System.Globalization Namespace (original) (raw)

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System.Globalization Namespace

Contains classes that define culture-related information, including language, country/region, calendars in use, format patterns for dates, currency, and numbers, and sort order for strings. These classes are useful for writing globalized (internationalized) applications. Classes such as StringInfo and TextInfo provide advanced globalization functionalities, including surrogate support and text element processing.


Calendar Represents time in divisions, such as weeks, months, and years.
CharUnicodeInfo Retrieves information about a Unicode character. This class cannot be inherited.
ChineseLunisolarCalendar Represents time in divisions, such as months, days, and years. Years are calculated using the Chinese calendar, while days and months are calculated using the lunisolar calendar.
CompareInfo Implements a set of methods for culture-sensitive string comparisons.
CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder Defines a custom culture that is new or based on another culture and country/region. The custom culture can be installed on a computer and subsequently used by any application that is running on that computer. This class cannot be inherited.
CultureInfo Provides information about a specific culture (called a locale for unmanaged code development). The information includes the names for the culture, the writing system, the calendar used, the sort order of strings, and formatting for dates and numbers.
CultureNotFoundException The exception that is thrown when a method attempts to construct a culture that is not available.
DateTimeFormatInfo Provides culture-specific information about the format of date and time values.
DaylightTime Defines the period of daylight saving time.
EastAsianLunisolarCalendar Represents a calendar that divides time into months, days, years, and eras, and has dates that are based on cycles of the sun and the moon.
GlobalizationExtensions Provides globalization-related extension methods.
GregorianCalendar Represents the Gregorian calendar.
HebrewCalendar Represents the Hebrew calendar.
HijriCalendar Represents the Hijri calendar.
IdnMapping Supports the use of non-ASCII characters for Internet domain names. This class cannot be inherited.
ISOWeek Provides static members to support the ISO week date that is part of the ISO 8601 date and time standard issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
JapaneseCalendar Represents the Japanese calendar.
JapaneseLunisolarCalendar Represents time in divisions, such as months, days, and years. Years are calculated as for the Japanese calendar, while days and months are calculated using the lunisolar calendar.
JulianCalendar Represents the Julian calendar.
KoreanCalendar Represents the Korean calendar.
KoreanLunisolarCalendar Represents time in divisions, such as months, days, and years. Years are calculated using the Gregorian calendar, while days and months are calculated using the lunisolar calendar.
NumberFormatInfo Provides culture-specific information for formatting and parsing numeric values.
PersianCalendar Represents the Persian calendar.
RegionInfo Contains information about the country/region.
SortKey Represents the result of mapping a string to its sort key.
SortVersion Provides information about the version of Unicode used to compare and order strings.
StringInfo Provides functionality to split a string into text elements and to iterate through those text elements.
TaiwanCalendar the Taiwan calendar.
TaiwanLunisolarCalendar Represents the Taiwan lunisolar calendar. As for the Taiwan calendar, years are calculated using the Gregorian calendar, while days and months are calculated using the lunisolar calendar.
TextElementEnumerator Enumerates the text elements of a string.
TextInfo Defines text properties and behaviors, such as casing, that are specific to a writing system.
ThaiBuddhistCalendar Represents the Thai Buddhist calendar.
UmAlQuraCalendar Represents the Saudi Hijri (Um Al Qura) calendar.


CalendarAlgorithmType Specifies whether a calendar is solar-based, lunar-based, or lunisolar-based.
CalendarWeekRule Defines different rules for determining the first week of the year.
CompareOptions Defines the string comparison options to use with CompareInfo.
CultureAndRegionModifiers Specifies constants that define a CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder object.
CultureTypes Defines the types of culture lists that can be retrieved using the GetCultures(CultureTypes) method.
DateTimeStyles Defines the formatting options that customize string parsing for some date and time parsing methods.
DigitShapes Specifies the culture-specific display of digits.
GregorianCalendarTypes Defines the different language versions of the Gregorian calendar.
NumberStyles Determines the styles permitted in numeric string arguments that are passed to the Parse and TryParse methods of the integral and floating-point numeric types.
TimeSpanStyles Defines the formatting options that customize string parsing for the ParseExact and TryParseExact methods.
UnicodeCategory Defines the Unicode category of a character.


The following blogs include discussions of the System.Globalization namespace and its classes:

Two of the .NET types in this namespace, CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder and CultureAndRegionModifiers, are found in an assembly named sysglobl.dll. To successfully compile code that uses these types, add a reference to sysglobl.dll.

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