Prayers, Invocations, Songs, Mantras, Chants, Rituals (original) (raw)

Speaking to the Goddess

Prayers, Invocations, Songs, Mantras, Chants, Rituals
Research by
Michael P. Garofalo
Green Way Research, Red Bluff, California

Quotations Links Bibliography Months and Seasons Tantra

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Speaking to the Goddess: Prayers, Invocations, Songs, Mantras, Chants, Rituals

"Mighty, majestic, and radiant, You shine brilliantly in the evening, You brighten the day at dawn, You stand in the heavens like the sun and the moon, Your wonders are known both above and below, To the greatness of the Holy Priestess of Heaven, To you, Inanna, I sing!"

"Obsience to Her
Who is Pure Being, Consciousness, Bliss.
As Power,
Who Exists in the Forms of Time and Space,
And All That is Therein,
Who is the Divine Illuminatrix in All Beings."
- A Tantric Prayer

"Yah Devi sarva bhuteshu,
vishnumayeti shabditaa
Namastasyai, namastasyai,
namastasyai namoh namaha"
This goddess, who in all things, exists as the very form of God.
I bow to you, I bow to you, I bow to you, again and again."
- Yah Devi (This Goddess)
Krishna Das,Pilgrim Heart

"Hail Mary, Full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee,
Blessed are Thou, Amongst Women,
And Blessed in the Fruit of thy Womb, Jesus;
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us sinners,
Now, and at the hour of our death,
- The Hail Mary Prayer, Roman Catholic Church

"Oh Goddess, Source of Gods and Mortals,
All-Fertile, All-Destroying Gaia,
Mother of All, Who brings forth the bounteous fruits and flowers,
All variety, Maiden who anchors the eternal world in our own,
Immortal, Blessed, crowned with every grace,
Deep bosomed Earth, sweet plains and fields fragrant grasses in the nurturing rains,
Around you fly the beauteous stars, eternal and divine,
Come, Blessed Goddess, and hear the prayers of Your children,
And make the increase of the fruits and grains your constant care,
With the fertile seasons Your handmaidens,
Draw near, and bless your supplicants."
- Orphic Hym to Gaia, Translated by Virginia Stewart.

"Hail Diana
Hail Artemis Diana
Blessed Lady of the Beasts
I dedicate myself to You
May my path honor Thee
May my spirit celebrate Thee
May my life force magnify Thee
These things I pray
Be fulfilled this day
Goddess Mother help me
To know what is right."
- Goddess Prayers and Invocations

"Fair as a jasmine flower, the moon or a flake of snow,
Dressed in white, her hands adorned by the graceful veena staff,
Adorned by Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, and the other deities,
Protect me, Oh Goddess Saraswati, remover of ignorance."
- Hindu Goddess

"I, Isis, am all that hath been that is or shall be,
I, who made light from my feathers, The wind from my wings,
No mortal man ever hath me unveiled! - Until now."
- Invocation of Isis

"I went there of my own free will.
I went there in my finest gown,
With my rarest Jewels
With my Queen of Heaven crown.
In the Underworld
At each of the Seven Gates
I was stripped Seven times
Of all I thought I was
Till I stood bare in who I really am."
- Inanna, Goddess for Embracing the Shadows

"Devi prachanda dora danda daitya
darpa winashine
Roopam dehi jayam dehi
Yasho dehi dwisho jahi."
Oh Goddess, with your great staff you have
destroyed the demons of egoism and thought.
Grant me freedom, victory, fame and destroy all hositility."
- Devi Puja (Worship of the Goddess)
Krishna Das,Pilgrim Heart

Prayer to Shri Maha Devi Lakshmi


"I bow to you, O Mother of All Worlds, O Lotus Born, O Four-Armed Giver of Boons.
Gently floating on the Shatki Seas, sitting firmly on the Heart of Vishnu.
O Maha Devi, sitting on a pink lotus, thank you for letting us see Your beauty, elegance, exquisiteness, perfection.
Thank You for showering our soils with abundant rain, and for the millions of petals, flowers, fruits, seeds, nuts.
Praised be you, Loving Devi, shimmering in golden adornments and wearing a splendid red silk gown.
You are Shakti, Siddhi, Svadha, Svaha, Sudha.
You are the purifier of this world.
You are the evening, the night, the light, the darkness.
You are Glory, ecstasy, joyfulness, intelligence, and devotion.
You are Sarasvati.
You are Maha Devi Lakshmi.
You celebrate with us and You bring to us flowers, baskets of delicious food, a golden pot of coins, sacred plants, your beauty, your smile, the world as it is right now.
You are the Knower of Great Truths, the Watcher of the Here and Now.
O Auspicious One, you fathom the Secret Knowledge and are Supra-Insightful, Supra-Intuitive, Supra-Genius.
You are the Science of the Self, O Devi, and you are the giver of the Fruit of Freedom (Mukti).
Logic, the knowledge of all Vedas, the Tantras, worldly knowledge, and Raja Neeti are all yours.
You are fully filled and are present everywhere in this world within and without your ideal, grandiose, or fierce forms.
O Devi, who other than You could reside in the Hart of the Him who is the real form of all Yajyas, who is contemplated by all Gods and Yogis.
O Devi, when you give up these entire Three Worlds, this entire creation goes to destruction, and then You Yourself choose to play with possibilities of an alternative world, compelled to give life anther spin again and again through dozens of Kali Yugas.
By your grace only, a person gets a Wife, Husband, daughter, son, house, family, prosperity, peace and friends.
Those upon whom You, O Devi, bestow your kindness, they are so favored with good health, prosperity, safety, peace, and happiness.
You are the Mother of these entire worlds, and the Goddess of Gods.
Vishnu and You, O Mother, are present everywhere in this moving and unmoving creation.
Please favor us with continued work, good health, wealth, home, farm, animals, enjoyables, clean water, and food.
O Vishnu-Vaksha-Stal-Vaasini, help keep us Loving relations with our Wife, Husband, daughter, son, parents, family, spiritual community, alter-egos and friends.
O Devi, Protect our valuables, books, tools, applicances, art, jewelry, personal belongings, and home life.
O Pure One, your presence moves us to now celebrate purity, kindness, truthfulness, and goodness.
You help us, O Devi, to become admirable, virtuous, brave, fortunate, full of goodness, and intelligent.
O Devi, even Sri Brahma Ji is not capable of praising Your greatness.
Thus, Maha Devi Lakshmi, may You be satisfied with us and don't ever leave us."
- Adapted by Mike Garofalo from Shri Lakshmi Prayers, Celestial Timings

Inanna, Istar, Ashtart: "She was addressed as"Mother of the Fruitful Breast", Queen of Heaven, Light of the World,
Creator of People, Mother of Deities, River of Life, etc. The breast-offering pose suggested her function as the Goddess
of all nourishment and fertility. Ishtar, also known as Innana in Sumeria is, above all, a lunar Goddess who gives life
as the waxing moon and then withdraws it as the waning moon. The light and dark dimensions to her power, her
dying and resurrected son-lover Tammuz, who annually descends to the underworld and rises again from it-all
suggest a lunar mythology which revolves around the connection made between the light and dark lunar phases
and rhythmic alteration of the Earth's fertility."
- Angels and Earthly Beings

Prayer in Honor of Frigga


In Honor of Frigga

"Shining Lady of Asgard,
All-seeing, all-knowing,
at Your command worlds are born,
at Your nod and tender smile, life burst into being.
Valiant Goddess, ruthless foe, cunning Queen,
Illuminate your wyrd.
Strengthen our hamyngja.
Make us fruitful in all things, like the barley and flax that is your gift.
Nourish our souls, God-Mother,
Pour forth from Your cornucopia of abundance
and in return we will give You our devotion, our praise, our industry.
Holy Mother of all life, foremost amongst the Asynjur, bestow upon us Your wisdom.
Make our hearts fertile fields for Your bounty, and on Your spindle of shimmering starlight,
Weave for us a joyous fate."

Prayer to Ma Durga

"O Universal Mother!
Create fresh ideas for innovation in our minds.
Glorify true feeling of love in our hearts.
Develop a purposeful vision in our Spirit.
Amplify every signal of happiness in our life.

O Universal Mother!
Evolve compassion and kindness in our attitude.
Extend true love and lovely wishes in our hearts.
Expand our thinking pattern toward all directions.
Globalize the spirit of humanity in our world.

O Universal Mother!
We are thy little children.
Spread thou eternal bless everywhere for everyone and
Fuse all our thoughts for construction of creative ideas.
Harmonize our every thought, words and actions.
Integrate our minds, hearts and spirits.
and unify our souls with infinite soul.
For attaining the final journey of all human beings."
- Prayer to the Goddess Durga, by Ajay Kumar Singh

Bibliography and Links

Speaking to the Goddess: Prayers, Invocations, Songs, Mantras, Chants, Rituals

Aphrodite, Greek Goddess, Goddess of Love and Beauty

Aphrodite, Greek Goddess, Fast Facts

Artemis, Greek Goddess, Goddess of the Hunt

Athena, Greek Goddess - Shrine of the Goddess Athena

Athena, Greek Goddess - Goddess of Wisdom

Athena, Greek Goddess - Goddess of Wisdom and Craftsmanship Symbols

Athena, Greek Goddess, Fast Facts

Athena, Greek Goddess, Creatrix of the Olive Tree

Cloud Hands Blog

Cloud Hands Blog - Goddesses

Demeter, Greek Goddess, Goddess of the Fields and Harvest

Devi: Goddesses of India. Comparative Studies in Religion and Society, #7. Edited by John Stratton Hawley and Donna M. Wulff. University of California Press, 1996. 373 pages. ISBN: 0520200586.

Egyptian Deities

Egyptian Goddesses SEE ALSO Isis

Egyptian Goddesses and Gods

Egyptian Goddesses and Gods - 96 Dieties

Egyptian Goddesses of Ancient Egypt

Gaia, Greek Goddess

Goddess Altars

Goddess Bless! - Divine Affirmations, Prayers and Blessings: By Sirona Knight. Red Wheel/Weiser, 2003. 192 pages. ISBN: 1590030028. Neo-pagan.

The Goddess Companion: Daily Meditations on the Feminine Spirit. By Patricia Monaghan. Llewellyn Publications, 2000. 398 pages. ISBN: 1567184634. Neo-pagan.

The Goddess in World Mythology. Paintings by Sandra M. Stanton.

Goddess Myths

The Goddess Oracle

The Goddess Oracle. By Amy Sophia Marashinsky. Illustrated by Hrana Janto. Element, Harper Collins, UK. ISBN: 000714587X.

The Goddess Path: Myths, Invocations and Rituals. By Patricia Monaghan. Llewellyn Publications, 1999. 288 pages. ISBN: 1567184677. Neo-pagan.

Goddess Prayers

Goddess Prayers and Invocations European Wiccan Pagan tradition. An extensive collection of information and ideas by Abby Willowroot for the Pagan community.

The Great Cosmic Mother: Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth. By Monica Sjoo. Haper San Francisco, 2nd Edition, 1987. 528 pages. ISBN: 0062507915.

The Great Goddess: Reverence of the Divine Feminine from the Paleolithic to the Present. By Jean Markale. Inner Traditions Intl. Ltd., 2000. 256 pages. ISBN: 0892817151.

Greek Goddesses

Greek Goddesses and Gods - Google Directory

Greek Goddesses SEE ALSO Athena, Aphrodite, Dementer, Gaia, Hera, Persephone,

The Green Wizard: Bibliography, Links, Resources, Quotes, Notes. Complied by Michael P. Garofalo.

Hera, Greek Goddess, Queen of the Gods

Hera, Greek Goddess: The First Greek Goddess. By Sylvia Sosa.

Hindu Goddess

Hindu Goddesses: Visions of the Divine Feminine in the Hindu Religious Tradition. By David R. Kinsley. University of California Press, 1988. Reprint Edition. 281 pages. ISBN: 0520063392.

Hindu Goddesses SEE ALSO Devi, Shakti, Tara

Inanna. By Diane Wolkstein. Perennial, 1983. 256 pages. ISBN: 0060908548.

Inanna - Sumeria, Mesopotamia, Sumer, Iraq, Persia, Babylon

Inanna, Sumeria: The Goddess Inanna

Inanna, Sumeria: Goddess of Love and War

Inanna, Sumeria: Inninsagurra - A Hymn to the Goddess Inanna by the en-Priestess Enheduanna.

Inanna, Sumeria - Google Search

Invoke the Goddess: Visualizations of Hindu, Greek and Egyptian Deities. By Kala Trobe. St. Paul, Minnesota, Llewellyn Pubs., 2000. Index, bibliography, 207 pages. ISBN: 1567184316. VSCL.

Isis, Egypt

Isis, Egypt: Aset, Isis, The Goddess on Philae

Isis, Egypt: Goddess of Magic

Isis, Egypt: Goddess of Magic and Giver of Life

Isis, Egypt: Isis Moon Temple

Isis, Egypt: The Black Virgin Useful quotations. A comparision with the Virgin Mary.

Isis, Egypt: The Mother Goddess

Isis, Egypt: The Temple of Aset

Isis, Egypt: The Temple of Isis

Isis, Egypt: The White Goddess

Isis, Egypt: Google Search

Labyrinths: Bibliography, Links, Resources, Quotes, Notes

The Language of the Goddess. By Maria Alseikaite Gimbutas. Harper Collins, 1995. ISBN: 0062504185.

The Living Goddesses. By Marija Gimbutas. Edited by Miriam Robbins Dexter. University of California Press, 2001. 306 pages. ISBN: 0520229150.

Meditation: Links, Bibliography, Quotations, Resources, Notes

The Myth of the Goddess: Evolution of an Image. By Anne Baring and Jules Cashford. Arkana Reprint Edition, 1993. 800 pages. ISBN: 0140192921.

The Path of the Priestess: A Guidebook for Awakening the Divine Feminine. By Sharron Rose. Inner Traditions Intl. Ltd., 2003. 304 pages. ISBN: 0892819642.

Months and Seasons Quotes, Poems, Sayings, Verses, Lore, Myths, Holidays Celebrations, Folklore, Reading, Links, Quotations Information, Weather, Gardening Chores Compiled by Mike Garofalo
Winter Spring Summer Fall
January April July October
February May August November
March June September December

Persephone, Greek Goddess, Queen of the Dead

Sacred Circles and Spheres: Bibliography, Links, Quotes, Resources, Notes. By Michael Garofalo. 40Kb.

Sakti Sadhana: Steps to Samadhi: A Translation of the Tripura Rahasya. By Pandit Rajmani Tigunait. Himalayan Institute Press, 1996. 196 pages. ISBN: 0893891401.

Sakti SEE Shakti

Shakti, Hindu Goddess: Muslims and Shakti (The Goddess)

Shakti, Hindu Goddess: Goddess Worhsip - Tantric

Shakti, Hindu Goddess: Sakti - The Mother Goddess. By Dr. Manoshi Bhattacharya.

Sculpture - The Goddess House

The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess. Rituals, invocations, exercises, and magic. By Starhawk. 10th Anniversary Edition, Revised and updated. Bibliography, index, 288 pages. ISBN: 0062508148. VSCL.

The Spirit of Gardening

Tantric Visions of the Divine Feminine: The Ten Mahavidyas. By David R. Kinsley. University of California Press, 1997. 289 pages.
ISBN: 0520204999.

Tantric Yoga

Tara, Hindu-Tibetan-Buddhist Goddess Symbols White Goddess of Peace

Tara, Hindu-Tibetan-Buddhist Goddess, White Tara, Goddess of Compassion

Tara, Hindu-Tibetan-Buddhist Goddess

Tara, Hindu-Tibetan-Buddhist Goddess, Goddess of Centering

When God Was a Woman. By Merlin Stone. Horcourt, 1978. 320 pages. ISBN: 015696158X.

The White Goddess: A Historical Grammar of Poetic Myth. By Robert Graves. Noonday Press, 1966. 512 pages. ISBN: 0374504938.

The Witches' Goddess: The Feminine Principle of Divinity. By Janet and Stewart Farrar. With line illustrations by Stewart Farrar. Custer, Washington, Phoenix Publishing, 1987. Index, 319 pages. MGC. ISBN: 0919345913.

Wizardy and Witchcraft

The Wonderous Goddesses Over 30 goddesses are described.


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� 2005-2012, Green Way Research, Red Bluff, California Michael P. Garofalo, All Rights Reserved

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This webpage was last updated on June 30, 2012.