- NFC South je divize National Football Conference (NFC, Národní fotbalové konference) National Football League (NFL, Národní fotbalové ligy). V současnosti má čtyři členy: Atlantu Falcons, Carolinu Panthers, New Orleans Saints a Tampu Bay Buccaneers. Divize byla vytvořena před sezónou 2002, když se NFL rozrostla na 32 týmů. Předtím hrála Tampa Bay v divizi AFC West (1976) a NFC Central (1970 - 2001), zatímco ostatní tři týmy byli součástí geograficky neodpovídající NFC West. NFC South je jedinou divizí, která od rozdělení v roce 2002 měla každý ze čtyř týmů ve finále konference: Tampa Bay (2002), Atlanta (2004), Carolina (2003 a 2005), New Orleans (2006 a 2009). Všechny čtyři týmy si ve své historii zahráli také v Super Bowlu: Atlanta ještě v divizi NFC West (1998), Tampa (2002), Carolina (2003), New Orleans (2009), ale pouze Tampa Bay a New Orleans zvítězili. Tato divize je také jediná, ve které všechny týmy od roku 2002 získali minimálně dva divizní tituly. Před startem sezóny 2012 měli Falcons a Saints shodně nejvyšší počet vítězství ze všech týmů v divizi. Saints vedli divizi s celkovým zápisem 299 vítězství - 386 porážek - 5 remíz (v play-off 5-8) a vítězství v Super Bowlu 2009. Falcons zaznamenali bilanci 299-399-6 (v play-off 6-11), jejich jediná účast v Super Bowlu 1998 skončila nezdarem. Buccaneers mají 222-341-1 (play-off 6-9) a vítězství v Super Bowlu 2002, Panthers 125-147-0 (6-4) a porážku v Super Bowlu 2003. (cs)
- Die NFC South ist eine der vier Divisions der National Football Conference (NFC). Die NFC ist neben der American Football Conference (AFC) eine der beiden Conferences der National Football League (NFL). Diese beiden Conferences sind in je vier Divisions unterteilt, geographisch nach den vier Himmelsrichtungen. Die NFC und AFC sind nicht nach der geographischen Lage unterteilt. So spielen die New York Giants in der NFC und die New York Jets, die sogar dasselbe Heimstadion wie die Giants nutzen, in der AFC. In der NFC South spielen die Carolina Panthers, die New Orleans Saints, die Tampa Bay Buccaneers und die Atlanta Falcons. Die NFC South wurde mit der Umstrukturierung der NFL 2002 neu gegründet. (de)
- La NFC Sur es la división del sur de la Conferencia Nacional de la National Football League. Esta fue creada en la temporada 2002 cuando la liga reorganizó sus divisiones después de la expansión a 32 equipos. (es)
- The National Football Conference – South Division or NFC South is one of the four divisions of the National Football Conference (NFC) in the National Football League (NFL). It was created prior to the 2002 NFL season, when the league realigned divisions after expanding to 32 teams. The NFC South currently has four member clubs: the Atlanta Falcons, Carolina Panthers, New Orleans Saints, and Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Prior to the 2002 season, the Buccaneers belonged to the AFC West (1976) and NFC Central (1977–2001), while the other three teams were part of the geographically inaccurate NFC West. The NFC South is one of two divisions to have each of its teams make a Super Bowl appearance since the 2002 realignment (along with the NFC West): Tampa Bay (2002 and 2020), Atlanta (2016), Carolina (2003 and 2015) and New Orleans (2009). Also since 2002, each team has won at least three division titles, the only such division in the league. On January 3, 2021, the New Orleans Saints became the first ever team to sweep the NFC South in the regular season, despite losing to the eventual Super Bowl champions, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, in the playoffs. Entering 2019, the Saints have the most wins among division members. The Saints' record is 375–438–5; their win in Super Bowl XLIV is the highlight of a 10–12 playoff record. The Falcons' record is 365–461–6 with a playoff record of 10–14; the Falcons lost in Super Bowls XXXIII and LI. The Buccaneers' record is 267–424–1 with a victory in both their Super Bowl appearances, Super Bowl XXXVII and Super Bowl LV, and an overall playoff record of 10–9. The Panthers have the best playoff winning percentage (9–8) of any team in the division with losses in Super Bowls XXXVIII and 50, with a regular season record of 195–204–1. The NFC South is the only NFC division not to have any teams that predate the 1960 launch of the American Football League, the NFL’s former rival league. The oldest team is the Falcons, who began play in 1966, and the Saints began play only a year later in 1967. Each of the other NFC divisions has 3 teams that began play earlier than 1960, while the remaining three such teams are in the American Football Conference. The NFC South became the second division in five years to have a champion with a losing record, as the 2014 Carolina Panthers won the division with a 7–8–1 record. (The 2010 Seattle Seahawks won the NFC West with a 7–9 record.) Additionally, Carolina became the first team to repeat as NFC South champions since the creation of the division. The Panthers were the first team to win the NFC South three consecutive times, from 2013 to 2015; while the Saints were the first team to win the division four consecutive times from 2017 to 2020. On January 7, 2018, two NFC South teams (the Carolina Panthers and New Orleans Saints) met in the NFL playoffs for the first time since the division's creation in 2002. Before then, they were the only division left in the NFL who had never had teams face off against each other in the postseason. (en)
- La NFC South (« NFC Sud ») est une division de la National Football Conference (NFC), elle-même conférence de la National Football League (NFL). Il y a actuellement quatre franchises membres de cette division : les Falcons d'Atlanta, les Panthers de la Caroline, les Saints de La Nouvelle-Orléans et les Buccaneers de Tampa Bay. * Portail du football américain * Portail des États-Unis (fr)
- NFC南地区(NFCみなみちく)はNFL、NFCの地区の1つ。NFLの対抗リーグであるAFLが設立された1960年以前に設立されたチームがいない唯一の地区である。最も古いチームであるファルコンズが1966年、セインツが1967年に設立された。 (ja)
- NFC South – dywizja południowa konferencji NFC ligi futbolu amerykańskiego, NFL. Dywizja Południowa została utworzona przed sezonem 2002, gdy ligę NFL rozszerzono do 32 drużyn. Obecnie składa się z czterech zespołów: Atlanta Falcons, Carolina Panthers, New Orleans Saints i Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Przed powstaniem dywizji drużyna Tampa Bay Buccaneers należała do Dywizji Centralnej, zaś trzy pozostałe zespoły były częścią Dywizji Zachodniej. (pl)
- A NFC South (ou NFC Sul em português) é uma divisão da National Football Conference da NFL. Ela foi criada pouco antes do começo da temporada de 2002 quando a liga foi realinhada para comportar os 32 times. A NFC South tem atualmente quatro times: o Atlanta Falcons, o Carolina Panthers, o New Orleans Saints e o Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Antes da temporada de 2002, o Buccaneers pertencia a AFC West (1976) e a NFC Central (1977-2001), enquanto os outros times participavam da NFC West. (pt)
- NFC South è la division meridionale della National Football Conference, nata nel 2002 a seguito della riorganizzazione della National Football League. Dalla sua fondazione ne fanno parte: gli Atlanta Falcons, i Carolina Panthers, i New Orleans Saints ed i Tampa Bay Buccaneers. (it)
- De National Football Conference South Division of NFC South is een divisie van de NFL's National Football Conference. De divisie heeft vier deelnemers: Atlanta Falcons, Carolina Panthers, New Orleans Saints en Tampa Bay Buccaneers. (nl)
- NFC South är en av åtta divisioner i National Football League (NFL). NFC South är den södra divisionen i National Football Conference (NFC). Divisionen grundades inför NFL-säsongen 2002. Divisionen består av de fyra klubbarna Atlanta Falcons, Carolina Panthers, New Orleans Saints och Tampa Bay Buccaneers. (sv)
- Южный дивизион Национальной футбольной конференции (сокращенно чаще всего именуется как Юг НФК; англ. NFC South) — один из четырёх дивизионов Национальной футбольной конференции, которая в свою очередь является частью Национальной футбольной лиги. На данный момент в дивизион входят четыре команды — Атланта Фалконс, Каролина Пантерз, Нью-Орлеан Сэйнтс, Тампа-Бэй Бакканирс. Дивизион образовался в 2002 году после расширения до 32 команд. (ru)
- 國家美式足球聯會南區(英語:National Football Conference – Southern Division,簡稱NFC南區),是國家美式橄欖球聯盟(NFL)、國家美式足球聯會(NFC)的一個分區,由同為職業橄欖球聯盟的、曾為NFL競爭對手的(AFL)設立於2002年。NFC南區是唯一一個沒有一支在1960年以前創立的球隊的地區,歷史最悠久的兩支球隊是成立於1966年的亞特蘭大獵鷹和成立於1967年的紐奧良聖徒。 NFC南區現有四支球隊:紐奧良聖徒、亞特蘭大獵鷹、卡羅來納黑豹、坦帕灣海盜。 NFC南區是自2002年重新調整以來唯一的一個區域,每支球隊都有參加過分區冠軍賽以及超級碗比賽 (zh)
- Die NFC South ist eine der vier Divisions der National Football Conference (NFC). Die NFC ist neben der American Football Conference (AFC) eine der beiden Conferences der National Football League (NFL). Diese beiden Conferences sind in je vier Divisions unterteilt, geographisch nach den vier Himmelsrichtungen. Die NFC und AFC sind nicht nach der geographischen Lage unterteilt. So spielen die New York Giants in der NFC und die New York Jets, die sogar dasselbe Heimstadion wie die Giants nutzen, in der AFC. In der NFC South spielen die Carolina Panthers, die New Orleans Saints, die Tampa Bay Buccaneers und die Atlanta Falcons. Die NFC South wurde mit der Umstrukturierung der NFL 2002 neu gegründet. (de)
- La NFC Sur es la división del sur de la Conferencia Nacional de la National Football League. Esta fue creada en la temporada 2002 cuando la liga reorganizó sus divisiones después de la expansión a 32 equipos. (es)
- La NFC South (« NFC Sud ») est une division de la National Football Conference (NFC), elle-même conférence de la National Football League (NFL). Il y a actuellement quatre franchises membres de cette division : les Falcons d'Atlanta, les Panthers de la Caroline, les Saints de La Nouvelle-Orléans et les Buccaneers de Tampa Bay. * Portail du football américain * Portail des États-Unis (fr)
- NFC南地区(NFCみなみちく)はNFL、NFCの地区の1つ。NFLの対抗リーグであるAFLが設立された1960年以前に設立されたチームがいない唯一の地区である。最も古いチームであるファルコンズが1966年、セインツが1967年に設立された。 (ja)
- NFC South – dywizja południowa konferencji NFC ligi futbolu amerykańskiego, NFL. Dywizja Południowa została utworzona przed sezonem 2002, gdy ligę NFL rozszerzono do 32 drużyn. Obecnie składa się z czterech zespołów: Atlanta Falcons, Carolina Panthers, New Orleans Saints i Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Przed powstaniem dywizji drużyna Tampa Bay Buccaneers należała do Dywizji Centralnej, zaś trzy pozostałe zespoły były częścią Dywizji Zachodniej. (pl)
- A NFC South (ou NFC Sul em português) é uma divisão da National Football Conference da NFL. Ela foi criada pouco antes do começo da temporada de 2002 quando a liga foi realinhada para comportar os 32 times. A NFC South tem atualmente quatro times: o Atlanta Falcons, o Carolina Panthers, o New Orleans Saints e o Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Antes da temporada de 2002, o Buccaneers pertencia a AFC West (1976) e a NFC Central (1977-2001), enquanto os outros times participavam da NFC West. (pt)
- NFC South è la division meridionale della National Football Conference, nata nel 2002 a seguito della riorganizzazione della National Football League. Dalla sua fondazione ne fanno parte: gli Atlanta Falcons, i Carolina Panthers, i New Orleans Saints ed i Tampa Bay Buccaneers. (it)
- De National Football Conference South Division of NFC South is een divisie van de NFL's National Football Conference. De divisie heeft vier deelnemers: Atlanta Falcons, Carolina Panthers, New Orleans Saints en Tampa Bay Buccaneers. (nl)
- NFC South är en av åtta divisioner i National Football League (NFL). NFC South är den södra divisionen i National Football Conference (NFC). Divisionen grundades inför NFL-säsongen 2002. Divisionen består av de fyra klubbarna Atlanta Falcons, Carolina Panthers, New Orleans Saints och Tampa Bay Buccaneers. (sv)
- Южный дивизион Национальной футбольной конференции (сокращенно чаще всего именуется как Юг НФК; англ. NFC South) — один из четырёх дивизионов Национальной футбольной конференции, которая в свою очередь является частью Национальной футбольной лиги. На данный момент в дивизион входят четыре команды — Атланта Фалконс, Каролина Пантерз, Нью-Орлеан Сэйнтс, Тампа-Бэй Бакканирс. Дивизион образовался в 2002 году после расширения до 32 команд. (ru)
- 國家美式足球聯會南區(英語:National Football Conference – Southern Division,簡稱NFC南區),是國家美式橄欖球聯盟(NFL)、國家美式足球聯會(NFC)的一個分區,由同為職業橄欖球聯盟的、曾為NFL競爭對手的(AFL)設立於2002年。NFC南區是唯一一個沒有一支在1960年以前創立的球隊的地區,歷史最悠久的兩支球隊是成立於1966年的亞特蘭大獵鷹和成立於1967年的紐奧良聖徒。 NFC南區現有四支球隊:紐奧良聖徒、亞特蘭大獵鷹、卡羅來納黑豹、坦帕灣海盜。 NFC南區是自2002年重新調整以來唯一的一個區域,每支球隊都有參加過分區冠軍賽以及超級碗比賽 (zh)
- NFC South je divize National Football Conference (NFC, Národní fotbalové konference) National Football League (NFL, Národní fotbalové ligy). V současnosti má čtyři členy: Atlantu Falcons, Carolinu Panthers, New Orleans Saints a Tampu Bay Buccaneers. Divize byla vytvořena před sezónou 2002, když se NFL rozrostla na 32 týmů. Předtím hrála Tampa Bay v divizi AFC West (1976) a NFC Central (1970 - 2001), zatímco ostatní tři týmy byli součástí geograficky neodpovídající NFC West. (cs)
- The National Football Conference – South Division or NFC South is one of the four divisions of the National Football Conference (NFC) in the National Football League (NFL). It was created prior to the 2002 NFL season, when the league realigned divisions after expanding to 32 teams. The NFC South currently has four member clubs: the Atlanta Falcons, Carolina Panthers, New Orleans Saints, and Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Prior to the 2002 season, the Buccaneers belonged to the AFC West (1976) and NFC Central (1977–2001), while the other three teams were part of the geographically inaccurate NFC West. (en)
- NFC South (cs)
- NFC South (de)
- NFC Sur (es)
- NFC South (fr)
- NFC South (it)
- NFC南地区 (ja)
- NFC South (en)
- NFC South (nl)
- NFC South (pl)
- NFC South (pt)
- Южный дивизион Национальной футбольной конференции (ru)
- NFC South (sv)
- 國家美式足球聯會南區 (zh)