Nippon Ichi Software (original) (raw)
- نيبون إشي سوفت وير (بالإنجليزية: Nippon Ichi Software Inc.) هي شركة يابانية متخصصة في ألعاب الفيديو ، تأسست عام 1991 ويقع مقرها في غيفو، اليابان، كاليفورنيا، الولايات المتحدة. تقوم الشركة بـ تطوير ونشر ألعاب الفيديو. (ar)
- K.K. Nippon Ichi Software (jap. 株式会社日本一ソフトウェア, Kabushiki kaisha Nippon Ichi Sofutowea, engl. Nippon Ichi Software, Inc.) ist ein japanischer Hersteller und Publisher von Videospielen. Wörtlich übersetzt bedeutet der Unternehmensname „Japans Nummer 1“. Bekannt ist Nippon Ichi Software in Europa vor allem für die Disgaea-Reihe. Im September 1991 wurde das Unternehmen Y.K. Prism (有限会社プリズム, Purizumu, seit März 2006 Y.K. RosenQueen Shōkai (有限会社ローゼンクイーン商会)) gegründet. Am 12. Juli 1993 wurde der Geschäftsbereich des Vertriebs als Y.K. Prism Kikaku (有限会社プリズム企画) ausgegliedert. Am 4. November 1994 wurde die Spieleentwicklung aus der Y.K. Prism in die Y.K. Prism Kikaku überführt und diese zu Y.K. Nippon Ichi Software umbenannt. Am 7. Juli 1995 wechselte sie die Unternehmensform von einer Yūgen-gaisha (Y.K.) zu einer Aktiengesellschaft (K.K.). Dezember 2003 wurde die US-Tochter NIS America, Inc. gegründet, die für den Vertrieb in Nordamerika zuständig ist. In Europa werden Spiele von Drittfirmen vertrieben, so zum Beispiel durch Koei oder Atlus. (de)
- Nippon Ichi Software (日本一ソフトウェア, Nippon Ichi Sofutowea) est un développeur et éditeur de jeux vidéo japonais fondé en 1991 dans la préfecture de Gifu. Nippon Ichi veut dire «le meilleur du Japon» ou le «Numéro 1 au Japon» et est souvent abrégé par «N1». (fr)
- Nippon Ichi Software es una desarrolladora de videojuegos japonesa fundada en 1994 en Gifu, Japón. NIS America, subsidiaria de dicha empresa, se estableció en Santa Ana, California, en diciembre de 2003. Desde entonces, lleva a cabo labores de traducción y marketing de los títulos de Nippon Ichi. Comenzó publicando juegos para Super Famicom, realizando en la actualidad desarrollos para todo tipo de plataformas. (es)
- Nippon Ichi Software, Inc. (株式会社日本一ソフトウェア, Nippon Ichi Sofutowea, known as Prism Kikaku Ltd. from July 1993 to July 1995) is a Japanese video game developer and publisher. The company was founded in 1991 and has developed several role-playing video games, most notably the Disgaea and Marl Kingdom series. Its mascot is the penguin-like Disgaea character Prinny. NIS America, a localization and global publishing branch of the company, was founded in 2003. It originally focused solely on the North American market until being expanded to include Europe and other regions in 2007 and has also published anime. (en)
- 니폰이치 소프트웨어(日本一ソフトウェア, Nippon Ichi Software, Inc.)는 일본의 게임 제작사이자 배급사이다. 니폰이치의 대표작으로는 마계전기 디스가이아, , 라 퓌셀 등이 있다. (ko)
- Nippon Ichi Software, Inc. (日本一ソフトウェア Nippon Ichi Sofutowea?) è un'azienda giapponese sviluppatrice e distributrice di software videoludico, tra cui spiccano titoli blasonati come Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, Phantom Brave, La Pucelle: Tactics e . (it)
- Nippon Ichi Software, Inc. (jap. 日本一ソフトウェア Nippon Ichi Sofutowea) - japoński producent i wydawca gier komputerowych. Firma odpowiedzialna za wydanie takich tytułów jak , , i . Nippon ichi oznacza dosłownie "numer jeden w Japonii". (pl)
- 株式会社日本一ソフトウェア(にっぽんいちソフトウェア、英: Nippon Ichi Software, Inc.)は、岐阜県各務原市に本社を置き、コンピュータソフトウェアの開発・製造・販売を主な事業内容とする日本の企業。旧社名、有限会社プリズム企画。 (ja)
- Nippon Ichi Software (Japans: 株式会社日本一ソフトウェア) is een computerspelontwikkelaar gevestigd in Kakamigahara, Japan. Het bedrijf was van 1991 tot 1993 bekend onder de naam Prism Kikaku en werd in 1993 hernoemd naar Nippon Ichi Software. (nl)
- Nippon Ichi Software, Inc. (株式会社日本一ソフトウェア Kabushiki gaisha Nippon Ichi Sofutowea?) é uma desenvolvedora e publicadora de jogos eletrônicos japonesa. É responsável pela publicação de títulos como Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, Phantom Brave, La Pucelle: Tactics and Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure e Prinny: Can I Really Be A Hero?. (pt)
- Nippon Ichi Software, Inc. (株式会社日本一ソフトウェア Kabushiki kaisha Nippon Ichi Sofutowea?) är ett japanskt företag baserat i Gifu prefektur, som utvecklar och ger ut datorspel. Företaget grundades i september 1991, och bytte 1993 namn till Prism Kikaku Ltd.; de bytte tillbaka till Nippon Ichi Software år 1995. De är mest kända för att ha utvecklat strategispelserien . "Nippon ichi" betyder "Japans bästa" eller "Japans nummer ett" på japanska; företagsnamnet förkortas därför ibland till "N1". (sv)
- Nippon Ichi Software, Inc. (яп. 日本一ソフトウェア Nippon Ichi Sofutowea), известен как Prism Kikaku с июля 1993 по июль 1995 — японский разработчик и издатель игр на консоли, таких как Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, , , и . (ru)
- 日本一软件(日本一ソフトウェア,Nippon Ichi Software, Inc.(NIS)),1993年7月至1995年6月间名为稜鏡企划(プリズム企画),是日本电子游戏开发商与发行商。他们的知名作品有《魔界戰記》、《通靈戰士》、《光之圣女传说》和《玛尔王国的人形姬》。拥有北美分公司NIS America,除游戏外也在北美代理发行日本动画作品。 (zh)
- Nippon Ichi Software, Inc. (en)
- (en)
- Disgaea series (en)
- Marl Kingdom series (en)
- نيبون إشي سوفت وير (بالإنجليزية: Nippon Ichi Software Inc.) هي شركة يابانية متخصصة في ألعاب الفيديو ، تأسست عام 1991 ويقع مقرها في غيفو، اليابان، كاليفورنيا، الولايات المتحدة. تقوم الشركة بـ تطوير ونشر ألعاب الفيديو. (ar)
- Nippon Ichi Software (日本一ソフトウェア, Nippon Ichi Sofutowea) est un développeur et éditeur de jeux vidéo japonais fondé en 1991 dans la préfecture de Gifu. Nippon Ichi veut dire «le meilleur du Japon» ou le «Numéro 1 au Japon» et est souvent abrégé par «N1». (fr)
- Nippon Ichi Software es una desarrolladora de videojuegos japonesa fundada en 1994 en Gifu, Japón. NIS America, subsidiaria de dicha empresa, se estableció en Santa Ana, California, en diciembre de 2003. Desde entonces, lleva a cabo labores de traducción y marketing de los títulos de Nippon Ichi. Comenzó publicando juegos para Super Famicom, realizando en la actualidad desarrollos para todo tipo de plataformas. (es)
- 니폰이치 소프트웨어(日本一ソフトウェア, Nippon Ichi Software, Inc.)는 일본의 게임 제작사이자 배급사이다. 니폰이치의 대표작으로는 마계전기 디스가이아, , 라 퓌셀 등이 있다. (ko)
- Nippon Ichi Software, Inc. (日本一ソフトウェア Nippon Ichi Sofutowea?) è un'azienda giapponese sviluppatrice e distributrice di software videoludico, tra cui spiccano titoli blasonati come Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, Phantom Brave, La Pucelle: Tactics e . (it)
- Nippon Ichi Software, Inc. (jap. 日本一ソフトウェア Nippon Ichi Sofutowea) - japoński producent i wydawca gier komputerowych. Firma odpowiedzialna za wydanie takich tytułów jak , , i . Nippon ichi oznacza dosłownie "numer jeden w Japonii". (pl)
- 株式会社日本一ソフトウェア(にっぽんいちソフトウェア、英: Nippon Ichi Software, Inc.)は、岐阜県各務原市に本社を置き、コンピュータソフトウェアの開発・製造・販売を主な事業内容とする日本の企業。旧社名、有限会社プリズム企画。 (ja)
- Nippon Ichi Software (Japans: 株式会社日本一ソフトウェア) is een computerspelontwikkelaar gevestigd in Kakamigahara, Japan. Het bedrijf was van 1991 tot 1993 bekend onder de naam Prism Kikaku en werd in 1993 hernoemd naar Nippon Ichi Software. (nl)
- Nippon Ichi Software, Inc. (株式会社日本一ソフトウェア Kabushiki gaisha Nippon Ichi Sofutowea?) é uma desenvolvedora e publicadora de jogos eletrônicos japonesa. É responsável pela publicação de títulos como Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, Phantom Brave, La Pucelle: Tactics and Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure e Prinny: Can I Really Be A Hero?. (pt)
- Nippon Ichi Software, Inc. (株式会社日本一ソフトウェア Kabushiki kaisha Nippon Ichi Sofutowea?) är ett japanskt företag baserat i Gifu prefektur, som utvecklar och ger ut datorspel. Företaget grundades i september 1991, och bytte 1993 namn till Prism Kikaku Ltd.; de bytte tillbaka till Nippon Ichi Software år 1995. De är mest kända för att ha utvecklat strategispelserien . "Nippon ichi" betyder "Japans bästa" eller "Japans nummer ett" på japanska; företagsnamnet förkortas därför ibland till "N1". (sv)
- Nippon Ichi Software, Inc. (яп. 日本一ソフトウェア Nippon Ichi Sofutowea), известен как Prism Kikaku с июля 1993 по июль 1995 — японский разработчик и издатель игр на консоли, таких как Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, , , и . (ru)
- 日本一软件(日本一ソフトウェア,Nippon Ichi Software, Inc.(NIS)),1993年7月至1995年6月间名为稜鏡企划(プリズム企画),是日本电子游戏开发商与发行商。他们的知名作品有《魔界戰記》、《通靈戰士》、《光之圣女传说》和《玛尔王国的人形姬》。拥有北美分公司NIS America,除游戏外也在北美代理发行日本动画作品。 (zh)
- K.K. Nippon Ichi Software (jap. 株式会社日本一ソフトウェア, Kabushiki kaisha Nippon Ichi Sofutowea, engl. Nippon Ichi Software, Inc.) ist ein japanischer Hersteller und Publisher von Videospielen. Wörtlich übersetzt bedeutet der Unternehmensname „Japans Nummer 1“. Bekannt ist Nippon Ichi Software in Europa vor allem für die Disgaea-Reihe. (de)
- Nippon Ichi Software, Inc. (株式会社日本一ソフトウェア, Nippon Ichi Sofutowea, known as Prism Kikaku Ltd. from July 1993 to July 1995) is a Japanese video game developer and publisher. The company was founded in 1991 and has developed several role-playing video games, most notably the Disgaea and Marl Kingdom series. Its mascot is the penguin-like Disgaea character Prinny. (en)
- freebase:Nippon Ichi Software
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- dbpedia-ar:Nippon Ichi Software
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- dbpedia-fr:Nippon Ichi Software
- dbpedia-hu:Nippon Ichi Software
- dbpedia-it:Nippon Ichi Software
- dbpedia-ja:Nippon Ichi Software
- dbpedia-ko:Nippon Ichi Software
- dbpedia-nl:Nippon Ichi Software
- dbpedia-pl:Nippon Ichi Software
- dbpedia-pt:Nippon Ichi Software
- dbpedia-ru:Nippon Ichi Software
- dbpedia-sv:Nippon Ichi Software
- dbpedia-tr:Nippon Ichi Software
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- dbpedia-zh:Nippon Ichi Software
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Cardcaptor_Sakura
- dbr:Prinny:_Can_I_Really_Be_the_Hero?
- dbr:Prinny_2
- dbr:Psycho-Pass
- dbr:List_of_WiiWare_games
- dbr:List_of_Wii_games
- dbr:List_of_anime_companies
- dbr:List_of_cancelled_PlayStation_Portable_video_games
- dbr:List_of_cel-shaded_video_games
- dbr:List_of_crossovers_in_video_games
- dbr:List_of_downloadable_PlayStation_Portable_games
- dbr:List_of_erotic_video_games
- dbr:List_of_fictional_lesbian_characters
- dbr:NIS
- dbr:NISA
- dbr:2021_in_video_games
- dbr:2022_in_video_games
- dbr:2023_in_video_games
- dbr:Black_Rock_Shooter
- dbr:Black_Rock_Shooter:_The_Game
- dbr:Bleach:_Soul_Resurrección
- dbr:Bludgeoning_Angel_Dokuro-chan
- dbr:Bokuhime_Project
- dbr:Brain's_Base
- dbr:Brave_10
- dbr:Devil_Summoner:_Soul_Hackers
- dbr:Anime_Conji
- dbr:Hotaru_no_Nikki
- dbr:House_of_Five_Leaves
- dbr:Hyperdimension_Neptunia:_Producing_Perfection
- dbr:Hyperdimension_Neptunia_mk2
- dbr:List_of_Cardcaptor_Sakura_episodes
- dbr:List_of_Daily_Lives_of_High_School_Boys_episodes
- dbr:List_of_Hyperdimension_Neptunia_characters
- dbr:List_of_Love_Live!_episodes
- dbr:List_of_My_Little_Monster_episodes
- dbr:List_of_Nagi-Asu:_A_Lull_in_the_Sea_episodes
- dbr:List_of_Nintendo_DS_games_(Q–Z)
- dbr:List_of_PlayStation_Vita_games_(I–L)
- dbr:List_of_Working!!_episodes
- dbr:List_of_Xbox_One_games_(A–L)
- dbr:List_of_YuruYuri_episodes
- dbr:List_of_best-selling_Japanese_role-playing_game_franchises
- dbr:Little_Princess:_Marl_Ōkoku_no_Ningyō_Hime_2
- dbr:Persona:_Trinity_Soul
- dbr:Persona_(series)
- dbr:Persona_Q:_Shadow_of_the_Labyrinth
- dbr:Phantom_Brave
- dbr:Rhapsody:_A_Musical_Adventure
- dbr:D.I.C.E._Award_for_Role-Playing_Game_of_the_Year
- dbr:Umineko_When_They_Cry
- dbr:Vanillaware
- dbr:Viral_Survival
- dbr:E3_2014
- dbr:E3_2020
- dbr:List_of_graphic_adventure_games
- dbr:List_of_roguelikes
- dbr:List_of_role-playing_video_games:_2004_to_2005
- dbr:List_of_role-playing_video_games:_2006_to_2007
- dbr:List_of_role-playing_video_games:_2008_to_2009
- dbr:PolyGame_Master
- dbr:Tenpei_Sato
- dbr:Takehito_Harada
- dbr:Compile_Heart
- dbr:Cooking_Fighter_Hao
- dbr:Criminal_Girls:_Invite_Only
- dbr:Criminal_Girls_2:_Party_Favors
- dbr:Cross_Edge
- dbr:Megami_Tensei
- dbr:SNK_Heroines:_Tag_Team_Frenzy
- dbr:Sakura_Wars
- dbr:Sakura_Wars:_So_Long,_My_Love
- dbr:Nisa
- dbr:Monthly_Comic_Avarus
- dbr:Chronicles_of_the_Going_Home_Club
- dbr:Cladun:_This_is_an_RPG
- dbr:Clan_of_Champions
- dbr:Closed_Nightmare
- dbr:El_Shaddai:_Ascension_of_the_Metatron
- dbr:Funimation
- dbr:Game_Freak
- dbr:Gamescom
- dbr:Genshiken
- dbr:Mugen_Souls
- dbr:Musō_Tōrō
- dbr:My_Little_Monster
- dbr:NIS_America
- dbr:Nagi-Asu:_A_Lull_in_the_Sea
- dbr:The_Legend_of_Heroes:_Trails_of_Cold_Steel_III
- dbr:The_Legend_of_Heroes:_Trails_of_Cold_Steel_IV
- dbr:The_Liar_Princess_and_the_Blind_Prince
- dbr:The_Pilot's_Love_Song
- dbr:The_Princess_Guide_(video_game)
- dbr:The_Silver_Case
- dbr:The_Witch_and_the_Hundred_Knight
- dbr:The_Witch_and_the_Hundred_Knight_2
- dbr:2020_in_video_games
- dbr:Aniplex_of_America
- dbr:Anohana
- dbr:Ar_Tonelico_2
- dbr:Ar_Tonelico_Qoga
- dbr:Arakawa_Under_the_Bridge
- dbr:Arc_System_Works
- dbr:Legasista
- dbr:Love_Live!
- dbr:Love_Live!_School_Idol_Project
- dbr:Love_Live!_School_Idol_Project_(TV_series)
- dbr:Love_Live!_The_School_Idol_Movie
- dbr:Mad_Rat_Dead
- dbr:Majyūō
- dbr:Makai_Kingdom:_Chronicles_of_the_Sacred_Tome
- dbr:Makai_Wars
- dbr:Mana_Khemia:_Alchemists_of_Al-Revis
- dbr:Mana_Khemia_2:_Fall_of_Alchemy
- dbr:Suikoden_Tactics
- dbr:Dengeki_G's_Comic
- dbr:Ys_IX:_Monstrum_Nox
- dbr:Ys_VIII:_Lacrimosa_of_Dana
- dbr:YuruYuri
- dbr:Z.H.P._Unlosing_Ranger_VS_Darkdeath_Evilman
- dbr:Z/X
- dbr:Mage_&_Demon_Queen
- dbr:Bandai_Namco_Filmworks
- dbr:Bunny_Drop
- dbr:Cave_Story
- dbr:Toku_(TV_network)
- dbr:Toradora!
- dbr:Trinity_Universe_(video_game)
- dbr:Tristia_of_the_Deep-Blue_Sea
- dbr:Tsunami_Bomb
- dbr:What_Did_I_Do_to_Deserve_This,_My_Lord?_2
- dbr:Criminal_Girls_2
- dbr:7th_Annual_Interactive_Achievement_Awards
- dbr:A_Rose_in_the_Twilight
- dbr:A_Witch's_Tale
- dbr:2006_in_video_games
- dbr:Aedis_Eclipse:_Generation_of_Chaos
- dbr:Akiba's_Trip
- dbr:Culdcept_(video_game)
- dbr:Daily_Lives_of_High_School_Boys
- dbr:Danganronpa
- dbr:Danganronpa_2:_Goodbye_Despair
- dbr:Danganronpa_Another_Episode:_Ultra_Despair_Girls
- dbr:Dragoneer's_Aria
- dbr:Etrian_Odyssey_IV
- dbr:Etrian_Odyssey_Untold:_The_Millennium_Girl
- dbr:Exile_Election
- dbr:FOG_Inc.
- dbr:Nippon_ichi
- dbr:Otome_Yōkai_Zakuro
- dbr:Our_Home's_Fox_Deity
- dbr:Pandora's_Tower
- dbr:Pandora_Hearts
- dbr:Paon_DP
- dbr:Cave_Story_3D
- dbr:List_of_Koei_Tecmo_games
- dbr:List_of_Nintendo_3DS_games
- dbr:List_of_Nintendo_DS_games_(A–C)
- dbr:List_of_Nintendo_DS_games_(D–I)
- dbr:List_of_Nintendo_Switch_games_(0–9_and_A)
- dbr:List_of_Nintendo_Switch_games_(C–G)
- dbr:List_of_Nintendo_Switch_games_(H–P)
- dbr:List_of_Nintendo_Switch_games_(Q–Z)
- dbr:List_of_PS_one_Classics_(Japan)
- dbr:List_of_PS_one_Classics_(North_America)
- dbr:List_of_PlayStation_2_Classics_for_PlayStation_3
- dbr:List_of_PlayStation_2_games_(A–K)
- dbr:List_of_PlayStation_2_games_(L–Z)
- dbr:List_of_PlayStation_3_games_(A–C)
- dbr:List_of_PlayStation_3_games_(D–I)
- dbr:List_of_PlayStation_3_games_(J–P)
- dbr:List_of_PlayStation_3_games_(Q–Z)
- dbr:List_of_PlayStation_4_games_(A–L)
- dbr:List_of_PlayStation_4_games_(M–Z)
- dbr:List_of_PlayStation_5_games
- dbr:List_of_PlayStation_Home_Game_Spaces
- dbr:List_of_PlayStation_Portable_games
- dbr:List_of_PlayStation_Vita_games_(A–D)
- dbr:List_of_PlayStation_Vita_games_(E–H)
- dbr:List_of_PlayStation_Vita_games_(M–O)
- dbr:List_of_PlayStation_Vita_games_(P–R)
- dbr:List_of_PlayStation_Vita_games_(S)
- dbr:List_of_PlayStation_Vita_games_(T–V)
- dbr:List_of_PlayStation_Vita_games_(W–Z)
- dbr:List_of_PlayStation_games_(A–L)
- dbr:List_of_PlayStation_games_(M–Z)
- dbr:List_of_THQ_games
- dbr:Video_game_publisher
- dbr:GrimGrimoire
- dbr:Ground_Control_to_Psychoelectric_Girl
- dbr:Hakoniwa_Company_Works
- dbr:Hanasaku_Iroha
- dbr:Hero_Must_Die
- dbr:Jaleco
- dbr:The_25th_Ward:_The_Silver_Case
- dbr:The_Eccentric_Family
- dbr:The_Everyday_Tales_of_a_Cat_God
- dbr:The_Guided_Fate_Paradox
- dbr:2018_in_video_games
- dbr:2019_in_video_games
- dbr:Atelier_(video_game_series)
- dbr:Atelier_Iris:_Eternal_Mana
- dbr:Atelier_Iris_2:_The_Azoth_of_Destiny
- dbr:Atelier_Iris_3:_Grand_Phantasm
- dbr:Atelier_Meruru:_The_Apprentice_of_Arland
- dbr:Atelier_Rorona:_The_Alchemist_of_Arland
- dbr:Atelier_Totori:_The_Adventurer_of_Arland
- dbr:Atlus
- dbr:Atlus_USA
- dbr:Kakamigahara
- dbr:Kamigami_no_Asobi
- dbr:Kanon_(video_game)
- dbr:Katanagatari
- dbr:Killer7
- dbr:Kimi_ni_Todoke
- dbr:La_Pucelle:_Tactics
- dbr:Labyrinth_of_Refrain:_Coven_of_Dusk
- dbr:Last_Rebellion
- dbr:Discotek_Media
- dbr:Disgaea
- dbr:Disgaea:_Hour_of_Darkness
- dbr:Disgaea_2
- dbr:Disgaea_3
- dbr:Disgaea_4
- dbr:Disgaea_5
- dbr:Disgaea_6:_Defiance_of_Destiny
- dbr:Disgaea_D2:_A_Brighter_Darkness
- dbr:Disgaea_Infinite
- dbr:Disgaea_RPG
- dbr:Dororon_Enma-kun
- dbr:Pieces_(video_game)
- dbr:Poison_Control
- dbr:Soul_Nomad_&_the_World_Eaters
- dbr:Idea_Factory
- dbr:If_Her_Flag_Breaks
- dbr:Kotoura-san
- dbr:Natsume's_Book_of_Friends
- dbr:Nyaruko:_Crawling_with_Love
- dbr:Occult_Academy
- dbr:Odin_Sphere
- dbr:Onechanbara_Z2:_Chaos
- dbr:Operation_Rainfall
- dbr:Working!!
- dbr:Yomawari:_Midnight_Shadows
- dbr:Yomawari:_Night_Alone
- dbr:Yonder:_The_Cloud_Catcher_Chronicles
- dbr:Kinu_Nishimura
- dbr:Marl_Kingdom
- dbr:Etna_(Disgaea)
- dbr:List_of_tactical_role-playing_video_games:_2000_to_2004
- dbr:List_of_tactical_role-playing_video_games:_2010_to_2019
- dbr:List_of_video_game_developers
- dbr:List_of_video_game_publishers
- dbr:PhyreEngine
- dbr:List_of_Nintendo_Switch_games_(B)
- dbr:Television_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Harada_Takehito
- dbr:Haradaya
- dbr:Anata_no_Shikihime_Kyouikutan
- dbr:Prism_Kikaku
- dbr:Prism_Kikaku_Ltd.
- dbr:Process_of_Elimination_(video_game)
- dbr:Cadavers_for_Dinner
- dbr:Nippon_Ichi
- dbr:Nippon_Ichi_Software_America
- dbr:Nippon_ichi_software_america