1) 17 January in Algorta, Vizcaya (Spain) F�LIX MONASTERIO ATECA (F�LIX OF THE VIRGIN) professed priest, Trinitarians born: 02 May 1902 in Rigoitia, Vizcaya (Spain) competent forum: Bilbao CCS protocol number: 1095 type of cause:heroic virtues opening of informative process: 25 April 1963 closing of informative process: 19 November 1966 decree on writings: 12 May 1972 decree on validity of informative process: 10 July 1987 publication of Positio: 1989 particular congress of theological consultors: 06 July 1993 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 11 January 1994 promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 26 March 1994 postulator: Rev. Javier Carnerero Pe�alver,osst petitioner: [_see_ 1927: Domingo Iturrate Zubero (Domingo of the Blessed Sacrament)] website: |
2) 03 February in Malestroit, Morbihan (France) YVONNE BEAUVAIS (MARIE-YVONNE-AIM�E OF JESUS) professed religious, Augustinian Sisters of the Mercy of Jesus (French Federation) born: 16 July 1901 in Coss�-en-Champagne, Mayenne (France) competent forum: Vannes CCS protocol number: 908 type of cause:heroic virtues opening of informative process: closing of informative process: opening of acts of informative process: 04 March 1959 rescript of �nihil obstat�: decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: publication of Positio: particular congress of theological consultors: ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: postulator: petitioner: S�urs Augustines de la Mis�ricorde de J�sus, 2 Faubourg St Michel, 56140 Malestroit, FRANCE S�urs Augustines de la Mis�ricorde de J�sus, 4 rue Adolphe Lerayi, B.P. 525, 35000 Rennes, FRANCE website:www.augustines-malestroit.com |
3) 05 February in Rome (Italy) CAROLINA MANCINELLI SCAMPONE layperson of the diocese of Gaeta; married; member, Lay Carmelites born: 18 November 1877 in Esperia Inferiore, Frosinone (Italy) competent forum: Gaeta CCS protocol number: 1615 type of cause:heroic virtues rescript of �nihil obstat�: 18 May 1998 opening of diocesan inquiry: closing of diocesan inquiry: decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: publication of Positio: particular congress of theological consultors: ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: postulator: Dr. Giovanna Brizi petitioner:Parrocchia di San Bartolomeo, 03040 Selvacava di Ausonia (FR), ITALY website: |
4) 21 February in Jilava, Bucharest (Romania) in odium fidei, uti fertur DUMITRU MATEI priest of the diocese of Iaşi born: 18 July 1913 in Sărata, Bacău (Romanis) competent forum: Iaşi CCS protocol number: type of cause:martyrdom rescript of �nihil obstat�: 16 December 2021 opening of diocesan inquiry: 30 January 2022 closing of diocesan inquiry: 13 September 2023 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: publication of Positio: particular congress of theological consultors: ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: postulator: Rev. Isidor Iacovici petitioner: Romano-Catolică de Iaşi, Bd. Ştefan cel Mare şi Sf�nt, 26, 700064 Iaşi (IS), ROMANIA website: www.ercis.ro |
5) 25 February in Gand�a, Valencia (Spain) JOAQU�N BALLESTER LLORET layperson of the archdiocese of Valencia born: 14 December 1865 in Tormos, Alicante (Spain) competent forum: Valencia CCS protocol number: 2512 type of cause:heroic virtues rescript of �nihil obstat�: 11 October 2002 opening of diocesan inquiry: closing of diocesan inquiry: decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: publication of Positio: particular congress of theological consultors: ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: postulator: Dr. Silvia M�nica Correale petitioner: Vicepostulaci�n de la Causa J. Ballester, C/ Alfons El Vell, 3, 46700 Gand�a (Valencia), SPAIN Asociaci�n Sanatorio San Francisco de Borja-Fontilles, P. Tetu�n, 6, bajo, 46003 Valencia, SPAIN website: |
6)04 March in Kistarcsa, G�d�llői (Hungary) in odium fidei MESZL�NYI ZOLT�N LAJOS auxiliary bishop of Esztergom born: 02 January 1892 in Hatvan, Heves (Hungary) competent forum: Esztergom-Budapest CCS protocol number: 2619 type of cause: martyrdom rescript of �nihil obstat�: 17 September 2004 opening of diocesan inquiry: 18 October 2004 closing of diocesan inquiry: 23 January 2005 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 07 December 2007 publication of Positio: 2008 particular congress of theological consultors: 16 January 2009 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 05 May 2009 promulgation of decree on martyrdom: 03 July 2009 beatification: 31 October 2009 postulator: Dr. Andrea Ambrosi petitioner: [_see_ 1975: Mindszenty J�zsef] website: |
7) 14 March in Vienna (Austria) CORETH M�RIA TER�ZIA layperson of the diocese of Szombathely; married born: 10 November 1874 in Vienna (Austria) competent forum: Szombathely CCS protocol number: 3697 type of cause: heroic virtues rescript of transfer of competent forum: rescript of �nihil obstat�: 23 October 2023 opening of diocesan inquiry: closing of diocesan inquiry: decree on validity of informative process: publication of Positio: particular congress of theological consultors: ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: postulator: petitioner: [_see_ 1931: Batthy�ny-Strattmann L�szl�] webpage: |
8)15 March in Viedma, R�o Negro (Argentina) ART�MIDES [ARTEMIDE] ZATTI professed religious, Salesians of Don Bosco born: 12 October 1880 in Boretto, Reggio Emilia (Italy) competent forum: Viedma CCS protocol number: 1316 type of cause:heroic virtues rescript of �nihil obstat�: 01 June 1979 opening of cognitional process: 22 March 1980 closing of cognitional process: 17 May 1982 decree on validity of cognitional process: 14 December 1984 publication of Positio: 1991 particular congress of theological consultors: 25 October 1996 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 08 April 1997 promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 07 July 1997 competent forum for inquiry on miracle for beatification: Buenos Aires opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 14 April 1998 closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 14 May 1998 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 20 November 1998 meeting of the Medical Board: 09 March 2000 particular congress of theological consultors: 27 October 2000 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 06 February 2001 promulgation of decree on miracle: 24 April 2001 the rapid, complete and lasting healing of Carlos Alberto Bosio, a twenty-four-year-old seminarian of the Salesians of Don Bosco, from severe infectious complications following purulent appendicitis, with multiple abdominal and pleural localisations; generalised sepsis and polymicrobial aetiology; and state of severe immune anergy, on 18 April 1980 in a hospital in Mu�iz, Buenos Aires. [AAS 94 (2002): 352-53] beatification: 14 April 2002 competent forum for inquiry on miracle for canonization: Lipa opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for canonization: 04 March 2018 closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for canonization: 10 March 2018 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 01 June 2018 meeting of the Medical Board: 01 July 2021 particular congress of theological consultors: 16 December 2021 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 05 April 2022 promulgation of decree on miracle: 09 April 2022 the rapid, complete and lasting healing of [Renato Narvaez,] a sixty-four-year-old man and father of a family, from right cerebellar ischaemic stroke complicated by massive haemorrhagic lesion, on 22 August 2016 at his home in San Vicente, Santo Tomas, Batangas (Philippines). [decretum super martyrio; name disclosed in public media] consistory: 27 August 2022 canonization: 09 October 2022 postulator: Rev. Pierluigi Cameroni,sdb petitioner:Istituto Don Bosco, B. Ituzaingo 140, R8500FRN Viedma (R�o Negro), ARGENTINA [_see also_ 1905: Ceferino Namuncur�] website: |
9)21 March in Varese (Italy) IGINO LEGA professed priest, Jesuits born: 14 November 1911 in Brisighella, Ravenna (Italy) competent forum: Milan CCS protocol number: 1572 type of cause:heroic virtues rescript of �nihil obstat�: 09 October 1987 opening of diocesan inquiry: closing of diocesan inquiry: decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: publication of Positio: particular congress of theological consultors: ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: postulator: Rev. Pascual Cebollada Silvestre, sj petitioner:Vicepostulazione, Via S. Luigi Gonzaga 8, 21013 Gallarate (VA), ITALY website: |
10) 25 March in Rome (Italy) ROCCO GIOCONDO PASQUALE SPOLETINI (GIUSEPPE) professed priest, Franciscan Friars Minor born: 16 August 1870 in Bellegra (a.k.a Civitella), Rome (Italy) competent forum: Rome CCS protocol number: 1127 type of cause:heroic virtues opening of informative process: 20 May 1965 closing of informative process: 23 March 1968 decree on writings: 21 March 1980 decree on validity of informative process: 17 February 1984 opening of supplementary inquiry: 10 December 1999 closing of supplementary inquiry: 26 September 2000 decree on validity of supplementary inquiry: 24 November 2000 publication of Positio: 2013 particular congress of theological consultors: 01 October 2020 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 05 October 2021 promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 13 October 2021 postulator: Fra Giovangiuseppe Califano,ofm petitioner: Provincia San Bonaventura dei Frati Minori, Scala dellʼArce Capitolina, 12, 00186 Roma (RM), ITALY information: Convento S. Francesco a Ripa, P.za S. Francesco d�Assisi, 88, 00153 Roma (RM), ITALY website: |
11) 30 April in Molfetta, Bari (Italy) AMBROGIO GRITTANI priest of the diocese of Molfetta; founder, Oblates of Saint Benedict Joseph Labre(n.o.) born: 11 October 1907 in Ceglie del Campo, Bari (Italy) competent forum: Molfetta-Ruvo-Giovinazzo-Terlizzi CCS protocol number: 1739 type of cause:heroic virtues rescript of �nihil obstat�: 22 July 1990 opening of diocesan inquiry: 24 November 1990 closing of diocesan inquiry: 03 May 1998 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 14 May 1999 opening of supplementary inquiry: 11 April 2002 closing of supplementary inquiry: 15 March 2003 decree on validity of supplementary inquiry: 05 November 2004 session of historical consultors: 15 November 2016 publication of Positio: 2017 particular congress of theological consultors: 03 October 2017 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 09 January 2018 promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 26 January 2018 postulator: Fra Giovangiuseppe Califano,ofm petitioner: Oblate di San Benedetto Giuseppe Labre, Viale Pio XI, 70056 Molfetta (BA), ITALY Fraternit� �Don Grittani,� Via Marconi 90, 73022 Corigliano D�Otranto (LE), ITALY website:www.oblatesanbenedettolabre.org |
12) 01 May in Nagasaki (Japan) PAULUS NAGAI TAKASHI [パウロ永井隆] layperson of the archdiocese of Nagasaki; married born: 03 February 1908 in Matsue, Shimane (Japan) competent forum: Nagasaki CCS protocol number: type of cause:heroic virtues rescript of �nihil obstat�: opening of diocesan inquiry: closing of diocesan inquiry: decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: publication of Positio: particular congress of theological consultors: ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: postulator: Rev. Antonio Sangalli,ocd petitioner: Amici di Takashi e Midori Nagai, Via Virgilio, 18, 00193 Roma (RM), ITALY [1945: Marina Moriyama Midori] website:www.amicinagai.com |
13) 23 May in the Pyŏktong prison camp, North P�yŏngan (North Korea) EMIL JOSEPH KAPAUN priest of the diocese of Wichita born: 20 April 1916 in Pilsen, Kansas (United States) competent forum: Wichita CCS protocol number: 2810 type of cause:offer of life rescript of transfer of competent forum: rescript of �nihil obstat�: 26 October 2007 opening of diocesan inquiry: 29 June 2008 closing of diocesan inquiry: 01 July 2010 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 22 June 2012 publication of Positio: 2023 particular congress of theological consultors: ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: promulgation of decree on offer of life: 24 February 2025 postulator: Dr. Nicola Gori petitioner: Father Kapaun Guild, Catholic Diocese of Wichita, 424 North Broadway, Wichita , KS 67202, USA website:www.frkapaun.org |
14) 29 May in Colombo (Sri Lanka) MICHEL-JEAN-ALEXANDRE GUILLAUME professed priest, Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate born: 20 February 1871 in Tremouille-Saint-Loup, Puy-de-D�me (France) competent forum: Colombo CCS protocol number: 1526 type of cause:heroic virtues rescript of �nihil obstat�: 16 June 1986 opening of diocesan inquiry: closing of diocesan inquiry: decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: publication of Positio: particular congress of theological consultors: ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: postulator: Rev. Diego S�ez Mart�n, omi petitioner: De Mazenod House, 40 Farm Road Mattakuliya, Colombo 15, SRI LANKA website: |
15) 28 June in Rome (Italy) TERESA MARIA MASTENA (MARIA PIA) founder, Religious Sisters of the Holy Face (n.o.) born: 07 December 1881 in Bovolone, Verona (Italy) competent forum: Rome CCS protocol number: 1733 type of cause:heroic virtues rescript of �nihil obstat�: 23 June 1990 opening of diocesan inquiry: 24 September 1990 closing of diocesan inquiry: 30 April 1992 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 30 April 1993 publication of Positio: 1994 particular congress of theological consultors: 17 March 2002 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 07 May 2002 promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 05 July 2002 opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 2000 closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 2001 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 05 April 2002 meeting of the Medical Board: 04 December 2002 particular congress of theological consultors: 26 March 2004 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 01 June 2004 promulgation of decree on miracle: 22 June 2004 beatification: 13 November 2005 postulator: Rev. Cristiano Massimo Parisi,cp petitioner:Religiose del Santo Volto, Via San Paolo Apostolo 99, 00040 S. Maria delle Mole (RM), ITALY website:www.religiosedelsantovolto.org |
16) 03 July in Rome (Italy) LELIA COSSIDENTE AMENDOLAGINE layperson of the diocese of Rome; married; member, Secular Carmelites born: 04 May 1893 in Potenza (Italy) competent forum: Rome CCS protocol number: 2584 type of cause:heroic virtues rescript of �nihil obstat�: 15 January 2004 opening of diocesan inquiry: 18 June 2004 closing of diocesan inquiry: 24 May 2011 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: publication of Positio: particular congress of theological consultors: ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: postulator: Rev. Marco Chiesa, ocd petitioner: [_see_ 1969: Ulisse Amendolagine] website: www.vicariatusurbis.org/amendolagine |
17) 19 July in Boran-sur-Oise, Oise (France) JACQUES SEVIN professed priest, Jesuits; founder, Catholic Scouts of France and Sisters of the Holy Cross of Jerusalem(n.o.) born: 07 December 1882 in Lille, Nord (France) competent forum: Beauvais CCS protocol number: 1828 type of cause:heroic virtues rescript of �nihil obstat�: 09 December 1991 opening of diocesan inquiry: 20 March 1992 closing of diocesan inquiry: 18 March 1993 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 20 May 1994 publication of Positio: 1999 particular congress of theological consultors: 23 October 2010 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 10 January 2012 promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 10 May 2012 postulator: Rev. Pascual Cebollada Silvestre, sj petitioner: S�urs de la Sainte-Croix de J�rusalem, 60820 Boran-sur-Oise, FRANCE website:pere-sevin.webnode.fr |
18) 26 August in Locri, Reggio Calabria (Italy) GIOVANNI BATTISTA CHIAPPE bishop of Gerace born: 13 September 1873 in Onzo, Savona (Italy) competent forum: Locri-Gerace CCS protocol number: type of cause: heroic virtues rescript of �nihil obstat�: opening of diocesan inquiry: closing of diocesan inquiry: decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: postulator: petitioner: Diocesi di Locri-Gerace , Via Garibaldi, 104, 89044 Locri (RC), ITALY [1918: Annarosa Macr�; 1946: Antonio Toscano; 1996: Francesco Bono; 2000: Maria Rosaria De Angelis Bono] website: |
19) 31 August in Pogrzebien, Kornowac, Racib�rz (Poland) LAURA MEOZZI professed religious, Daughters of Mary, Help of Christians (Salesian Sisters) born: 05 January 1873 in Florence (Italy) competent forum: Katowice CCS protocol number: 1536 type of cause:heroic virtues opening of diocesan inquiry: 01 October 1986 rescript of �nihil obstat�: 20 October 1986 closing of diocesan inquiry: 15 April 1989 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 16 December 1994 publication of Positio: 1999 particular congress of theological consultors: 25 September 2010 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 12 April 2011 promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 27 June 2011 postulator: Rev. Pierluigi Cameroni,sdb petitioner:Siostry Salezjanki, ul. Warszawska 152, 05-092 Łomianki, POLAND website: |
20) 18 October in Gasperina, Catanzaro (Italy) FRANCESCO ANTONIO CARUSO priest of the diocese of Catanzaro-Squillace born: 07 December 1879 in Gasperina, Catanzaro (Italy) competent forum: Catanzaro-Squillace CCS protocol number: 2226 type of cause:heroic virtues rescript of �nihil obstat�: 19 May 1998 opening of diocesan inquiry: 13 September 1998 closing of diocesan inquiry: 12 October 2012 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 15 November 2013 publication of Positio: 2014 particular congress of theological consultors: 01 October 2019 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 25 April 2020 promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 05 May 2020 postulator: Fra Carlo Calloni,ofmcap petitioner:Parrocchia di S. Nicola Vescovo, 88060 Gasperina (CZ), ITALY website: |
21) 09 November in Rome (Italy) LUIGI BELTRAME QUATTROCCHI layperson of the diocese of Rome; married born: 12 January 1880 in Catania (Italy) competent forum: Rome CCS protocol number: 1955 type of cause:heroic virtues rescript of �nihil obstat�: 18 October 1994 opening of diocesan inquiry: 25 November 1994 closing of diocesan inquiry: 04 December 1996 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 20 June 1997 publication of Positio: 1999 particular congress of theological consultors: 06 February 2001 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 15 May 2001 promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 07 July 2001 opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 23 June 2000 meeting of the Medical Board: 23 May 2001 particular congress of theological consultors: 22 June 2001 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 03 July 2001 promulgation of decree on miracle: 07 July 2001 beatification: 21 October 2001 opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for canonization: 11 March 2014 closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for canonization: 17 December 2014 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: postulator: Dr. Carlo Fusco petitioner: [_see_ 1965: Maria Corsini Beltrame Quattrocchi] website: www.luigiemaria.com |
22) 22 November in Tortona, Alessandria (Italy) CARLO STERPI professed priest, Sons of Divine Providence born: 11 October 1874 in Gavazzana, Alessandria (Italy) competent forum: Tortona CCS protocol number: 1307 type of cause:heroic virtues opening of informative process: 1958 closing of informative process: 1972 decree on validity of informative process: 14 December 1984 publication of Positio: 1988 particular congress of theological consultors: 13 January 1989 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 11 July 1989 promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 07 September 1989 postulator: Rev. Flavio Peloso,fdp petitioner: [_see_ 1940: Luigi Orione] website: |
23) 23 November in Milan (Italy) MARIA ANGELA ALFIERI(ENRICHETTA) professed religious, Sisters of Charity of Saint Joan Antida Thouret born: 23 February 1891 in Borgo Vercelli, Vercelli (Italy) competent forum: Milan CCS protocol number: 1994 type of cause: heroic virtues rescript of �nihil obstat�: 22 November 1994 opening of diocesan inquiry: 30 January 1995 closing of diocesan inquiry: 20 April 1996 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 06 December 1996 publication of Positio: 2001 particular congress of theological consultors: 06 March 2009 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 17 November 2009 promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 19 December 2009 opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 28 May 2002 closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 29 June 2002 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 12 March 2004 meeting of the Medical Board: 28 October 2010 particular congress of theological consultors: 14 January 2011 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops:01 March 2011 promulgation of decree on miracle: 02 April 2011 beatification: 26 June 2011 postulator: Sr. Anna Antida Casolino,SdC petitioner:Suore della Carit� di S. Giovanna Antida, Via Torricella di Sopra 174, 25127 Brescia, ITALY [_see also_ 1826: Jeanne-Antide Thouret] website: enrichettaalfieri.it |
24) 04 December in Chincha Alta, Chincha (Peru) MELCHORA SARAVIA TASAYCO layperson of the diocese of Ica; member, Secular Franciscans born: 06 January 1895 in Grocio Prado (a.k.a. San Pedro �oco Bajo), Chincha (Peru) competent forum: Ica CCS protocol number:1279 type of cause:heroic virtues opening of informative process: closing of informative process: decree on writings: introduction of cause: 13 April 1978 opening of supplementary inquiry: closing of supplementary inquiry: 21 December 2005 decree on validity of informative process and supplementary inquiry: 15 February 2008 publication of Positio: particular congress of theological consultors: ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: postulator: Fra Giovangiuseppe Califano,ofm petitioner:D i�cesis de Ica, Cajamarca 246, Apartado 95, 11001 Ica, PERU information:Parroquia San Pedro de Grocio Prado, Plaza de Armas, 101, Chincha, 11701 Ica, PERU website: |
25) 20 December in Sighetu Marmaţiei, Maramureş (Romania) in odium fidei ANTON DURCOVICI bishop of Iaşi born: 17 May 1888 in Altenburg, Horn (Austria) competent forum: Iaşi CCS protocol number: 1790 type of cause:martyrdom rescript of �nihil obstat�: 28 January 1997 opening of diocesan inquiry: 25 March 1997 closing of diocesan inquiry: 11 September 1999 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 29 October 2010 publication of Positio: 2012 particular congress of theological consultors: 22 February 2013 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 24 September 2013 promulgation of decree on martyrdom: 31 October 2013 beatification: 17 May 2014 postulator: Rev. Isidor Iacovici petitioner: Episcopia Romano-Catolică, Bd. Stefan-cel-Mare 26, 70064 Iaşi, ROMANIA website:www.durcovici.ro |