Richard Hawes (original) (raw)

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Richard Hawes (* 6. Februar 1797 in , Caroline County, Virginia; † 25. Mai 1877 in Paris, Kentucky) war ein US-amerikanischer Politiker. Zwischen 1837 und 1841 vertrat er den Bundesstaat Kentucky im US-Repräsentantenhaus. Außerdem war er zwischen 1862 und 1865 konföderierter Gouverneur von Kentucky.


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dbo:abstract Richard Hawes (* 6. Februar 1797 in , Caroline County, Virginia; † 25. Mai 1877 in Paris, Kentucky) war ein US-amerikanischer Politiker. Zwischen 1837 und 1841 vertrat er den Bundesstaat Kentucky im US-Repräsentantenhaus. Außerdem war er zwischen 1862 und 1865 konföderierter Gouverneur von Kentucky. (de) ريتشارد هاوس هو قاضي ومحامي وسياسي أمريكي، ولد في 6 فبراير 1797 في بولينج غرين في الولايات المتحدة، وتوفي في 25 مايو 1877 في باريس في الولايات المتحدة. نشط حزبياً في حزب اليمين والحزب الديمقراطي. وقد انتخب عضو مجلس النواب الأمريكي ‏. (ar) Richard Hawes (6 février 1797 - 25 mai 1877) était un homme politique américain qui fut représentant à la Chambre des représentants des États-Unis de 1837 à 1841 et le second gouverneur confédéré du Kentucky entre 1862 et 1865. Il fut membre du parti Parti whig puis du Parti démocrate. (fr) Richard Hawes Jr. (February 6, 1797 – May 25, 1877) was a United States representative from Kentucky and the second Confederate Governor of Kentucky. He was part of the politically influential Hawes family. His brother, uncle, and cousin also served as U.S. Representatives, and his grandson Harry B. Hawes was a member of the United States Senate. He was a slaveholder. Hawes began his political career as an ardent Whig and was a close friend of the party's founder, Henry Clay. When the party declined and dissolved in the 1850s, Hawes became a Democrat, and his relationship with Clay cooled. At the outbreak of the Civil War, Hawes was a supporter of Kentucky's doctrine of armed neutrality. When the Commonwealth's neutrality was breached in September 1861, Hawes fled to Virginia and enlisted as a brigade commissary under Confederate general Humphrey Marshall. When Kentucky's Confederate government was formed in Russellville, Hawes was offered the position of state auditor, but declined. Months later, he was selected to be Confederate governor of the Commonwealth following George W. Johnson's death at the Battle of Shiloh. Hawes and the Confederate government traveled with Braxton Bragg's Army of Tennessee, and when Bragg invaded Kentucky in October 1862, he captured Frankfort and held an inauguration ceremony for Hawes. The ceremony was interrupted, however, by forces under Union general Don Carlos Buell, and the Confederates were driven from the Commonwealth following the Battle of Perryville. Hawes relocated to Virginia, where he conducted a Confederate government in exile for Kentucky and continued to lobby President Jefferson Davis to attempt another invasion of the state. At the end of the war, the Confederate government of Kentucky in exile ceased to exist, and Hawes returned to his home in Paris, Kentucky. He swore an oath of allegiance to the Union, and was allowed to return to his law practice. He was elected county judge of Bourbon County, a post he held until his death in 1877. (en) Richard Hawes (Bowling Green, 6 febbraio 1797 – Paris, 25 maggio 1877) è stato un politico statunitense. Fu Rappresentante del Kentucky e secondo . Fece parte della politicamente influente famiglia Hawes. Il fratello, lo zio ed il cugino furono tutti Rappresentanti, mentre il nipote fu membro del Senato. Richard Hawes iniziò la carriera politica come Whig e fu stretto amico del fondatore del partito, Henry Clay. Quando il partito si sciolse negli anni 1850 Hawes divenne un Democratico e la sua amicizia con Clay si raffreddò. Allo scoppio della guerra di secessione Hawes era sostenitore della scelta del Kentucky di . Quando la neutralità del Commonwealth fu violata nel settembre 1861, Hawes fuggì in Virginia e si arruolò come commissario di brigata col generale confederato . Quando si formò il governo confederato del Kentucky a Russellville, ad Hawes fu offerto il ruolo di revisore dei conti, ma rifiutò. Mesi dopo fu scelto per essere governatore confederato del Commonwealth dopo la morte di nella battaglia di Shiloh. Hawes ed il governo confederato si unirono all'Armata Confederata del Tennessee di Braxton Bragg, e quando Bragg invase il Kentucky nell'ottobre 1862 conquistò Frankfort ed organizzò una cerimonia d'inaugurazione per Hawes. La cerimonia fu interrotta dalle forze del generale unionista Don Carlos Buell, ed i Confederati furono cacciati dal Commonwealth dopo la battaglia di Perryville. Hawes si trasferì in Virginia dove continuò a cercare di convincere il presidente Jefferson Davis a tentare una nuova invasione del Kentucky. Alla fine della guerra il governo confederato del Kentucky in esilio cessò di esistere ed Hawes fece ritorno a Paris (Kentucky). Giurò fedeltà all'Unione e gli fu permesso di tornare a praticare la professione di avvocato. Fu eletto giudice della contea di Bourbon, ruolo che ricoprì fino alla morte giunta nel 1877. (it) リチャード・ホーズ(英: Richard Hawes、1797年2月6日 - 1877年5月25日)は、アメリカ合衆国の政治家。ケンタッキー州から選出されたアメリカ合衆国下院議員であり、(w:Confederate government of Kentucky)の2代目の知事であった。有力な政治家の家系で兄弟、叔父、および従兄弟とともに下院議員であった。ホイッグ党のヘンリー・クレイと親友であったが、ホイッグ党が減退して無くなったときにホーズは民主党員となったが、クレイとの関係は冷めてしまった。 (ja) Richard Hawes (6 de fevereiro de 1797 - 25 de maio de 1877) foi um representante dos Estados Unidos a partir de Kentucky e o segundo . Ele fazia parte de uma influente família política, com um irmão, tio, primo e que também serviu como representante dos Estados Unidos. Ele iniciou sua carreira política com o fervoroso partido Whig e era um amigo íntimo do fundador do partido, Henry Clay. Quando o partido recusou em 1850, Hawes tornou-se um democrata, e sua relação com Clay arrefeceu. Na eclosão da Guerra Civil, Hawes era um adepto do Kentucky a doutrina de neutralidade armada. Quando a neutralidade da Commonwealth foi quebrada em setembro de 1861, Hawes fugiu para a Virgínia e alistou-se como uma comissário de brigada sobre o general confederado Humphrey Marshall. Quando o Governador Confederado do Kentucky foi formado em Russellville, Hawes foi oferecido o cargo de auditor estadual, mas recusou. Meses depois, ele foi eleito Governador Confederado da Commonwealth após a morte de na batalha de Shiloh. Hawes viajou com o governo Confederado e o Exército do Tennessee de Braxton Bragg, e quando invadiu Kentucky Bragg em outubro de 1862, ele capturou Frankfort e realizou uma cerimônia de inauguração Hawes. A cerimônia foi interrompida, porém, pelo jogo de forças no âmbito geral da União Don Carlos Buell, e os confederados foram expulsos da Comunidade na sequência da Batalha de Perryville. Hawes deslocalizada para Virgínia, onde ele continuou a lobby Presidente Jefferson Davis para outra tentativa de invasão a Kentucky. (pt) Ричард Хэйес (6 февраля 1797 — 25 мая 1877) — американский политик, депутат Палаты представителей США от штата Кентукки и второй губернатор Кентукки периода пребывания данного штата в составе Конфедеративных штатов Америки. (ru) 理查德·霍伊斯(英語:Richard Hawes,1797年2月6日-1877年5月25日)曾是第二任肯塔基邦联州长及该州的联邦众议员,是很有政治影响力的霍伊斯家族成员。他的弟弟、舅舅和表弟都曾担任联邦众议员,他的孙子曾是联邦参议员。理查德·霍伊斯曾是亨利·克莱的好友,后者创办了美国辉格党,理查德就是以一位热心辉格党人的身份开始了自己的政治生涯。1850年代该党派逐渐瓦解,霍伊斯转为民主党人,他与克莱的关系也逐渐冷却。 内战爆发后,霍伊斯支持肯塔基州的武裝中立教条。1861年该州不再中立后,霍伊斯逃至弗吉尼亚州,并加入了南方邦联将军的部队。肯塔基州邦联政府在拉塞尔维尔成立时有意请霍伊斯来担任州审计员,但他拒绝了,几个月后在希洛战役中逝世,霍伊斯当选为新的邦联州长。 霍伊斯与邦联政府随的一起活动,1862年10月布拉格攻入肯塔基州,并在夺取法兰克福后为霍伊斯举行了就职典礼,但这一典礼被带领的北军所中断,后,邦联军队被迫撤出肯塔基州。霍伊斯来到弗吉尼亚州,并在那里继续游说总统傑佛遜·戴維斯再度侵入肯塔基州。 内战接近尾声时,流亡中的肯塔基邦联政府已不复存在,霍伊斯回到位于肯塔基州巴黎的家中。他发誓效忠北方后得以继续从事法律工作,之后当选波旁县法官直至1877年离世。 (zh)
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dbo:deathDate 1877-05-25 (xsd:date)
dbo:deathPlace dbr:Paris,_Kentucky
dbo:party dbr:Democratic_Party_(United_States) dbr:Whig_Party_(United_States)
dbo:relation dbr:Aylett_Hawes dbr:Albert_Gallatin_Hawes dbr:Aylett_Hawes_Buckner
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dbp:almaMater dbr:Transylvania_University
dbp:birthDate 1797-02-06 (xsd:date)
dbp:birthPlace Caroline County, Virginia, U.S. (en)
dbp:deathDate 1877-05-25 (xsd:date)
dbp:deathPlace Paris, Kentucky, U.S. (en)
dbp:name Richard Hawes (en)
dbp:office Governor of Kentucky (en)
dbp:order 2 (xsd:integer)
dbp:party dbr:Democratic_Party_(United_States) dbr:Whig_Party_(United_States)
dbp:predecessor dbr:Chilton_Allan dbr:George_W._Johnson_(Civil_War)
dbp:profession (en) Politician (en) lawyer (en)
dbp:relations dbr:Aylett_Hawes dbr:Albert_Gallatin_Hawes dbr:Aylett_Hawes_Buckner
dbp:spouse Hetty Morrison Nicholas (en)
dbp:state dbr:Kentucky
dbp:successor dbr:Thomas_Francis_Marshall Abolished (en)
dbp:termEnd 1841-03-03 (xsd:date) 1865-04-09 (xsd:date)
dbp:termStart 1837-03-04 (xsd:date) 1862-05-31 (xsd:date)
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rdfs:comment Richard Hawes (* 6. Februar 1797 in , Caroline County, Virginia; † 25. Mai 1877 in Paris, Kentucky) war ein US-amerikanischer Politiker. Zwischen 1837 und 1841 vertrat er den Bundesstaat Kentucky im US-Repräsentantenhaus. Außerdem war er zwischen 1862 und 1865 konföderierter Gouverneur von Kentucky. (de) ريتشارد هاوس هو قاضي ومحامي وسياسي أمريكي، ولد في 6 فبراير 1797 في بولينج غرين في الولايات المتحدة، وتوفي في 25 مايو 1877 في باريس في الولايات المتحدة. نشط حزبياً في حزب اليمين والحزب الديمقراطي. وقد انتخب عضو مجلس النواب الأمريكي ‏. (ar) Richard Hawes (6 février 1797 - 25 mai 1877) était un homme politique américain qui fut représentant à la Chambre des représentants des États-Unis de 1837 à 1841 et le second gouverneur confédéré du Kentucky entre 1862 et 1865. Il fut membre du parti Parti whig puis du Parti démocrate. (fr) リチャード・ホーズ(英: Richard Hawes、1797年2月6日 - 1877年5月25日)は、アメリカ合衆国の政治家。ケンタッキー州から選出されたアメリカ合衆国下院議員であり、(w:Confederate government of Kentucky)の2代目の知事であった。有力な政治家の家系で兄弟、叔父、および従兄弟とともに下院議員であった。ホイッグ党のヘンリー・クレイと親友であったが、ホイッグ党が減退して無くなったときにホーズは民主党員となったが、クレイとの関係は冷めてしまった。 (ja) Ричард Хэйес (6 февраля 1797 — 25 мая 1877) — американский политик, депутат Палаты представителей США от штата Кентукки и второй губернатор Кентукки периода пребывания данного штата в составе Конфедеративных штатов Америки. (ru) 理查德·霍伊斯(英語:Richard Hawes,1797年2月6日-1877年5月25日)曾是第二任肯塔基邦联州长及该州的联邦众议员,是很有政治影响力的霍伊斯家族成员。他的弟弟、舅舅和表弟都曾担任联邦众议员,他的孙子曾是联邦参议员。理查德·霍伊斯曾是亨利·克莱的好友,后者创办了美国辉格党,理查德就是以一位热心辉格党人的身份开始了自己的政治生涯。1850年代该党派逐渐瓦解,霍伊斯转为民主党人,他与克莱的关系也逐渐冷却。 内战爆发后,霍伊斯支持肯塔基州的武裝中立教条。1861年该州不再中立后,霍伊斯逃至弗吉尼亚州,并加入了南方邦联将军的部队。肯塔基州邦联政府在拉塞尔维尔成立时有意请霍伊斯来担任州审计员,但他拒绝了,几个月后在希洛战役中逝世,霍伊斯当选为新的邦联州长。 霍伊斯与邦联政府随的一起活动,1862年10月布拉格攻入肯塔基州,并在夺取法兰克福后为霍伊斯举行了就职典礼,但这一典礼被带领的北军所中断,后,邦联军队被迫撤出肯塔基州。霍伊斯来到弗吉尼亚州,并在那里继续游说总统傑佛遜·戴維斯再度侵入肯塔基州。 内战接近尾声时,流亡中的肯塔基邦联政府已不复存在,霍伊斯回到位于肯塔基州巴黎的家中。他发誓效忠北方后得以继续从事法律工作,之后当选波旁县法官直至1877年离世。 (zh) Richard Hawes Jr. (February 6, 1797 – May 25, 1877) was a United States representative from Kentucky and the second Confederate Governor of Kentucky. He was part of the politically influential Hawes family. His brother, uncle, and cousin also served as U.S. Representatives, and his grandson Harry B. Hawes was a member of the United States Senate. He was a slaveholder. Hawes began his political career as an ardent Whig and was a close friend of the party's founder, Henry Clay. When the party declined and dissolved in the 1850s, Hawes became a Democrat, and his relationship with Clay cooled. (en) Richard Hawes (Bowling Green, 6 febbraio 1797 – Paris, 25 maggio 1877) è stato un politico statunitense. Fu Rappresentante del Kentucky e secondo . Fece parte della politicamente influente famiglia Hawes. Il fratello, lo zio ed il cugino furono tutti Rappresentanti, mentre il nipote fu membro del Senato. Richard Hawes iniziò la carriera politica come Whig e fu stretto amico del fondatore del partito, Henry Clay. Quando il partito si sciolse negli anni 1850 Hawes divenne un Democratico e la sua amicizia con Clay si raffreddò. (it) Richard Hawes (6 de fevereiro de 1797 - 25 de maio de 1877) foi um representante dos Estados Unidos a partir de Kentucky e o segundo . Ele fazia parte de uma influente família política, com um irmão, tio, primo e que também serviu como representante dos Estados Unidos. Ele iniciou sua carreira política com o fervoroso partido Whig e era um amigo íntimo do fundador do partido, Henry Clay. Quando o partido recusou em 1850, Hawes tornou-se um democrata, e sua relação com Clay arrefeceu. (pt)
rdfs:label ريتشارد هاوس (ar) Richard Hawes (de) Richard Hawes (fr) Richard Hawes (it) リチャード・ホーズ (ja) Richard Hawes (en) Хэйес, Ричард (ru) Richard Hawes (pt) 理查德·霍伊斯 (zh)
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is dbo:predecessor of dbr:Thomas_Francis_Marshall__Tenure__1
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is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of dbr:Hawes,_Richard
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of dbr:Preston_Leslie dbr:List_of_United_States_political_families_(H) dbr:List_of_United_States_representatives_from_Kentucky dbr:List_of_former_members_of_the_United_States_House_of_Representatives_(H) dbr:Battle_of_Augusta_(1862) dbr:Battle_of_Perryville dbr:Braxton_Bragg dbr:List_of_places_in_the_United_States_named_after_people dbr:List_of_governors_of_Kentucky dbr:List_of_members_of_the_United_States_H...ves_in_the_25th_Congress_by_seniority dbr:List_of_members_of_the_United_States_H...ves_in_the_26th_Congress_by_seniority dbr:Confederate_Heartland_Offensive dbr:Confederate_government_of_Kentucky dbr:Louisville,_Kentucky,_in_the_American_Civil_War dbr:1797 dbr:George_W._Johnson_(governor) dbr:Thomas_Francis_Marshall dbr:Simon_Bolivar_Buckner dbr:Aylett_Hawes dbr:Hawes_(surname) dbr:25th_United_States_Congress dbr:26th_United_States_Congress dbr:Fort_Hill_(Frankfort,_Kentucky) dbr:Paris_Cemetery dbr:History_of_Louisville,_Kentucky dbr:Kentucky's_10th_congressional_district dbr:Kentucky_in_the_American_Civil_War dbr:Harry_B._Hawes dbr:Hawes,_Richard dbr:Hawesville,_Kentucky dbr:James_Morrison_Hawes dbr:Archibald_Dixon dbr:Chilton_Allan dbr:Albert_Gallatin_Hawes dbr:John_C._Breckinridge dbr:John_J._Crittenden dbr:Aylett_Hawes_Buckner dbr:Border_states_(American_Civil_War) dbr:United_States_congressional_delegations_from_Kentucky dbr:Political_career_of_John_C._Breckinridge
is dbp:after of dbr:Chilton_Allan
is dbp:before of dbr:Thomas_Francis_Marshall
is dbp:predecessor of dbr:Thomas_Francis_Marshall
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