Operation Masher (original) (raw)

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Die Operation Masher (Operation „Weiberheld“) war eine großangelegte Such- und Zerstörungsoperation (Search and Destroy) der US Army, südvietnamesischer und südkoreanischer Truppen, die während des Vietnamkriegs vom 28. Januar bis zum 6. März 1966 in der vietnamesischen Provinz Bình Định stattfand. Später wurde die Operation mit dem anstößigen Namen Masher in White Wing umbenannt.Das Operationsgebiet lag in der Hochebene von , dem Tal und Tal. Der 1. US-Kavalleriedivision (luftbeweglich) gelang es die und die in dem Dschungelgebiet aufzuspüren und beiden eine schwere Niederlage zuzufügen.


Property Value
dbo:abstract Die Operation Masher (Operation „Weiberheld“) war eine großangelegte Such- und Zerstörungsoperation (Search and Destroy) der US Army, südvietnamesischer und südkoreanischer Truppen, die während des Vietnamkriegs vom 28. Januar bis zum 6. März 1966 in der vietnamesischen Provinz Bình Định stattfand. Später wurde die Operation mit dem anstößigen Namen Masher in White Wing umbenannt.Das Operationsgebiet lag in der Hochebene von , dem Tal und Tal. Der 1. US-Kavalleriedivision (luftbeweglich) gelang es die und die in dem Dschungelgebiet aufzuspüren und beiden eine schwere Niederlage zuzufügen. Kommunistische Kräfte wurden in der sogenannten Sao Vang („Goldstern“) Division zusammengefasst.Während der Operation White Wing kam ein mit Artilleriegranaten verschossenes Halluzinogen namens 3-Chinuclidinylbenzilat zum Einsatz, welches ähnlich wie LSD den Vietcong in Rauschzustände versetzen und dadurch kampfunfähig machen sollte. 1352 Luftangriffe luden 1,5 Millionen Pfund Bomben ab, davon waren 292.000 Pfund Napalm. Durch die aggressiven Militäreinsätze mussten 1884 Dorfbewohner aus ihrer angestammten Region fliehen. Die Befriedung der eroberten Gebiete übernahm die südkoreanische Tiger-Division, die aus den Lehren des Koreakrieges nicht an die „Umerziehung“ von Kommunisten glaubte und bei der Landbevölkerung wegen ihrer Brutalität sehr gefürchtet war. Im Einsatzgebiet der südkoreanischen Tiger-Infanteristen nahm der Feindwiderstand stark ab. (de) Operation Masher (24 January—6 March 1966) was in early 1966 the largest search and destroy mission that had been carried out in the Vietnam War up until that time. It was a combined mission of the United States Army, Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN), and Republic of Korea Army (ROK) in Bình Định Province on the central coast of South Vietnam. The People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) 3rd Division, made up of two regiments of North Vietnamese regulars and one regiment of main force Viet Cong (VC) guerrillas, controlled much of the land and many of the people of Bình Định Province, which had a total population of about 800,000. A CIA report in 1965 said that Binh Dinh was "just about lost" to the communists. The name "Operation Masher" was changed to "Operation White Wing", because President Lyndon Johnson wanted the name changed to one that sounded more benign. Adjacent to the operational area of Masher/White Wing in Quang Ngai province the U.S. and South Vietnamese Marine Corps carried out a complementary mission called Operation Double Eagle. The 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) was the principal U.S. ground force involved in Operation Masher and that operation was marked as a success by its commanders. Claims are made that the PAVN 3rd Division had been dealt a hard blow, but intelligence reports indicated that a week after the withdrawal of the 1st Cavalry PAVN soldiers were returning to take control of the area where Operation Masher had taken place. Most of the PAVN/VC had slipped away prior to or during the operation, and discrepancy between weapons recovered and body count led to criticisms of the operation. Allegations that there were a reported six civilian casualties for every reported PAVN/VC casualty during the Fulbright Hearings prompted growing criticism of US conduct of the war and contributed to greater public dissension at home. During Operation Masher, the ROK Capital Division were alleged to have committed the Bình An/Tây Vinh massacre between 12 February and March 17 1966, in which over 1,000 civilians were allegedly killed. The operation would create almost 125,000 homeless people in this province, and the PAVN/VC forces would reappear just months after the US had conducted the operation. (en) L'operazione Masher fu la prima grande operazione di "Individuazione e distruzione" (Search and Destroy) sferrata dalle forze da combattimento dell'Esercito americano nel 1966, durante la Guerra del Vietnam; l'obiettivo dell'operazione, ridenominata più tardi, su richiesta dello stesso presidente Johnson, operazione White Wing, per evitare il termine Masher (schiacciapatate) considerato troppo brutale, e condotta in collaborazione con alcuni reparti sudvietnamiti e sudcoreani, consisteva nel rastrellamento della valle di , nella provincia di Binh Dinh (nella regione costiera centrale del Vietnam del Sud), e nella distruzione dei consistenti reparti vietcong e nordvietnamiti presenti nell'area (tra cui la 3ª Divisione Nord-Vietnamita). I reparti impegnati appartenevano principalmente alla 1ª Divisione di cavalleria aerea (già veterana della battaglia di Ia Drang del novembre 1965), e ad alcuni battaglioni di Marines provenienti dalla I Regione militare più a nord; dopo 42 giorni di duri combattimenti, gli americani, grazie alla loro superiore potenza di fuoco ed al massiccio impiego della mobilità aerea fornita dagli elicotteri, ottennero rilevanti successi sul campo (a costo di serie perdite), che peraltro si rivelarono di breve durata a causa dell'incapacità delle forze sudvietnamite di presidiare saldamente la regione, e alle notevoli capacità di ripresa del nemico. (it) «Мэ́шер / Уайт Уинг» (англ. Masher/White Wing — «Давилка / Белое крыло») — военная операция, проведённая вооружёнными силами США и их союзников в 1966 году во время Вьетнамской войны. Основная роль отводилась 3-й бригаде 1-й кавалерийской (аэромобильной) дивизии США, которая к этому времени восполнила тяжёлые потери, понесённые два месяца назад в ходе битвы в долине Йа-Дранг. Схема боевых действий отличалась большой сложностью, так как предусматривала координацию действий подразделений Армии США, Корпуса морской пехоты США, Армии Республики Вьетнам и Армии Республики Корея. Предполагалось окружить и уничтожить 3-ю дивизию Северного Вьетнама на границе между провинциями Биньдинь и Куангнгай, которая одновременно являлась границей между тактическими зонами I и II корпусов Южного Вьетнама. Операция продолжалась с 28 января по 6 марта 1966 года. Единственное крупное столкновение с противником произошло в её первые дни в посадочной зоне 4 (LZ 4) возле деревни Куньи. В феврале боевые действия переместились в долины Кимсон и Анлао и приняли характер небольших ожесточённых стычек. Тогда же название операции было заменено на «White Wing» («Белое крыло»). На момент своего проведения операция «Masher»/«White Wing» была крупнейшей военной операцией сил союзников с начала Вьетнамской войны. Интересно отметить, что в составе 1-й кавалерийской дивизии в ней принимали участие те же самые подразделения, которые сражались перед этим в долине Йа-Дранг. (ru)
dbo:causalties unknown 10 killed 40 wounded 288 killed 990 wounded PAVN claim: 2,000+ killed, wounded or captured:chapter 4
dbo:combatant Viet Cong
dbo:commander dbr:Giap_Van_Cuong dbr:Hal_Moore dbr:Harry_Kinnard
dbo:date 1966-03-06 (xsd:date)
dbo:isPartOfMilitaryConflict dbr:Vietnam_War
dbo:place dbr:Bình_Định_Province dbr:Bồng_Sơn dbr:South_Vietnam dbr:An_Lão_District,_Bình_Định
dbo:result Allied operational success PAVN/VC claim they evaded operation
dbo:strength unknown 5,700 ~10,000 ~6,000 (US estimate)
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dbo:wikiPageWikiLink dbr:Camp_Radcliff dbr:Capital_Mechanized_Infantry_Division dbr:Robert_McDade dbr:Battle_of_Ia_Drang dbr:Boeing_B-52_Stratofortress dbr:Boeing_CH-47_Chinook dbr:Ho_Chi_Minh_Trail dbr:People's_Army_of_Vietnam dbr:Republic_of_Korea_Army dbr:Republic_of_Vietnam_Airborne_Division dbr:Republic_of_Vietnam_Marine_Division dbr:United_States_Army dbr:United_States_Marine_Corps dbr:Bình_Định_Province dbr:Viet_Cong dbr:Vietnam_War dbr:Capital_Mechanized_Infantry_Division_(Republic_of_Korea) dbr:Quang_Ngai dbr:12th_Cavalry_Regiment dbr:Colonel_(United_States) dbr:Saigon dbr:Chieu_Hoi dbr:Quảng_Ngãi_Province dbr:The_Wall_Street_Journal dbc:Battles_and_operations_of_the_Vietnam_War_in_1966 dbc:Battles_of_the_Vietnam_War_involving_South_Korea dbc:History_of_Bình_Định_province dbr:Lieutenant_colonel_(United_States) dbr:Siege_of_Plei_Me dbr:Fulbright_Hearings dbr:Giap_Van_Cuong dbr:Tear_gas dbr:1st_Cavalry_Division_(United_States) dbc:1966_in_Vietnam dbc:Conflicts_in_1966 dbc:January_1966_events_in_Asia dbc:March_1966_events_in_Asia dbr:Bồng_Sơn dbr:CIA dbc:Battles_of_the_Vietnam_War_involving_the_United_States dbc:February_1966_events_in_Asia dbr:William_Westmoreland dbr:Project_DELTA dbr:22nd_Division_(South_Vietnam) dbr:2nd_Division_(South_Vietnam) dbr:3-Quinuclidinyl_benzilate dbr:3rd_Brigade_Combat_Team,_1st_Cavalry_Division dbr:3rd_Division_(Vietnam) dbr:5th_Cavalry_Regiment dbr:77th_Field_Artillery_Regiment dbr:7th_Cavalry_Regiment dbr:8th_Cavalry_Regiment dbr:An_Lão_District,_Bình_Định_Province dbr:2nd_Brigade_Combat_Team,_1st_Cavalry_Division_(United_States) dbc:Chemical_warfare dbc:Incapacitating_agents dbr:Fairchild_C-123_Provider dbr:Firebase_Bird dbr:1st_Brigade_Combat_Team,_1st_Cavalry_Division_(United_States) dbr:Hal_Moore dbr:Harry_Kinnard dbr:Iron_Triangle_(Vietnam) dbr:Army_of_the_Republic_of_Vietnam dbr:Charles_Alvin_Beckwith dbr:L'Express dbr:Landing_Zone_English dbr:Douglas_A-1_Skyraider dbr:Douglas_AC-47_Spooky dbr:Bình_An/Tây_Vinh_massacre dbr:Phu_Cat_Airport dbr:South_China_Sea dbr:South_Vietnam dbr:Free-fire_zone dbr:I_Corps_(South_Vietnam) dbr:National_Route_1_(Vietnam) dbr:Operation_Crazy_Horse dbr:Operation_Double_Eagle dbr:Operation_Thayer dbr:Search_and_destroy dbr:Vietnam_War_body_count_controversy dbr:Lyndon_Johnson dbr:An_Lão_District,_Bình_Định dbr:File:1st_Cavalry_troops_deploy_from_CH-47,_Operation_Masher,_February_1966.jpg dbr:File:A186719.jpg dbr:File:Cavalrymen_engage_VC_bunker,_Operation_Masher,_27_January_1966.jpg dbr:File:LZ_Pony,_April_1967.png dbr:File:Viet-huey.jpg dbr:Victor_Krulak dbr:United_States_Special_Forces dbr:File:1st_Cavalry_Division_deploys,_Operation_Masher,_January_1966.jpg dbr:Operation_Flying_Tiger
dbp:caption Map of operational area (en)
dbp:casualties 10 (xsd:integer) 40 (xsd:integer) 254 (xsd:integer) 288 (xsd:integer) 300 (xsd:integer) 500 (xsd:integer) 990 (xsd:integer) 1746 (xsd:integer) 2150 (xsd:integer) unknown (en) Unknown number of civilian casualties, reportedly 10,000+ (en) PAVN claim: 2,000+ killed, wounded or captured:chapter 4 (en) US body count: (en)
dbp:combatant Viet Cong (en)
dbp:commander Hal Moore (en) Harry Kinnard (en) Giap Van Cuong (en) Elvy B. Roberts (en) William R. Lynch (en)
dbp:conflict Operation Masher/White Wing (en)
dbp:date 0001-01-24 (xsd:gMonthDay)
dbp:id gov.dod.dimoc.26961 (en)
dbp:name STAFF FILM REPORT 66-12A (en)
dbp:partof the Vietnam War (en)
dbp:place Bồng Sơn Plain, Kim Sơn Valley, An Lão Valley, Bình Định Province, South Vietnam (en)
dbp:result Allied operational success (en) PAVN/VC claim they evaded operation (en)
dbp:strength 5700 (xsd:integer) unknown (en) ~10,000 (en) ~6,000 (en)
dbp:units 1 (xsd:integer) 3 (xsd:integer) 22 (xsd:integer) Capital Division (en)
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rdf:type owl:Thing schema:Event dul:Event dbo:SocietalEvent wikidata:Q1656682 yago:WikicatBattlesAndOperationsOfTheVietnamWar yago:WikicatBattlesAndOperationsOfTheVietnamWarIn1966 yago:WikicatBattlesInvolvingSouthKorea yago:WikicatBattlesInvolvingTheUnitedStates yago:WikicatBattlesInvolvingVietnam yago:WikicatConflictsIn1966 geo:SpatialThing yago:Abstraction100002137 yago:Act100030358 yago:Battle100953559 yago:Conflict100958896 yago:Event100029378 yago:GroupAction101080366 yago:MilitaryAction100952963 yago:PsychologicalFeature100023100 yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity dbo:Event dbo:MilitaryConflict umbel-rc:ConflictEvent umbel-rc:Event
rdfs:comment Die Operation Masher (Operation „Weiberheld“) war eine großangelegte Such- und Zerstörungsoperation (Search and Destroy) der US Army, südvietnamesischer und südkoreanischer Truppen, die während des Vietnamkriegs vom 28. Januar bis zum 6. März 1966 in der vietnamesischen Provinz Bình Định stattfand. Später wurde die Operation mit dem anstößigen Namen Masher in White Wing umbenannt.Das Operationsgebiet lag in der Hochebene von , dem Tal und Tal. Der 1. US-Kavalleriedivision (luftbeweglich) gelang es die und die in dem Dschungelgebiet aufzuspüren und beiden eine schwere Niederlage zuzufügen. (de) Operation Masher (24 January—6 March 1966) was in early 1966 the largest search and destroy mission that had been carried out in the Vietnam War up until that time. It was a combined mission of the United States Army, Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN), and Republic of Korea Army (ROK) in Bình Định Province on the central coast of South Vietnam. The People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) 3rd Division, made up of two regiments of North Vietnamese regulars and one regiment of main force Viet Cong (VC) guerrillas, controlled much of the land and many of the people of Bình Định Province, which had a total population of about 800,000. A CIA report in 1965 said that Binh Dinh was "just about lost" to the communists. (en) L'operazione Masher fu la prima grande operazione di "Individuazione e distruzione" (Search and Destroy) sferrata dalle forze da combattimento dell'Esercito americano nel 1966, durante la Guerra del Vietnam; l'obiettivo dell'operazione, ridenominata più tardi, su richiesta dello stesso presidente Johnson, operazione White Wing, per evitare il termine Masher (schiacciapatate) considerato troppo brutale, e condotta in collaborazione con alcuni reparti sudvietnamiti e sudcoreani, consisteva nel rastrellamento della valle di , nella provincia di Binh Dinh (nella regione costiera centrale del Vietnam del Sud), e nella distruzione dei consistenti reparti vietcong e nordvietnamiti presenti nell'area (tra cui la 3ª Divisione Nord-Vietnamita). (it) «Мэ́шер / Уайт Уинг» (англ. Masher/White Wing — «Давилка / Белое крыло») — военная операция, проведённая вооружёнными силами США и их союзников в 1966 году во время Вьетнамской войны. Основная роль отводилась 3-й бригаде 1-й кавалерийской (аэромобильной) дивизии США, которая к этому времени восполнила тяжёлые потери, понесённые два месяца назад в ходе битвы в долине Йа-Дранг. Схема боевых действий отличалась большой сложностью, так как предусматривала координацию действий подразделений Армии США, Корпуса морской пехоты США, Армии Республики Вьетнам и Армии Республики Корея. Предполагалось окружить и уничтожить 3-ю дивизию Северного Вьетнама на границе между провинциями Биньдинь и Куангнгай, которая одновременно являлась границей между тактическими зонами I и II корпусов Южного Вьетнама. (ru)
rdfs:label Operation Masher (de) Operazione Masher (it) Operation Masher (en) Операция «Мэшер / Уайт Уинг» (ru)
owl:sameAs freebase:Operation Masher yago-res:Operation Masher wikidata:Operation Masher dbpedia-de:Operation Masher dbpedia-it:Operation Masher dbpedia-ru:Operation Masher dbpedia-vi:Operation Masher https://global.dbpedia.org/id/4sEpL
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