Quincy Market (original) (raw)
- Quincy Market ist ein Marktkomplex und ein historisches Gebäude in der Innenstadt von Boston im US-Bundesstaat Massachusetts. Es wurde 1824–1826 aufgebaut und nach dem Bürgermeister Josiah Quincy benannt, der den Aufbau ohne Verwendung von Steuern und ohne Aufnahme von Krediten organisierte. (de)
- Quincy Market est un bâtiment historique du Freedom Trail abritant les anciennes halles de la ville de Boston dans le Massachusetts. Il fut construit entre 1824 et 1826 et baptisé en l'honneur du maire (en). Chaque année plus de 15 millions de personnes le fréquentent, en faisant ainsi l'un des endroits les plus animés de Boston. On y trouve une aire de restauration (nombreux restaurants dont l'ensemble offre des cuisines très variées). (fr)
- Quincy Market is a historic building near Faneuil Hall in downtown Boston, Massachusetts. It was constructed between 1824 and 1826 and named in honor of mayor Josiah Quincy, who organized its construction without any tax or debt. The market is a designated National Historic Landmark and a designated Boston Landmark in 1996, significant as one of the largest market complexes built in the United States in the first half of the 19th century. According to the National Park Service, some of Boston's early slave auctions took place near what is now Quincy Market. As the central building of Faneuil Hall Marketplace, Quincy Market is often used metonymically for the entire development. By the mid-20th century it was badly in need of repair, and it was redeveloped into a public shopping and restaurant area in the early 1970s and re-opened in 1976. Today, this includes the original Quincy Market buildings, the later North Market and South Market buildings that flank the main Quincy Market, the historic Faneuil Hall lying at the west end, and two smaller curved buildings, added later to the eastern end. (en)
- クインシー・マーケット(Quincy Market)は、アメリカ合衆国マサチューセッツ州ボストン市中心部に位置する歴史的建造物。1824年から2年の歳月を費やして建設された。名称は当時の市長であったから採られた。クインシーは建設にあたって、増税や市債の発行を一切行なうことなくその費用を調達した。19世紀前半に建てられた、当時全米最大のショッピング施設の1つとしてアメリカ合衆国国定歴史建造物に認定された。 なお、Quincyは本来は「クインシー」ではなく、「クインジ-」と発音されるが、日本語では「クインシー」と表記することが慣例となっている。従って本項目においても「クインシー」という表記を用いる。 (ja)
- 퀸시 마켓(영어: Quincy Market)은 미국 매사추세츠주 보스턴 시내 중심가에 위치한 역사적인 건물이다. 1824년부터 2년간 건설되었다. 이름은 당시 시장이었던 에서 따왔다. (ko)
- 昆西市场(Quincy Market)是一个历史悠久的市场建筑,位于美国波士顿市中心法尼尔厅附近。它建于1824-26年,以领导市场建设,不征税、不欠债的市长约西亚·昆西命名。昆西市场是19世纪上半叶美国最大的市场建筑之一。 昆西市场由亚历山大·帕里斯设计,售卖各种商品。 昆西市场是一座长方形建筑,高二层,长535英尺(163米),占地面积27,000平方英尺(2,500平方米)。主楼两侧为四层半的砖石建筑,称为北市场和南市场。 1966年,整个建筑群列为国家历史地标,并列入国家史迹名录。 (zh)
- 66000784
- http://www.quincy-market.com/
- https://www.cityofboston.gov/images_documents/Quincy%20Market%20Study%20Report%20%23%20177_tcm3-20784.pdf
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=s4QUAAAAYAAJ
- https://www.cityofboston.gov/landmarks/publications/
- 1224574 (xsd:integer)
- 10008 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
- 1112046449 (xsd:integer)
- dbc:1826_establishments_in_Massachusetts
- dbr:National_Historic_Landmark
- dbr:Josiah_Quincy_III
- dbr:List_of_National_Historic_Landmarks_in_Boston
- dbr:Doric_order
- dbr:Downtown_Boston
- dbr:Pediment
- dbc:Government_Center,_Boston
- dbc:Food_markets_in_the_United_States
- dbc:Commercial_buildings_completed_in_1826
- dbc:Buildings_and_structures_in_Boston
- dbr:Harleston_Parker_Medal
- dbc:Busking_venues
- dbc:Commercial_buildings_on_the_National_R...r_of_Historic_Places_in_Massachusetts
- dbc:National_Historic_Landmarks_in_Boston
- dbc:National_Register_of_Historic_Places_in_Boston
- dbr:Landfill
- dbr:Alexander_Parris
- dbr:Faneuil_Hall
- dbr:Granite
- dbc:Landmarks_in_Boston
- dbr:Gridley_J._F._Bryant
- dbc:Shopping_malls_in_Massachusetts
- dbr:Boston,_Massachusetts
- dbr:Boston_Landmark
- dbr:Boston_Landmarks_Commission
- dbr:Festival_marketplace
- dbr:Metonymy
- dbr:National_Register_of_Historic_Places
- dbr:Cast_iron
- dbr:The_Rouse_Company
- dbr:Roman_architecture
- dbr:Twenty-five_Year_Award
- dbr:National_Register_of_Historic_Places_listings_in_northern_Boston,_Massachusetts
- dbr:Post-and-beam
- dbr:Rouse_Company
- dbr:Faneuil_Hall_Marketplace
- dbr:Benjamin_Thompson_and_Associates
- dbr:File:2350730045_QuincyMarket.jpg
- dbr:File:Dome_of_Quincy_Market.JPG
- dbr:File:Quincy_Market_from_Custom_House.jpg
- dbr:File:Quincy_Market_panoramic.jpg
- dbr:File:USA-South_Market.jpg
- 1825-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
- 1966-11-13 (xsd:date)
- Greek Revival (en)
- 1825 (xsd:integer)
- Quincy Market, east side, 1987 (en)
- 1966-11-13 (xsd:date)
- Boston#Massachusetts#USA (en)
- Quincy Market (en)
- nhl (en)
- 66000784 (xsd:integer)
- dbt:Commons_category
- dbt:Convert
- dbt:Coord
- dbt:Frac
- dbt:Infobox_NRHP
- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:Short_description
- dbt:National_Register_of_Historic_Places_in_Massachusetts
- dbc:1826_establishments_in_Massachusetts
- dbc:Government_Center,_Boston
- dbc:Food_markets_in_the_United_States
- dbc:Commercial_buildings_completed_in_1826
- dbc:Buildings_and_structures_in_Boston
- dbc:Busking_venues
- dbc:Commercial_buildings_on_the_National_R...r_of_Historic_Places_in_Massachusetts
- dbc:National_Historic_Landmarks_in_Boston
- dbc:National_Register_of_Historic_Places_in_Boston
- dbc:Landmarks_in_Boston
- dbc:Shopping_malls_in_Massachusetts
- 42.36 -71.055
- owl:Thing
- dbo:Place
- wikidata:Q41176
- yago:WikicatBuskingVenues
- yago:WikicatLandmarksInBoston,Massachusetts
- yago:WikicatNationalHistoricLandmarksInMassachusetts
- geo:SpatialThing
- yago:WikicatShoppingMallsInMassachusetts
- yago:WikicatShoppingMallsInTheUnitedStates
- dbo:ArchitecturalStructure
- yago:Area108497294
- yago:Artifact100021939
- yago:Establishment103297735
- yago:GroceryStore103461385
- yago:Landmark108624891
- yago:Location100027167
- yago:Marketplace103722288
- yago:Memorial103743902
- yago:MercantileEstablishment103748162
- yago:Object100002684
- yago:PhysicalEntity100001930
- yago:PlaceOfBusiness103953020
- yago:Plaza103965456
- yago:Point108620061
- yago:Position108621598
- yago:Region108630985
- yago:YagoGeoEntity
- yago:YagoLegalActorGeo
- yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity
- dbo:Building
- yago:Scene108645963
- yago:Structure104341686
- yago:Venue108677628
- yago:Whole100003553
- yago:WikicatFoodMarketsInTheUnitedStates
- Quincy Market ist ein Marktkomplex und ein historisches Gebäude in der Innenstadt von Boston im US-Bundesstaat Massachusetts. Es wurde 1824–1826 aufgebaut und nach dem Bürgermeister Josiah Quincy benannt, der den Aufbau ohne Verwendung von Steuern und ohne Aufnahme von Krediten organisierte. (de)
- Quincy Market est un bâtiment historique du Freedom Trail abritant les anciennes halles de la ville de Boston dans le Massachusetts. Il fut construit entre 1824 et 1826 et baptisé en l'honneur du maire (en). Chaque année plus de 15 millions de personnes le fréquentent, en faisant ainsi l'un des endroits les plus animés de Boston. On y trouve une aire de restauration (nombreux restaurants dont l'ensemble offre des cuisines très variées). (fr)
- クインシー・マーケット(Quincy Market)は、アメリカ合衆国マサチューセッツ州ボストン市中心部に位置する歴史的建造物。1824年から2年の歳月を費やして建設された。名称は当時の市長であったから採られた。クインシーは建設にあたって、増税や市債の発行を一切行なうことなくその費用を調達した。19世紀前半に建てられた、当時全米最大のショッピング施設の1つとしてアメリカ合衆国国定歴史建造物に認定された。 なお、Quincyは本来は「クインシー」ではなく、「クインジ-」と発音されるが、日本語では「クインシー」と表記することが慣例となっている。従って本項目においても「クインシー」という表記を用いる。 (ja)
- 퀸시 마켓(영어: Quincy Market)은 미국 매사추세츠주 보스턴 시내 중심가에 위치한 역사적인 건물이다. 1824년부터 2년간 건설되었다. 이름은 당시 시장이었던 에서 따왔다. (ko)
- 昆西市场(Quincy Market)是一个历史悠久的市场建筑,位于美国波士顿市中心法尼尔厅附近。它建于1824-26年,以领导市场建设,不征税、不欠债的市长约西亚·昆西命名。昆西市场是19世纪上半叶美国最大的市场建筑之一。 昆西市场由亚历山大·帕里斯设计,售卖各种商品。 昆西市场是一座长方形建筑,高二层,长535英尺(163米),占地面积27,000平方英尺(2,500平方米)。主楼两侧为四层半的砖石建筑,称为北市场和南市场。 1966年,整个建筑群列为国家历史地标,并列入国家史迹名录。 (zh)
- Quincy Market is a historic building near Faneuil Hall in downtown Boston, Massachusetts. It was constructed between 1824 and 1826 and named in honor of mayor Josiah Quincy, who organized its construction without any tax or debt. The market is a designated National Historic Landmark and a designated Boston Landmark in 1996, significant as one of the largest market complexes built in the United States in the first half of the 19th century. According to the National Park Service, some of Boston's early slave auctions took place near what is now Quincy Market. (en)
- Quincy Market (de)
- Quincy Market (fr)
- 퀸시 마켓 (ko)
- クインシー・マーケット (ja)
- Quincy Market (en)
- 昆西市场 (zh)
- freebase:Quincy Market
- yago-res:Quincy Market
- wikidata:Quincy Market
- geodata:Quincy Market
- dbpedia-de:Quincy Market
- dbpedia-fr:Quincy Market
- dbpedia-ja:Quincy Market
- dbpedia-ko:Quincy Market
- dbpedia-zh:Quincy Market
- https://global.dbpedia.org/id/54QhD
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- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/2350730045_QuincyMarket.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Dome_of_Quincy_Market.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Quincy_Market_from_Custom_House.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Quincy_Market_panoramic.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Quincy_Market_south-east_sides.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/USA-South_Market.jpg
- Quincy Market (en)
is dbo:significantBuilding of
is dbo:wikiPageDisambiguates of
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Camp_Canadensis
- dbr:Sarah_Josepha_Hale
- dbr:Merchants_Row_(Boston)
- dbr:Poultry_show
- dbr:Benjamin_Thompson_(architect)
- dbr:Blackstone_Block_Historic_District
- dbr:Boston_City_Hall
- dbr:Boston_Public_Market
- dbr:Josiah_Quincy_III
- dbr:Culture_in_Boston
- dbr:Downtown_Boston
- dbr:List_of_public_art_in_Boston
- dbr:North_End_Parks
- dbr:North_Street_(Boston)
- dbr:Massachusetts_Horticultural_Society
- dbr:Mathias_J._DeVito
- dbr:Matinicus_Rock_Light
- dbr:Ryanhood
- dbr:Sabrina_the_Teenage_Witch_(1996_TV_series)
- dbr:William_J._Galvin
- dbr:City_Market_(Charleston,_South_Carolina)
- dbr:Fulton-Commercial_Streets_District
- dbr:Long_Wharf_(Boston)
- dbr:Statue_of_Red_Auerbach
- dbr:Massachusetts_Charitable_Mechanic_Association
- dbr:Cathedral_Church_of_St._Paul_(Boston)
- dbr:Timeline_of_Boston
- dbr:Watertown_Arsenal
- dbr:When_Stand_Up_Stood_Out
- dbr:Wilbur_Theatre
- dbr:Seacourt_Pavilion
- dbr:Albert_Augustus_Pope
- dbr:Alexander_Parris
- dbr:Alvan_Fisher
- dbr:Durgin-Park
- dbr:Faneuil_Hall
- dbr:North_End,_Boston
- dbr:Edward_J._Logue
- dbr:Government_Center,_Boston
- dbr:Quincy
- dbr:Quincy_political_family
- dbr:Haymarket_(Boston)
- dbr:Henry_L._Pierce
- dbr:James_Rouse
- dbr:The_Bachelorette_(American_season_15)
- dbr:Pedestrian_malls_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Asher_Benjamin
- dbr:Au_Bon_Pain
- dbr:Abram_French
- dbr:Charles_Adams-Woodbury_Locke_House
- dbr:Kevin_White_(politician)
- dbr:Wollaston_(Quincy,_Massachusetts)
- dbr:St._Joseph_Catholic_Church_(Boston,_Massachusetts)
- dbr:The_Bostonian_Society
- dbr:Boston_Harborwalk
- dbr:Boston_Landmark
- dbr:Phillips_Academy
- dbr:Financial_District,_Boston
- dbr:The_Boston_Museum
- dbr:List_of_tourist_attractions_in_Boston
- dbr:Robert_J._Dolan_(politician)
is dbp:significantBuildings of
is foaf:primaryTopic of