The Blackening is a 2022 American comedy slasher film, directed by Tim Story and co-written by Tracy Oliver and Dewayne Perkins, who also stars. Expanded from a 2018 short film by the improv comedy troupe 3Peat, the film follows an all-Black group of friends who encounter a killer while staying at a cabin in the woods. The cast includes Antoinette Robertson, Dewayne Perkins, Sinqua Walls, Grace Byers, X Mayo, Melvin Gregg, Jermaine Fowler, Yvonne Orji, Jay Pharoah and James Preston Rogers.
The Blackening is a 2022 American comedy slasher film, directed by Tim Story and co-written by Tracy Oliver and Dewayne Perkins, who also stars. Expanded from a 2018 short film by the improv comedy troupe 3Peat, the film follows an all-Black group of friends who encounter a killer while staying at a cabin in the woods. The cast includes Antoinette Robertson, Dewayne Perkins, Sinqua Walls, Grace Byers, X Mayo, Melvin Gregg, Jermaine Fowler, Yvonne Orji, Jay Pharoah and James Preston Rogers. The film premiered at the 2022 Toronto International Film Festival on September 16, 2022, and was second runner-up for the People's Choice Award for Midnight Madness. Lionsgate is set to distribute the film theatrically on Juneteenth weekend, June 16, 2023. (en)
The Blackening is a 2022 American comedy slasher film, directed by Tim Story and co-written by Tracy Oliver and Dewayne Perkins, who also stars. Expanded from a 2018 short film by the improv comedy troupe 3Peat, the film follows an all-Black group of friends who encounter a killer while staying at a cabin in the woods. The cast includes Antoinette Robertson, Dewayne Perkins, Sinqua Walls, Grace Byers, X Mayo, Melvin Gregg, Jermaine Fowler, Yvonne Orji, Jay Pharoah and James Preston Rogers. (en)