The Searchers (band) (original) (raw)
- The Searchers byli vedle Beatles nejúspěšnější skupinou merseybeatové vlny z Liverpoolu v 60. letech. V letech 1963-1965 patřili k nejznámějším světovým skupinám, získávali zlaté desky za milionové prodeje singlů a jejich hity jako Needles And Pins nebo Sweets For My Sweet dodnes znějí z rádií. (cs)
- The Searchers waren eine britische Rockgruppe, die besonders in den 1960er Jahren erfolgreich war und mehrere Hits hatte. Ihre bekanntesten Titel sind Needles and Pins, Sugar and Spice, Sweets for My Sweet, Love Potion No. 9 und When You Walk in the Room. Die Gruppe stammt wie die Beatles aus Liverpool und wird der Musikrichtung des Mersey Beat zugerechnet. (de)
- ذي سيرتشرز (بالإنجليزية: The Searchers)، كانت فرقة بريطانيَّة من ليفربول برزت خلال ظاهرة الاجتياح البريطاني «البريتش إنفيجين» مع فرق بريطانيَّة أخرى مثل البيتلز، وجيري آند ذا بيسميكرز، ، ، ، . أسس جون مكنالي ومايك بيندر الفرقة في ليفربول عام 1959 مستمدين اسمها من عنوان فيلم الغرب الأمريكي الذي يحمل نفس الاسم. (ar)
- The Searchers son una banda británica de música beat, uno de los grupos representativos de la escena Merseybeat surgida a principios de los 60 en Inglaterra, junto a the Beatles, the Hollies, the Fourmost, the Merseybeats, the Swinging Blue Jeans y Gerry and the Pacemakers. Pioneros de la llamada British Invasion, junto con the Swinging Blue Jeans, the Searchers fueron el segundo grupo de Liverpool, tras The Beatles, en entrar en las listas de éxitos estadounidenses, lo hicieron con "Needles and Pins" en marzo de 1964. Los mayores éxitos de la banda consistieron en versiones de temas populares de otros artistas como "Sweets for My Sweet" de The Drifters, "Needles and Pins" y "When You Walk in the Room" de Jackie DeShannon, "Don't Throw Your Love Away" de The Orlons o "Love Potion No. 9" de The Clovers, aunque también tuvieron éxitos con temas escritos para ellos como "Sugar and Spice". (es)
- The Searchers est un groupe britannique de beat. Il a connu son heure de gloire au début des années 1960, avec trois singles classés nos 1 des ventes : Sweets for My Sweet, Needles and Pins et Don't Throw Your Love Away. Ce dernier titre a été repris en France en 1964 par Vic Laurens sur Label Mercury, titre en français:C'est arrivé comme ça. (fr)
- The Searchers were an English Merseybeat group who emerged during the British Invasion of the 1960s. The band's hits include a remake of the Drifters' 1961 hit, "Sweets for My Sweet"; "Sugar and Spice" (written by their producer Tony Hatch); remakes of Jackie DeShannon's "Needles and Pins" and "When You Walk in the Room"; a cover of the Orlons' "Don't Throw Your Love Away"; and a cover of the Clovers' "Love Potion No. 9". With the Swinging Blue Jeans, the Searchers tied for being the second group from Liverpool, after the Beatles, to have a hit in the US when their "Needles and Pins" and the Swinging Blue Jeans' "Hippy Hippy Shake" both reached the Hot 100 on 7 March 1964. (en)
- サーチャーズ (The Searchers) は、イギリス、リヴァプール出身のロックバンド。1960年代のブリティッシュ・インヴェイジョン期を支えたバンドの一組でもある。 (ja)
- 서쳐스(The Searchers)는 1960년대 브리티시 인베이전 당시 비틀즈, 홀리스, , , , 등과 함께 등장한 영국계 머지비트 그룹이었다. 이 밴드의 히트곡들에는 1961년 히트곡인 〈Sweets for My Sweet〉, 〈〉, 재키 데샤논의 〈〉와 〈〉, 의 〈〉의 커버 그리고 의 〈〉이 포함되어 있다. 스윙잉 블루 진스로, 서쳐스는 1964년 3월 7일 그들의 〈Needles and Pins〉과 스윙잉 블루 진스의 〈〉가 빌보드 핫 100에 도달했을 때, 비틀즈에 이어 리버풀에서 두 번째 그룹으로 비겼다. (ko)
- The Searchers waren een band uit Liverpool die - parallel aan bands als bijvoorbeeld The Beatles en Gerry & the Pacemakers - de muziek ontwikkelde die uiteindelijk als Merseybeat (ook wel Liverpoolsound) de wereld zou veroveren. (nl)
- The Searchers sono una band inglese nata nel 1959. (it)
- The Searchers – brytyjski zespół rockowy, który największą popularność zdobył w latach 60. Hitami grupy była między innymi piosenka , wydana po raz pierwszy w 1961 roku przez grupę Drifters; utwór Jackie DeShannon Needles and Pins, po raz pierwszy wydany w 1963 roku, a także piosenki takie jak: , , , cover zespołu – . Była to druga grupa z Liverpoolu (po Beatlesach), której hit zaistniał w USA – dzięki piosence Needles and Pins w marcu 1964. (pl)
- The Searchers foi uma banda de rock britânica dos anos 60. O grupo é originário de Liverpool, e teve seus maiores êxitos entre 1964 e 1965. Destacaram-se os "hits": "Sweets for my sweet", "Needles and Pins", "Don't throw your love away" e "Love Potion nº 9". Continua apresentando-se, com apenas um dos integrantes originais. Melhores coletâneas em CD: "The complete collection" (selo Castle) e "The Searchers" (84 músicas, selo Sequel). (pt)
- The Searchers är en brittisk pop- och rockgrupp som bildades 1959 i Liverpool, England av bandets gitarrist . Gruppen var känd för sin ljudbild med 12-strängad gitarr och sångharmonier. De skrev dock inledningsvis inte särskilt många egna låtar utan spelade in nya versioner av främst amerikanska artisters alster. Gruppen hade stort inflytande på bland annat The Zombies. De var som mest framgångsrika åren 1963–1965. (sv)
- The Searchers — британская рок-группа, возникшая как часть сцены мерсибита 1960-х годов вместе с The Beatles, The Swinging Blue Jeans, и Gerry and the Pacemakers. В числе хитов группы — «Sweets for My Sweet», «Sugar and Spice», «Needles and Pins», и «Don’t Throw Your Love Away», кавер-версия «Love Potion No. 9» группы . Они были, по сути, второй группой из Ливерпуля после Beatles, попавшей в хит-парад в Америке (c «», на первой неделе марта 1964 года). (ru)
- The Searchers (укр. Шукачі) — британський рок-гурт. Утворений 1960 року у місті Ліверпуль. До першого складу групи входили: Майк Пендер (Mike Pender), справжнє прізвище Пендергаст (Pendergast), 3 березня 1942, Ліверпуль, Велика Британія — вокал, гітара; Джон Макнеллі (John McNelly), 30 серпня 1941, Ліверпуль, Велика Британія — вокал, гітара; Тоні Джексон (Tony Jackson), 16 липня 1940, Ліверпуль, Велика Британія — вокал, бас-гітара та Норман Макгеррі (Norman McGarry) — ударні. (uk)
- The Searchers, Left to right: Mike Pender, Chris Curtis, Frank Allen, John McNally (en)
- dbr:Billy_Adamson
- dbr:Scott_Ottaway
- dbr:Chris_Curtis
- dbr:Frank_Allen_(bassist)
- dbr:Tony_Jackson_(singer)
- dbr:John_McNally_(musician)
- dbr:Spencer_James
- dbr:Mike_Pender
- Tony West (en)
- Ron Woodbridge (en)
- Joe Kennedy (en)
- John Blunt (en)
- Johnny Sandon (en)
- Brian Dolan (en)
- Eddie Rothe (en)
- Norman McGarry (en)
- owl:Thing
- dbo:Person
- schema:MusicGroup
- schema:Organization
- dul:Agent
- dul:SocialPerson
- dbo:Agent
- dbo:Group
- wikidata:Q215380
- wikidata:Q24229398
- wikidata:Q43229
- yago:WikicatBritishInvasionArtists
- yago:WikicatLibertyRecordsArtists
- yago:WikicatMercuryRecordsArtists
- yago:WikicatSireRecordsArtists
- yago:Artist109812338
- yago:CausalAgent100007347
- yago:Creator109614315
- yago:LivingThing100004258
- yago:Object100002684
- yago:Organism100004475
- yago:Person100007846
- yago:PhysicalEntity100001930
- yago:WikicatKappRecordsArtists
- yago:YagoLegalActor
- yago:YagoLegalActorGeo
- dbo:Band
- dbo:Organisation
- yago:Whole100003553
- yago:WikicatPhilipsRecordsArtists
- yago:WikicatPyeRecordsArtists
- yago:WikicatRCAVictorArtists
- The Searchers byli vedle Beatles nejúspěšnější skupinou merseybeatové vlny z Liverpoolu v 60. letech. V letech 1963-1965 patřili k nejznámějším světovým skupinám, získávali zlaté desky za milionové prodeje singlů a jejich hity jako Needles And Pins nebo Sweets For My Sweet dodnes znějí z rádií. (cs)
- The Searchers waren eine britische Rockgruppe, die besonders in den 1960er Jahren erfolgreich war und mehrere Hits hatte. Ihre bekanntesten Titel sind Needles and Pins, Sugar and Spice, Sweets for My Sweet, Love Potion No. 9 und When You Walk in the Room. Die Gruppe stammt wie die Beatles aus Liverpool und wird der Musikrichtung des Mersey Beat zugerechnet. (de)
- ذي سيرتشرز (بالإنجليزية: The Searchers)، كانت فرقة بريطانيَّة من ليفربول برزت خلال ظاهرة الاجتياح البريطاني «البريتش إنفيجين» مع فرق بريطانيَّة أخرى مثل البيتلز، وجيري آند ذا بيسميكرز، ، ، ، . أسس جون مكنالي ومايك بيندر الفرقة في ليفربول عام 1959 مستمدين اسمها من عنوان فيلم الغرب الأمريكي الذي يحمل نفس الاسم. (ar)
- The Searchers est un groupe britannique de beat. Il a connu son heure de gloire au début des années 1960, avec trois singles classés nos 1 des ventes : Sweets for My Sweet, Needles and Pins et Don't Throw Your Love Away. Ce dernier titre a été repris en France en 1964 par Vic Laurens sur Label Mercury, titre en français:C'est arrivé comme ça. (fr)
- The Searchers were an English Merseybeat group who emerged during the British Invasion of the 1960s. The band's hits include a remake of the Drifters' 1961 hit, "Sweets for My Sweet"; "Sugar and Spice" (written by their producer Tony Hatch); remakes of Jackie DeShannon's "Needles and Pins" and "When You Walk in the Room"; a cover of the Orlons' "Don't Throw Your Love Away"; and a cover of the Clovers' "Love Potion No. 9". With the Swinging Blue Jeans, the Searchers tied for being the second group from Liverpool, after the Beatles, to have a hit in the US when their "Needles and Pins" and the Swinging Blue Jeans' "Hippy Hippy Shake" both reached the Hot 100 on 7 March 1964. (en)
- サーチャーズ (The Searchers) は、イギリス、リヴァプール出身のロックバンド。1960年代のブリティッシュ・インヴェイジョン期を支えたバンドの一組でもある。 (ja)
- 서쳐스(The Searchers)는 1960년대 브리티시 인베이전 당시 비틀즈, 홀리스, , , , 등과 함께 등장한 영국계 머지비트 그룹이었다. 이 밴드의 히트곡들에는 1961년 히트곡인 〈Sweets for My Sweet〉, 〈〉, 재키 데샤논의 〈〉와 〈〉, 의 〈〉의 커버 그리고 의 〈〉이 포함되어 있다. 스윙잉 블루 진스로, 서쳐스는 1964년 3월 7일 그들의 〈Needles and Pins〉과 스윙잉 블루 진스의 〈〉가 빌보드 핫 100에 도달했을 때, 비틀즈에 이어 리버풀에서 두 번째 그룹으로 비겼다. (ko)
- The Searchers waren een band uit Liverpool die - parallel aan bands als bijvoorbeeld The Beatles en Gerry & the Pacemakers - de muziek ontwikkelde die uiteindelijk als Merseybeat (ook wel Liverpoolsound) de wereld zou veroveren. (nl)
- The Searchers sono una band inglese nata nel 1959. (it)
- The Searchers – brytyjski zespół rockowy, który największą popularność zdobył w latach 60. Hitami grupy była między innymi piosenka , wydana po raz pierwszy w 1961 roku przez grupę Drifters; utwór Jackie DeShannon Needles and Pins, po raz pierwszy wydany w 1963 roku, a także piosenki takie jak: , , , cover zespołu – . Była to druga grupa z Liverpoolu (po Beatlesach), której hit zaistniał w USA – dzięki piosence Needles and Pins w marcu 1964. (pl)
- The Searchers foi uma banda de rock britânica dos anos 60. O grupo é originário de Liverpool, e teve seus maiores êxitos entre 1964 e 1965. Destacaram-se os "hits": "Sweets for my sweet", "Needles and Pins", "Don't throw your love away" e "Love Potion nº 9". Continua apresentando-se, com apenas um dos integrantes originais. Melhores coletâneas em CD: "The complete collection" (selo Castle) e "The Searchers" (84 músicas, selo Sequel). (pt)
- The Searchers är en brittisk pop- och rockgrupp som bildades 1959 i Liverpool, England av bandets gitarrist . Gruppen var känd för sin ljudbild med 12-strängad gitarr och sångharmonier. De skrev dock inledningsvis inte särskilt många egna låtar utan spelade in nya versioner av främst amerikanska artisters alster. Gruppen hade stort inflytande på bland annat The Zombies. De var som mest framgångsrika åren 1963–1965. (sv)
- The Searchers — британская рок-группа, возникшая как часть сцены мерсибита 1960-х годов вместе с The Beatles, The Swinging Blue Jeans, и Gerry and the Pacemakers. В числе хитов группы — «Sweets for My Sweet», «Sugar and Spice», «Needles and Pins», и «Don’t Throw Your Love Away», кавер-версия «Love Potion No. 9» группы . Они были, по сути, второй группой из Ливерпуля после Beatles, попавшей в хит-парад в Америке (c «», на первой неделе марта 1964 года). (ru)
- The Searchers (укр. Шукачі) — британський рок-гурт. Утворений 1960 року у місті Ліверпуль. До першого складу групи входили: Майк Пендер (Mike Pender), справжнє прізвище Пендергаст (Pendergast), 3 березня 1942, Ліверпуль, Велика Британія — вокал, гітара; Джон Макнеллі (John McNelly), 30 серпня 1941, Ліверпуль, Велика Британія — вокал, гітара; Тоні Джексон (Tony Jackson), 16 липня 1940, Ліверпуль, Велика Британія — вокал, бас-гітара та Норман Макгеррі (Norman McGarry) — ударні. (uk)
- The Searchers son una banda británica de música beat, uno de los grupos representativos de la escena Merseybeat surgida a principios de los 60 en Inglaterra, junto a the Beatles, the Hollies, the Fourmost, the Merseybeats, the Swinging Blue Jeans y Gerry and the Pacemakers. (es)
- ذي سيرتشرز (ar)
- The Searchers (cs)
- The Searchers (de)
- The Searchers (banda) (es)
- The Searchers (groupe) (fr)
- The Searchers (gruppo musicale) (it)
- サーチャーズ (ja)
- 서쳐스 (ko)
- The Searchers (muziekgroep) (nl)
- The Searchers (pl)
- The Searchers (banda) (pt)
- The Searchers (band) (en)
- The Searchers (ru)
- The Searchers (sv)
- The Searchers (uk)
is dbo:artist of
- dbr:Desdemona_(Searchers_song)
- dbr:Don't_Throw_Your_Love_Away__Don't_Throw_Your_Love_Away__1
- dbr:What_Have_They_Done_to_the_Rain
- dbr:Sugar_and_Spice_(The_Searchers_song)
- dbr:He's_Got_No_Love
- dbr:Take_It_or_Leave_It_(Rolling_Stones_song)
- dbr:The_Searchers_discography
- dbr:When_You_Walk_in_the_Room__When_You_Walk_in_the_Room__1
- dbr:Love_Potion_No._9_(song)__Love_Potion_Number_Nine__1
- dbr:Sweets_for_My_Sweet__s_for_My_Sweet__1
- dbr:Goodbye_My_Lover_Goodbye__My_Lover_Goodbye__1
- dbr:Needles_and_Pins_(song)__Needles_and_Pins__1
- dbr:Solitaire_(Neil_Sedaka_song)__Solitaire__1
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Casbah_Coffee_Club
- dbr:Casino_Rama
- dbr:American_rock
- dbr:Beat_music
- dbr:Pye_Records
- dbr:Ronnie_Burns_(singer)
- dbr:Rubber_Soul
- dbr:Sandy_Edmonds
- dbr:Saturday_Club_(BBC_Radio)
- dbr:Elipse
- dbr:Epiphone_Rivoli
- dbr:List_of_UK_Independent_Albums_Chart_number_ones_of_2019
- dbr:List_of_UK_Singles_Chart_number_ones_of_the_1960s
- dbr:List_of_UK_charts_and_number-one_singles_(1952–1969)/Record_Retailer
- dbr:List_of_UK_top-ten_albums_in_1963
- dbr:List_of_UK_top-ten_albums_in_1964
- dbr:List_of_UK_top-ten_albums_in_1965
- dbr:List_of_UK_top-ten_singles_in_1963
- dbr:List_of_UK_top-ten_singles_in_1965
- dbr:List_of_UK_top-ten_singles_in_1985
- dbr:List_of_acts_that_have_appeared_on_the_Royal_Variety_Performance
- dbr:List_of_artists_who_have_covered_Bob_Dylan_songs
- dbr:List_of_artists_who_reached_number_one_in_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_artists_who_reached_number_one_on_the_Australian_singles_chart
- dbr:List_of_artists_who_reached_number_one_on_the_UK_Singles_Chart
- dbr:List_of_bands_and_artists_from_Merseyside
- dbr:List_of_deaths_in_rock_and_roll_(2000s)
- dbr:List_of_drummers
- dbr:List_of_events_at_the_Jacksonville_Coliseum
- dbr:Robert_Mosely
- dbr:Mersey_Beat
- dbr:Mersey_Ferry
- dbr:September_Gurls
- dbr:1940_in_music
- dbr:1941_in_music
- dbr:1942_in_music
- dbr:Barrett_Strong
- dbr:Billy_Adamson
- dbr:Billy_Fury
- dbr:Black_Lace
- dbr:Bob_Jackson_(musician)
- dbr:Bob_Stanley_(musician)
- dbr:Bobby_Comstock
- dbr:Deep_Purple
- dbr:Almost_Saturday_Night
- dbr:Hungry_Hearts_(The_Searchers_album)
- dbr:Johnny_Kidd_(singer)
- dbr:Jon_Lord
- dbr:João_Onofre
- dbr:List_of_Royal_Variety_Performances
- dbr:List_of_The_Tonight_Show_Starring_Johnny_Carson_episodes_(1964)
- dbr:List_of_songs_written_by_Bob_Dylan
- dbr:Peter_Stringfellow
- dbr:Richard_Cole
- dbr:Richie_Barrett
- dbr:Rickenbacker
- dbr:Road_to_Ruin_(Ramones_album)
- dbr:Bumblebee_(disambiguation)
- dbr:Unicorn_(English_band)
- dbr:Valerie_Murtagh
- dbr:Deaths_in_February_2005
- dbr:Desdemona_(Searchers_song)
- dbr:Don't_Throw_Your_Love_Away
- dbr:Don_and_Dewey
- dbr:List_of_guests_appearing_on_The_Midnight_Special
- dbr:List_of_guitarists
- dbr:List_of_number-one_EPs_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:List_of_number-one_singles_in_1963_(New_Zealand)
- dbr:List_of_number-one_singles_in_1964_(New_Zealand)
- dbr:List_of_number-one_singles_in_Australia_during_the_1960s
- dbr:List_of_number-one_singles_of_1963_(Ireland)
- dbr:List_of_number-one_singles_of_1964_(Ireland)
- dbr:List_of_number-one_singles_on_Tio_i_Topp
- dbr:List_of_people_from_Merseyside
- dbr:List_of_performances_on_Top_of_the_Pops
- dbr:The_Interns_(band)
- dbr:Crazy_'Bout_My_Baby
- dbr:Cryptic_Writings
- dbr:Max_Merritt
- dbr:Meet_The_Searchers
- dbr:Child_(band)
- dbr:Love's_Melodies
- dbr:Needles_and_Pins_(song)
- dbr:Scott_Ottaway
- dbr:Chris_Curtis
- dbr:Chris_Kenner
- dbr:Frank_Allen_(bassist)
- dbr:Friday_Night,_Saturday_Morning
- dbr:Geff_Harrison
- dbr:Gerry_and_the_Pacemakers
- dbr:Good_Morning,_Vietnam
- dbr:Gordon_Mills
- dbr:Great_Yarmouth
- dbr:Mona_Best
- dbr:Monster_(2003_film)
- dbr:Mr._Tambourine_Man
- dbr:Mr._Tambourine_Man_(album)
- dbr:Music_of_Liverpool
- dbr:The_North_Atlantic_Invasion_Force_(band)
- dbr:The_One_for_You
- dbr:The_Records
- dbr:The_Rolling_Stones_Australasian_Tour_1966
- dbr:The_Searchers_Play_the_System_–_Rarities,_Oddities_&_Flipsides
- dbr:The_Shoop_Shoop_Song_(It's_in_His_Kiss)
- dbr:The_Spongetones
- dbr:Them_(band)
- dbr:Oscar_Toney_Jr.
- dbr:What_Have_They_Done_to_the_Rain
- dbr:2013_in_British_music
- dbr:Andrew_Marston
- dbr:Benn_Hall
- dbr:Len_Beadle
- dbr:Liberty_Records
- dbr:Liverpool
- dbr:Love_Potion_No._9_(song)
- dbr:Maggie_May_(folk_song)
- dbr:Malvina_Reynolds
- dbr:Sinn_Sisamouth
- dbr:St_Mary's_College,_Crosby
- dbr:Star-Club
- dbr:Steve_Thompson_(songwriter)
- dbr:Street-Legal_(album)
- dbr:Studio_150
- dbr:Sugar_and_Spice_(The_Searchers_album)
- dbr:Lesley-Ann_Jones
- dbr:Pavilion_Theatre,_Cromer_Pier
- dbr:Sugar_and_Spice_(The_Searchers_song)
- dbr:Music_of_the_United_Kingdom_(1960s)
- dbr:2003_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:2005_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:1960s_in_music
- dbr:1963_in_music
- dbr:1965_in_British_music
- dbr:1965_in_music
- dbr:Badfinger
- dbr:British_Invasion
- dbr:Buster_(soundtrack)
- dbr:Tito_Burns
- dbr:Tony_Crane_(musician)
- dbr:Tony_Hatch
- dbr:Tony_Jackson_(singer)
- dbr:Two_Yanks_in_England
- dbr:Wembley_Stadium_(1923)
- dbr:When_You_Walk_in_the_Room
- dbr:Where_Have_All_the_Flowers_Gone?
- dbr:Wimple_Winch
- dbr:Glad_All_Over_(Carl_Perkins_song)
- dbr:Iron_Door_Club
- dbr:Jangle
- dbr:Jangle_pop
- dbr:Johnny_Sandon
- dbr:List_of_1960s_musical_artists
- dbr:List_of_Billboard_Hot_100_top-ten_singles_in_1965
- dbr:List_of_British_Invasion_artists
- dbr:Sea_of_Heartbreak
- dbr:The_Fest_for_Beatles_Fans
- dbr:The_Beatles_at_The_Cavern_Club
- dbr:Saturday_Night_Out
- dbr:3-2-1
- dbr:Absolute_Radio_60s
- dbr:Acid_Eaters
- dbr:Alan_White_(Yes_drummer)
- dbr:All_I_Really_Want_to_Do_(album)
- dbr:All_My_Trials
- dbr:Allen_Toussaint
- dbr:American_Idol_(season_7)
- dbr:Da_Doo_Ron_Ron
- dbr:Downtown_(Petula_Clark_song)
- dbr:Eddie_Kramer
- dbr:Eden_Kane
- dbr:Evolution_(Hollies_album)
- dbr:British_pop_music
- dbr:British_rhythm_and_blues
- dbr:British_rock_music
- dbr:Now_+_4eva
- dbr:Overture_Center_for_the_Arts
- dbr:P._F._Sloan
- dbr:Pack_Up_the_Plantation:_Live!
- dbr:Farmer_John_(song)
- dbr:Folk_rock
- dbr:Four_Strong_Winds
- dbr:German,_French_+_Rare_Recordings
- dbr:Good_Girls_Don't
- dbr:Goodbye_My_Lover_Goodbye
- dbr:John_Wicks_(singer)
- dbr:Kensington_Market_(band)
- dbr:Lee_Curtis_and_the_All-Stars
- dbr:The_Clovers
- dbr:The_Corporation_(English_band)
- dbr:The_Crowd_(band)
- dbr:List_of_Disc_number-one_singles
- dbr:List_of_Melody_Maker_number-one_singles_from_1956_to_1969
- dbr:List_of_Mersey_Beat_number-one_singles
- dbr:List_of_NME_covers
- dbr:List_of_NME_number-one_singles_of_the_1960s
- dbr:List_of_Rickenbacker_players
- dbr:List_of_Sire_Records_artists
- dbr:List_of_Sony_Music_Publishing_artists
- dbr:Micky_Groome
- dbr:Mike_Rabon
- dbr:Red_Sails_in_the_Sunset_(song)
- dbr:2003_in_music
- dbr:Harold_Spiro
- dbr:Hayes,_Hillingdon
- dbr:He's_Got_No_Love
- dbr:Helena_Springs
- dbr:Here_Without_You_(The_Byrds_song)
- dbr:Hippy_Hippy_Shake
- dbr:It's_the_Searchers
- dbr:Jack_Nitzsche
- dbr:Jackie_DeShannon
- dbr:Jane_McDonald
- dbr:The_Barron_Knights
- dbr:The_Deco
- dbr:The_Echoes_(English_group)
- dbr:The_First_Class
- dbr:The_Hollies
- dbr:The_Young_Veins
- dbr:2019_in_British_music
- dbr:2019_in_music
- dbr:Jimmy_Wisner
- dbr:John_Ford
- dbr:John_Hiatt
- dbr:John_McNally_(musician)
- dbr:Kapp_Records
- dbr:Ken_Caillat
- dbr:Kenny_Young
- dbr:King's_Hall,_Herne_Bay
- dbr:Lancashire
- dbr:Last_Night_in_Soho_(soundtrack)
- dbr:Billboard_Year-End_Hot_100_singles_of_1964
- dbr:Billboard_Year-End_Hot_100_singles_of_1965
- dbr:Bingley_Music_Live
- dbr:Sweets_for_My_Sweet
- dbr:Sweets_for_My_Sweet_–_The_Searchers_at_the_Star-Club_Hamburg
- dbr:Switch_Board_Susan
- dbr:Take_It_or_Leave_It_(Rolling_Stones_song)
- dbr:Take_Me_for_What_I'm_Worth
- dbr:Take_a_Vacation!
- dbr:Ed_Stasium
- dbr:Herzogstraße
- dbr:The_Poets
- dbr:The_Searchers_discography
- dbr:The_Ties_That_Bind_(Bruce_Springsteen_song)
- dbr:Tivoli_Theatre_(Wimborne_Minster)
- dbr:Western_Union_(song)
- dbr:Record_Mirror
- dbr:Dinah_Lee
- dbr:Doc_Pomus
- dbr:BBC_Sessions_(The_Searchers_album)
- dbr:Pink_Floyd
- dbr:Play_for_Today_(The_Searchers_album)
- dbr:Solitaire_(Neil_Sedaka_song)
- dbr:Sounds_Like_Searchers
- dbr:Spencer_James
- dbr:Spilt_Milk_(American_Horror_Story)
- dbr:Classic_Rock_(Time-Life_Music)
- dbr:Green_Crystal_Ties,_Volume_7:_Mind-Expanding_Punk_of_the_60s
- dbr:Hully_Gully_(song)
- dbr:Till_You_Say_You'll_Be_Mine
- dbr:Höfner
- dbr:I'll_Feel_a_Whole_Lot_Better
- dbr:I'm_the_One_(Gerry_and_the_Pacemakers_song)
- dbr:I_Should_Be_Glad
- dbr:Ian_Prowse
- dbr:Michael_Graves_(audio_engineer)
- dbr:Mick_Weaver
- dbr:Mickey_Jupp
- dbr:Mike_Pender
- dbr:Mike_Pender's_Searchers
- dbr:Millport_Town_Hall
- dbr:Omnivore_Recordings
- dbr:Radio_City_(album)
- dbr:Ragged_Glory
- dbr:Ready_Steady_Go!
- dbr:Reasons_in_the_Sun
- dbr:Record_World
- dbr:Chad_&_Jeremy
- dbr:Searchers_(The_Searchers_album)
- dbr:Second_Take
- dbr:Shades_of_Deep_Purple
- dbr:Sharon_Sheeley
- dbr:Wounded_Bird_Records
- dbr:The_Bitter_End
- dbr:Rock_music
- dbr:Ruby_&_the_Romantics
- dbr:Sick_and_Tired_(Chris_Kenner_song)
- dbr:The_Searchers_(disambiguation)
- dbr:Nicolás_Jaar_discography
- dbr:I_Don't_Want_to_Go_On_Without_You
- dbr:I_Go_to_Pieces
- dbr:List_of_songs_about_Los_Angeles
- dbr:List_of_songs_written_by_Doc_Pomus_and_Mort_Shuman
- dbr:List_of_songs_written_by_Jerry_Leiber_and_Mike_Stoller
- dbr:Where_Have_You_Been_(All_My_Life)
- dbr:The_Beau_Brummels
- dbr:Every_River
- dbr:Change
- dbr:Popular_music_in_Yugoslavia
- dbr:World_in_Motion_1