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The latest edition of RevolutionArt Magazine


Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 50 - Revolutionart annyversary edition

Issue: Life

Pages: 200 // 82 Mb

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Description: Aniversary edition. 10 years of inspiration through the history of Revolutionart.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 49 - Life

Issue: Life

Pages: 242 // 64 Mb

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Description: A tribute for the spark of life. An edition dedicated to the meaning of life through art and graphic design.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 48 - Mysteries of the World

Issue: Mysteries of the World

Pages: 188 // 42 Mb

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Description: Our inspiration comes from those questions that push us on in a desperate search for meaning. The mysteries form part of what drives that marvelous impulse.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 46 - Justice

REVOLUTIONART 46 – March 2014
Issue: Justice

Pages: 232 // 35,7 Mb

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Description: We have to believe in justice or continue seeking it in order to help create a better world.
Look inside through Revolutionart “Justice”.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 45 - Vintage

REVOLUTIONART 45 – December 2013
Issue: Vintage

Pages: 252 // 47,2 Mb

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Description: A revival edition of an old and modern trend. Vintage: 252 pages full of creativity and inspiration.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 44 - Paranormal

REVOLUTIONART 44 – October 2013
Issue: Paranormal

Pages: 254 // 51 Mb

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Description: An artistic exploration to the inexplicable paranormal phenomena.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 43 - Identity

REVOLUTIONART 43 – August 2013
Issue: Identity

Pages: 220 // 87 Mb

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Description: An edition to provoke contemplation of those existential questions that can put us on the right path.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 42 - Hero

REVOLUTIONART 42 – June 2013
Issue: Hero

Pages: 214 // 79 Mb

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Description: There are the guardians of the common good who watch over us and safeguard equilibrium. Discover those new Heroes at Revolutionart.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 41 - Time

REVOLUTIONART 41 – April 2013
Issue: Time

Pages: 232 // 61 Mb

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Description: A remaining about our limited existence,and a calling to the action.Enjoy every moment, live with passion, create and share.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 40 - Expedition

REVOLUTIONART 40 – January 2013
Issue: Expedition

Pages: 276 // 74 Mb

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Description: An artistic expedition around the world discovering the planet and opening up new routes for inspiration.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 39 - Freedom

REVOLUTIONART 39 – December 2012-13
Issue: Freedom

Pages: 250 // 66.9 Mb

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Description: Revolutionart pays tribute to the meaning of freedom, transforming this edition into a memorial to all those men and women who have fought to win it.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 38 - Animal

REVOLUTIONART 38 – October 2012
Issue: Animal

Pages: 336 // 63.3 Mb

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Featuring: Olivia Boa (Switizerland), Christopher Soyer (USA)

Description: Animal rights, animal extintion, animal species. Discover a huge edition full of animal inspiration.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 37 - Energy

REVOLUTIONART 37 – August 2012
Issue: Energy

Pages: 224 // 41.2 Mb

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Featuring: Adam Spizak (London), Spacemak3r (Canada)

Description: An invitation to reflect on the energy crisis facing the world today.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 36 - Water

Issue: Water

Pages: 234 // 31.6 Mb

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Featuring: Many artists from all around the world

Description: Deep blue ocean pages dedicated to out most beloved element on earth

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 35 - Human Being

Issue: Human Being

Pages: 284 // 37.4 Mb

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Featuring: Mel Gama(Brazil), Will Fernandez (Brazil), Pere Ibanez (Spain), Jaime TreadWell

Description: Art makes us more human, and being human is an art.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 34 - 2012

REVOLUTIONART 34 – February 2012
Issue: 2012

Pages: 318 // 41.7 Mb

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Featuring: Brian M. Viveros, Birch, Peter Codling.

Description: A prophetic and apocalyptic issue full of inspiration about the mythical year.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 33 - STOP WAR

REVOLUTIONART 33 – December 2011
Issue: Stop War

Pages: 302 // 41 Mb

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Featuring: Greg Marinovich, Lasse Hoile.

Description: This is the voice of many artists from all around the world against war and it’s consecuences.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 32 - I DEMAND

REVOLUTIONART 32 – October 2011
Issue: I Demand

Pages: 246 // 29.5 Mb

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Featuring: Karol Liver, Saul Sanolari.

Description: This edition has been created to ensure that no voice is silenced and everyone can make themselves heard.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 31 - Feelings

REVOLUTIONART 31 – August 2011
Issue: Feelings

Pages: 252 // 29 Mb

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Description: Revolutionart invites you to explore the origins of your feelings, the root of your emotions and the trigger that activates every one of your human fibers.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 30 - Paradise

REVOLUTIONART 30 – June 2011
Issue: Paradise

Pages: 250 // 24.6 Mb

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Guest: Sir Anthony Hopkins

Description: Every individual has a different vision of what the best place in the world means to them. We have all dreamed of a perfect world where everything is marvelous. Let’s take a look with Revolutionart’s “Paradise”.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 29 - Nuclear

REVOLUTIONART 29 – April 2011
Issue: Nuclear

Pages: 346 // 28.9 Mb

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Featuring: Paul Allender (United Kingdom), Shawn Crahan (United States)

Description: A great source of energy or a big risk to all humanity?

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 28 Myths and Legends

REVOLUTIONART 28 – February 2011
Issue:Myths and Legends

Pages: 346 // 28.9 Mb

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Featuring: Paul Matthaeus (United States), Jean Jacques André (Canada), Brian Olsen (United States)

Description: a subject that pays homage to stories of the imagination and fantasies which at one time were believed to be real; legends that have been created to frighten, dominate or inspire people.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 27 UNDERWATER LIFE

REVOLUTIONART 27 – November 2010
Issue: Underwater Life

Pages: 342 // 26.1 Mb

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Featuring: Matt Dobson (United Kingdom), Aegis (Spain)

Description: Submerge yourself into cold water, swim between fishes and corals. Look for Kraken, and Neptune! Unleash your imagination in the parallel underwater world.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 26 INTERNET

REVOLUTIONART 26 – September 2010
Issue: Internet

Pages: 272 // 32,9 Mb

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Featuring: Steve McGhee (Canada), Guido Torres-Brousset (Perú), Adam Sund (Denmark)

Description: Communication, entertainment, social communities, work, music, what is Internet for you?

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 25 EVOLUTION

REVOLUTIONART 25 – July 2010
Issue: Evolution

Pages: 234 // 26.3 Mb

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Featuring: Thomas Tibitanzl (Germany).

Description: Explore the biological similarities of the species. Discover the process of evolution since microorganisms to big animals. Because you are part of the process of evolution and the mystery of life..

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 24 CLIMATE CHANGE

Issue: Climate Change

Pages: 282 // 27 Mb

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Featuring: Ken Penn (United States), Martin Sati (Spain).

Description: Is mother nature out of control? earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, tornadoes and many natural disasters are happening too quick in the last months. There’s a clear reason: Climate Change.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 23 SPACE

REVOLUTIONART 23 – March 2010
Issue: Space

Pages: 346 // 25.5 Mb

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Featuring: LedFoot (Norway), Philip Straub (United States).

Description: Get on this ship and travel beyond the stars with Revolutionart. Earth is getting little for us. wer’e going to space.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 22 END OF HUMANITY

REVOLUTIONART 22 – January 2010
Issue: End Of Humanity

Pages: 320 // 23.6 Mb

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Featuring: Lemmy Kilmister from Mötorhead (England), Stephan Weidner (Germany)

Description: Imagination and inspiration about how could be the end of humanity.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 21: RECYCLE

REVOLUTIONART 21 – November 2009
Issue: Recycle

Pages: 240 // 28.5 Mb

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Featuring: Nico di Mattia (Argentina)

Description: Raw material reused, recycled, and rebirth with style. Clean energy and renewed ideas.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 20: ETHNIC

REVOLUTIONART 20 – September 2009
Issue: Ethnic

Pages: 264 // 33 Mb

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Featuring: Simone Legno (Italy) Description: A fantastic exploration of our races, tribes, ethnic identities and their ancient artistic manifestations.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 19 :Biohazard Alert

REVOLUTIONART 19 – July 2009
Issue: Biohazard Alert

Pages: 290 // 22,6Mb

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Featuring: Mark Page (U.K.), Juan Siwak (Argentina)

Description: A complete exhibition about the pandemic AH1N1. Swine Virus and other infections.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 18 :Let's Rock

Issue: Let’s Rock

Pages: 438 / 33,5 Mb

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Featuring: Dale May (U.S.), Sanjay Chand

Description: Raise the heavy spirits of Rock !

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 17 : Love

REVOLUTIONART 17 – March 2009
Issue: Love

Pages: 438 /

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Featuring: Bogdan Zwir (Russia), Mark Miremont (USA), Bettie Page Memorial, Simon Hoegsberg (Denmark)

Description: All you need is love, be inpired with it.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 16 : Global Crisis

REVOLUTIONART 16 – January 2009
Issue: Global Crisis

Pages: 340 /

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Featuring: Dust For Likfe (USA), Skew Siskin (Germany)

Description: Economists are wrong, the banks are closing, the stock markets fall, the brokers commit suicide …
And why? because of money …

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 15 : Dreams

REVOLUTIONART 15 – November 2008
Issue: Dreams

Pages: 332 /

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Featuring: Nina C Alice (Germany), Andrzej Dragan (Poland)

Description: Don’t let anyone stop you.You are what you think, follow your dreams!

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 14 : I Believe

REVOLUTIONART 14 – September 2008
Issue: I Believe

Pages: 304 /

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Featuring: Richard Best (USA)

Description: Religions are everywhere. We like to enlight the way with the truth. What are your beliefs?

revolutionart; religious magazine; beliefs; faith; design; atheism; christianity; paganis; ufo; photography; magazine; rise of the music; artist; religion;  god; church; buddha; grafico; graphic; revolution; art; music; artistic; book; modeling; artists; world; free; pdf magazine; satanism; world; piramid; cross; pentagram; liz

REVOLUTIONART 13 – July 2008
Issue: Politics

Pages: 340 /

Read online | Download here Download Revolutionart 13 - Politics

Featuring: Michael Dawidowicz (Au), Matt Mignanelli(USA), Bambi (Deu), Justin Lassen(USA), Joey Lawrence(Ca), Fernanda Cohen, Brian Viveros

Description: Political global changes.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 12 : Nature

Issue: Nature

Pages: 462 /

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Featuring: Ee Venn Soh (Malaysia), Igor Siwanowicz (Germany) , Johan Wahlback (Sweden)

Description: The green edition of Revolutionart. An edition to make the people think about our planet.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 11 : Retropop

REVOLUTIONART 11 – March 2008
Issue: RetroPop

Pages: 368 /

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Featuring: JeremyVille (Australia), Joey Lawrence (Canada)

Description: Looking for the roots of the graphic design with retro influences and pop culture.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 10 : Message to the World

REVOLUTIONART 10 – January 2008
Issue: Message to the world

Pages: 250 /

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Featuring: Adhemas Batista (Brazil), Patrick Boyer (Canada)

Description: A message to the world to change it and enhance our enviroment.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 9 : Industrial

REVOLUTIONART 9 – November 2007
Issue: Industrial

Pages: 286 /

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Featuring: Nik Ainley (UK)

Description: Inspired on the industrial resources and the way the machinery affects the world.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 8 : Planet Earth

REVOLUTIONART 8 – September 2007
Issue: Planet Earth

Pages: 254 /

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Featuring: Matt Mignanelli (USA) Marcelo Lozada (Argentina) David Quin (France), Michael Helms (USA)

Description: A full edition to think about the global changes in the planet.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 7 : SuperStar !

Issue: Superstar

Pages: 202 /

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Featuring: Jeff Finley (Usa)

Description: Reveal your inner superstar. Grab your own essence and relief your ego.

Download REVOLUTIONART international magazine - Issue 6 : Wake Up !


Issue: Wake Up

Pages: 146

Read online | Download here Download Revolutionart 6 - Wake up

Featuring:Tino Soriano, (Spain) Orodé (Italy)

Description: Think by yourself. Wake up and get off from the system.

Download Revolutionart Issue #5 - MUSIC PEACE AND LOVE

REVOLUTIONART 5 – March 2007
Issue: Music, Peace & Love

Pages: 160 /

Read online | Download here Download Revolutionart 5 - Music Peace and Love

Featuring: Kristal Blanco (Italy) Justin Lassen (USA)

Description: Psychedelia and retro designs inspired on the woodstock era.

Download Revolutionart Issue #4 - DIRT

REVOLUTIONART 4 – January 2007
Issue: Dirt

Pages:138 /

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Featuring: Floria Sigismondi (USA)

Description: Fell the corrosion. The escence of grunge, dirt, and old art.

Download Revolutionart Issue #3 - HOT

REVOLUTIONART 3 – October 2006
Issue: Hot

Pages: 102 /

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Featuring: Sue Cane (Germany/Spain) Rodrigo Damian (Argentina)

Description: Spicy and hot edition.

Download Revolutionart Issue #2 - MY FICTIONAL PRODUCT

Issue: Fictional Product

Pages: 74 /

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Featuring: Michael Dawidowicz (Australia)

Jay Lim (Malaysia)

Description: Disruptive and fictional ads for fictional products.

Download Revolutionart International Magazine Issue # 1  - FREE!

REVOLUTIONART 1 – March 2006
Issue: Free Theme

Pages: 111 /

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Featuring: Fernanda Cohen, (USA)

Description: The first edition. The black book..

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