MUNICIPALITY OF WAVERLEY. - PROCLAMATION. - New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900) - 22 Feb 1860 (original) (raw)
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Wed 22 Feb 1860 - New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900)
By His Excellency Sih Wilmam: Thomas Deni
80N, Knight Commander of the Most Honor
able Order of the Bath, Governor General in
and over all Her Majesty's Colonies of New
South. Wales, Tasmania, Victoria, South Aus
tralia, and Western Australia, and Captain
General and Governor-in-Chicfof the Territory
of New South Wales and its Dependencies,
and Vice-Admiral of the same, <fcc., &c., &c.
"YT7"HEREAS by a certain Proclamation dated the
VV thirteenth day of June, one thousand eight
hundred and fifty-nine, and dulv made andpublished
under the provisions contained in the " Municipali
" ties Act of 1858," in a Supplement to the Govern
ment Gazette of the fourteenth day of June, one
thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, a certain
District in the said Proclamation described and
named, and the limits and boundaries whereof
were thereby defined, was by the said Proclama
tion declared to be "a Municipality" within the
intent and meaning of the said Act, by the name
and style of "the Municipality of Waverlev," and
the electors for the time-being of the said Munici
pality, immediately upon such publication as
aforesaid, became and were a Body Corporate,
under such name and style : And whereas it is by
the said Act provided and declared, that any Muni
cipality may be divided by the Council thereof, if
consisting of six Members into two Wards, and
if consisting of nine Members, into three Wards;
subject to the approval of the Governor in Coun
cil, published in the Government Gazette with such
Regulations as to elections as may be rendered
necessary on the change: Provided, that at every
subsequent election each such ward shall return
one Councillor: And whereas the Council of the
said Municipality of Waverley have resolved that
the said Municipality, containing; about twelve
hundred inhabitants, shall be divided into three
wards, to bo named respectively, Bondi, Waverley,
and Nelson, Wards: Now, therefore, I, Sin Wij>
1,1AM Thomas Denibon, the Governor General and
CrovernoHn-Chief aforesaid, in pursuance of the
provisions of the said recited Act, and with the
.advice of the Executive Council, do, by this ray
Proclamation, declare that the said Municipality
of Waverley shall be divided into three Wards,
hereinafter described; that is to say:—
Bondi Ward:—Commencing on the sea-shore,
at the north-eastern corner of the Municipality; and
bounded thence on the north and west by the
northern and western boundaries of tbe Munici
pality, westerly, and southerly, to the centre of
Flood-street, at the north-western corner of the
Anglcsea Estate, and thence by part of the east
ern boundary of Waverley Ward, being a line,
southerly, along the centre of that street to the
centre of Waverley-street; on the south by the
northern boundary of that ward, being a line
along the centre of that street, easterly, to the
centre of the road dividing George Ward Cole's 5
^ 1" ' i 5 a^res 2 roods and 28
wd 35 perches, and G. W.
-Graliame's 4 acres 3 roods and 10 perches, and 5
nacres 3 roods and 12 perches, from Francis
O'Brien's 5 acres 1 rood and 9 perches, 32. Ben
nett's 4 acres 2 roods and 9 perches, A. Fairfax's
4 acres 2 roods and 9 perches, and W. Barton's
17 acres, thence by a line along the centre of that
road, southerly, and easterly, to the sea; and on
the east by the Municipality boundary, northerly,
to the point of commencement.
Waverley Ward; — Commencing on the sea
shore, at the south eastern comer of Bondi Ward;
and bounded thence on the north by the southern
boundary of that Ward, being aline, westerly, and
northerly, along the centre of the road, dividing
O. W. Grahame's 5 acres 3 roods and 32 perches,
and 4 acres 3 roods and 10 perches, W. King's 3
acres 3 roods and 35 perches, C. J. label's 3 acres
and 25 perches, H. G. AUeyne's 5 acres 2 roods
and 28perehes, and George Ward Cole's 5 acres,
from W Barton's 17 acres, A. Fairfax's 4 acres 2
roods and 9 perches, E. Bennett's 4 acres 2 roods
and 9 perches, and Francis O'Brien's 5 acres 1 rood
and 9 perches, to Waverley-street, and thence aline
Municipality op Wa.vjsbljsy.
acres and 25 perches, W.
along the centre of that street, westerly, to the centre
of Flood-street; thence by the western boundary of
BondiWard, being a line, northerly, along the centre
of that street, to the Old South Head l&oad; thence
on the north-west by the Municipality boundary,
south-westerly to Cowper-street; on the west by part
of the eastern boundary of Nelson Ward, being a
line, southerly, along the centre of that street to
the Nelson Bay Itoad, and thence a line, south
easterly, along the centre of that road to the south
west corner of Saml. Peek's 4i acres and 1 rood;
thence by the northern boundary of that ward,
being a Ime along the centre of that road, easterly,
to Browne-street, and thence aline along the centre
of that street to the sea; and on the east by tlxe
Municipality boundary, northerly, to the point of
Nelson Ward:—Commencing on the sea-shore,
at the hou lb-eastern corner of Waver!ev Ward;
and bounded thence on part of the north by the
southern boundary of that ward, being a line,
westerly, along the centre of Browne-street to the
Nelson Bay itoad, thence a line, westerly, along the
centre of that road to the south-western corner of
Saml. Peck's 4i acres and 1 rood; thence by the
western boundary of that ward, being a line, north
westerly, along the centre of that road to Cowper
street, and ihence, northerly, along the centre of
that street to the Old South Head Eoad; and
thence on the remainder of the north, and on the
west, south, and east by the Municipality boundary,
westerly, southerly, easterly, and northerly, to the
point of commencement.
Given under my Hand and the Seal of the
Colony, at Government House, Sydney,
this twenty-first day of February, in the
year of dur Lord one thousand eight
Jiundred and sixty, and in the twenty
third year of Her Majesty's ltcign.
(r,8.) W. DENISON.
By His Excellency's Command,
Printed and published by Thomas Kighards, Govern
ment Printer, Phillip-street, 22nd February, I860.
Article identifier
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APA citation
MUNICIPALITY OF WAVERLEY. (1860, Feb 22). New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900), p. 370. Retrieved Jan 1, 2025, from
MLA citation
"MUNICIPALITY OF WAVERLEY." New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900) 22 Feb 1860: 370. Web. 1 Jan 2025
Harvard/Australian citation
1860 'MUNICIPALITY OF WAVERLEY.', New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900), 22 Feb, p. 370. , viewed 01 Jan 2025,
Wikipedia citation
{{cite news |url= |title=MUNICIPALITY OF WAVERLEY. |newspaper=[[New South Wales Government Gazette]] |issue=36 |location=New South Wales, Australia |date=22 Feb 1860 |accessdate=1 Jan 2025 |page=370 |via=National Library of Australia}}