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����������* \ Angastonite CaMgAl2(PO4)2(OH)4�� 7H2O - ����� ������� \\ The mineral is named for the town of Angaston, which is named after George Fife Angas (1789�1879), businessman and Member of Parliament of South Australia, who settled in the area in the 1850s.\\ Mills, S. J., Groat, L. A., Wilson, S. A., Birch, W. D., Whitfield, P. S. & Raudsepp, M. (2008) Angastonite, CaMgAl2(PO4)2(OH)4?7H2O, a new phosphate mineral from Angaston, South Australia. Mineralogical Magazine, 72, 1011-1020.

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����������� XV ���������� �������� ��������� �� �������� � ��� ��.�.�.���������� (9-10 ����� 2008 ����) - http://geoschool.web.ru/db/msg.html?mid=1180278&s=260000583

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