Suneil Basu - Green Party candidate for Weston-super-Mare in general election (original) (raw)
Mr Suneil Basu, Green Party candidate for Weston-super-Mare in 2017 general election.
Age: 47
Where do you live? Yatton
How long have you lived there? Since September 2015
Where did you live previously? London Ealing
What do you do for a living? School Teacher (High School Computer Science)
Political career: Stood in Ealing/Southall ward 2010
What other interests do you have? Triathlete, Artist
Why do you want to be elected as an MP? The world is threatened with environmental disaster, economic collapse. I would like to represent the Green Party is developing a fairer more equitable sustainable future. I want to be able to face my grand children and explain what I did to protect their futures.
Why do you think you would be a success at the job? While I am an articulate speaker, I don’t want to focus this candidacy on me as an individual. I represent a party that is less about individuals and more about shared ideas for the common good.
What would your main aims be during your term of office? Campaign to create a sustainable Britain, with a vibrant industrial base, weaning Britain away from its dependence on the financial sector and tax avoidance, away from corporations and more towards local based enterprises. I would campaign for ideas of ‘Positive Money’ where private banks no longer create new money.
What would you like to say to voters?
Crime & Policing: Britain has one of the highest proportions of prison populations in Europe, it also has one of Europe’s most unequal societies. A society stratified by class, and privilege.
I believe that this inequality is the root cause to Britain’s huge prison population. My Green policies foster the development of local communities, and a sense of shared happiness, rather than materialism and greed. In these communities for the common good there would be less crime.
Education: For decades, education has been used as a political football, with government always ready to blame the teachers for failing to provide the right sort of training for our young! The current curriculum is too narrow, there is not a realistic choice for young people pursuing a nonacademic careers.
Britain’s education system is being readied for privatisation. As a Green MP I would vote to reintroduce Grants and abolish tuition fees and do away SATs and league tables.
Health & NHS: The NHS is being privatised, and unless we stop it, while the state will still fund it, the money will increasingly be funnelled into the pockets of private business rather than the running of Hospitals and medical practices. I would fight to re nationalise the NHS and make sure it was properly funded.
As a Green MP I would encourage the introduction of a four day week. A more productive healthier population with time to look after themselves and the health of their family.
Housing: We are stuck in a housing bubble. Rents are too high. House prices are too high. Private debt is too high. As the Green MP I would campaign to introduce legislation that protected tenants from predatory landlords, Introduce rent caps that matched average local earnings. I would restart the building of sustainable council housing. Our Green economic policies would deflate the housing bubble so they became a realistic aspiration.
Money: Using the ideas of the group ‘Positive Money’ the Green Party would remove the role private banks play in creating new money through debt. Instead money creation would be handled by an independent central authority. We would reduce the borrowing culture and deflate the bubble.
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