SIGNIS (original) (raw)
- Signis o Associació catòlica mundial per a la comunicació és una associació de fidels de l'Església Catòlica formada per professionals dels mitjans de comunicació, inclosa la ràdio, televisió, cinema, vídeo, Internet i noves tecnologies. És una organització sense ànim de lucre amb representació a més de 100 estats. Es formà el novembre de 2001 a través de la fusió de l'Organització Internacional Catòlica per al Cinema i l'Audiovisual (OCIC) i l'Associació Internacional Catòlica per a la Ràdio i la Televisió (Unda). La Santa Seu reconegué oficialment Signis com una associació de fidels internacional segons un document publicat pel Consell pontifici per als Laics. L'organització de Signis inclou un representant del Consell pontifici per a les Comunicacions Socials, que és un departament de la Cúria romana. El representant del Consell pontifici per a les Comunicacions Socials present a les reunions de direcció de Signis és Claudia Di Giovanni, establerta a la Ciutat del Vaticà. Signis és un òrgan consultiu de la UNESCO, el Consell Econòmic i Social de l'ONU i el Consell d'Europa. (ca)
- Der Katholische Weltverband für Kommunikation (SIGNIS) (en.: World Catholic Association for Communication, it.: Associazione Cattolica Mondiale per la Comunicazione) ist eine kirchliche Vereinigung von Gläubigen und Medienorganisationen in der römisch-katholischen Kirche. Er wurde 2001 gegründet und vom Päpstlichen Rat für die Laien in deren Register aufgenommen. Zum Weltverband zählen 126 Organisationen aus 122 Ländern. Die Nichtregierungsorganisation hat einen Beraterstatus bei der UNESCO, im Europarat und dem Wirtschafts- und Sozialrat der UNO. (de)
- SIGNIS, qui est l'Association catholique mondiale pour la Communication, est un mouvement catholique pour les professionnels des moyens de communications sociales : radio, télévision, cinéma, vidéo, éducation aux médias, Internet et nouvelles technologies. C'est un organisme sans but lucratif dans lequel plus de cent pays sont représentés. Il est né en novembre 2001 de la fusion de l’« Office catholique international du cinéma et l'audio-visuel » (OCIC) et de l'« Association catholique internationale pour la Radio et la télévision » (UNDA). (fr)
- SIGNIS (official name: World Catholic Association for Communication) is a Roman Catholic lay ecclesial movement for professionals in the communication media, including press, radio, television, cinema, video, media education, internet, and new technology. It is a non-profit organization with representation from over 100 countries. It was formed in November 2001 by the merger of International Catholic Organization for Cinema and Audiovisual (OCIC) and International Catholic Association for Radio and Television (Unda). At its World Congress in Quebec in 2017, SIGNIS welcomed also former member organisations of the International Catholic Union of the Press (UCIP). The word SIGNIS (always in uppercase) is a combination of the words SIGN and IGNIS (Latin for "fire"). It is not an acronym. The Holy See has officially recognized SIGNIS as an International Association of the Faithful, and has included the "World Catholic Association for Communication, also known as SIGNIS" in its Directory of International Associations of the Faithful, published by the Pontifical Council for the Laity. Before the dissolution of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, the governing body of SIGNIS included a representative of this pontifical council, another department of the Roman Curia. OCIC, Unda, and SIGNIS had also members and consultors in the Pontifical Council of Social Communications. in June 2015, Pope Francis established a new dicastery of the Roman Curia with authority over all communications offices of the Holy See and the Vatican City State, including the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, Holy See Press Office, Vatican Internet Service, Vatican Radio, Vatican Television Center, Osservatore Romano, Vatican Press (it), , and Vatican Publishing House. A representative of this new Secretariat for Communications is part of the governing body of SIGNIS. SIGNIS has consultative status with UNESCO, the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, in Geneva and New York City and the Council of Europe. (en)
- 시그니스 (SIGNIS, World Catholic Association for Communication)는 가톨릭 모임 단체다. 시그니스는 국제조직대표와 각 대륙별로 선출된 42명의 대의원과 각 대륙별로 2명으로 구성된 14명의 이사진으로 운영진으로 구성된다. (ko)
- SIGNIS (oficjalna nazwa World Catholic Association for Communication, pol. Międzynarodowa Organizacji Mediów Katolickich SIGNIS) – katolickie stowarzyszenie wiernych świeckich, uznane przez Stolicę Apostolską, zrzeszające specjalistów od mediów, w tym radia, telewizji, kina, edukacji medialnej i Internetu. Jest organizacją non-profit obecną w ponad 140 krajach świata. SIGNIS powstała w listopadzie 2001 r. przez połączenie International Catholic Organization for Cinema and Audiovisual (OCIC) oraz International Catholic Association for Radio and Television (Unda). SIGNIS ma status doradczy przy UNESCO, ECOSOC i Radzie Europy. Stowarzyszenie Komunikacji Społecznej SIGNIS POLSKA jest jej "organizacją krajową". (pl)
- President (en)
- Vice-President (en)
- General Treasurer (en)
- Ecclesiastical Assistant (en)
- Opportunities created by new technology, by the process of globalization, by deregulation and privatization of the media present new ethical and indeed spiritual challenges to those who work in social communications. These challenges will be met effectively by those who accept that serving the human person, building up a community grounded in solidarity, justice, and love, and speaking the truth about human life and its final fulfillment in God were, are, and will remain at the heart of ethics in the media. (en)
- International Non-Profit Organisation (en)
- dbt:Anchor
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- dbt:Use_British_English
- dbt:Use_dmy_dates
- dbt:Associations_of_the_Christian_faithful
- owl:Thing
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- schema:Organization
- dul:Agent
- dul:SocialPerson
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- wikidata:Q43229
- yago:WikicatArtsOrganizations
- yago:WikicatCulturalOrganizations
- yago:WikicatRomanCatholicChurchOrganizations
- yago:Abstraction100002137
- yago:Group100031264
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- yago:YagoLegalActorGeo
- yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity
- dbo:Organisation
- yago:SocialGroup107950920
- Der Katholische Weltverband für Kommunikation (SIGNIS) (en.: World Catholic Association for Communication, it.: Associazione Cattolica Mondiale per la Comunicazione) ist eine kirchliche Vereinigung von Gläubigen und Medienorganisationen in der römisch-katholischen Kirche. Er wurde 2001 gegründet und vom Päpstlichen Rat für die Laien in deren Register aufgenommen. Zum Weltverband zählen 126 Organisationen aus 122 Ländern. Die Nichtregierungsorganisation hat einen Beraterstatus bei der UNESCO, im Europarat und dem Wirtschafts- und Sozialrat der UNO. (de)
- SIGNIS, qui est l'Association catholique mondiale pour la Communication, est un mouvement catholique pour les professionnels des moyens de communications sociales : radio, télévision, cinéma, vidéo, éducation aux médias, Internet et nouvelles technologies. C'est un organisme sans but lucratif dans lequel plus de cent pays sont représentés. Il est né en novembre 2001 de la fusion de l’« Office catholique international du cinéma et l'audio-visuel » (OCIC) et de l'« Association catholique internationale pour la Radio et la télévision » (UNDA). (fr)
- 시그니스 (SIGNIS, World Catholic Association for Communication)는 가톨릭 모임 단체다. 시그니스는 국제조직대표와 각 대륙별로 선출된 42명의 대의원과 각 대륙별로 2명으로 구성된 14명의 이사진으로 운영진으로 구성된다. (ko)
- Signis o Associació catòlica mundial per a la comunicació és una associació de fidels de l'Església Catòlica formada per professionals dels mitjans de comunicació, inclosa la ràdio, televisió, cinema, vídeo, Internet i noves tecnologies. És una organització sense ànim de lucre amb representació a més de 100 estats. Es formà el novembre de 2001 a través de la fusió de l'Organització Internacional Catòlica per al Cinema i l'Audiovisual (OCIC) i l'Associació Internacional Catòlica per a la Ràdio i la Televisió (Unda). (ca)
- SIGNIS (official name: World Catholic Association for Communication) is a Roman Catholic lay ecclesial movement for professionals in the communication media, including press, radio, television, cinema, video, media education, internet, and new technology. It is a non-profit organization with representation from over 100 countries. It was formed in November 2001 by the merger of International Catholic Organization for Cinema and Audiovisual (OCIC) and International Catholic Association for Radio and Television (Unda). At its World Congress in Quebec in 2017, SIGNIS welcomed also former member organisations of the International Catholic Union of the Press (UCIP). (en)
- SIGNIS (oficjalna nazwa World Catholic Association for Communication, pol. Międzynarodowa Organizacji Mediów Katolickich SIGNIS) – katolickie stowarzyszenie wiernych świeckich, uznane przez Stolicę Apostolską, zrzeszające specjalistów od mediów, w tym radia, telewizji, kina, edukacji medialnej i Internetu. Jest organizacją non-profit obecną w ponad 140 krajach świata. SIGNIS powstała w listopadzie 2001 r. przez połączenie International Catholic Organization for Cinema and Audiovisual (OCIC) oraz International Catholic Association for Radio and Television (Unda). (pl)
- Signis (ca)
- Katholischer Weltverband für Kommunikation (de)
- Signis (fr)
- 시그니스 (ko)
- SIGNIS (pl)
- SIGNIS (en)
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Beatrix_Mugishagwe
- dbr:Prasanna_Vithanage
- dbr:Rohana_Weerasinghe
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Archdiocese_of_Bombay
- dbr:List_of_accolades_received_by_Behavior
- dbr:List_of_accolades_received_by_Philomena
- dbr:Prix_Italia
- dbr:Prize_of_the_Ecumenical_Jury
- dbr:Better_Things_(film)
- dbr:Bless_the_Beasts_and_Children_(film)
- dbr:Boodee_Keerthisena
- dbr:David_Pablos
- dbr:List_of_accolades_received_by_Roma
- dbr:Robert_Bresson
- dbr:V._Shantaram
- dbr:Veronica_Ferres
- dbr:Village_Rockstars
- dbr:International_Council_for_Film_Television_and_Audiovisual_Communication
- dbr:SIGNIS_Awards_(Sri_Lanka)
- dbr:Signis
- dbr:Matha_(film)
- dbr:Safi_Faye
- dbr:Sally_Potter
- dbr:Mohamed_Diab
- dbr:Moloch_Tropical
- dbr:1952_Cannes_Film_Festival
- dbr:1953_Cannes_Film_Festival
- dbr:1954_Cannes_Film_Festival
- dbr:1955_Cannes_Film_Festival
- dbr:1956_Cannes_Film_Festival
- dbr:1957_Cannes_Film_Festival
- dbr:1959_Cannes_Film_Festival
- dbr:1960_Cannes_Film_Festival
- dbr:1961_Cannes_Film_Festival
- dbr:1962_Cannes_Film_Festival
- dbr:1963_Cannes_Film_Festival
- dbr:1964_Cannes_Film_Festival
- dbr:1965_Cannes_Film_Festival
- dbr:1966_Cannes_Film_Festival
- dbr:1967_Cannes_Film_Festival
- dbr:1971_Cannes_Film_Festival
- dbr:1973_Cannes_Film_Festival
- dbr:Andrew_Jayamanne
- dbr:Anne_Wiazemsky
- dbr:Lee_Chang-dong
- dbr:Loreak
- dbr:Silvio_Narizzano
- dbr:Éric_Rohmer
- dbr:62nd_Venice_International_Film_Festival
- dbr:63rd_Venice_International_Film_Festival
- dbr:64th_Venice_International_Film_Festival
- dbr:65th_Venice_International_Film_Festival
- dbr:66th_Venice_International_Film_Festival
- dbr:67th_Venice_International_Film_Festival
- dbr:68th_Venice_International_Film_Festival
- dbr:69th_Venice_International_Film_Festival
- dbr:70th_Venice_International_Film_Festival
- dbr:71st_Venice_International_Film_Festival
- dbr:72nd_Venice_International_Film_Festival
- dbr:Thunveni_Yamaya
- dbr:To_the_Wonder
- dbr:Tokyo_Broadcasting_System
- dbr:Tyrannosaur_(film)
- dbr:Wayne_Wang
- dbr:List_of_Colombian_documentary_films
- dbr:List_of_Colombian_films
- dbr:The_Shell_Seekers
- dbr:Anand_Gandhi
- dbr:41st_SIGNIS_Awards
- dbr:42nd_SIGNIS_Awards
- dbr:Céline_Sciamma
- dbr:Ernest_Poruthota
- dbr:Njue_Kevin
- dbr:Outside_In_(film)
- dbr:Paddy_Considine
- dbr:Directory_of_International_Associations_of_the_Faithful
- dbr:Irvin_Kershner
- dbr:Jean_Bernard_(priest)
- dbr:The_400_Blows
- dbr:The_Apu_Trilogy
- dbr:The_Fugitive_(1947_film)
- dbr:The_Hurt_Locker
- dbr:Arthur_Penn
- dbr:Au_Hasard_Balthazar
- dbr:A_Woman's_Decision
- dbr:Kathryn_Bigelow
- dbr:Land_of_Mine
- dbr:Bill_Jones_Afwani
- dbr:TBS_Television_(Japan)
- dbr:Teza_(film)
- dbr:Dinesh_Subasinghe
- dbr:Marty_(film)
- dbr:Cinema_of_Senegal
- dbr:In_the_Valley_of_Elah
- dbr:Krzysztof_Kieślowski
- dbr:Midnight_Cowboy
- dbr:Catholic_Action
- dbr:Catholic_television
- dbr:Senesh_Dissanaike_Bandara
- dbr:Yo_Yo
- dbr:Sebastián_Aguirre_(actor)
- dbr:Unda_(organization)
- dbr:Rose_Pacatte
- dbr:Warsaw_Film_Festival
- dbr:World_Catholic_Association_for_Communication
- dbr:International_Catholic_Organization_for_Cinema
- dbr:OCIC
- dbr:UCIP