Bonds Meme - Orpheus by FaIIenShadows on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Orpheus & Artwork © Me (FaIIenShadows)
Seraph © C3lestialWolf
Janus © WynBird
Yael © Tazihound
Drawn for Domain-of-the-Wolf

Seraph | Lady Nightmare by C3lestialWolf
"Lady Seraph, my mentor and teacher! Yeah ha, I may be a loose canon, but she has impeccable patience - Against all odds she has managed to get through to me and I can safely say I've learned a lot under her guiding cough intimidating af eyes."

"I never really thought of myself as selfish...but I dunno, lately I've been feeling...kinda distant. I have had Vektren's culture drummed into my brain since the moment I took my first breath; serve the brotherhood, satisfy the Gods. I see my siblings and friends grow up around me, rising in the ranks and earning a place for themselves, and I just feel...lost. Sure, I've studied and grown as well, but I don't think it's the same. I just don't think I have the same...desire to serve that they do.

And it's a little terrifying."

Janus - Lord Cobra by WynBird

"My father has always been a little intimidating....I don't think he likes me all that much haha....*Sweats*"

Yael | Hunter | Fellfang by Tazihound

"Ellie c:

I met her on a beach near her homepack a short while back....I wasn't really supposed to be there but we don't need to fret over fine details here haha Anyway, we spent the whole afternoon together; she's super cool and seems to enjoy her life in Fellfang. Our cultures differ so dramatically, yet we have managed to find common ground...I am eager to see her again.