Janus - Lord Cobra by WynBird on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

"He is like any other petty tyrant of history. A slave to his own whims.

A master of nothing but selfishness."

~ Red Rising

Moodboard | Playlist

{ Basic Information }

Name: Janus (JAY-nus || Greek god of beginnings and transitions, war and peace, journeys, entrances, passages, and endings. Informally means "deceptive" or "two-faced")

Jay (Used only by friends of equal rank)
Jan Jan (Never call him this)
Lord Cobra//Lord//Cobra(formal title)
Lord Co-bitch(behind his back)
Lord Hoe-bra(behind his back)

Age: Adult (~7 years)

Height: 35"

Weight: 115lbs

Voice: You know when you're home alone late at night and you hear a noise, and suddenly there's a monster in every corner and you're pretty sure tonight is the night you're getting murdered? That's what Janus's voice makes you feel like.

Build: Athletic. Medium-length fur with a roguish flourish. Proud posture, slim and well muscled with long strong legs. Angled features. Grey beginning to run down his back, left over from the strain of his reeducation.

Themes: Believer - Imagine Dragons
Son of the Harpy - Ramin Djawadi (Instrumental)
The Shadow of the Past - Howard Shore (Instrumental)

{Territory: Vektren

{ Family:
Hekate (Consort)
Persephone (Daughter); Ravka (Daughter); DotW - Epione (Daughter); Thanatos (Son)
Alastor (Bastard Son; Unknown), Renae (Bastard Daughter; Unknown)
Orpheus (Son); Hestia (Daughter); Helh (Daughter); Phaeton (Son)

{ "Friends": Rabbit

{ Enemies: Iris

{ Rank: Lord Cobra | Black Council | Beta

"Evil preys on the weak because it fears the strong."

{ Peronality }

Ambitious | Awakened | Menacing | Perfectionist | Sadistic | Self-righteous | Two-Faced | Zealot

Ambitious – Selfish ambition brought Janus into the Dread Father's fold, but now the Cobra serves for the ambition of his gods. Through weeks of bloody torture and manipulation, Janus's selfish materialism has been scrubbed out, silenced. His devotion to Senisteros is based on the belief that nothing in the universe is more powerful than the god (and by extension, herald Hekate, who speaks for him). He will do anything to further the gain of Xibalten, and that really does mean anything. There is nothing and no one that Janus would not sacrifice for his gods.

Awakened - Once the void in him left Janus desperate for recognition, for the favour of the gods. Since his reeducation, this void is filled and overflowing. Janus hears voices in his head, which he believes to be the spirits that serve Xibalten. He has developed a particular addiction to the psychoactive drugs that bring him "closer" to these ghosts. The Cobra will not openly speak about his time in the pits or his scarred eye, attempting to prod him on the matter is another excellent way to get one's self dismembered. The eye, he believes, was a gift from the gods, and Janus is under the impression that it gives him special discernment. He trusts himself now - or at the very least, trusts the ghosts who whisper in his head.

**Menacing**- Jay oozes a menacing vibe, going about his affairs in much the same manner as a venomous serpent. He always seems to be up to no good, but that silver tongue of his is always eager to convince you of his good intentions.

**Perfectionist**- If Janus sees something as necessary, he will do it, and he will do it right. Moreover, he expects the same of others and is utterly unforgiving of any failure on the part of another to do their duty. Working under him might literally be hell.

Sadistic - He's prone to sadistic behavior, deriving a tainted sense of joy from inflicting physical suffering on others. You need someone mutilated? No problem. Janus will even brag about doing it later. He considers suffering to be the righteous punishment for those who have failed Senisteros, and considers torture an act of piety in this regard.

Self-righteous - Janus is perfectionistic, orderly, and quick to cast a condescending glare. He has passed through the gauntlet, seen and experienced the true faces of the gods and their powers. Lesser wolves are worthy only of his scorn for their weakness. The dark wolf is constantly striving to obtain what he believes he deserves as both an individual and a leader.

Two-Faced - There are few Janus trusts, and though he can be quite the socialite when called for Jay's true self is a mystery, perhaps even to himself. Most of "Him" has been replaced by Hekate's careful programming in the pits. He enjoys playing a role - endearing himself to those around him, being their friend - or even lover - while it suits him. And all too quick to stab his 'friends' in the back when the relationship is no longer beneficial. This makes him an excellent agent and interrogator; Janus's ability to wear a mask is rarely matched.

Zealot – Janus's shortcomings have been remolded into terrorism and fanatical devotion to the Dread Father. The wolf's subconscious desperation for recognition and respectability are what drew him to Vektren in the first place, and he feels he had achieved all he desired, and more. He knows that only Death is inescapable, and considers it both practical and wise to serve the gods of death in turn. He performs his duties wholeheartedly, without question or hesitation. In many aspects Janus is the perfect solider, or executioner. He is intolerant of questioning, demanding total obedience from others with no qualms about exacting righteous wrath on those who fail to meet this standard. His lust for Hekate has evolved into something even more obsessive. Janus's mind, body, and soul are entirely at his Mistress's disposal.

hekate look. look hekate. look how not desperate i am. are you looking. look how much i dont care. look. please. hekate.


(thank you KingWolfInk for this quote)

"The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart: his words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords."

{ Pre-Group History }

Born to heathen parents Kali and Brutus, Janus was not well attended as a child. Having never raised a litter to adulthood, his mother and father were frequently absent and overly preoccupied with matters which were not their needy, temperamental son. Along with some others, they had claimed a permanent territory near the Vektren of old. Brutus led the pack with his strength, exemplifying the aphorism "Might makes right." Often on the brink of starvation, they scrounged up meals wherever they could. During particularly scarce seasons, infighting was especially common, and even cannibalism. As a cub, Janus was frequently targeted by the more aggressive members of the pack, bullied mercilessly and learning that violence was the easiest way to solve most issues. He came to despise the chaos of this rankless system he lived in. He did everything he could to make an impression on his parents, and show that he was worthy as a leader as well as a follower, though nothing seemed to catch their eye. Until...

Brutus was aging, and his weakness would soon be taken advantage of by the younger, stronger wolves. It occurred to the Alpha that the loyalty of his son could potentially extend his own life and power. Now old enough that it seemed unlikely the child would die, Janus's parents began to take more of an interest. He was crude and hostile, but not without potential. Brutus reached out to his son, and Kali began to dote on Janus like never before. Their sudden attachment to him confused Janus, but he was eager for an opportunity to form some sort of bond with Brutus and Kali, and quickly fell into line as their bodyguard and enforcer. He was not happy with this lot as a crude hunk of muscle, but his parents assured him that they appreciated what he did for them, and that seemed like it should be enough.

Life continued this way for some time, until Brutus's pack and others nearby decided that their neighbor, the cult of Vektren, had become too great a threat. A sinister plot was formed, and the packs succeeded in infecting Vektren with rabies. It didn't take long before the madness claimed the servands of the Dread Father; many fled, most died. But Brutus could not be satisfied with victory alone. He wished to gloat. When his pack captured one fo the fleeing Vektreni, they imprisoned the fugitive. The creature's pelt what ghostly white, and her eyes a bloody red. Janus had never seen such a creature. She spewed many things about a wrathful god and spoke as if death itself were an entity to be served. She had been a Cleric, a Divine, and she claimed many things Janus was intrigued by. But his pack only laughed at her false god, and set upon her with the ferocity of base animals. They committed many atrocities against her, finally killing her. But not before she told Janus of Senisteros, and the wrath Xibalten exacted upon the unworthy.

Over the next three days, the pack feasted upon the Vektreni's corpse and celebrated their 'victory', all except for Janus, who had taken no part in any of it. His disappointment that her god had not shown himself vanished as very soon, blood sickness began to spread through the pack. Those who had partaken in the revelry grew feverish, erratic, rabid. Janus was awestruck and fearful as even the mighty Brutus succumbed to the very plague he had inflicted upon Vektren. His pack turned on itself, destroyed itself. Just as the Divine had promised.

When the nightmare was over and Janus alone survived, he knew where he needed to go, and who's service to pledge himself to. Brutus had been weak, but Senisteros... Senisteros was powerful.

{ Group History }

Plot Meme Coming Soon!

{ Misc. Art }


Secret Crush | Parent Pairing | Dog Breed | Sparkle | Reaction | Collaboration | Body Language | Alternate Universe | Album Cover | Inspirational Quote | And Abundance of Ducks