el)
- Millwall Football Club (es)
- Millwall Football Club (eu)
- Millwall F.C. (in)
- Millwall Football Club (fr)
- Millwall Football Club (it)
- 밀월 FC (ko)
- ミルウォールFC (ja)
- Millwall FC (nl)
- Millwall F.C. (pl)
- Миллуолл (футбольный клуб) (ru)
- Millwall F.C. (pt)
- Millwall FC (sv)
- Міллволл (футбольний клуб) (uk)
- 米尔沃尔足球俱乐部 (zh)
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- dbpedia-zh:Millwall F.C.
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is dbo:managerClub of
- dbr:Scott_Fitzgerald_(footballer,_born_1969)
- dbr:Benny_Fenton
- dbr:Bert_Lipsham
- dbr:Billy_Bonds
- dbr:Billy_Gray_(footballer)
- dbr:Dave_Tuttle
- dbr:David_Livermore
- dbr:Dennis_Wise
- dbr:Des_Bulpin
- dbr:Peter_Anderson_(footballer,_born_1949)
- dbr:Richard_Shaw_(footballer)
- dbr:Colin_Lee
- dbr:Colin_West
- dbr:Gary_Rowett
- dbr:George_Graham
- dbr:Gordon_Jago
- dbr:Andy_Marshall
- dbr:Steve_Claridge
- dbr:Steve_Gritt
- dbr:Steve_Lomas
- dbr:Bruce_Rioch
- dbr:Tony_Burns
- dbr:William_Voisey
- dbr:Willie_Donachie
- dbr:Adam_Barrett
- dbr:Alan_McLeary
- dbr:Nigel_Gibbs
- dbr:Nigel_Spackman
- dbr:Harry_Watling
- dbr:Jack_Cock
- dbr:Terry_Long_(footballer)
- dbr:Charlie_Hewitt_(footballer)
- dbr:Jimmy_Nicholl
- dbr:Jimmy_Seed
- dbr:Joe_Gallen
- dbr:John_Brearley
- dbr:John_Docherty_(footballer,_born_1940)
- dbr:Keith_Stevens
- dbr:Kenny_Jackett
- dbr:Kevin_Nugent_(footballer)
- dbr:Marc_Bircham
- dbr:Mark_McGhee
- dbr:Ian_Holloway
- dbr:Mick_McCarthy
- dbr:Neil_Harris_(footballer,_born_1977)
- dbr:Ray_Harford
- dbr:Ray_Wilkins
- dbr:Reg_Smith
- dbr:Bill_McCracken__Bill_McCracken__1
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Callum_Davidson
- dbr:Callum_Reilly
- dbr:Callum_Styles
- dbr:Calum_Butcher
- dbr:Calvin_Andrew
- dbr:Cambridge_City_F.C.
- dbr:Cameron_Burgess
- dbr:Canada_men's_national_soccer_team_results_(unofficial_matches)
- dbr:Carl_Asaba
- dbr:Carl_Cort
- dbr:Carl_Dickinson
- dbr:Carl_Emberson
- dbr:Carl_Magnay
- dbr:Carl_Veart
- dbr:Carl_Wilson_(footballer)
- dbr:Carlos_Edwards
- dbr:Carlos_Fangueiro
- dbr:Carlton_Cole
- dbr:Carrow_Road
- dbr:Poul_Hübertz
- dbr:Powerlist
- dbr:Preston_Edwards
- dbr:Pride_Park_Stadium
- dbr:Priestfield_Stadium
- dbr:Prince_Abdi
- dbr:Que_Sera,_Sera_(Whatever_Will_Be,_Will_Be)
- dbr:Robert_McLean_(footballer)
- dbr:Robert_Snodgrass
- dbr:Robert_Tannahill_(footballer)
- dbr:Robert_Wilson_(footballer,_born_1961)
- dbr:Roberto_Martínez
- dbr:Robin_Cousins
- dbr:Robin_Turner
- dbr:Robin_Wainwright
- dbr:Rockin'_All_Over_the_World
- dbr:Rodger_Wylde
- dbr:Rodney_Marsh
- dbr:Roger_Cross_(footballer)
- dbr:Roger_Jones_(footballer,_born_1902)
- dbr:Roger_Joseph
- dbr:Roland_Manookian
- dbr:Romal_Palmer
- dbr:Ron_Brett
- dbr:Ron_Davies_(footballer,_born_1942)
- dbr:Ron_Heckman
- dbr:Ron_Howell_(footballer,_born_1949)
- dbr:Ron_Mansfield
- dbr:Ron_Wilson_(footballer,_born_1924)
- dbr:Ronnie_Boyce
- dbr:Ronnie_Bull_(footballer)
- dbr:Rory_Watson
- dbr:Ross_Gaynor
- dbr:Ross_Wallace
- dbr:Rossi_Jarvis
- dbr:Rotherhithe
- dbr:Roy_Dwight
- dbr:Roy_Summersby
- dbr:Rudy_Gestede
- dbr:Rui_Marques
- dbr:Sam_Allardyce
- dbr:Sam_Ashford
- dbr:Sam_Baldock
- dbr:Sam_Bell_(footballer,_born_1909)
- dbr:Sam_Corcoran
- dbr:Sam_Hart
- dbr:Sam_Hoskins
- dbr:Sam_Parkin
- dbr:Sam_Rents
- dbr:Sam_Saunders_(footballer)
- dbr:Sam_Smith_(footballer,_born_1904)
- dbr:Sam_Smith_(footballer,_born_1998)
- dbr:Sam_Togwell
- dbr:Sam_Vokes
- dbr:Sam_Walker_(footballer)
- dbr:Sam_Weaver
- dbr:Sammy_Ameobi
- dbr:Sammy_Igoe
- dbr:Sammy_Lamb
- dbr:Sammy_Wilson_(footballer,_born_1931)
- dbr:Samuel_Edozie
- dbr:Samy-Oyame_Mawene
- dbr:Saïd_Benrahma
- dbr:Scott_Barron
- dbr:Scott_Cuthbert
- dbr:Scott_Dobie
- dbr:Scott_Fitzgerald_(footballer,_born_1969)
- dbr:Scott_Golbourne
- dbr:Scott_Malone
- dbr:Scott_McDonald
- dbr:Scott_Sutter
- dbr:Scott_Taylor_(footballer,_born_1976)
- dbr:Scott_Wiseman
- dbr:English_Football_Hall_of_Fame
- dbr:English_football_clubs_in_international_competitions
- dbr:List_of_UK_hit_singles_by_footballers
- dbr:List_of_Watford_F.C._records_and_statistics
- dbr:List_of_association_football_rivalries_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:List_of_career_achievements_by_Cristiano_Ronaldo
- dbr:List_of_closed_stadiums_by_capacity
- dbr:List_of_current_Premier_League_and_English_Football_League_managers
- dbr:List_of_defunct_English_football_stadiums
- dbr:List_of_football_clubs_in_England
- dbr:List_of_football_clubs_in_England_and_Wales_by_year_formed
- dbr:List_of_football_managers_with_most_games
- dbr:List_of_football_stadiums_in_England
- dbr:List_of_footballers_in_England_by_number_of_league_goals
- dbr:List_of_footballers_killed_during_World_War_II
- dbr:List_of_foreign_EFL_Championship_players
- dbr:The_Muckers
- dbr:Tommy_Moroney
- dbr:Portsmouth_F.C._Reserves_and_Academy
- dbr:1916–17_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:1916–17_The_Arsenal_F.C._season
- dbr:1917–18_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:1917–18_The_Arsenal_F.C._season
- dbr:1918–19_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:1918–19_The_Arsenal_F.C._season
- dbr:1919–20_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:1919–20_Newport_County_A.F.C._season
- dbr:1919–20_Southern_Football_League
- dbr:1920–21_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:1920–21_Newport_County_A.F.C._season
- dbr:1920–21_Southern_Football_League
- dbr:1921–22_Aberdare_Athletic_F.C._season
- dbr:1921–22_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:1921–22_Newport_County_A.F.C._season
- dbr:1921–22_Southern_Football_League
- dbr:1921–22_Stoke_F.C._season
- dbr:1921–22_in_English_football
- dbr:1922–23_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:1922–23_Newport_County_A.F.C._season
- dbr:1922–23_Port_Vale_F.C._season
- dbr:1922–23_Southern_Football_League
- dbr:1922–23_in_English_football
- dbr:1923–24_Arsenal_F.C._season
- dbr:1923–24_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:1923–24_Newport_County_A.F.C._season
- dbr:1923–24_Southern_Football_League
- dbr:1923–24_in_English_football
- dbr:1924–25_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:1924–25_Newport_County_A.F.C._season
- dbr:1924–25_Southern_Football_League
- dbr:1924–25_in_English_football
- dbr:1925–26_Arsenal_F.C._season
- dbr:1925–26_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:1925–26_Newport_County_A.F.C._season
- dbr:1925–26_Southern_Football_League
- dbr:1925–26_in_English_football
- dbr:1926_FA_Charity_Shield
- dbr:1926–27_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:1926–27_Newport_County_A.F.C._season
- dbr:1926–27_Southern_Football_League
- dbr:1927–28_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:1927–28_Newport_County_A.F.C._season
- dbr:1927–28_Southern_Football_League
- dbr:1927–28_in_English_football
- dbr:1928–29_Port_Vale_F.C._season
- dbr:1928–29_Southern_Football_League
- dbr:1928–29_Stoke_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1928–29_in_English_football
- dbr:1929–30_Blackpool_F.C._season
- dbr:1929–30_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:1929–30_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1929–30_Gillingham_F.C._season
- dbr:1929–30_Southern_Football_League
- dbr:1929–30_Stoke_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1929–30_in_English_football
- dbr:1930–31_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1930–31_Port_Vale_F.C._season
- dbr:1930–31_Southern_Football_League
- dbr:1930–31_Stoke_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1930–31_in_English_football
- dbr:1931–32_Bradford_City_A.F.C._season
- dbr:1931–32_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:1931–32_Manchester_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1931–32_Port_Vale_F.C._season
- dbr:1931–32_Southern_Football_League
- dbr:1931–32_Stoke_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1931–32_in_English_football
- dbr:1932–33_Burnley_F.C._season
- dbr:1932–33_Manchester_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1932–33_Port_Vale_F.C._season
- dbr:1932–33_Southern_Football_League
- dbr:1932–33_Stoke_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1932–33_West_Ham_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1932–33_in_English_football
- dbr:1933–34_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:1933–34_Manchester_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1933–34_Port_Vale_F.C._season
- dbr:1933–34_Southern_Football_League
- dbr:1933–34_in_English_football
- dbr:1934–35_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:1934–35_Newport_County_A.F.C._season
- dbr:1934–35_Southern_Football_League
- dbr:1934–35_in_English_football
- dbr:1935–36_Newport_County_A.F.C._season
- dbr:1935–36_Southern_Football_League
- dbr:1935–36_Stoke_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1935–36_in_English_football
- dbr:1936–37_Manchester_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1936–37_Newport_County_A.F.C._season
- dbr:1936–37_in_English_football
- dbr:1937–38_Chester_F.C._season
- dbr:1937–38_Mansfield_Town_F.C._season
- dbr:1937–38_Newport_County_A.F.C._season
- dbr:1938–39_in_English_football
- dbr:1939–40_Arsenal_F.C._season
- dbr:1939–40_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:1939–40_Newport_County_A.F.C._season
- dbr:1939–40_in_English_football
- dbr:1940–41_Arsenal_F.C._season
- dbr:1940–41_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:1940–41_Stoke_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1941–42_Arsenal_F.C._season
- dbr:1941–42_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:1942–43_Arsenal_F.C._season
- dbr:1942–43_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:1944–45_Arsenal_F.C._season
- dbr:1944–45_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:1944–45_Chelsea_F.C._season
- dbr:1945–46_Arsenal_F.C._season
- dbr:1945–46_Birmingham_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1945–46_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:1945–46_Newport_County_A.F.C._season
- dbr:1946–47_Birmingham_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1946–47_Newport_County_A.F.C._season
- dbr:1946–47_Port_Vale_F.C._season
- dbr:1946–47_Southern_Football_League
- dbr:1946–47_in_English_football
- dbr:1947–48_Birmingham_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1947–48_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:1947–48_in_English_football
- dbr:1948–49_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:1948–49_Newport_County_A.F.C._season
- dbr:1948–49_Port_Vale_F.C._season
- dbr:1948–49_in_English_football
- dbr:1949–50_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:1949–50_Newport_County_A.F.C._season
- dbr:1949–50_Port_Vale_F.C._season
- dbr:1949–50_in_English_football
- dbr:1950–51_Newport_County_A.F.C._season
- dbr:1950–51_Port_Vale_F.C._season
- dbr:1950–51_in_English_football
- dbr:2007–08_AFC_Bournemouth_season
- dbr:2007–08_Arsenal_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Blackpool_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Brighton_&_Hove_Albion_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Cheltenham_Town_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Coventry_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Crewe_Alexandra_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_FA_Cup
- dbr:2007–08_Football_League_Cup
- dbr:2007–08_Football_League_One
- dbr:2007–08_Football_League_Trophy
- dbr:2007–08_Gillingham_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Hartlepool_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Hibernian_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Huddersfield_Town_A.F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Leeds_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Leyton_Orient_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Liverpool_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Manchester_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Northampton_Town_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Oldham_Athletic_A.F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Premier_Academy_League
- dbr:2007–08_Reading_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Southend_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Tranmere_Rovers_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Walsall_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Watford_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Yeovil_Town_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_in_English_football
- dbr:2008_FA_Cup_Final
- dbr:2008_Football_League_One_play-off_Final
- dbr:2008–09_Brighton_&_Hove_Albion_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Colchester_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Coventry_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Crewe_Alexandra_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Everton_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_FA_Cup
- dbr:2008–09_FA_Youth_Cup
- dbr:2008–09_Football_League_Cup
- dbr:2008–09_Football_League_One
- dbr:2008–09_Football_League_Trophy
- dbr:2008–09_Grimsby_Town_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Hartlepool_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Huddersfield_Town_A.F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Leeds_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Leicester_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Leyton_Orient_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Manchester_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Milton_Keynes_Dons_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Northampton_Town_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Plymouth_Argyle_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Portsmouth_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Scunthorpe_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Southend_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Stockport_County_F.C._season
is dbp:club of
- dbr:2008–09_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:2009_FIFA_U-17_World_Cup_squads
- dbr:2009_UEFA_European_Under-17_Championship_squads
- dbr:2010–11_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:Hungary_national_football_team
- dbr:United_States_at_the_1996_Summer_Olympics
- dbr:1985_FIFA_World_Youth_Championship_squads
- dbr:1988–89_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:1989–90_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:1990_FIFA_World_Cup_squads
- dbr:1993_Copa_América_squads
- dbr:1995_Copa_América_squads
- dbr:1885–86_Millwall_Rovers_F.C._season
- dbr:1991–92_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:1992–93_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:1993–94_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:1994–95_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:1996–97_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:England_national_under-21_football_team
- dbr:Millwall_F.C._in_international_football
- dbr:2018_FIFA_World_Cup_squads
- dbr:2018_Toulon_Tournament_squads
- dbr:List_of_Australia_men's_national_soccer_team_World_Cup_and_Asian_Cup_squads
- dbr:1996_CONCACAF_Gold_Cup_squads
- dbr:1997_FIFA_World_Youth_Championship_squads
- dbr:1999_FIFA_World_Youth_Championship_squads
- dbr:2001_FIFA_Confederations_Cup_squads
- dbr:2001_UEFA_European_Under-16_Championship_squads
- dbr:2002_FIFA_World_Cup_squads
- dbr:2002–03_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:2004_OFC_Nations_Cup_squads
- dbr:2004–05_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:2005_CONCACAF_Gold_Cup_squads
- dbr:2005_FIFA_Confederations_Cup_squads
- dbr:2005–06_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:Australia_at_the_2000_Summer_Olympics
- dbr:Barawa_football_team
- dbr:UEFA_Euro_1988_squads
- dbr:UEFA_Euro_2012_squads
- dbr:UEFA_Euro_2016_squads
- dbr:2013–14_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:2014_Caribbean_Cup_squads
- dbr:2014–15_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:2015_CONCACAF_Gold_Cup_squads
- dbr:2015–16_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:2016_UEFA_European_Under-17_Championship_squads
- dbr:2017_CONCACAF_U-20_Championship_squads
- dbr:2006–07_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:2009–10_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:Football_at_the_1920_Summer_Olympics_–_Men's_team_squads
- dbr:Football_at_the_1996_Summer_Olympics_–_Men's_team_squads
- dbr:Football_at_the_2000_Summer_Olympics_–_Men's_team_squads
- dbr:Northern_Ireland_national_football_team
- dbr:2000–01_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:2001–02_Millwall_F.C._season
is dbp:ncl of
- dbr:2008–09_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Scunthorpe_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_AFC_Bournemouth_season
- dbr:2012–13_Bristol_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Leeds_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Portsmouth_F.C._season
- dbr:2003–04_Rangers_F.C._season
- dbr:2013–14_Eintracht_Braunschweig_season
- dbr:2013–14_Leeds_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2013–14_Portsmouth_F.C._season
- dbr:2015–16_Leeds_United_F.C._season
is dbp:relegated of
- dbr:1935–36_Southern_Football_League
- dbr:2007–08_Premier_Academy_League
- dbr:1933–34_Football_League
- dbr:1974–75_Football_League
- dbr:1903–04_Southern_Football_League
- dbr:2005–06_Football_League_Championship
- dbr:2014–15_Football_League_Championship
is dbp:team of
- dbr:2007–08_Brighton_&_Hove_Albion_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Cheltenham_Town_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Coventry_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Crewe_Alexandra_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Gillingham_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Hartlepool_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Leyton_Orient_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Northampton_Town_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Southend_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Tranmere_Rovers_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Walsall_F.C._season
- dbr:2007–08_Yeovil_Town_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Brighton_&_Hove_Albion_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Colchester_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Crewe_Alexandra_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Hartlepool_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Leeds_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Leyton_Orient_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Northampton_Town_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Scunthorpe_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Southend_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Stockport_County_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Walsall_F.C._season
- dbr:2009_Football_League_One_play-off_Final
- dbr:2009_Football_League_play-offs
- dbr:2009_Upton_Park_riot
- dbr:2009–10_Barnet_F.C._season
- dbr:2009–10_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:2009–10_Brighton_&_Hove_Albion_F.C._season
- dbr:2009–10_Colchester_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2009–10_FA_Youth_Cup
- dbr:2009–10_Football_League_One
- dbr:2009–10_Hartlepool_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2009–10_Leeds_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2009–10_Leyton_Orient_F.C._season
- dbr:2009–10_Norwich_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2009–10_Southampton_F.C._season
- dbr:2009–10_Stockport_County_F.C._season
- dbr:2009–10_West_Ham_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2010_Football_League_One_play-off_Final
- dbr:2010_Football_League_play-offs
- dbr:2010–11_AFC_Wimbledon_season
- dbr:2010–11_Bristol_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2010–11_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2010–11_Coventry_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2010–11_Crystal_Palace_F.C._season
- dbr:2010–11_Doncaster_Rovers_F.C._season
- dbr:2010–11_FA_Cup
- dbr:2010–11_Heart_of_Midlothian_F.C._season
- dbr:2010–11_Ipswich_Town_F.C._season
- dbr:2010–11_Leeds_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2010–11_Leicester_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2010–11_Norwich_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2010–11_Nottingham_Forest_F.C._season
- dbr:2010–11_Portsmouth_F.C._season
- dbr:2010–11_Preston_North_End_F.C._season
- dbr:2010–11_Queens_Park_Rangers_F.C._season
- dbr:2010–11_Reading_F.C._season
- dbr:2010–11_Scunthorpe_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2010–11_Sheffield_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2010–11_Swansea_City_A.F.C._season
- dbr:2010–11_Watford_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Barnsley_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Blackpool_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Bolton_Wanderers_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Brighton_&_Hove_Albion_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Bristol_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Charlton_Athletic_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Coventry_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Crystal_Palace_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Doncaster_Rovers_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_FA_Cup
- dbr:2011–12_Football_League_Cup
- dbr:2011–12_Gillingham_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Hull_City_A.F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Ipswich_Town_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Leeds_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Leicester_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Middlesbrough_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Morecambe_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Nottingham_Forest_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Peterborough_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Plymouth_Argyle_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Portsmouth_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Reading_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Southampton_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Watford_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_West_Ham_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Wolverhampton_Wanderers_F.C._season
- dbr:2012_Shelbourne_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Aston_Villa_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Barnsley_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Blackburn_Rovers_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Blackpool_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Bolton_Wanderers_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Brighton_&_Hove_Albion_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Bristol_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Charlton_Athletic_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Crawley_Town_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Crystal_Palace_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_FA_Cup
- dbr:2012–13_Huddersfield_Town_A.F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Hull_City_A.F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Ipswich_Town_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Leeds_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Leicester_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Luton_Town_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Middlesbrough_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Nottingham_Forest_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Peterborough_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Preston_North_End_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Sheffield_Wednesday_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Southend_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Watford_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Wigan_Athletic_F.C._season
- dbr:2012–13_Wolverhampton_Wanderers_F.C._season
- dbr:1887–88_Royal_Arsenal_F.C._season
- dbr:1891–92_Sheffield_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1892–93_Sheffield_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1894–95_Swindon_Town_F.C._season
- dbr:1896–97_Tottenham_Hotspur_F.C._season
- dbr:1899–1900_FA_Cup
- dbr:1900–01_Tottenham_Hotspur_F.C._season
- dbr:1902–03_FA_Cup
- dbr:1904–05_Plymouth_Argyle_F.C._season
- dbr:1914–15_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1914–15_Watford_F.C._season
- dbr:1919–20_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1920–21_Southampton_F.C._season
- dbr:1921–22_Southampton_F.C._season
- dbr:1922–23_Torquay_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1926–27_Southampton_F.C._season
- dbr:1927–28_Southampton_F.C._season
- dbr:1927–28_Torquay_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1928–29_Southampton_F.C._season
- dbr:1929–30_Southampton_F.C._season
- dbr:1930–31_Southampton_F.C._season
- dbr:1931–32_Southampton_F.C._season
- dbr:1932–33_Southampton_F.C._season
- dbr:1933–34_Southampton_F.C._season
- dbr:1934–35_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1976–77_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1976–77_Colchester_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1976–77_Nottingham_Forest_F.C._season
- dbr:1977–78_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1978–79_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1979–80_Colchester_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1980–81_Colchester_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1982–83_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1982–83_Football_League_Trophy
- dbr:1983–84_Associate_Members'_Cup
- dbr:1984–85_FA_Cup
- dbr:1985_Luton_riot
- dbr:1985–86_Colchester_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1986–87_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1986–87_Full_Members'_Cup
- dbr:1987–88_Full_Members'_Cup
- dbr:1987–88_Manchester_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1987–88_Norwich_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1988–89_Arsenal_F.C._season
- dbr:1988–89_Full_Members'_Cup
- dbr:1988–89_Middlesbrough_F.C._season
- dbr:1988–89_Norwich_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1989–90_Arsenal_F.C._season
- dbr:1989–90_Coventry_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1989–90_Crystal_Palace_F.C._season
- dbr:1989–90_Derby_County_F.C._season
- dbr:1989–90_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:1989–90_Norwich_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1989–90_Nottingham_Forest_F.C._season
- dbr:1989–90_Southampton_F.C._season
- dbr:1989–90_Wimbledon_F.C._season
- dbr:1990–91_Aston_Villa_F.C._season
- dbr:1990–91_Middlesbrough_F.C._season
- dbr:1990–91_Norwich_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1990–91_Wolverhampton_Wanderers_F.C._season
- dbr:1991_Football_League_play-offs
- dbr:1991–92_Newcastle_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1991–92_Wolverhampton_Wanderers_F.C._season
- dbr:1992–93_Arsenal_F.C._season
- dbr:1992–93_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:1992–93_Newcastle_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1992–93_Wolverhampton_Wanderers_F.C._season
- dbr:1993–94_Arsenal_F.C._season
- dbr:1993–94_Wolverhampton_Wanderers_F.C._season
- dbr:1994_Football_League_play-offs
- dbr:1994–95_Arsenal_F.C._season
- dbr:1994–95_Burnley_F.C._season
- dbr:1994–95_Chelsea_F.C._season
- dbr:1994–95_Nottingham_Forest_F.C._season
- dbr:1994–95_Reading_F.C._season
- dbr:1994–95_Wolverhampton_Wanderers_F.C._season
- dbr:1995–96_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:1995–96_Reading_F.C._season
- dbr:1995–96_Sheffield_Wednesday_F.C._season
- dbr:1995–96_Wolverhampton_Wanderers_F.C._season
- dbr:1935–36_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1936–37_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1936–37_FA_Cup
- dbr:1937–38_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1937–38_Colchester_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1938–39_Colchester_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1945_Football_League_War_Cup_South_Final
- dbr:1946–47_Colchester_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1946–47_Southampton_F.C._season
- dbr:1947–48_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1947–48_Southampton_F.C._season
- dbr:1950–51_Colchester_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1951–52_Colchester_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1952–53_Colchester_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1952–53_Northampton_Town_F.C._season
- dbr:1953–54_Colchester_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1954–55_Colchester_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1955–56_Colchester_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1956–57_Colchester_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1957–58_Colchester_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1959–60_Rochdale_A.F.C._season
- dbr:1960–61_Northampton_Town_F.C._season
- dbr:1960–61_Rochdale_A.F.C._season
- dbr:1961–62_Colchester_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1961–62_Northampton_Town_F.C._season
- dbr:1961–62_Rochdale_A.F.C._season
- dbr:1962–63_Colchester_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1962–63_Northampton_Town_F.C._season
- dbr:1963–64_Colchester_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1964–65_Rochdale_A.F.C._season
- dbr:1966–67_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1966–67_Northampton_Town_F.C._season
- dbr:1967–68_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1967–68_Northampton_Town_F.C._season
- dbr:1968–69_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1969–70_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1970–71_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1971–72_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1972–73_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1972–73_Tottenham_Hotspur_F.C._season
- dbr:1973–74_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1973–74_Football_League_Cup
- dbr:1974–75_Aston_Villa_F.C._season
- dbr:1974–75_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1974–75_Nottingham_Forest_F.C._season
- dbr:1975–76_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:1975–76_Colchester_United_F.C._season
- dbr:1907–08_Western_Football_League
- dbr:1908–09_Western_Football_League
- dbr:1987–88_Arsenal_F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_Aston_Villa_F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_Barnet_F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_Barnsley_F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_Bolton_Wanderers_F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_Burton_Albion_F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_Cardiff_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_Derby_County_F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_EFL_Cup
- dbr:2017–18_FA_Cup
- dbr:2017–18_Fulham_F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_Hull_City_A.F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_Ipswich_Town_F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_Leeds_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_Middlesbrough_F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_Norwich_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_Nottingham_Forest_F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_Preston_North_End_F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_Queens_Park_Rangers_F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_Reading_F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_Rochdale_A.F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_Sheffield_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_Sheffield_Wednesday_F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_Stevenage_F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_Sunderland_A.F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_Watford_F.C._season
- dbr:2017–18_Wolverhampton_Wanderers_F.C._season
- dbr:2018–19_AFC_Wimbledon_season
- dbr:2018–19_Aston_Villa_F.C._season
- dbr:2018–19_Blackburn_Rovers_F.C._season
- dbr:2018–19_Bolton_Wanderers_F.C._season
- dbr:2018–19_Brentford_F.C._season
- dbr:2018–19_Brighton_&_Hove_Albion_F.C._season
- dbr:2018–19_Bristol_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2018–19_Cambridge_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2018–19_Colchester_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2018–19_Derby_County_F.C._season
- dbr:2018–19_EFL_Cup
- dbr:2018–19_Everton_F.C._season
- dbr:2018–19_FA_Cup
- dbr:2018–19_Fulham_F.C._season
- dbr:2018–19_Gillingham_F.C._season
- dbr:2018–19_Hull_City_A.F.C._season
- dbr:2018–19_Ipswich_Town_F.C._season
- dbr:2018–19_Leeds_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2018–19_Middlesbrough_F.C._season
- dbr:2018–19_Millwall_F.C._season
- dbr:2018–19_Norwich_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2018–19_Nottingham_Forest_F.C._season