Nepenthes fusca (original) (raw)
- نابنط أغبس (الاسم العلمي:Nepenthes fusca) هو نوع غير مؤكد من النباتات يتبع جنس النابنط من الفصيلة النابنطية. (ar)
- Nepenthes fusca /nɪˈpɛnθiːz ˈfʌskə/, or the dusky pitcher-plant, is a tropical pitcher plant endemic to Borneo. It is found throughout a wide altitudinal range and is almost always epiphytic in nature, primarily growing in mossy forest. The specific epithet fusca is derived from the Latin word fuscus, meaning "dark brown" or "dusky", and refers to the colour of the pitchers. (en)
- Nepenthes fusca /nɪˈpɛnθiːz ˈfʌskə/, atau Tumbuhan Berkantong Kehitaman, adalah tumbuhan pemakan serangga tropis yang merupakan tumbuhan endemik Kalimantan. Ia ditemukan di seluruh rentang ketinggian yang luas dan hampir selalu bersifat epifit di alam, terutama tumbuh di hutan berlumut. Nama spesifik fusca berasal dari kata Latin fuscus, yang berarti "cokelat tua" atau "kehitam-hitaman", dan merujuk pada warna dari kantongnya. (in)
- Nepenthes fusca Danser, 1928 è una pianta carnivora della famiglia Nepenthaceae, endemica del Borneo, dove cresce a 300–2500 m. (it)
- Nepenthes fusca är en tvåhjärtbladig växtart som beskrevs av . Nepenthes fusca ingår i släktet Nepenthes och familjen Nepenthaceae. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. (sv)
- 暗色猪笼草(学名:Nepenthes fusca)是婆罗洲特有的热带食虫植物。其海拔分布范围广,多附生于苔藓森林中。暗色猪笼草的种加词“fusca”来源于拉丁文“fuscus”,意为“深棕色的”或“深色的”,指其捕虫笼的颜色。 (zh)
- 3834680 (xsd:integer)
- 50632 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
- 1118574263 (xsd:integer)
- dbr:B._H._Danser
- dbr:Sarawak
- dbr:Endemism
- dbr:Mesilau
- dbr:Rachis
- dbr:Mossy_forest
- dbr:Berau_Regency
- dbr:Bogor
- dbr:Bogor_Botanical_Gardens
- dbr:Borneo
- dbr:Anthea_Phillipps
- dbr:Anthony_Lamb_(botanist)
- dbr:Hybrid_(biology)
- dbr:Joseph_Dalton_Hooker
- dbr:Peat_moss
- dbr:Charles_Clarke_(botanist)
- dbr:Charles_Curtis_(botanist)
- dbr:Bukit_Batu_Buli
- dbr:Indumentum
- dbr:Nepenthes_bongso
- dbr:Nepenthes_boschiana
- dbr:Nepenthes_burbidgeae
- dbr:Nepenthes_chaniana
- dbr:Nepenthes_eymae
- dbr:Nepenthes_faizaliana
- dbr:Nepenthes_hurrelliana
- dbr:Nepenthes_klossii
- dbr:Nepenthes_lowii
- dbr:Nepenthes_macrovulgaris
- dbr:Nepenthes_maxima
- dbr:Nepenthes_rajah
- dbr:Nepenthes_stenophylla
- dbr:Nepenthes_tentaculata
- dbr:Nepenthes_veitchii
- dbr:Nepenthes_vogelii
- dbr:Pitcher_plant
- dbr:Above_sea_level
- dbr:Matthew_Jebb
- dbr:Jan_Schlauer
- dbr:Crocker_Range
- dbr:Sabah
- dbr:National_park
- dbr:Organic_matter
- dbr:Epiphyte
- dbr:Bract
- dbr:Montane_forest
- dbr:Moss
- dbr:Mount_Alab
- dbr:Mount_Kemul
- dbr:Mount_Kinabalu
- dbr:Mount_Lumarku
- dbr:Mount_Mulu
- dbr:Mount_Tambuyukon
- dbr:Mount_Trusmadi
- dbr:File:Nepenthes_fusca.gif
- dbr:Martin_Cheek
- dbr:Ant
- dbr:Leiden
- dbr:Lux
- dbr:Maluku_Islands
- dbr:Siemens_(unit)
- dbr:Sulawesi
- dbc:Nepenthes
- dbr:Fungicide
- dbr:Hose_Mountains
- dbr:Peduncle_(botany)
- dbr:Petiole_(botany)
- dbr:Plateau
- dbr:Spur_(botany)
- dbr:Bamboo_orchid
- dbr:Central_Kalimantan
- dbr:Type_specimen
- dbr:Gland
- dbr:Habitat_destruction
- dbr:ARKive
- dbr:East_Kalimantan
- dbr:Altitude
- dbr:Fern
- dbr:Fir
- dbr:Foot-candle
- dbr:André_Joseph_Guillaume_Henri_Kostermans
- dbr:Bark_(botany)
- dbr:PH
- dbr:Fluorescent_lamp
- dbr:Epiphytic
- dbr:Kambarangoh
- dbr:List_of_Nepenthes_literature
- dbr:Species_description
- dbr:Relative_humidity
- dbr:Gunung_Mulu_National_Park
- dbr:Taxonomy_(biology)
- dbr:Raceme
- dbr:A_skeletal_revision_of_Nepenthes_(Nepenthaceae)
- dbr:Acid
- dbc:Plants_described_in_1928
- dbc:Endemic_flora_of_Borneo
- dbc:Epiphytes
- dbc:Carnivorous_plants_of_Asia
- dbr:Kelai_River
- dbr:Keningau
- dbr:Kimanis
- dbr:Latin
- dbr:Leaf
- dbr:Sumatra
- dbr:Survival_rate
- dbr:Coefficient_of_variation
- dbr:El_Niño
- dbr:Herbarium
- dbr:Holotype
- dbr:Standard_error_(statistics)
- dbr:C._C._Wilcock
- dbr:Plant_poaching
- dbr:Pollen
- dbr:Specific_name_(botany)
- dbr:Sphagnum
- dbr:Fertilizer
- dbr:Frederik_Endert
- dbr:Metal_halide_lamp
- dbr:Inflorescence
- dbr:Micrometre
- dbr:Nepenthes_reinwardtiana
- dbr:Netherlands
- dbr:New_Guinea
- dbr:Operculum_(botany)
- dbr:Carniflora_Australis
- dbr:Carnivorous_Plant_Newsletter
- dbr:Carnivorous_plant
- dbr:Ch'ien_Lee
- dbr:Sepal
- dbr:Marai_Parai
- dbr:Subspecies
- dbr:Type_locality_(biology)
- dbr:Nepenthes_curtisii_(disambiguation)
- dbr:Nepenthes_epiphytica
- dbr:Nepenthes_mollis
- dbr:Nepenthes_of_Borneo
- dbr:Nepenthes_of_Mount_Kinabalu
- dbr:Nepenthes_pilosa
- dbr:Nepenthes_platychila
- dbr:The_Journal_of_Insectivorous_Plant_Society
- dbc:Taxa_named_by_Benedictus_Hubertus_Danser
- dbr:Illuminance
- dbr:Shigeo_Kurata
- dbr:National_Herbarium_of_the_Netherlands
- dbr:Midrib
- dbr:Nomen_nudum
- dbr:Victorian_Carnivorous_Plant_Society_Inc.
- dbr:Peristome
- dbr:Perlite
- dbr:Philautus_aurantium
- dbr:Taxon
- dbr:Zakri_Abdul_Hamid
- dbr:The_Nepenthaceae_of_the_Netherlands_Indies
- dbr:Tendril
- dbr:Nepenthes_fallax
- dbr:Nepenthes_naquiyuddinii
- dbr:Natural_hybrid
- dbr:J._H._Adam
- dbr:Field_Guide_to_the_Pitcher_Plants_of_Borneo
- dbr:Heterotypic_synonym
- dbr:Pitcher_Plants_of_Borneo
- dbr:Sodium_vapor_lamp
- dbr:Rob_Cantley
- dbr:The_Malaysian_Nepenthes:_Evolutionary_and_Taxonomic_Perspectives
- dbr:Wikt:obovate
- dbr:Wikt:pinnate
- dbr:Wikt:ovate
- dbr:Wikt:glabrous
- dbr:Wikt:infundibular
- dbr:Wikt:orbicular
- dbr:Wikt:coriaceous
- dbr:Wikt:hirsute
- dbr:Wikt:amplexicaul
- dbr:File:Nepenthes_maxima_Sulawesi1.jpg
- dbr:Wikt:fuscus
- dbr:Wikt:peltate
- dbr:Bambangan_River
- dbr:Eleocarpus
- dbr:File:Gunung_Murud_logging_road_N._fusca.jpg
- dbr:File:Gunung_Murud_logging_road_N._stenophylla_N._fusca_17.jpg
- dbr:File:N.fusca_LP_crocker_range-3.jpg
- dbr:File:N.fusca_LP_crocker_range.jpg
- dbr:File:N.fusca_UP_crocker_range-2.jpg
- dbr:File:N.fusca_lp2.jpg
- dbr:File:N.fusca_lp3.jpg
- dbr:File:N.fusca_lp5.jpg
- dbr:File:N.fusca_up2.jpg
- dbr:File:N.fusca_up_crocker_range.jpg
- dbr:File:N.fusca_up_kinabalu.jpg
- dbr:File:Nepenthes_burbidgeae_x_Nepenthes_fusca.jpg
- dbr:File:Nepenthes_fusca.PNG
- dbr:File:Nepenthesfusca.jpg
- dbr:Gleichenia_truncata
- dbr:Mamut_Copper_Mine
- dbr:Mount_Apo_(Borneo)
- dbr:Mount_Apo_Dari
- dbr:Mount_Nyapa
- dbr:Wikt:petiolate
- dbr:Wikt:attenuate
- dbr:File:N.fusca_up3.jpg
- dbr:Hafiza_A._Hamid
- center (en)
- right (en)
- Lower pitchers of N. fusca from the Crocker Range and the area around Mount Kinabalu . From left to right: CR, MK, MK, CR, and CR. (en)
- Upper pitchers of N. fusca from the Crocker Range and the area around Mount Kinabalu . From left to right: MK, MK, CR, MK, and CR. (en)
- 150 (xsd:integer)
- October 2019 (en)
- Upper pitchers of N. hurrelliana and N. vogelii (en)
- Lower pitchers of the putative natural hybrids N. fusca × N. reinwardtiana and N. fusca × N. stenophylla (en)
- Nepenthes (en)
- N.fallax x fusca.jpg (en)
- N.fusca x reinwardtiana.jpg (en)
- Kelabit Highlands N. vogelii 9.jpg (en)
- Murud N. hurreliana.jpg (en)
- An intermediate pitcher of N. fusca (en)
- from the Crocker Range (en)
- to reflect current taxonomy (en)
- fusca (en)
- LC (en)
- IUCN3.1 (en)
- (en)
- Nepenthes fusca (en)
- Nepenthes veitchii (en)
- Nepenthes zakriana (en)
- (C.Clarke ) (en)
- (J.H.Adam & Wilcock ) (en)
- (auct. non Hook.f.: Endert ) (en)
- ?Nepenthes sp. A (en)
- J.H.Adam & Hafiza (en)
- Nepenthes curtisii subsp. zakriana (en)
- [=?[[Nepenthes stenophylla|N. stenophylla]]] (en)
- auct. non Danser: Sh.Kurata (en)
- 169 (xsd:integer)
- 750 (xsd:integer)
- dbt:Circa
- dbt:Citation_needed
- dbt:Commons
- dbt:Convert
- dbt:Doi
- dbt:IPA
- dbt:IPAc-en
- dbt:ISBN
- dbt:In_lang
- dbt:Multiple_image
- dbt:Nihongo
- dbt:Note_label
- dbt:Ref_label
- dbt:Refbegin
- dbt:Refend
- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:Short_description
- dbt:Speciesbox
- dbt:Taxonbar
- dbt:Update
- dbt:Nepenthes
- dbt:Imageframe
- dbc:Nepenthes
- dbc:Plants_described_in_1928
- dbc:Endemic_flora_of_Borneo
- dbc:Epiphytes
- dbc:Carnivorous_plants_of_Asia
- dbc:Taxa_named_by_Benedictus_Hubertus_Danser
- yago:WikicatCarnivorousPlantsOfAsia
- yago:WikicatVulnerablePlants
- yago:AirPlant113122985
- yago:CarnivorousPlant112778605
- yago:Herb112205694
- yago:LivingThing100004258
- yago:Object100002684
- yago:Organism100004475
- yago:PhysicalEntity100001930
- yago:Plant100017222
- dbo:Plant
- yago:VascularPlant113083586
- yago:Whole100003553
- yago:WikicatEpiphytes
- yago:WikicatPlantsDescribedIn1928
- umbel-rc:Plant
- نابنط أغبس (الاسم العلمي:Nepenthes fusca) هو نوع غير مؤكد من النباتات يتبع جنس النابنط من الفصيلة النابنطية. (ar)
- Nepenthes fusca /nɪˈpɛnθiːz ˈfʌskə/, or the dusky pitcher-plant, is a tropical pitcher plant endemic to Borneo. It is found throughout a wide altitudinal range and is almost always epiphytic in nature, primarily growing in mossy forest. The specific epithet fusca is derived from the Latin word fuscus, meaning "dark brown" or "dusky", and refers to the colour of the pitchers. (en)
- Nepenthes fusca /nɪˈpɛnθiːz ˈfʌskə/, atau Tumbuhan Berkantong Kehitaman, adalah tumbuhan pemakan serangga tropis yang merupakan tumbuhan endemik Kalimantan. Ia ditemukan di seluruh rentang ketinggian yang luas dan hampir selalu bersifat epifit di alam, terutama tumbuh di hutan berlumut. Nama spesifik fusca berasal dari kata Latin fuscus, yang berarti "cokelat tua" atau "kehitam-hitaman", dan merujuk pada warna dari kantongnya. (in)
- Nepenthes fusca Danser, 1928 è una pianta carnivora della famiglia Nepenthaceae, endemica del Borneo, dove cresce a 300–2500 m. (it)
- Nepenthes fusca är en tvåhjärtbladig växtart som beskrevs av . Nepenthes fusca ingår i släktet Nepenthes och familjen Nepenthaceae. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. (sv)
- 暗色猪笼草(学名:Nepenthes fusca)是婆罗洲特有的热带食虫植物。其海拔分布范围广,多附生于苔藓森林中。暗色猪笼草的种加词“fusca”来源于拉丁文“fuscus”,意为“深棕色的”或“深色的”,指其捕虫笼的颜色。 (zh)
- نابنط أغبس (ar)
- Nepenthes fusca (in)
- Nepenthes fusca (it)
- Nepenthes fusca (en)
- Nepenthes fusca (sv)
- 暗色猪笼草 (zh)
- dbpedia-commons:Nepenthes fusca
- freebase:Nepenthes fusca
- yago-res:Nepenthes fusca
- wikidata:Nepenthes fusca
- dbpedia-ar:Nepenthes fusca
- dbpedia-fa:Nepenthes fusca
- dbpedia-id:Nepenthes fusca
- dbpedia-it:Nepenthes fusca
- dbpedia-ro:Nepenthes fusca
- dbpedia-sv:Nepenthes fusca
- dbpedia-th:Nepenthes fusca
- dbpedia-war:Nepenthes fusca
- dbpedia-zh:Nepenthes fusca
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/N.fusca_x_reinwardtiana.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Nepenthes_burbidgeae_x_Nepenthes_fusca.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Gunung_Murud_logging_road_N._fusca.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Gunung_Murud_logging_road_N._stenophylla_N._fusca_17.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Kelabit_Highlands_N._vogelii_9.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Murud_N._hurreliana.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/N.fallax_x_fusca.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/N.fusca_IP_croker_range.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/N.fusca_LP_crocker_range-3.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/N.fusca_LP_crocker_range.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/N.fusca_UP_crocker_range-2.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/N.fusca_lp2.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/N.fusca_lp3.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/N.fusca_lp5.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/N.fusca_up2.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/N.fusca_up3.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/N.fusca_up_crocker_range.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/N.fusca_up_kinabalu.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Nepenthes_fusca.gif
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Nepenthes_fusca.png
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Nepenthes_maxima_Sulawesi1.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Nepenthesfusca.jpg
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:List_of_carnivorous_plants
- dbr:Mesilau
- dbr:List_of_Nepenthes_species
- dbr:Dusky_Pitcher-Plant
- dbr:Dusky_pitcher-plant
- dbr:List_of_Nepenthes_natural_hybrids
- dbr:Nepenthes_boschiana
- dbr:Nepenthes_burbidgeae
- dbr:Nepenthes_chaniana
- dbr:Nepenthes_eymae
- dbr:Nepenthes_faizaliana
- dbr:Nepenthes_hurrelliana
- dbr:Nepenthes_klossii
- dbr:Nepenthes_lowii
- dbr:Nepenthes_maxima
- dbr:Nepenthes_rajah
- dbr:Nepenthes_stenophylla
- dbr:Nepenthes_tentaculata
- dbr:Nepenthes_veitchii
- dbr:Nepenthes_vogelii
- dbr:Mount_Kemul
- dbr:Mount_Lumarku
- dbr:List_of_IUCN_Red_List_Vulnerable_plants
- dbr:List_of_Latin_and_Greek_words_commonly_used_in_systematic_names
- dbr:List_of_Nepenthes_clades
- dbr:List_of_Nepenthes_species_by_distribution
- dbr:Pitcher-Plants_of_Borneo
- dbr:Pitcher_Plants_of_the_Old_World
- dbr:Frederik_Endert
- dbr:Nepenthes_mikei
- dbr:Nepenthes_reinwardtiana
- dbr:Marai_Parai
- dbr:Nepenthaceae_(2001_monograph)
- dbr:Nepenthes_curtisii_(disambiguation)
- dbr:Nepenthes_epiphytica
- dbr:Nepenthes_mollis
- dbr:Nepenthes_of_Borneo
- dbr:Nepenthes_of_Mount_Kinabalu
- dbr:Nepenthes_pilosa
- dbr:Nepenthes_platychila
- dbr:Nepenthes_zakriana
- dbr:The_Nepenthaceae_of_the_Netherlands_Indies
is foaf:primaryTopic of