PING, oder Befehle, für die Zusatzkomponenten installiert werden müssen.">

List of DOS commands (original) (raw)

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Liste von Kommandozeilenbefehlen von Betriebssystemen, deren Befehlssatz auf dem von PC-kompatiblen DOS-Betriebssystemen aufbaut. Der Befehlssatz hat seinen Ursprung im von Tim Paterson entwickelten 86-DOS, welches von Microsoft aufgekauft und als MS-DOS vermarktet wurde. Es wurde auch von IBM eingesetzt und in großen Teilen identisch als PC DOS vertrieben. Für OS/2 und Windows NT übernahm Microsoft große Teile des MS-DOS-Befehlssatzes, weshalb diese in dieser Liste aufgeführt sind. Nicht enthalten sind Netzwerkbefehle wie NET oder PING, oder Befehle, für die Zusatzkomponenten installiert werden müssen.

Property Value
dbo:abstract Liste von Kommandozeilenbefehlen von Betriebssystemen, deren Befehlssatz auf dem von PC-kompatiblen DOS-Betriebssystemen aufbaut. Der Befehlssatz hat seinen Ursprung im von Tim Paterson entwickelten 86-DOS, welches von Microsoft aufgekauft und als MS-DOS vermarktet wurde. Es wurde auch von IBM eingesetzt und in großen Teilen identisch als PC DOS vertrieben. Für OS/2 und Windows NT übernahm Microsoft große Teile des MS-DOS-Befehlssatzes, weshalb diese in dieser Liste aufgeführt sind. Nicht enthalten sind Netzwerkbefehle wie NET oder PING, oder Befehle, für die Zusatzkomponenten installiert werden müssen. (de) This article presents a list of commands used by DOS operating systems, especially as used on x86-based IBM PC compatibles (PCs). Other DOS operating systems are not part of the scope of this list. In DOS, many standard system commands were provided for common tasks such as listing files on a disk or moving files. Some commands were built into the command interpreter, others existed as external commands on disk. Over the several generations of DOS, commands were added for the additional functions of the operating system. In the current Microsoft Windows operating system, a text-mode command prompt window, cmd.exe, can still be used. (en) Les systèmes DOS sont fournis en standard avec un nombre réduit de commandes, essentiellement destinées à la gestion des disques et des fichiers (d'où le D pour Disk, ou disque en français). Il existe des commandes internes (contenues dans l'interpréteur) et des commandes externes (il faut les charger à partir d'une disquette). Les commandes DOS peuvent s'exécuter de manière interactive au sein de l'interface en ligne de commande ou en traitement par lot depuis un fichier de script portant l’extension .bat. (fr) Perintah DOS adalah perintah-perintah yang dapat dijalankan di dalam sistem operasi DOS. Dalam sistem operasi DOS, terdapat dua jenis perintah, yakni: * Perintah internal (internal command), yakni perintah-perintah yang telah dimasukkan ke dalam COMMAND.COM (interpreter perintah DOS), sehingga dapat langsung dieksekusi oleh kernel DOS, di mana saja. * Perintah eksternal (external command), yakni perintah-perintah yang tidak dimasukkan ke dalam COMMAND.COM, dan membutuhkan sebuah berkas yang dapat dieksekusi (berupa program DOS) yang harus terdapat dalam direktori aktif. (in) ATTENZIONE: per quasi tutti i comandi sottoindicati esistono ulteriori opzioni che incrementano le informazioni iniziali, modificano l'output restituito dal comando oppure ne variano il comportamento, anche radicalmente. Per maggiori informazioni su un comando specifico, avviare un "Prompt dei comandi" e scrivere il comando di cui si ha bisogno seguito dalla generica opzione di help "/?" (ad esempio "ipconfig /?"). * assoc - visualizza o modifica le applicazioni associate alle estensioni dei file. * assign - reindirizza tutte le richieste a un drive, verso un altro drive * attrib - visualizza o modifica gli attributi dei file * backup - crea una copia di sicurezza di uno o più file su una serie di floppy-disk * break - abilita o disabilita l'interruzione o l'esecuzione fornita da CTRL C e CTRL BREAK * cd - lett. change directory, entra in una directory. Sintassi: "cd \" per entrare nella root, e "cd " per entrare in altra cartella. * cd.. - esce da una directory. * chdir - cambia la directory corrente o ne visualizza il nome * chkdsk - analizza il contenuto del disco e visualizza una relazione sul suo stato * cls - cancella il contenuto della schermata (questo comando non è distruttivo) * cmd - avvia un nuovo interprete dei comandi MS-DOS * color - permette di impostare il colore dello sfondo e del testo * command - avvia un nuovo interprete dei comandi MS-DOS * comp - confronta il contenuto di due o più file e ne mostra le differenze * copy - copia uno o più file in un'altra posizione * copy con - crea un file di testo * ctty - cambia la console di input/output da cui vengono impostati i comandi * date - visualizza e permette di aggiornare la data * defrag - riorganizza i file in un disco rigido per ottimizzarne l'uso * del - cancella uno o più file * deltree - elimina una directory e tutti i file e le sottodirectory in essa contenute. * dir - visualizza il contenuto di una directory (dir/p - si ferma ad ogni pagina) (dir/W - visualizza in colonne). * diskcomp - confronta il contenuto di due dischetti dello stesso tipo * diskcopy - copia il contenuto di un disco floppy in un altro disco floppy * doskey - modifica le righe di comando, richiama i comandi di Windows e crea macro. * echo - abilita o disabilita l'eco da file batch * edit - avvia MS-DOS Editor per creare o modificare i file ASCII * edlin - avvia un editor di righe di testo. Per magg. informazioni (Prompt comandi e edlin/?) * emm386 - abilita o disabilita la memoria espansa di EMM386 * erase - cancella uno o più file specificati * exe2bin - converte in formato binario un file eseguibile * exit - provoca l'uscita da un interprete di comandi secondario per ritornare a un interprete di comandi o ad un programma precedenti * expand - decomprime uno o più file compressi. * fastopen - accelera l'apertura di un programma. * fc - confronta il contenuto di due file. * fdisk - configura un disco rigido creando le partizioni, per l'utilizzo di MS-DOS. * find - ricerca una sequenza di caratteri all'interno di uno o più file. * for - permette di eseguire in modo iterativo comandi di MS-DOS. * format - formatta un disco per l'utilizzo di MS-DOS. * getmac - visualizza le informazioni sul Mac address. * goto - trasferisce l'esecuzione ad una determinata posizione di un file batch. * graftabl - carica in memoria i caratteri ASCII non BIOS per i modi grafici. * help - visualizza la guida di MS-DOS. ATTENZIONE: la guida è troppo lunga per essere visualizzata in una sola schermata, quindi per visualizzarla schermata per schermata digitare "help|more" (il simbolo "
dbo:wikiPageID 356369 (xsd:integer)
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dbo:wikiPageWikiLink dbr:Ps_(Unix) dbr:MSDOS.SYS dbr:Batch_file dbr:Defragmentation dbr:Replaceable_parameter dbr:Device_driver dbr:Null_modem dbr:.exe dbr:Command-line_interface dbr:Master_boot_record dbr:Plaintext dbr:Cmd.exe dbr:Environment_variable dbr:GW-BASIC dbr:Glyph dbr:Conventional_memory dbr:MS-DOS dbr:MS-DOS_7 dbr:Call_stack dbr:Command_history dbr:Comment_(computer_programming) dbr:Computer_file dbr:Computer_terminal dbc:Microsoft_lists dbr:PATH_(variable) dbr:Path_(computing) dbr:Pipeline_(software) dbr:Standard_streams dbr:String_(computer_science) dbr:Microsoft_Press dbr:Windows_9x dbr:BASIC dbr:COMMAND.COM dbr:COM_file dbr:CONFIG.SYS dbr:Central_Point_Software dbr:Timeline_of_DOS_operating_systems dbr:Top_(software) dbr:Data_segment dbr:Data_stream dbr:Windows_95 dbr:Disk_compression dbr:Disk_partitioning dbr:Disk_sector dbr:GNU_Free_Documentation_License dbr:LapLink_cable dbr:List_of_CONFIG.SYS_directives dbr:Partition_table dbr:DOS dbr:DR-DOS dbr:EMM386 dbr:E_(PC_DOS) dbr:File_Allocation_Table dbr:Floppy_disk dbr:Novell_DOS dbr:Pagination dbr:Directory_(computing) dbr:Directory_(file_systems) dbr:Graphical_user_interface dbr:Win32_console dbr:Text_editor dbr:Que_Publishing dbr:Removable_media dbr:Helix_Software_Company dbr:Backup dbr:Terminate_and_stay_resident_program dbr:Asynchronous_Transfer_Mode dbr:AUTOEXEC.BAT dbc:Windows_commands dbr:Binary_file dbr:System_time dbr:Code_page dbr:Code_segment dbr:Terminate_and_Stay_Resident dbr:Text_file dbr:CD-ROM dbr:Cabinet_(file_format) dbc:DOS_commands dbr:File_system dbr:Filename_extension dbr:Filespec dbr:Filter_(software) dbr:HIMEM dbr:IBM dbr:IBM_PC_DOS dbr:IBM_PC_compatible dbr:Integrated_development_environment dbr:Intel_80386 dbr:Microsoft_Windows dbr:OS/2 dbr:Operating_system dbr:X86 dbr:Macro_(computer_science) dbr:Root_directory dbr:Upper_memory_area dbr:Volume_(computing) dbr:Expanded_memory dbr:IO.SYS dbr:Windows_code_page dbr:Executable dbr:Text_user_interface dbr:Interpreted_language dbr:List_of_DOS_operating_systems dbr:Filesystem dbr:UNC_path dbr:Hard_disk dbr:Parse dbr:System_command dbr:System_date dbr:Print_queue dbr:MemMaker dbr:Press_any_key_to_continue dbr:AccessDOS
dbp:cs1Dates y (en)
dbp:date 2018-08-21 (xsd:date) May 2019 (en)
dbp:wikiPageUsesTemplate dbt:Disk_operating_systems dbt:Citation_needed dbt:Cite_book dbt:Code dbt:Dubious dbt:Expand_section dbt:Further dbt:Main dbt:Mono dbt:Reflist dbt:Samp dbt:See_also dbt:Short_description dbt:Sxhl dbt:Use_dmy_dates dbt:Webarchive dbt:Wikibooks dbt:Horizontal_TOC dbt:Codett dbt:Keypress dbt:Kbd
dct:subject dbc:Microsoft_lists dbc:DOS_commands
rdf:type owl:Thing yago:Abstraction100002137 yago:Act100030358 yago:Command107168131 yago:Event100029378 yago:PsychologicalFeature100023100 yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity yago:SpeechAct107160883 yago:WikicatExternalDOSCommands
rdfs:comment Liste von Kommandozeilenbefehlen von Betriebssystemen, deren Befehlssatz auf dem von PC-kompatiblen DOS-Betriebssystemen aufbaut. Der Befehlssatz hat seinen Ursprung im von Tim Paterson entwickelten 86-DOS, welches von Microsoft aufgekauft und als MS-DOS vermarktet wurde. Es wurde auch von IBM eingesetzt und in großen Teilen identisch als PC DOS vertrieben. Für OS/2 und Windows NT übernahm Microsoft große Teile des MS-DOS-Befehlssatzes, weshalb diese in dieser Liste aufgeführt sind. Nicht enthalten sind Netzwerkbefehle wie NET oder PING, oder Befehle, für die Zusatzkomponenten installiert werden müssen. (de) This article presents a list of commands used by DOS operating systems, especially as used on x86-based IBM PC compatibles (PCs). Other DOS operating systems are not part of the scope of this list. In DOS, many standard system commands were provided for common tasks such as listing files on a disk or moving files. Some commands were built into the command interpreter, others existed as external commands on disk. Over the several generations of DOS, commands were added for the additional functions of the operating system. In the current Microsoft Windows operating system, a text-mode command prompt window, cmd.exe, can still be used. (en) Les systèmes DOS sont fournis en standard avec un nombre réduit de commandes, essentiellement destinées à la gestion des disques et des fichiers (d'où le D pour Disk, ou disque en français). Il existe des commandes internes (contenues dans l'interpréteur) et des commandes externes (il faut les charger à partir d'une disquette). Les commandes DOS peuvent s'exécuter de manière interactive au sein de l'interface en ligne de commande ou en traitement par lot depuis un fichier de script portant l’extension .bat. (fr) Perintah DOS adalah perintah-perintah yang dapat dijalankan di dalam sistem operasi DOS. Dalam sistem operasi DOS, terdapat dua jenis perintah, yakni: * Perintah internal (internal command), yakni perintah-perintah yang telah dimasukkan ke dalam COMMAND.COM (interpreter perintah DOS), sehingga dapat langsung dieksekusi oleh kernel DOS, di mana saja. * Perintah eksternal (external command), yakni perintah-perintah yang tidak dimasukkan ke dalam COMMAND.COM, dan membutuhkan sebuah berkas yang dapat dieksekusi (berupa program DOS) yang harus terdapat dalam direktori aktif. (in) 본 문서는 x86 도스 운영 체제에 쓰이는 명령어의 목록이다. 는 이 목록의 범주에 속하지 않는다. 도스의 경우 수많은 표준 시스템 명령어들이 디스크의 파일 나열, 파일 이동 등의 공통 작업을 하기 위해 제공되었다. 일부 명령들은 명령 인터프리터에 내장되었고 다른 명령어들은 디스크에 외부 명령어로 존재하였다. 여러 도스 세대에 걸쳐 명령어들은 운영 체제의 추가 기능을 담당하기 위해 추가되었다. 현재의 마이크로소프트 윈도우 운영 체제에서 텍스트 모드 명령어 프롬프트 창인 cmd.exe는 여전히 사용이 가능하다. (ko) I operativsystemen för persondatorer MS-DOS och PC-DOS, finns ett antal standardkommandon för vanliga uppgifter som att lista filer på en disk eller flytta filer. Några kommandon byggdes in i kommandotolken och andra fanns som externa kommandon lagrade på hårddisken. Vid utvecklingen av de olika versionerna (generationerna) för DOS, lades kommandon till för ytterligare funktioner i operativsystemet. I de nuvarande Microsoft Windows operativsystem kan fortfarande ett textbaserat fönster med kommandoprompt användas. (sv) Дана стаття являє собою список команд, що використовується в операційних системах x86 DOS. Інші операційні системи DOS не є частиною списку. В ПК операційні системи MS-DOS і PC-DOS стандартні команди були надані для спільних завдань, таких як перегляд файлів на диску або їх переміщення. Деякі команди були перебудовані в командний інтерпретатор, інші існували як зовнішні команди для диску. За кілька поколінь DOS, були додані команди для додаткових функцій операційної системи. У поточному Microsoft Windows операційної системи, текстовий режим командного рядка все ще може бути використаний. (uk) 以下是微软的DOS操作系统(MS-DOS)的DOS命令列表。其它DOS的命令和用法可能类似。 後期版本的 DOS 可以通过help命令来得到命令與參數列表,通过help <命令>或者<命令> /?来获得命令的详细信息。 (zh) ATTENZIONE: per quasi tutti i comandi sottoindicati esistono ulteriori opzioni che incrementano le informazioni iniziali, modificano l'output restituito dal comando oppure ne variano il comportamento, anche radicalmente. Per maggiori informazioni su un comando specifico, avviare un "Prompt dei comandi" e scrivere il comando di cui si ha bisogno seguito dalla generica opzione di help "/?" (ad esempio "ipconfig /?"). (it) Dit is een lijst van MS-DOS-commando's * attrib: verandert bestandsattributen * backup: maakt een reservekopie van bestanden * chdir of cd: ga naar de directory * chkdsk: controleert de schijf * cls: maakt het scherm leeg * color: verandert de kleur van de letters of de achtergrond * copy: kopieert een bestand * date: toont de datum, mogelijkheid tot verzetten ervan * debug: dient om de inhoud van werkgeheugen en binaire bestanden te tonen en te wijzigen * del: verwijdert een bestand * deltree: mappen en onderliggende mappen en bestanden verwijderen * dir: toont alle bestanden * diskcomp: vergelijkt twee schijven met elkaar * diskcopy: kopieert een hele schijf (floppydisk) naar een andere schijf * doskey: opdrachtregel bewerken, opdrachten ongedaan maken en macro's maken * (nl) Список команд DOS — нижеследующий список команд для операционной системы DOS. Начиная с 5-й версии, этот список с кратким описанием каждой команды может быть получен набором команды HELP. Также начиная с 5-й версии справка по конкретной команде может быть получена набором символов /? после имени команды. Например, набор команды: C:\>ren /? приведёт к получению справки по команде ren: Переименование одного или нескольких файлов.RENAME [диск:][путь]имя_файла1 имя_файла2.REN [диск:][путь]имя_файла1 имя_файла2.Для конечного файла нельзя указать другой диск или каталог. (ru)
rdfs:label Liste von DOS-Kommandozeilenbefehlen (de) Perintah DOS (in) Commande DOS (fr) Comandi di MS-DOS (it) List of DOS commands (en) 도스 명령어 목록 (ko) Lijst van MS-DOS-commando's (nl) Список команд DOS (ru) DOS-kommandon (sv) MS-DOS命令列表 (zh) Список команд DOS (uk)
rdfs:seeAlso dbr:Help_(command) dbr:PATH_(variable) dbr:Start_(command) dbr:Format_(command) dbr:Ver_(command) dbr:Prompt_(computing)
owl:sameAs wikidata:List of DOS commands dbpedia-de:List of DOS commands dbpedia-fr:List of DOS commands dbpedia-gl:List of DOS commands dbpedia-hu:List of DOS commands dbpedia-id:List of DOS commands dbpedia-it:List of DOS commands dbpedia-ko:List of DOS commands dbpedia-nl:List of DOS commands dbpedia-ro:List of DOS commands dbpedia-ru:List of DOS commands dbpedia-sv:List of DOS commands dbpedia-uk:List of DOS commands dbpedia-zh:List of DOS commands
prov:wasDerivedFrom wikipedia-en:List_of_DOS_commands?oldid=1118231933&ns=0
foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf wikipedia-en:List_of_DOS_commands
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of dbr:BACKUP_(command) dbr:BREAK_(command) dbr:Backup_(command) dbr:External_DOS_command dbr:MODE_(command) dbr:Mem_(command) dbr:MEMMAKER dbr:Path_(command) dbr:Keyb_(command) dbr:List_of_DOS_Commands dbr:Pause_(DOS_command) dbr:VERIFY_(DOS_command) dbr:CALL_(command) dbr:Pause_(command) dbr:KEYB_(command) dbr:Prompt_(command) dbr:LOADFIX_(command) dbr:MODE_(DOS_command) dbr:MS-DOS_commands dbr:SETUP_(DOS_command) dbr:SETVER dbr:SETVER.EXE dbr:SETVER_(DOS_command) dbr:SHIFT_(DOS_command) dbr:SORT_(DOS_command) dbr:GRAPHICS_(DOS_command) dbr:NLSFUNC_(DOS_command) dbr:Ctty_(command) dbr:LOADFIX_(DOS_command) dbr:MEM_(DOS_command) dbr:Call_(command) dbr:BACKUP_(DOS_command) dbr:BREAK_(DOS_command) dbr:CALL_(DOS_command) dbr:CTTY_(DOS_command) dbr:CTTY_(command) dbr:APPEND_(DOS_command) dbr:ASSIGN_(DOS_command) dbr:Ctty dbr:Break_(command) dbr:PATH_(DOS_command) dbr:PAUSE_(DOS_command) dbr:Chcp_(command) dbr:Graftabl dbr:KEYB.COM dbr:KEYB_(DOS_command) dbr:APPEND dbr:ASSIGN dbr:JOIN_(DOS_command) dbr:JOIN_(command) dbr:ASSIGN_(command) dbr:KEYBOARD.SYS dbr:LINK4 dbr:TRUENAME dbr:TRUENAME_(DOS_command) dbr:TRUENAME_(command) dbr:Mode_(command) dbr:INTERSVR dbr:Append_(command) dbr:CHCP_(DOS_command) dbr:CHCP_(command) dbr:CIPHER_(DOS_command) dbr:DOS_command dbr:Assign_(command) dbr:RESTORE_(DOS_command) dbr:CIPHER_(command) dbr:Set_(command) dbr:VERIFY_(command) dbr:Chcp dbr:INTERLNK dbr:INTERLNK.EXE dbr:INTERLNK_(DOS_command) dbr:INTERSVR_(DOS_command) dbr:MEM_(command) dbr:Verify_(command) dbr:Internal_DOS_command dbr:InterLnk dbr:Intrinsic_DOS_command dbr:List_of_MS-DOS_commands dbr:Shift_(command) dbr:SET_(DOS_command) dbr:SHIFT_(command) dbr:PATH_(command) dbr:PAUSE_(command) dbr:Memmaker dbr:SET_(command) dbr:List_of_dos_commands dbr:RESTORE_(command) dbr:Restore_(command) dbr:UNFORMAT_(DOS_command) dbr:Batch_commands dbr:UNDELETE dbr:POWER_(DOS_command) dbr:Dos_commands dbr:MemMaker dbr:MSBACKUP
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of dbr:BACKUP_(command) dbr:BREAK_(command) dbr:Backup_(command) dbr:Robocopy dbr:External_DOS_command dbr:MODE_(command) dbr:Mem_(command) dbr:Move_(command) dbr:MEMMAKER dbr:MS-DOS_5_Beta dbr:Path_(command) dbr:Keyb_(command) dbr:Batch_file dbr:List_of_DOS_Commands dbr:Pause_(DOS_command) dbr:Replace_(command) dbr:VERIFY_(DOS_command) dbr:CALL_(command) dbr:Vol_(command) dbr:Debug_(command) dbr:Del_(command) dbr:Pause_(command) dbr:KEYB_(command) dbr:Prompt_(command) dbr:LOADFIX_(command) dbr:MODE_(DOS_command) dbr:MS-DOS_commands dbr:Command_(computing) dbr:Comp_(command) dbr:SETUP_(DOS_command) dbr:SETVER dbr:SETVER.EXE dbr:SETVER_(DOS_command) dbr:SHIFT_(DOS_command) dbr:SORT_(DOS_command) dbr:SYS_(command) dbr:Pushd_and_popd dbr:Cmd.exe dbr:Environment_variable dbr:GRAPHICS_(DOS_command) dbr:Mkdir dbr:NLSFUNC_(DOS_command) dbr:Ctty_(command) dbr:LOADFIX_(DOS_command) dbr:MEM_(DOS_command) dbr:MS-DOS dbr:MS-DOS_7 dbr:MSCDEX dbr:Call_(command) dbr:SmartDrive dbr:Help_(command) dbr:Pause dbr:Microsoft_Diagnostics dbr:BACKUP_(DOS_command) dbr:BREAK_(DOS_command) dbr:Bad_command_or_file_name dbr:CALL_(DOS_command) dbr:COMMAND.COM dbr:CONFIG.SYS dbr:CTTY_(DOS_command) dbr:CTTY_(command) dbr:Timeline_of_DOS_operating_systems dbr:APPEND_(DOS_command) dbr:ASSIGN_(DOS_command) dbr:ATTRIB dbr:Ctty dbr:DELTREE dbr:DOS/V dbr:DOSKEY dbr:DOS_Plus dbr:Dpath dbr:EMM386 dbr:Echo_(command) dbr:Edlin dbr:Exe2bin dbr:FASTOPEN dbr:File_Compare dbr:Find_(Windows) dbr:Break_(command) dbr:PATH_(DOS_command) dbr:PAUSE_(DOS_command) dbr:Chcp_(command) dbr:Dir_(command) dbr:Graftabl dbr:KEYB.COM dbr:KEYB_(DOS_command) dbr:PRINT_(command) dbr:Ren_(command) dbr:Rmdir dbr:APPEND dbr:ASSIGN dbr:JOIN_(DOS_command) dbr:JOIN_(command) dbr:ASSIGN_(command) dbr:Choice_(command) dbr:KEYBOARD.SYS dbr:LINK4 dbr:LOADHIGH dbr:Label_(command) dbr:TRUENAME dbr:TRUENAME_(DOS_command) dbr:TRUENAME_(command) dbr:TIME_(command) dbr:Tree_(command) dbr:Mode_(command) dbr:INTERSVR dbr:Append_(command) dbr:CHCP_(DOS_command) dbr:CHCP_(command) dbr:CIPHER_(DOS_command) dbr:CLS_(command) dbr:Filter_(software) dbr:Find_(Unix) dbr:Findstr dbr:DOS_command dbr:IBM_PC_DOS dbr:Microsoft_ScanDisk dbr:Net_(command) dbr:NewDos/80 dbr:Assign_(command) dbr:RESTORE_(DOS_command) dbr:Recover_(command) dbr:Share_(command) dbr:CIPHER_(command) dbr:XCOPY dbr:Set_(command) dbr:TYPE_(DOS_command) dbr:Utility_software dbr:Ver_(command) dbr:Verification dbr:Z-DOS dbr:VERIFY_(command) dbr:Chcp dbr:INTERLNK dbr:INTERLNK.EXE dbr:INTERLNK_(DOS_command) dbr:INTERSVR_(DOS_command) dbr:Exit_(command) dbr:MEM_(command) dbr:Verify_(command) dbr:Internal_DOS_command dbr:InterLnk dbr:Intrinsic_DOS_command dbr:List_of_MS-DOS_commands dbr:Shift_(command) dbr:SET_(DOS_command) dbr:SHIFT_(command) dbr:Outline_of_Microsoft dbr:PATH_(command) dbr:PAUSE_(command) dbr:Memmaker dbr:SET_(command) dbr:SISNE_plus dbr:List_of_dos_commands dbr:RESTORE_(command) dbr:Restore_(command) dbr:UNFORMAT_(DOS_command) dbr:Batch_commands dbr:UNDELETE dbr:POWER_(DOS_command) dbr:Dos_commands dbr:MemMaker dbr:MSBACKUP
is rdfs:seeAlso of dbr:Undeletion
is foaf:primaryTopic of wikipedia-en:List_of_DOS_commands