2021 �. \ ������� \ �����������\ �� ������� ����������� (original) (raw)

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����� �������+- �� -- �-��������� ����� - клуб ����� ���� - 359 ����� �� ����� - 2024 ������� | ���������� ����������: 2024. 05. 17

��������� ������� \ ���������������


�������� ������ � mindat.org - https://www.mindat.org/loc-14409.html :

2021. 04.04 \\ ����������� ����������� ����� (valid minerals) - 2503 , �� ��� ����� ����������� ����� - 848 (type locality of valid minerals); ���� ��������� - 13215

�������\ Russia \\ ��������

- 2019. 01.11 \\ ����������� ����������� ����� (valid minerals) - 2295 , �� ��� ����� ����������� ����� - 797 (type locality of valid minerals); ���� ��������� - 11519

- 2020. 02.03 \\ ����������� ����������� ����� (valid minerals) - 2431 , �� ��� ����� ����������� ����� - 823 (type locality of valid minerals); ���� ��������� - 12549

�� ������������ (2021.04.04). ������������ ������

�������� ������ ���������. ��������. \\ ������������ ������. VIII �������������� ��������� �������. 2021.04.04. ����: �. ������.

�������� �-��

����������� \ Zolotarevite (TL) Na5Zr[Si6O15(OH)3] � 3H2O

- ������: ������� �., ����������� �-�, �������� �-�� \ Alluaiv Mountain, Lovozersky District, Murmansk Oblast, Russia \\ Mikhailova, J. A., Selivanova, E. A., Krivovichev, S. V., Pakhomovsky, Y. A., and Chukanov, N. V. (2021): Zolotarevite, IMA 2020-076, in: CNMNC Newsletter 59, Eur. J. Mineral., 33, https://doi.org/10.5194/ejm-33-139-2021

����������� \\ Avdontceva, M., Krivovichev, S., Yakovenchuk, V. (2021): Natrophosphate, Arctic Mineral and Nuclear Waste Phase: Structure Refinements and Chemical Variability. Minerals: 11: 186

�������� \ Panskyite \ Pd9Ag2Pb2S4 \\ �Southern Kievey Fedorovo�Pana layered intrusion, Fedorovo-Pansky massif (Pana layered complex), Murmansk Oblast, Russia \ ������ ����� (Pt-Pd-Au) �������������, ����� ���, �������-������� ����, ��������-������� ������, ����������� �����, ���������� ������� (�������� ������), ������

- Vymazalova, A., Subbotin, V.V., Laufek, F., Savchenko, Y.E., Stanley, C.J., Gabov, D.A., Plasil , J. (2021) Panskyite, Pd9Ag2Pb2S4, a new platinum group mineral from the Southern Kievey ore occurrence of the Fedorova�Pana layered intrusion, Kola Peninsula, Russia. Mineralogical Magazine: 85(2): 161-171.

2021 ����� �.�.,������������ �.�. - ������ ���������� "������������� �������� ���������� � ������������ �������� �������� (�������� ����������)" � ���������������� ����� ����� �.�. �������� ��� . -�_���������������� ��������_, 2021, ���26, ��1, �.�4-9

������� �.�., ����������� �.�., �������� �.�., ����� �.�., ������� �.�. ���������� ����������� ������������� �� ��������� ���������� �������� ������������� ��������, - ������� ���, 2021, �. 499, �2, �. 26-31 (in Russian)



���������������-(La) \ Alexkuznetsovite-(La) La2Mn(CO3)(Si2O7), ���������������-(Ce) \ alexkuznetsovite-(Ce), Ce2Mn(CO3)(Si2O7) - ����� �������� �� �-��� ������� ���, �. ����, ������ \\ Kasatkin, A.V., Zubkova, N.V., Pekov, I.V., Chukanov, N.V., Skoda, R., Agakhanov, A.A., Belakovskiy, D.I., Britvin, S.N., Pushcharovsky, D.Yu. (2021): The mineralogy of the historical Mochalin Log REE deposit, South Urals, Russia. Part IV. Alexkuznetsovite-(La), La2Mn(CO3)(Si2O7), alexkuznetsovite-(Ce), Ce2Mn(CO3)(Si2O7), and biraite-(La), La2Fe2+(CO3)(Si2O7), three new isostructural minerals and a definition of the biraite group. Mineralogical Magazine: 85 (in press).\\ ������� ���, �. ����, ������ \ �Mochalin Log, Kyshtym, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia

������ - ����� ������� �� ����. �. �����, �. ���� \\ Barkov, A.Y., Bindi, L., Tamura, N., Martin, R.F., Ma, C., Winkler, B., Shvedov, G.I., Morgenroth, W. (2021) Fleetite, Cu2RhIrSb2, a New Species of Platinum-Group Mineral from the Miass Placer Zone, Southern Urals, Russia. The Canadian Mineralogist: 59(2): 423�430.

������������, �. �. ����� �.�. ����� ���������� ������ ����� : (������� � ������� ���������) / �. �. ������������ \ ����-��������� ������� ����� ����������� � ����������� ��� ���, �������� �����������. - [���������] : �������, 2021. - 103 �. : ��. - (������������ ���������� �����). - ��������.: �. 82-101.

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8 ������� 2021 ���� �������� ������ ������� ������������ ���� ����� �. �. ��������-���������� �� �� ������� - https://www.tourister.ru/world/europe/russia/city/ekaterinburg/museum/42444/responses/10497


��. ������

Barkov, Andrei Y., Ivan I. Nikulin, Andrey A. Nikiforov, Boris M. Lobastov, Sergey A. Silyanov, and Robert F. Martin (2021) "Atypical Mineralization Involving Pd-Pt, Au-Ag, REE, Y, Zr, Th, U, and Cl-F in the Oktyabrsky Deposit, Norilsk Complex, Russia" Minerals 11, no. 11: 1193. https://doi.org/10.3390/min11111193 \\ ����������� �-���, ��������


�������� \ Dugganite Pb3Zn3(AsO4)2(TeO6)

- Kondratieva, Larisa A., Galina S. Anisimova, and Veronika N. Kardashevskaia (2021) "Types of Tellurium Mineralization of Gold Deposits of the Aldan Shield (Southern Yakutia, Russia)" Minerals 11, no. 7: 698. https://doi.org/10.3390/min11070698

��������������� \ Sergeysmirnovite MgZn2(PO4)2 � 4H2O

- ������: �����, ������, ������ \ Kester deposit, Kester harpolith, Arga-Ynnakh-Khaya granite Massif, Yana-Adycha Region, Yana River Basin, Verkhoyansk District, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russia \\ Yakovenchuk,V.N., Pakhomovsky, Y.A., Konoplyova, N.G., Panikorovskii, T.L., Bazai, A., Mikhailova, J.A., Bocharov, V.N., Krivovichev, S.V. (2021): Sergeysmirnovite, IMA2021-033. CNMNC Newsletter 62; Mineralogical Magazine: 85,


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�������� \ ����������������� * - ����� ������� \ Pekov I.V., Koshlyakova N.N., Agakhanov A.A., Zubkova N.V., Belakovskiy D.I., Vigasina M.F., Turchkova A.G., Sidorov E.G. and Pushcharovsky D.Yu. (2021a) New arsenate minerals from the Arsenatnaya fumarole, Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, Russia. XV. Calciojohillerite, NaCaMgMg2(AsO4)3, a member of the alluaudite group. Mineralogical Magazine, 85, 215�223.

-2021 -

- Calciojohillerite \\ Pekov, I.V., Koshlyakova, N.N., Agakhanov, A.A., Zubkova, N.V., Belakovskiy, D.I., Vigasina, M.F., Turchkova, A.G., Sidorov, E.G., Pushcharovsky, D.Yu. (2021) New arsenate minerals from the Arsenatnaya fumarole, Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, Russia. XV. Calciojohillerite, NaCaMgMg2(AsO4)3, a member of the alluaudite group. Mineralogical Magazine: 85(2): 215-223.

Siidra, O.I., Borisov, A.S., Charkin, D.O., Depmeier, W., Platonova, N.V. (2021) Evolution of fumarolic anhydrous copper sulfate minerals during successive hydration/dehydration. Mineralogical Magazine: 85 (in press).

Siidra, O.I., Nazarchuk, E.V., Pautov, L.A., Borisov, A.S., Kozin, M.S.: Milkovoite, IMA2021-005, in: CNMNC Newsletter 61, Eur. J. Mineral.: 33, https://doi.org/10.5194/ejm-33-299-2021

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��������� \ Kasatkin, A.V., Britvin, S.N., Krzhizhanovskaya, M.G., Chukanov, N.V., Skoda, R., Gottlicher, J., Belakovskiy, D.I., Pekov, I.V., Levitskiy, V.V. (2021): Kaznakhtite, IMA 2021-056. CNMNC Newsletter 63; Mineralogical Magazine: 85, https://doi.org.10.1180/mgm.2021.74

- ������������� ������ \ Kaznakhtinskii ultrabasic massif, Kyzyl-Uyuk locality, Terekta Ridge, Ust'-Koksinsky District, Altai Republic, Russia - - �������������� ��������������� \ Type Locality

Ferrotorryweiserite, Rh5Fe10S16,

Barkov, Andrei Y., Nadezhda D. Tolstykh, Nobumichi Tamura, Robert F. Martin, Andrew M. McDonald, and Louis J. Cabri (2021) Ferrotorryweiserite, Rh5Fe10S16, a New Mineral Species from the Sisim Placer Zone, Eastern Sayans, Russia, and the Torryweiserite�Ferrotorryweiserite Series. Minerals: 11(12): 1420.

��������* \ Tamuraite Ir5Fe10S16 -����� ������� ��� \ ������ ��������� \ Kuvaevite Group�>��������� ����������� �Pentlandite Supergroup

Barkov, A. Y., Tolstykh, N. D., Martin, R. F., & McDonald, A. M. (2021). Tamuraite, Ir5Fe10S16, a New Species of Platinum-Group Mineral from the Sisim Placer Zone, Eastern Sayans, Russia. Minerals, 11(5), 545.




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- �������������� - ����� ������� \ Kasatkin A.V., Plasil J., Skoda R., Campostrini I., Chukanov N.V., Agakhanov A.A., Karpenko V.Y. and Belakovskiy D.I. (2021) Ferroefremovite, (NH4)2Fe2+2(SO4)3, a new mineral from Solfatara di Pozzuoli, Campania, Italy. The Canadian Mineralogist: 59(1): 59�68.

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������������� \ Johnkoivulaite, Cs(Be2B)Mg2Si6O18 - ����� �������

- Palke, A.C., Henling, L.M., Ma, C., Rossman, G.R., Sun, Z., Renfro, N., Kampf, A.R., Thu, K., Myo, N., Wongrawang, P., Weeramonkhonlert, V. (2021): Johnkoivulaite, Cs(Be2B)Mg2Si6O18, a new mineral of the beryl group from the gem deposits of Mogok, Myanmar. American Mineralogist: 106: 1844-1851.


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Taniajacoite and Strontioruizite, Two New Minerals Isostructural with Ruizite from the N'Chwaning III Mine, Kalahari Manganese Field, South Africa \\ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/350405531_Taniajacoite_and_Strontioruizite \\ The Canadian Mineralogist March 2021 \\ [���������� \ ���������] � ��������������

Hexiong Yang, Xiangping Gu, Bruce Cairncross, Robert T. Downs, Stanley H. Evans; Taniajacoite and Strontioruizite, Two New Minerals Isostructural with Ruizite from the N'Chwaning III Mine, Kalahari Manganese Field, South Africa. _The Canadian Mineralogist 2021; canmin.2000037. doi: https://doi.org/10.3749/canmin.2000037

- Tschauner, Oliver; Huang, Shichun; Yang, Shuying; Humayun, Munir; Liu, Wenjun; Gilbert Corder; Stephanie N.; Bechtel, Hans A.; Tischler, Jon; Rossman, George R. (2021) Discovery of davemaoite, CaSiO?-perovskite, as a mineral from the lower mantle. Science, 374, 891-894.

��������� \ Cairncross, Bruce (2021) Connoisseur's Choice: Boltwoodite, Goanikontes Claim, Arandis, Erongo Region, Namibia. Rocks & Minerals, 96 (3) 238-247 doi:10.1080/00357529.2021.1875746

�������������� \ crowningshieldite

- Smith, E.M., Nestola, F., Pasqualetto, L., Zorzi, F., Secco, L., Wang, W. (2021) The new mineral crowningshieldite: A high-temperature NiS polymorph found in a type IIa diamond from the Letseng mine, Lesotho. American Mineralogist: 106: 301�308.

Yuzuxiangite Sr3Fe3+(Si2O6)2(OH) � 3H2O - ����� ������� �� �-�� �������, ���. ������ \ Wessels Mine�(TL) \\ Gu, X., Yang, H., Xie, X. (2021) Yuzuxiangite, IMA 2020-084. CNMNC Newsletter 60; Mineralogical Magazine: 85, https://doi.org/10.1180/mgm.2021.30

����������������� \ Nioboheftetjernite ScNbO4, \ https://webmineral.ru/minerals/item.php?id=215874

- -���������� \\ Befanamo pegmatite, Beronono, Anjozorobe, Analamanga, Madagascar \\ Lykova, I., Rowe, R., Poirier, G., McDonald, A.M. & Giester, G. (2021) Nioboheftetjernite, ScNbO4, a new mineral from the Befanamo pegmatite, Madagascar. The Canadian Mineralogist: 59: 1-8.

������������� \ Parahibbingite (TL) \ Karee Mine, Rustenburg, �. ������ \\ Kodera, P., Majzlan, J., Pollok, K., Kiefer, S., Simko, F., Luptakova, J., Cawthorn, G., 2021: Parahibbingite, IMA 2020-038a, in: CNMNC Newsletter 59, Eur. J. Mineral.,

Yuzuxiangite (TL) Sr3Fe3+(Si2O6)2(OH) � 3H2O \\ Wessels Mine,�Hotazel,�Kalahari manganese field,�Northern Cape,�South Africa

- Gu, X., Yang, H., Xie, X. (2021) Yuzuxiangite, IMA 2020-084. CNMNC Newsletter 60; Mineralogical Magazine: 85, https://doi.org/10.1180/mgm.2021.3


������ �-�, ����� ��������� \ Paratoo copper Mine, Peterborough,�South Flinders Ranges,�Flinders Ranges,�South Australia,�Australia ; 32� 40' 46'' South , 139� 19' 49'' East \\ Alicewilsonite-(YLa) (TL) Na2Sr2YLa(CO3)6�� 3H2O - ����� �������

--Lykova, I, Rowe, R., Poirier, G., Heldwig, K., Friis, H. (2021) Alicewilsonite-(YLa), IMA 2021-047. CNMNC Newsletter 63; Mineralogical Magazine: 85(6): 911.

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����������������-6N12S \ Magnesiohogbomite-6N12S \\ Lykova, I., Rowe, R., Poirier, G., Giester, G., & Helwig, K. (2021). Magnesiohogbomite-6N12S, Mg5Al11TiO23(OH), a new hogbomite-group mineral from the DeWitts Corners, Ontario, Canada._Mineralogical Magazine,�_85(3), 398-405. doi:10.1180/mgm.2021.31

- Lot 10,�Concession 1,�Dewitts Corners area,�Bathurst Township,�Lanark County,Ontario,�Canada

McDonald, A.M., Kjarsgaard, I.M., Cabri, L.J., Ross, K.C., Ames, D.E., Bindi, L., Good, D.J. (2021): Oberthurite, Rh3(Ni,Fe)32S32 and torryweiserite, Rh5Ni10S16, two new platinum-group minerals from Marathon Deposit, Coldwell, Ontario, Canada: Descriptions, crystal chemical, considerations and comments on the, geochemistry of rhodium. The Canadian Mineralogist: 59: 1833-1863.

��������� \\ ������� \\ Kampf, A.R., Hughes, J.M., Cooper, M.A., Hawthorne, F.C., Nash, B.P., Olds, T.A., Adams, P.M., Marty, J. (2021) The pascoite family of minerals, including the redefinition of rakovanite. The Canadian Mineralogist: 59(4): 771�779.


Kampf, A.R., Celestian, A.J., Nash, B.P., Marty, J. (2021): Allantoin and natrosulfatourea, two new bat-guano minerals form the Rowley Mine, Maricopa County, Arizona, USA. The Canadian Mineralogist: 59(3): 603�616.

Kampf, A.R., Celestian, A.J., Nash, B.P. (2021) Jasonsmithite, a new phosphate mineral with a complex microporous framework, from the Foote mine, North Carolina, U.S.A.. American Mineralogist: 106: 174�179.

��������� \ Tombstoneite (TL) (Ca0.5Pb0.5)Pb3Cu62+Te26+O6(Te4+O3)6(Se4+O3)2(SO4)2 � 3H2O -����� ������� �� - Tombstone Mining District, Cochise County, Arizona, USA \ 33_25

- Kampf, A.R., Mills, S.J., Housley, R.M., Ma, C., Thorne, B. (2021): Tombstoneite, IMA 2021-053. CNMNC Newsletter 63; Mineralogical Magazine: 85, https://doi.org.10.1180/mgm.2021.74


- Missen, O.P., Mills, S.J., Rumsey, M.S., Spratt, J., Najorka, J., Kampf, A.R., Thorne, B. (2021) Tomiolloite, IMA 2021-019. CNMNC Newsletter 62; Mineralogical Magazine: 85,�https://doi.org/10.1180/mgm.2021.62 \\ Moctezuma, Moctezuma Municipality, Sonora, Mexico

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Zhanghuifenite - ����� ������� �� ��������� ����� ���, ����. ���-����, ��������� Santa Ana Pegmatite, Totoral pegmatitic field, Coronel Pringles Department, San Luis Province, Argentina

Yang, H., Kobsch, A., Gu, X., Downs, R. T., & Xie, X. (2021). Zhanghuifenite, Na3 M n 4 2+ Mg2Al (PO4) 6, a new mineral isostructural with bobfergusonite, from the Santa Ana mine, San Luis province, Argentina. American Mineralogist: Journal of Earth and Planetary Materials, 106(6), 1009-1015.


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