Type 062 gunboat (original) (raw)
- 41000.0
- 36000.0
- La classe Shanghai (I et II), appellation du Code OTAN ou Type 062 (en chinois :062型高速护卫艇) est le nom sous lequel est connu un type de patrouilleur produit par la République populaire de Chine. Le Shanghai-I a été en service jusqu'au début des années 1960. (fr)
- Le classe Shanghai (I-V) sono motocannoniere costiere cinesi realizzate al ritmo di circa 10 all'anno a partire dal 1959, dopo che per molti anni i compiti di pattugliamento costiero necessario alla Cina venivano svolti da navigli di fornitura sovietica. Alla fine, ne sono state varate oltre 300. Le prime, Shanghai I, erano armate di un cannone binato da 57 e uno da 37mm, oltre che di 8 cariche di profondità e se del caso, anche 10 mine per operazioni di interdizione costiera. Subito dopo si passò alle navi della Shanghai II, con ben 8 cannoni: 2 impianti binati da 37mm e 2 da 25 a mezzanave, tutti di concezione sovietica. Essi sono stati poi sostituiti, sulle navi della classe IV e V da 2 cannoni a poppa calibro 57mm, e 2 a prua da 25mm. Sempre e comunque mine e cariche di profondità per tutte le classi, e nelle stesse quantità. A tutto questo si aggiunga una velocità di 30 nodi data da 4 diesel da 4800hp totali. Nell'insieme, navi di modeste capacità belliche in operazioni di guerra ad alto livello, ma così numerose e armate da essere molto utili in azioni di pattugliamento, antipirateria, minamento e pattugliamento anticommando e ASW costiero (grazie anche alla predisposizione per un sonar a scafo, mentre dovrebbero avere comunque gli idrofoni). (it)
- The Type 062 gunboat is a class of gunboat of the People's Liberation Army Navy first developed and constructed in the 1950s. This unsophisticated class is relatively well-armed for its size and is the most widely built and exported Chinese naval vessel in terms of numbers. A total of 30 were built, initial boats being known as the Shanghai I class and later slightly improved boats being known as the Shanghai II class. The Shanghai I class was slightly smaller than its successor, the Shanghai II class, displacing 125 tons instead of 135 tons, and had a twin Chinese Type 66 57 mm gun mount forward. All other specifications are identical to the Shanghai II class, which replaced the 57 mm with twin 37 mm gun mounts. Some boats remained in active service well into the early 1990s in the PLA navy and longer in the case of the Korean People's Navy. (en)
- 062형 고속호위정(중국어: 062型 高速护卫艇)은 의 후속 모델이며, 나토에는 상하이급으로 알려져 있다. 이 급의 초계정은 이전 모델보다 대형이며, 수출된 수로는 가장 널리 제작되어 보급된 중국의 군함이다. 이 함포초계정은 크기에 비해 잘 무장되어 있으며, 대잠수함전에서 초계 역할을 주 임무로 한다. (ko)
- 62型护卫艇(北约代号:Shanghai,上海级)即0111型护卫艇,是中国设计制造的第四代炮艇。 中国海军部队亦称为“125吨护卫艇”,是中国人民解放军海军在二十世纪六七十年代广泛使用的主力攻击快艇,有众多的改型,生产数量更是高达300多艘。由于采用苏联M50ф-3柴油1200马力引擎的国产化并改良产品12V-180引擎,本级得以大量制造。 中国人民解放军海军针对二十世纪六十年代的海上作战背景和已装备的多型快艇的使用经验,开始进行新型炮艇的设计。0111原型艇于1960年5月13日在大连船厂开工建造并于1961年建成试航,1961年11月23日入役。1963年国务院军工产品定型委员会正式批准设计0111甲定型并开始装备部队,授予型号062。 (zh)
- 36.000000 (xsd:double)
- 41.000000 (xsd:double)
- 5.300000 (xsd:double)
- 5.410000 (xsd:double)
- 5.500000 (xsd:double)
- 125000000.000000 (xsd:double)
- 135000000.000000 (xsd:double)
- 170000000.000000 (xsd:double)
- 1.550000 (xsd:double)
- 1.600000 (xsd:double)
- 1.800000 (xsd:double)
- 46.300000 (xsd:double)
- 52.782000 (xsd:double)
- 8671666 (xsd:integer)
- 13038 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
- 1096871647 (xsd:integer)
- dbr:NATO_reporting_name
- dbr:Depth_charges
- dbr:People's_Liberation_Army_Navy
- dbr:Republic_of_China_Navy
- dbr:Republic_of_Sierra_Leone_Armed_Forces
- dbr:Egyptian_Navy
- dbc:Gunboats_of_the_Korean_People's_Navy
- dbc:Gunboats_of_the_People's_Liberation_Army_Navy
- dbr:Bangladesh_Coast_Guard
- dbr:Bangladesh_Navy
- dbr:Timor_Leste_Defence_Force
- dbr:Ton
- dbr:Type_0105_gunboat
- dbr:Type_037_corvette
- dbr:Type_056_corvette
- dbr:Type_61_25mm_AAA_guns
- dbr:Heavy_machine_gun
- dbr:25_mm_automatic_air_defense_gun_M1940_(72-K)
- dbr:37_mm_automatic_air_defense_gun_M1939_(61-K)
- dbr:E-boat
- dbr:East_Timor
- dbr:Pakistan_Navy
- dbc:Ships_of_the_Sri_Lanka_Navy
- dbr:Ship_class
- dbr:Submarine_chaser
- dbr:Recoilless_rifle
- dbc:Gunboat_classes
- dbr:KPV_heavy_machine_gun
- dbr:Diesel_engine
- dbr:Sri_Lanka
- dbr:Sri_Lanka_Navy
- dbr:Korean_People's_Navy
- dbr:Navy_of_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo
- dbr:Type_022_missile_boat
- dbr:Gunboat
- dbr:Naval_Vessels_Naming_Regulation
- dbr:Tunisian_Navy
- dbr:Dalian_Shipyard
- dbr:Albanian_Naval_Defense_Forces
- dbr:Type_022_missile_boat
- Type 062I (en)
- & es (en)
- Type 062 (en)
- 1988 (xsd:integer)
- -1990.0
- Shanghai I & II class (en)
- Shanghai III class (en)
- *Shanghai-I class : *1 × twin Type 66 gun *4 × Type 61 guns *8 × Depth charges *Shanghai-II class : *4 × Chinese Type 61 guns *4 × Chinese Type 61 guns *1 × Chinese recoilless gun *8 × Depth charges (en)
- *4 × Chinese Type 76A guns *4 × Chinese or Soviet heavy machine guns (en)
- *Shanghai-I class : *Shanghai-II class : (en)
- Shanghai II-class gunboat (en)
- 36 (xsd:integer)
- 43 (xsd:integer)
- *Shanghai-I class : * full *Shanghai-II class : * full (en)
- *Shanghai-I class : *Shanghai-II class : (en)
- Type 062-class gunboat, October 2014-1.jpg (en)
- 300 (xsd:integer)
- *Shanghai-I class : *Shanghai-II class : (en)
- *2 × Chinese L-12V-180A diesel engines, *4 × shafts (en)
- *2 × Soviet M50F-4 diesel engines, *2 × 12D6 diesel engines, *4 × shafts (en)
- at (en)
- 1 (xsd:integer)
- (en)
- Gunboat (en)
- *Shanghai I-class gunboat *Shanghai II-class gunboat (en)
- *17 *Unknown export number (en)
- 30 (xsd:integer)
- Total number unknown, widely exported (en)
- 30 (xsd:integer)
- dbt:Convert
- dbt:Flag
- dbt:Flagicon
- dbt:Infobox_ship_characteristics
- dbt:Infobox_ship_class_overview
- dbt:Infobox_ship_image
- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:Rp
- dbt:Sclass
- dbt:Sclass2
- dbt:Ship_classes_of_the_Chinese_Navy
- dbt:Short_description
- dbt:Navy
- dbc:Gunboats_of_the_Korean_People's_Navy
- dbc:Gunboats_of_the_People's_Liberation_Army_Navy
- dbc:Ships_of_the_Sri_Lanka_Navy
- dbc:Gunboat_classes
- owl:Thing
- schema:Product
- dbo:MeanOfTransportation
- wikidata:Q11446
- yago:WikicatShipClasses
- yago:Abstraction100002137
- yago:Class107997703
- yago:Cognition100023271
- yago:Collection107951464
- yago:Communication100033020
- yago:Concept105835747
- yago:Content105809192
- yago:Feature105849789
- yago:Group100031264
- yago:Idea105833840
- yago:Image105928118
- yago:Message106598915
- yago:Overview106469223
- yago:Property105849040
- yago:PsychologicalFeature100023100
- yago:Representation105926676
- yago:WikicatGunboatClasses
- dbo:Ship
- yago:Statement106722453
- yago:Summary106467007
- La classe Shanghai (I et II), appellation du Code OTAN ou Type 062 (en chinois :062型高速护卫艇) est le nom sous lequel est connu un type de patrouilleur produit par la République populaire de Chine. Le Shanghai-I a été en service jusqu'au début des années 1960. (fr)
- 062형 고속호위정(중국어: 062型 高速护卫艇)은 의 후속 모델이며, 나토에는 상하이급으로 알려져 있다. 이 급의 초계정은 이전 모델보다 대형이며, 수출된 수로는 가장 널리 제작되어 보급된 중국의 군함이다. 이 함포초계정은 크기에 비해 잘 무장되어 있으며, 대잠수함전에서 초계 역할을 주 임무로 한다. (ko)
- 62型护卫艇(北约代号:Shanghai,上海级)即0111型护卫艇,是中国设计制造的第四代炮艇。 中国海军部队亦称为“125吨护卫艇”,是中国人民解放军海军在二十世纪六七十年代广泛使用的主力攻击快艇,有众多的改型,生产数量更是高达300多艘。由于采用苏联M50ф-3柴油1200马力引擎的国产化并改良产品12V-180引擎,本级得以大量制造。 中国人民解放军海军针对二十世纪六十年代的海上作战背景和已装备的多型快艇的使用经验,开始进行新型炮艇的设计。0111原型艇于1960年5月13日在大连船厂开工建造并于1961年建成试航,1961年11月23日入役。1963年国务院军工产品定型委员会正式批准设计0111甲定型并开始装备部队,授予型号062。 (zh)
- The Type 062 gunboat is a class of gunboat of the People's Liberation Army Navy first developed and constructed in the 1950s. This unsophisticated class is relatively well-armed for its size and is the most widely built and exported Chinese naval vessel in terms of numbers. A total of 30 were built, initial boats being known as the Shanghai I class and later slightly improved boats being known as the Shanghai II class. The Shanghai I class was slightly smaller than its successor, the Shanghai II class, displacing 125 tons instead of 135 tons, and had a twin Chinese Type 66 57 mm gun mount forward. All other specifications are identical to the Shanghai II class, which replaced the 57 mm with twin 37 mm gun mounts. Some boats remained in active service well into the early 1990s in the PLA na (en)
- Le classe Shanghai (I-V) sono motocannoniere costiere cinesi realizzate al ritmo di circa 10 all'anno a partire dal 1959, dopo che per molti anni i compiti di pattugliamento costiero necessario alla Cina venivano svolti da navigli di fornitura sovietica. Alla fine, ne sono state varate oltre 300. (it)
- Type 062 gunboat (en)
- Classe Shanghai (fr)
- Classe Shanghai (it)
- 062형급 함포초계정 (ko)
- 62型护卫艇 (zh)
- freebase:Type 062 gunboat
- yago-res:Type 062 gunboat
- wikidata:Type 062 gunboat
- dbpedia-fr:Type 062 gunboat
- dbpedia-it:Type 062 gunboat
- dbpedia-ko:Type 062 gunboat
- dbpedia-no:Type 062 gunboat
- dbpedia-zh:Type 062 gunboat
- https://global.dbpedia.org/id/51dwQ
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
- dbr:Type_062-I-class_gunboat
- dbr:Type_062-class_gunboat
- dbr:Type_062-I_class_gunboat
- dbr:Type_062_class_gunboat
- dbr:Type_62_class_gunboat
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Battle_of_Pooneryn
- dbr:Vadamarachchi_Operation
- dbr:List_of_minesweeper_classes
- dbr:List_of_ships_of_the_Bangladesh_Coast_Guard
- dbr:List_of_ships_of_the_Egyptian_Navy
- dbr:List_of_ships_of_the_People's_Liberation_Army_Navy
- dbr:SLNS_Ranaviru
- dbr:RBU-1200
- dbr:Patrol_boat
- dbr:Tunisian_Armed_Forces
- dbr:Type_0109_gunboat
- dbr:Type_037_corvette
- dbr:Albanian_Naval_Force
- dbr:Albanian_People's_Army
- dbr:List_of_Sri_Lanka_Navy_active_ships
- dbr:Tanzania_Naval_Command
- dbr:Army_of_the_Socialist_Republic_of_Romania
- dbr:China–Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo_relations
- dbr:Seychelles_Coast_Guard
- dbr:Shantou-class_gunboat
- dbr:Type_062-I-class_gunboat
- dbr:Type_062-class_gunboat
- dbr:Type_062-I_class_gunboat
- dbr:Type_062_class_gunboat
- dbr:Type_62_class_gunboat
is foaf:primaryTopic of