1969 (original) (raw)

~ 1969 ~
1) 08 January in Bratislava (Slovakia) ex aerumnis carceris TITUS ZEMAN professed priest, Salesians of Don Bosco born: 04 January 1915 in Vajnory, Bratislava (Slovakia) competent forum: Bratislava CCS protocol number: 2922 type of cause: martyrdom rescript of �nihil obstat�: 22 January 2010 opening of diocesan inquiry: 26 February 2010 closing of diocesan inquiry: 07 December 2012 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 28 June 2013 publication of Positio: 2015 particular congress of theological consultors: 07 April 2016 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 21 February 2017 promulgation of decree on martyrdom: 27 February 2017 beatification: 30 September 2017 postulator: Rev. Pierluigi Cameroni,sdb petitioner: Salezi�ni Don Bosca � Slovensk� provincia, Miletičova 7, 821 08 Bratislava, SLOVAKIA website: www.tituszeman.sk
2) 09 February in Genoa (Italy) GIOVANNI GIUSEPPE BONZI (UMILE FROM GENOA) professed priest, Capuchin Franciscans born: 21 April 1898 in Genoa (Italy) competent forum: Genoa CCS protocol number: 1943 type of cause: heroic virtues opening of diocesan inquiry: rescript of �nihil obstat�: 31 January 1994 closing of diocesan inquiry: 10 February 2000 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 01 June 2001 publication of Positio: 2017 particular congress of theological consultors: 13 October 2020 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 07 June 2022 promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 05 August 2022 postulator: Fra Carlo Calloni,ofmcap petitioner: [1866: Giovanni Croese (Francesco Maria from Camporosso)] Fondazione Sorisso Francescano, Via Riboli, 20, 16145 Genova, ITALY website: www.sorrisofrancescano.org
3) 11 March in Gri��n, Madrid (Spain) FRANCISCO ANDR�S GARMEND�A MENDIZAB�L (ANDR�S HIBERN�N) professed religious, Brothers of the Christian Schools (De La Salle Brothers) born: 03 September 1880 in Beizama, Guip�zcoa (Spain) competent forum: Madrid CCS protocol number: 1 486 type of cause: heroic virtues opening of diocesan inquiry: 05 November 1981 rescript of �nihil obstat�: 22 July 1985 closing of diocesan inquiry: 28 June 1989 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 12 July 1991 publication of Positio: 1993 particular congress of theological consultors: 24 November 2006 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 20 May 2008 promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 03 July 2008 postulator: Frt. Felicien Bora, fsc petitioner: Hermanos de La Salle ‒ Sector Madrid, C/ La Salle, 8, 28023 Aravaca (Madrid), SPAIN website: www.lasallemadrid.es
4) 17 May in Rome (Italy) JOSEF BERAN archbishop of Prague; cardinal born: 29 December 1888 in Plzeň (Czechia) competent forum: Prague CCS protocol number: 2162 type of cause: heroic virtues rescript of transfer of competent forum: 14 February 1997 (from the diocese of Rome) rescript of �nihil obstat�: 09 February 1998 opening of diocesan inquiry: 02 April 1998 closing of diocesan inquiry: 17 May 2018 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: publication of Positio: particular congress of theological consultors: ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: postulator: Dr. Nicola Gori petitioner: Arcibiskupsk� Kurie, Hradčansk� n�m. 16, 119 02 Praha 1, Czechia website: kardinalberan.com
5) 30 May in Rome (Italy) ULISSE AMENDOLAGINE layperson of the diocese of Rome; married; member, Secular Carmelites born: 14 May 1893 in Salerno (Italy) competent forum: Rome CCS protocol number: 2583 type of cause: heroic virtues rescript of �nihil obstat�: 09 January 2004 opening of diocesan inquiry: 18 June 2004 closing of diocesan inquiry: 24 May 2011 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: publication of Positio: particular congress of theological consultors: ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: postulator: Rev. Marco Chiesa, ocd petitioner: Provincia Romana dei Carmelitani Scalzi, Via XX Settembre, 17, 00187 Roma, ITALY [1951: Lelia Cossidente Amendolagine; 1989: Aldo Brienza (Immacolato Giuseppe of Jesus)] website: www.vicariatusurbis.org/amendolagine
6) 27 June in Verona (Italy) EMILIO RECCHIA professed priest, Stigmatines born: 19 February 1888 in Verona (Italy) competent forum: Verona CCS protocol number: 2403 type of cause: heroic virtues rescript of �nihil obstat�: 23 April 2001 opening of diocesan inquiry: 30 October 2001 closing of diocesan inquiry: 14 March 2003 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 17 November 2006 publication of Positio: 2012 particular congress of theological consultors: 14 March 2019 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 04 February 2020 promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 21 February 2020 postulator: Rev. Renato Sanges,css petitioner: Parrocchia S. Croce a Via Flaminia, Vipa G. Renzi, 2/d, Rome, ITALY Pp. Stimmatini, Via C. Montanari, 3, 37122 Verona, ITALY website:
7) 29 June in Tropea, Vibo Valentia (Italy) FRANCESCO MOTTOLA priest of the diocese of Tropea; founder, Secular Institute of the Oblates of the Sacred Heart (n.o.) born: 03 January 1901 in Tropea, Vibo Valentia (Italy) competent forum: Mileto-Nicotera-Tropea CCS protocol number: 1274 type of cause: heroic virtues rescript of �nihil obstat�: 15 October 1981 opening of diocesan inquiry: 11 February 1982 closing of diocesan inquiry: 29 June 1988 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 22 June 1990 publication of Positio: 1994 particular congress of theological consultors: 23 March 2007 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 06 November 2007 promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 17 December 2007 opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 08 May 2012 closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 05 April 2013 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 07 March 2014 meeting of the Medical Board: 21 February 2019 particular congress of theological consultors: 25 June 2019 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 01 October 2019 promulgation of decree on miracle: 02 October 2019 beatification: 10 October 2021 postulator: Rev. Enzo Gabrieli petitioner: Oblate del Sacro Cuore, Via Abate Sergio, 12, 89861 Tropea (VV), ITALY [1994: Irma Scrugli] website: www.famigliaoblata.org
8) 01 July in Catania (Italy) AGATINA BALSAMO (GIUSEPPINA) professed religious, Dominican Sisters of the Sacred Heart (n.o.) born: 31 October 1887 in Mascalucia, Catania (Italy) competent forum: Catania CCS protocol number: 1506 type of cause: heroic virtues rescript of �nihil obstat�: 17 February 1986 opening of diocesan inquiry: closing of diocesan inquiry: decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 19 February 1993 publication of Positio: particular congress of theological consultors: ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: postulator: Fra Massimo Mancini, op petitioner: Suore Domenicane del Sacro Cuore, Via S. Nullo, 46, 95123 Catania, ITALY website: www.domenicanesacrocuore.com
9) 13 August in Marcianise, Caserta (Italy) ANNA ANTONIETTA MEZZACAPO (COLOMBA OF JESUS IN THE BLESSED SACRAMENT) professed nun, Discalced Carmelite Nuns born: 15 June 1914 in Marcianise, Caserta (Italy) competent forum: Capua CCS protocol number: 1787 type of cause: heroic virtues rescript of �nihil obstat�: 22 March 1991 opening of diocesan inquiry: 01 June 1991 closing of diocesan inquiry: 20 September 1993 opening of supplementary inquiry: 19 July 1997 closing of supplementary inquiry: 01 November 1998 decree on validity of diocesan and supplementary inquiries: 18 February 2000 publication of Positio: 2007 particular congress of theological consultors: 19 December 2019 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 04 May 2021 promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 22 May 2021 postulator: Mons. Nunzio D�Elia petitioner: Associazione Madre Colomba di Ges� Ostia, Via G.B. Novelli, 17, 81025 Marcianise (CE), ITALY information: Carmelitane Scalze, P.za Principe di Piemonte, Contrada Boscariello, 81041 Vitulazio (CE), ITALY website:
10) 25 August in Suc�a, Morona-Santiago (Ecuador) MARIA TRONCATTI professed religious, Daughters of Mary, Help of Christians (Salesian Sisters) born: 16 February 1883 in C�rteno Golgi, Brescia (Italy) competent forum: M�ndez CCS protocol number: 1535 type of cause: heroic virtues rescript of �nihil obstat�: 20 October 1986 opening of diocesan inquiry: 07 September 1986 closing of diocesan inquiry: 25 October 1987 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 25 May 1990 publication of Positio: 1997 particular congress of theological consultors: 05 May 2008 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 07 October 2008 promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 12 November 2008 competent forum for inquiry on miracle for beatification: Portoviejo opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 21 July 2008 closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: 12 September 2008 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 13 February 2009 meeting of the Medical Board: 07 April 2011 particular congress of theological consultors: 22 October 2011 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 21 February 2012 promulgation of decree on miracle: 10 May 2012 the rapid, complete and lasting healing of Josefa Yolanda Sol�rzano Pisco, a mother of five children, from severe plasmodium falciparum malaria with multiple organ failure, on 10 May 2002 at her home in Buenos Aires de Rocafuerte,Manab� (Ecuador). [AAS 105 (2013): 307-09] beatification: 24 November 2012 competent forum for inquiry on miracle for canonization: Macas opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for canonization: 02 September 2022 closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for canonization: 10 September 2022 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: meeting of the Medical Board: 07 March 2024 particular congress of theological consultors: 28 May 2024 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 19 November 2024 promulgation of decree on miracle: 25 November 2024 the rapid, complete and lasting healing of Juwa Juank Kankua Bosco, an indigenous man from the province of Morona Santiago (Ecuador), from anopen cranio-encephalic trauma with comminuted fracture of the skull, loss of brain substance and exposure of brain tissue in the right front-parieto-temporal area, diffuse axonal damage (DAI), severe coma evolved in a type 2 vegetative state, between the end of March and early April 2015 at the Hospital Regional of Ambato (Ecuador). [decretum super miraculo; named disclosed in public media] consistory: canonization: postulator: Rev. Pierluigi Cameroni,sdb petitioner: Hijas de Mar�a Auxiliadora, Calle Yaguachi E8-115, El Dorado � Apdo.17.01.2144 Quito, ECUADOR website:
11) 06 September in San Lazzaro di Savena, Bologna (Italy) OLINTO MARELLA priest of the archdiocese of Bologna born: 14 June 1882 in Pallestrina, Venice (Italy) competent forum: Bologna CCS protocol number: 2075 type of cause: heroic virtues rescript of �nihil obstat�: 20 October 1995 opening of diocesan inquiry: 08 September 1996 closing of diocesan inquiry: 17 December 2005 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 12 January 2007 publication of Positio: 2008 particular congress of theological consultors: 31 January 2012 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 19 February 2013 promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 27 March 2013 opening of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: closing of diocesan inquiry on miracle for beatification: decree on validity of diocesan inquiry on miracle: 30 October 2009 meeting of the Medical Board: 04 July 2013 particular congress of theological consultors: ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: promulgation of decree on miracle: 28 November 2019 beatification: 04 October 2020 postulator: Dr. Andrea Ambrosi petitioner: Opera Padre Marella, Via dei Ciliegi, 6, 40068 San Lazzaro di Savena (BO), ITALY website: www.operamarella.it
12) 02 October in Sassoferrato, Ancona (Italy) ALFREDO MORGANTI [BERTA] professed priest, Franciscan Friars Minor born: 05 June 1886 in Pianella di Ostra, Ancona (Italy) competent forum: Fabriano-Matelica CCS protocol number: 1686 type of cause: heroic virtues opening of diocesan inquiry: 29 November 1983 rescript of �nihil obstat�: 29 August 1989 closing of diocesan inquiry: 17 November 2001 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 21 November 2003 publication of Positio: 2015 particular congress of theological consultors: 02 March 2021 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 26 April 2022 promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 21 May 2022 postulator: Fra Giovangiuseppe Califano,ofm petitioner: Ordine dei Frati Minori, Via S. Bernardino, 8, 61029 Urbino (PU), ITALY website: www.padreberta.net
13) 09 October in Changanasserry, Kottayam (India) MATHEW KAVUKATTU [മാത്യു കാവുകാട്ട്] archeparch of Changanacherry of the Syro-Malabarese born: 17July 1904 in Pravithanam, Kottayam (India) competent forum: Changanacherry CCS protocol number: 2135 type of cause: heroic virtues rescript of �nihil obstat�: 21 October 1996 opening of eparchial inquiry: closing of eparchial inquiry: 18 May 2016 decree on validity of eparchial inquiry: publication of Positio: particular congress of theological consultors: ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: postulator: Rev. Cherian Thunduparambil,cmi petitioner: Archeparchy of Changanacherry, P.O. Box 20, Changanaserry, 686 101 Kerala, INDIA website: www.archdiocesechanganacherry.org
14) 15 October in Ł�dź (Poland) Maciej J�zef Gądek (Anzelm of SAINT Andrew Corsini) professed priest, Discalced Carmelites; founder, Carmelite Sisters of the Child Jesus (n.o.) born: 24 February 1884 in Marszowice, Gd�w (Poland) competent forum: Ł�dź CCS protocol number: 2434 type of cause: heroic virtues rescript of �nihil obstat�: 12 October 2001 opening of diocesan inquiry: 02 February 2002 closing of diocesan inquiry: 10 November 2008 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 13 March 2010 publication of Positio: particular congress of theological consultors: ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: postulator:Sr. Konrada Dubel , kd z j petitioner: [_see_ 1946: Joanna Kierocińska (Maria Teresa of Saint Joseph)] website: www.karmel.sosnowiec.opoka.org.pl
15) 09 December in Rome (Italy) MARIA CHIARA MAGRO professed member, Secular Institute of the Missionaries of the Kingship of Christ born: 03 June 1923 in Palermo (Italy) competent forum: Palermo CCS protocol number: 1456 type of cause: heroic virtues opening of diocesan inquiry: 07 November 1983 rescript of �nihil obstat�: 10 August 1984 closing of diocesan inquiry: 11 December 1987 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 10 November 1989 publication of Positio: 1990 particular congress of theological consultors: 28 March 1995 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 20 June 1995 promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 11 July 1995 postulator: petitioner: Parrocchia di S. Agata La Pedata, Via del Vespro, 90127 Palermo, ITALY website:
16) 09 December in Bari (Italy) ISABELLA [BINA] MORFINI layperson of the diocese of Bari-Bitonto; member, Secular Carmelites born: 19 April 1889 in Bari (Italy) competent forum: Bari-Bitonto CCS protocol number: 2560 type of cause: heroic virtues rescript of �nihil obstat�: 14 July 2003 opening of diocesan inquiry: 16 December 2003 closing of diocesan inquiry: 09 December 2006 opening of supplementary inquiry: closing of supplementary inquiry: 04 June 2024 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: publication of Positio: particular congress of theological consultors: ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: postulator: Rev. Marco Chiesa, ocd petitioner: Parrocchia di Maria SS. del Rosario in S. Francesco, P.za Garibaldi, 77, 70122 Bari, ITALY website:
17) 22 December in Pietra Ligure, Savona (Italy) VERA GRITA layperson of the diocese of Savona-Noli; member, Salesian Cooperators born: 28 January 1923 in Rome (Italy) competent forum: Savona-Noli CCS protocol number: type of cause: heroic virtues rescript of �nihil obstat�: 22 May 2021 opening of diocesan inquiry: 10 April 2022 closing of diocesan inquiry: 15 May 2022 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 14 December 2022 publication of Positio: particular congress of theological consultors: ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: postulator: Rev. Pierluigi Cameroni,sdb petitioner: [_see_ 1888: Giovanni Bosco] information: Opera dei Tabernacoli Viventi, Via Niccol� Copernico, 9, 20125 Milano, ITALY website:
18) 31 December in Montalto Uffugo, Cosenza (Italy) GAETANO FRANCESCO MAURO priest of the diocese of Cosenza; founder, Congregation of Rural Catechists, Ardorini Missionaries born: 13 April 1888 in Rogliano, Cosenza (Italy) competent forum: Cosenza-Bisignano CCS protocol number: 2435 type of cause: heroic virtues rescript of �nihil obstat�: 30 October 2001 opening of diocesan inquiry: 09 May 2002 closing of diocesan inquiry: 21 April 2012 decree on validity of diocesan inquiry: 15 February 2013 publication of Positio: particular congress of theological consultors: 02 December 2021 ordinary session of cardinals and bishops: 17 January 2023 promulgation of decree on heroic virtues: 19 January 2023 postulator: Fra Francesco Maria Ricci, op petitioner: Missionari Ardorini, P.za E. Bianco, 16, 87046 Montalto Uffugo (CS), ITALY [1633: Carlo Carafa; 1726: Emilio Giacomo Cavalieri] website: www.ardorini.org