Green Way Research, Michael P. Garofalo, Vancouver, Washington (original) (raw)

Green Way Research

Michael Peter Garofalo

Green Way Research, Vancouver, Washington State, USA, 2023

Contact Mike by Email

Websites Webpages Hypertext Notebooks Teaching Biography

Cloud Hands Blog My Facebook



The hypertext documents listed on this webpage are licensed for usage under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

These hypertext documents were created and revised by Michael P. Garofalo,

Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Vancouver, Washington � 2000-2023CCA 4.0

Websites of Mike Garofalo

The Spirit of Gardening

Virtues and a Good Life

Months and Seasons Webpages Series

T'ai Chi Ch'uan (Taijiquan) - Cloud Hands Taijiquan

Chi Kung (Qigong) Chinese Yoga - Valley Spirit Qigong

Ways of Walking

An Old Philosopher's Notebooks

Four Days in Grayland

Uncle Mike's Cellphone Poetry Series

Quotes for Gardeners - Thematic Index

Somaesthetics, Body-Mind Theory and Practices

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu

Fitness and Well Being

Cloud Hands Blog

One Old Daoist Druid's Final Journey

The Fireplace Records: Mondos, Koans

Taoist Studies and Practices

Reviews, Awards and Kudos for these Websites

Index to Webpages

Detailed Subject Index to My Hypertext Notebook and Webpages


Webpages and Hypertext Notebooks of Mike Garofalo



18 Form Chen Style Taijiquan

19 Form Chen Style Taijiquan

24 Form Yang Style Taijiquan

24 Form Hun Yuan Taijiquan

32 Form Standard Sword Taijiquan

36 Form Eight Immortals Cane - Yang Style Taijiquan

37 Form Yang Style Taijiquan

73 Form Sun Style Competition Taijiquan

74 Form Chen Style Taijiquan

108 Form Traditional Long Yang Style Taijiquan

Above the Fog Short Poems by Mike Garofalo

Acupressure Massage, Self-Massage

Advice from Wise Pesons: How to Live a Good Life

Air, Clouds, Sky

Aging Wisely

Aging, Older Persons, Seniors, Elderly, Gerontology


Alphabetical Subject Index to the Cloud Hands Website

American Philosophy - Pragmatism

Ancient Goddesses - Quotations, Poems, Sayings, Prayers, Songs

Ancient Greek Philosophy


Animal Frolics (Wu Qin Xi): Tiger, Bear, Crane, Deer, and Monkey

Annual Flowers

Appreciation, Thankfulness, Gratitude, Cheerfulness - Quotations

April Gardening Chores

April - Quotations, Lore, Poetry

Art, Beauty, Loveliness, Style, Sublime, Grace - Quotations

Arthritis Therapy - Exercise: T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Chi Kung

Atheism - Bibliography, Recommended Reading

Atheism - Epicureans

Atheism - Four Horsement of Free Thought in 2009

Atheism - Hedonism

Atheism - My Personal Views

Atraxia: Serenity, Tranquility, Solitude, Peace of Mind - Quotations

August Gardening Chores

August - Quotations, Lore, Poetry

August - Summer Harvest Celebration: Summer Fest, First Harvest, Lammas, Lughnasadh, August

Autumn - Quotations, Lore, Poetry

Autumnal Equinox, Mabon, Alban Elfed, September 21st Neo-Pagan Celebration, Fall, Final Harvests

Awareness Through Movement: Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1980)

Awe, Wonder, Enchantment, Liminal

Return to Alphabetical Index


Back Porch Series in the Cloud Hands Blog

Ba Duan Jin Qigong (Eight Section Brocade Ch'i Kung)

Bagua Zhang (Eight Trigrams Boxing)

Balls - Taiji and Qigong Exercises, Medicine Balls

Balance and Fall Prevention for Older Adults

Balance: Exercise, Tips, Bibliography, Links, Advice

Bang, Tai Chi Ruler, Qigong Stick

Beach Camping, Washington and Oregon

Beachcombing, Southwestern Washington

Beaches - Natural History, Recommended Reading

Beach Life: Four Days in Grayland

The Bear: The Five Animal Frolics (Wu Qin Xi)

Beauty, Art, Loveliness, Style, Sublime, Grace - Quotations

Bibliography - Ch'i Kung (Qigong)

Bibliography - Philosophy

Bibliography - Stoicism

Bibliography - Taijiquan (T'ai Chi Ch'uan)

Bibliography - Taoism (Daoism)

Bicycling in Northern California

Biodiversity, Complexity

Bird (Crane) - Five Animal Frolics (Wu Qin Xi)


Blog: Cloud Hands Blog (2005-2018) by Mike Garofalo.

Blogger, Google, Cloud Hands Blog

Blue Cliff Record 100 Koans Collection Indexes

Blyth, Reginald Horace(1898-1964)

Bodybuilding for Seniors

Body-Mind Practices, Somaesthetics, Embodied Cognition

Book of Changes (I Ching) and Qigong (Dao-yin)

Book of Serenity 100 Koans Collection

Books, Reading, Libraries

Breathing Practices: Bibliography, Links, Resources, Quotes

Brief Spiritual Lessons Research Project 2023-2024

Broadmindedness, Openness

Broadsword - Chen Taijiquan

Broadsword (Dao, Saber)


Buddhism, Virtues, and the Martial Arts

Buddhism - Tibetan: Shambhala Warriorship

Buddhist and Taoist Scriptures

Buddhist Ethics - Zen

Buddhist Ethics - Dhammapada Sutta, Dharmapada Sutra by the Buddha

Buddhist Koans - Indexes

Return to Alphabetical Index


California (Northern) - Mount Shasta

California (Northern) - Photography by Karen and Mike Garofalo

California (Northern) - Red Bluff

California (Northern) - T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong Directory: Instructors, Schools, Information

California, Oregon and Washington - Day Hiking and Camping

Calligrams, Graphic Arts, Concrete Poetry, Calligraphy, Shape Poems, Text Art

Campfires, Hearths, Fireplaces, Stoves, Kitchens

Camping and Day Hiking in Northern Clifornia, Oregon and Washington

Camping in Yurts in State Parks on the coast in Southwestern Washington

Camping at Beaches in Washington and Oregon 2021-2022

Camping Reports by Mike Garofalo: Photographs, Blog Posts, Notes 2021-2022

Cane and Walking Staff

Cane (Wood), Zhang - Taijiquan

Caring, Kindness, Compassion, Good Will - Quotations

Casting the Circle

Cellphone Poetry Series of Uncle Mike

Central Equilibrium, Vertical Powers, Zhong Ding, Gravity Forces, Rooting, Centering

Chang San-Feng (circa 1200 CE), Taoist Master

Chan Ssu Chin - Silk Reeling

Chapter and Subject Index to the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu

Character, Personal Lifestyle, Life Values, Virtue Ethics

Cheerfulness, Appreciation, Thankfulness - Quotations

Cheng Man-Ch'ing (1901-1975)

Cheng Man-ch'ing (1902-1975): Chronology

Chen Style Taijiquan

Chen Style Taijiquan Bibliography

Chen Style Taijiquan 18 Movements Form of Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei

Chen Style Taijiquan 19 Movements Form of Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang

Chen Style Taijiquan Index, Valley Spirit Taijiquan

Chen Style Taijiquan Learning

Chen Style Taijiquan Old Frame, First Form (Lao Jia)

Chen Style Taijiquan Broadsword (Saber Dao) 23 Movements Form

Chen Style Taijiquan: Quotations, Sayings, Insights, Classics, Quips

Chen Style Taijiquan Short Forms (18,19,24,35,36,38, 56)

Chen Style Taijiquan, Silk Reeling (Chan Ssu Gong)

Chen Style Taijiquan Sword (Jian) 49 Movements Form

Chen Style Taijiquan Weapons

Chen Taijiquan

_Ch'i_- Breathwork

_Chih_- Taiji Ruler

Ch'ior Qi

Chi Kung, Qigong, Dao Yin, Yangsheng Gong, Chinese Yoga

Chi Kung (Qigong) and Yoga Classes, Red Bluff, California. Instructor: Mike Garofalo.

Ch'i Kung: Bibliography and Links

Chi Kung Blog Posts

Chi Kung Eight Section Brocade (Ba Duan Jin)

Chi Kung for Seniors

Chi Kung Subject Index

Chi Kung: Temple Qigong

Chi Kung: Valley Spirit Center Red Bluff, California

Chi Kung: Wild Goose Qigong


Chinese Massage

Chinese Philosophy - Concordance for the Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing)

Chinese Yoga, Qigong, Chi Kung, Dao Yin, Yangsheng Gong

Chinese Yoga - 12 Animals

Ch'i or Qi and Taijiquan

Christmas, Winter Solstice, Yule, New Year, Saturnalia, December 20th - January 1st

Circle Garden, Sacred Circle, Red Bluff, California

Circle Walking - Bagua Zhang (Eight Trigrams Boxing)

Class Schedule, Taijiquan, Instructor: Mike Garofalo, Red Bluff, California

Class Schedule, Hatha Yoga, Instructor: Mike Garofalo, Red Bluff California

Classes, Valley Spirit Taijiquan, Instructional Program

Classics of T'ai Chi Ch'uan

Cloud Hands Blog by Mike Garofalo

Online with Blogger from 2005-2023. Mind-Body Movement Arts, Philosophy, Somaesthetics, Walking, Gardening, the Eight Ways. Over 1,700,000 blog pages served. Another index to my web publishing.

Cloud Hands Blog of Michael P. Garofalo

Cold Hands Home, Vancouver, Washington

Cloud Hands Website: T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Ch'i Kung

Cloud Hands Website Subject Index

Cold Mountain: Han Shan (Circa 700 CE)

Cold Mountain Poets

Columbia River, Washington, North Shore, From Ilwaco to Washoughal



Concordance for the Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing)

Concrete and Visual Poetry, Text Art, Graphic Arts with Text

Concrete Poetry and Text Art Blog Posts

Concrete Poetry and Text Art by Michael P. Garofalo

Concrete-Visual Poetry Directory - Title Index

Concrete-Visual Poems by Michael P. Garofalo

Confucius (K'ung Fu-tzu) (551 - 479 BCE)

Contemplation, Reflection, Thinking

Contemplation, Meditation

Contentment, Satisfaction

Correct Taijiquan Practice Principles

Critical Thinking

Crane - Bird - Five Animal Frolics (Wu Qin Xi)

Cuttings: Haiku and Short Poems by Michael P. Garofalo

Cuttings: Above the Fog

Cyrenaics and Epicureans

Cyrenaics and Hedonists

Return to Alphabetical Index


Dalu, Push Hands, Two Person Drills

Dao De Jing by Laozi Over 25 English translations of 81 Chapters and Detailed Indexing

Dao De Jing by Laozi - English Language Translators Index

Dao De Jing by Laozi - Spanish Language Translators Index

Dao De Jing by Laozi - Chapter and Subject Index

Dao De Jing by Laozi - Introduction

Dao De Jing by Laozi - Bibliography

Dao De Jing by Laozi - Blog Posts

Dao De Jing Concordance

Daoism (Taoism) Website

Daoist Perspectives

Dao (Saber, Broadsword)

Dao-yin (Qigong, Chi Kung)

Dance and Taijiquan

_Dayan_- Wild Goose Qigong

Day Hiking in Northern California, Oregon and Washington

Day of the Ancestors: Samhain, Halloween, Day of the Dead, October 31st Neo-Pagan Celebration

Death, Dying

December Quotations, Sayings, Poetry, Lore

December, Winter Solstice, Yule, New Year, Saturnalia, Christmas, December 20th - January 1st Neo-Pagan Celebration

Deer: The Five Animal Frolics (Wu Qin Xi)

Delight, Pleasures, Satisfaction, Enjoyment - Quotations

Desires, Pleasures

Determination, Resolve, Will Power, Perseverance - Quotations

Dewey, John

Dhammapada Sutta, Dharmapada Sutra by the Buddha

Diabetes Therapy - Exercise: Taijiquan and Qigong

Dictionary, Index, Concordance for the Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing)

Dictionary of Internal Martial Arts (Nei Jia Quan)

Dingdian, Fixed Point, Movement or Posture Icons, Static Pose

Direction of Movements in Taijiquan and Qigong

Disclaimer of the Cloud Hands Website

Dogen's Shinji Mana Shobogenzo 300 Koans Collection Indexes

Dogen Studies Project 2023-2024

Down to Earth, Simplicity, Frugality, Uncomplicated - Quotations

Dragon Qigong

Dragon Qigong: Spiraling, Rotating, Turning, Twisting

Druids and Neo-Pagan Spirituality

Dying, Death

Return to Alphabetical Index



Ecstatic Postures

Exhibits at the Onion Garden

Eight Animals Qigong

Eight of Wands: Magick

Eight Ox Herding Songs - A Ch'an/Zen Parable

Eight Rivers Qigong

Eight Section Brocade Ch'i Kung (Qigong)

Eight Silken Treasures Qigong

Eight Trigrams Boxing (Bagua Zhang, Pa Kua Quan)

Eight Trigrams of the I Ching

Eight Trigrams and Taijiquan

Eight Ways of Walking Qigong

Elderly, Aging, Older Persons, Seniors, Gerontology

Embodied Cognition, Somaesthetics, Body-Mind Practices

Embrace the One - Zhan Zhuang - Standing Like A Tree

Emptiness Experience During Standing Meditation (Wu Ji)

Emptiness in Full Bloom

Emptiness, Sunyata, Interdependent Arising

Energy - Quotations

Energy, Vitality, Vigor, Enthusiasm - Quotations

Enjoyment, Delight, Pleasures, Satisfaction - Quotations

Enlightened Self Interest, Hedonism, Epicureanism

Entangling Fines 272 Koans Collection Indexes

Entering Tranquility (Ru Jing) Meditation

Epicureanism - Bibliography, Links, Resources

Epicureanism - Chronology

Epicureanism - Hedonism

Epicureanism - Quotations, Sayings, Precepts

Epicurus (341-270 BCE)

Equanimity, Serenity, Tranquility, Impartiality, Fearlessness - Quotations

Essentials of Taijiquan Movement Art

Ethics - Bibliography

Ethics - Buddhist - Dhammapada Sutta, Dharmapada Sutra by the Buddha

Ethics - Stoicism

Ethics - Philosophy

Exercise - Diabetes Therapy - Taijiquan and Qigong

External and Internal Aspects of Chinese Martial Arts

Return to Alphabetical Index


Facebook of Michael P. Garofalo

Fall, Autumn - Quotations, Lore, Poetry

Fall Prevention and Balance Tips for Older Adults


Feedback, Kudos and Reviews for the Cloud Hand's Website

Feeling, Senses, Five Senses

Feeling, Touching, Handling

Feldenkrais, Moshe (1904-1980): Awareness Through Movement

Fingers, Hands, Touch, Digital Manipulation

Fireplace Records: Mondos, Koans, Lessons

The Fireplace Records Cases

Fireplaces, Stoves, Hearths, Kitchens, Campfires


Fishing in Washington and Oregon

Five Realms

Fitness and Well Being Website Gardening, Meditation, Walking, Yoga, Strength Training, Fitness for Older Persons, Aerobics, Relaxation, Stretching, Tai Chi Chuan, Chi Kung, Massage, Exercises

Fitness and Well Being

Fitness for Older Persons

Fitness Instructor Qualifications of Michael P. Garofalo

Five Animal Frolics (Wu Qin Xi) Qigong: Tiger, Bear, Crane, Deer, and Monkey

Five Classical Elements

Five Elements (Wu-Xing)and Taijiquan

Five Fists of Hsing I Chuan

Five Precepts of Buddhism

Five Senses, Feeling, Senses

Five Stepping Movements of Taijiquan

Fixed Point, Dingdian, Movement Icon, Static Posture/Form

Flexibility and Stretching Exercises

Five Classical Elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Void

Five Elements (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Metal)

Flourishing, Happiness, Contentment, Satisfaction - Quotations


Flowers in the Sky Zen Buddhism

Forms - Taijiquan (Tai Chi Chuan)

18 Form Chen Taijiquan

24 Form Yang Taijiquan

37 Form Yang Taijiquan

108/88 Form Yang Taijiquan

Four Days in Grayland Series

Four Days in Grayland

Four Horsement of Free Thought in 2009 - Atheism

Free Thought, Atheism, Naturalism

Friendship, Companionship, Brotherhood

Front Porch Series in the Cloud Hands Blog

Frugality, Simplicity, Down to Earth, Uncomplicated - Quotations

Return to Alphabetical Index


Games, Play, Fun, Pretending - Quotations

Gardening Clich�s

Gardening History Timeline

Gardening Jokes and Humor

Gardening Links

Gardening: Quotes, Poems, History, Sayings

Gardening: Quips and Maxims by Michael P. Garofalo

Gardening in Red Bluff, California

Gardening in Vancouver, Washington

Gateless Gate, Gateless Barrier Zen Koans Indexes

Garofalo, KarenReiki Master (Ushi Shiki Rhoho Reiki Master)

Michael P. Garofalo, M.S. (1945-) - Brief Biography

Michael P. Garofalo - Cloud Hands Blog

Michael P. Garofalo - Fitness Classes

Michael P. Garofalo - Fitness Instructor Qualifications

Michael P. Garofalo - Green Way Research

Michael P. Garofalo - Home in Red Bluff, California

Michael P. Garofalo - Hypertext Notebooks Subject Index

Michael P. Garofalo - Internal Martial Arts Qualifications

Michael P. Garofalo - Concrete Poetry and Text Art

Michael P. Garofalo - Poetry

Michael P. Garofalo - Private Lessons in Mind-Body Arts

Michael P. Garofalo's Religious Views

Michael P. Garofalo's Religious Education and Upbringing

Michael P. Garofalo - Resume

Michael P. Garofalo - T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong Practice

Facebook of Michael P. Garofalo

Gateless Gate 48 Koans Collection

Generosity, Sharing, Giving, Hospitality - Quotations

Gerontology, Elderly, Aging, Older Persons, Seniors

Glossary of Taijiquan Terms in English and Chinese (Pinyin)

Goddess - Bibliography

Goddess - Iconography

Goddess - Quotations, Poems, Sayings, Prayers, Songs

Goddess - Mother Earth, Devi

Goddess - Nature Spirits

Goddess - NeoPagan

Goddess - Shakti, Devi, Hindu

Goddess - Tara, Drolma, Tibetan Buddhism

A Good Life: Advice from Wise Persons

Good Life and Virtues Website

Goose - Wild Goose Qigong

Graphic Arts, Text Art, Concrete Poetry, Graphic Arts with Text

Grasping the Sparrow's Tail


Grayland Beach, Southwestern Washington

Grays Harbor, Southwestern Washington

Greek Philosophy - Ancient

The Green Man

Green Way Research Research, Indexing, Online Publishing, Hypertext Notebooks By Michael P. Garofalo Vancouver, Washington State, USA

Green Way Research

Green Way Research Subject Index

Green Wizard: Druids, Neo-Pagans, Witchcraft, Earth Religions

The Green Wizard's Reading List

Gun Quan Short Staff, 50" Walking/Martial Staff

Gushen Grove, Sacred Circle, Red Bluff, CA

Gushen Grove Sacred Circle Eightfold Worlds Correspondences

Return to Alphabetical Index


Haiku and Short Poems

Haiku by Mike Garofalo

Haiku Poetry Directory - Title Index

Haiku Poetry Directory - Author Index

Haiku Poetry - Blyth, Reginald Horace(1898-1964)

Halloween, Samhain, Day of the Ancestors, October 31st

Hands, Fingers, Touch, Digital Manipulation

Han Shan (Circa 700 CE)

Happiness, Contentment, Flourishing, Satisfaction

Happiness, Flourishing, Fulfillment - Quotations

Harvest Celebrations: June, August, September

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga Classes, Red Bluff, California, Instructor: Mike Garofalo

Health and Fitness - T'ai Chi Ch'uan

Hearing, Listening, Silence, Sound


Hearths, Fireplaces, Stoves, Kitchens, Campfires


Hedonism - Bibliography, Links, Resources

Hedonism - Chronology

Hedonism - Quotations

Hellenistic Philosophyand Ethics (300 BCE - 200 CE): Stoicism, Epicureanism

Hexagrams and Trigrams of the I Ching (Book of Changes)

Hidden Tiger, Beginning Program, Level 2, Valley Spirit T'ai Chi Ch'uan

High Blood Pressure Reduction and Practicing Taijiquan and Qigong

Hiking and Camping in Northern California, Oregon and Washington

History of Gardening Timeline

History of Ideas, Intellectual History

Home Gardening, Red Bluff, California

Home Gardening, Vancouver, Washington

Home - Selling Our Home in Red Bluff

Home and Garden: Our Sense of Place

Hospitality, Generosity, Sharing, Giving - Quotations

How to Live a Good Life: Advice from Wise Persons

Hsing I Chuan

Hsing I Chuan Five Fists

Humor and Jokes - Gardening

Humor: Riddles, Puzzles, Dilemmas, Paradoxes

Hun Yuan Qigong

Hun Yuan Taijiquan

Hun Yuan Taijiquan: Quotations, Sayings, Insights, Classics, Quips

Hun Yuan Ruler

Hypertext Notebooks of Michael P. Garofalo

Return to Alphabetical Index


I Ching (Book of Changes) and Taijiquan and Qigong

Imbolic, Mid-Winter, Brigid's Day, Candlemas, February 1st

Impulsive, Spontaneity, Flexibility - Quotations

Impartiality, Equanimity, Serenity, Tranquility, Fearlessness - Quotations

Index, Concordance for the Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing)

Index to Green Way Research

Indexes to Koans

Index to the Cloud Hands Website

Index to the Hypertext Notebooks of Michael P. Garofalo

Indians of Northern California, Oregon and Washington

Indians of Southwestern Washington

Indoor Cycling, Stationary Bicycling, Spinning

Instructional Program, Valley Spirit T'ai Chi Ch'uan

Intellectual History, History of Ideas

Interdependence, Web of Life, Complexity

Internal and External Aspects of Chinese Martial Arts

Internal Martial Arts (Nei Jia Quan) Dictionary

Iron Flute 100 Koans Collection Indexes

Cloud Hands Blog of Michael P. Garofalo

Return to Alphabetical Index


James, William

January Gardening Chores

January - Quotations, Lore, Poetry

Jian, Sword, Chen Style Taijiquan

Jian or Gim, Sword Weapons

Jian - Wu Dang

Jin, Correct Strength Movement, Controlled Power

Jings, Energies, Trained Responses

_Jo_Short Staff, 50" Walking Stick, Way of the Jo

Jo Do: Way of the Short Staff: Jo Do, Aikijo, Jojutsu, Gun Quan

Jokes and Humor - Gardening

JulyQuotations, Poetry, Sayings

JuneQuotations, Poetry, Sayings

June: Summer Solstice, June 21st, Neo-Pagan Celebration

Return to Alphabetical Index


Kindle Index Version of this Webpage

Kindness, Caring, Compassion, Good Will - Quotations

_Kinhin_- Walking Meditation

Koans - Bibliography

Koans - Subject Index to 1,975 Zen Buddhist Koans

Koans - Indexes

Koans - Soto Zen

Koans - Rinzai Zen

Koans - Zen

Koans, Mondos, Testing Verses: The Fireplace Records

Koans - Rinzai Zen

Kriya Yoga

Kudos for the Cloud Hands Website

Kudos for Gardening

Kundalini (Coiled Serpent) Energy

Kwang Ping Taijiquan of Kuo Lien Ying

Return to Alphabetical Index


Labyrinths and Mazes

Lammas, Summer Fest Harvest Celebration: First Harvest, Lughnasadh, August

Linji Rinzai Zen School

Lao Tzu (Lao Zi): Tao Te Ching

Learning, Education

Lifestyle Advice from Wise Persons

Light, Sun, Heat

Links and Bibliography: Qigong

Links and Bibliography: Taijiquan

Listening, Hearing, Speech, Sound

Liturgical - Neo-Pagan

Living a Good Life: Advice from Wise Persons

Long Beach Peninsula, Washington

Long Form 108 Yang Style Taijiquan

Looking, Vision, Seeing

Loosened Relaxation (Sung, Song) Softened

Loveliness, Art, Beauty, Style, Sublime, Grace - Quotations

Lughnasadh, Lammas, Midsummer Feast, August 1st

Return to Alphabetical Index


Mabon, Autumnal Equinox, Alban Elfed, September 21st

Magic Pearl Qigong, Medicine Ball Exercises

Magick - Eight of Wands: Magick

Mandarin Tai Chi Form by Gray Miller


Martial Arts - Virtures

Massage, Self-Massage

Master Chang San-Feng (circa 1350)

Master Cheng Man-Ch'ing (1901 - 1975)

Master Han Shan (circa 750)

Master Kuo Lien Ying (1895-1984)

Master Sun Lu-Tang (1861-1932)

Master Yang Cheng-Fu (1883-1936)

Mastery, Self Control, Self Mastery, Choices, Will Power, Strength of Character


May Day, Beltane, Walpurgis Nacht, May 1st

Medicare Supplements

Medicine Balls: Magic Pearl Qigong

Medicine Balls, Taiji and Qigong Exercise Balls

Meditation - General

Meditation and Breathing

Meditation and Walking

Meditation Instructor: Michael P. Garofalo in Red Bluff, California

Meditation Methods and Techniques

Meditation Quotations

Meditation - Standing Like A Tree

Meditation - Standing - General

Meditation -Wu Ji - The Edge of Emptiness

Memory, Recollection

Michael P. Garofalo SEE Garofalo, Michael P.

Facebook of Michael P. Garofalo

Mid-Summer Holiday - NeoPaganism Summer Solstice June

Mindfulness, Concentration, Focus, Meditation

Minding the Breath


Months and Seasons

Months of the Year: Quotes, Poems, Links

Mountain Biking in Northern California

Mount Shasta, CaliforniaLegends, Lore, Hiking, Travel

Movement Direction Instructions for Taijiquan and Qigong Forms

Movement Principles of Tai Chi Chuan

Moving Hands Like Clouds: T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong

Return to Alphabetical Index


Native American Notes

Native AmericanString Figures and Storytelling by Mike Garofalo

Native Americans in Southwestern Washington

Native Americans of Northern California, Oregon and Washington

Native Americans along Columbia, Cowlitz, and Lewis Rivers

Natural History of Northern California, Oregon and Washington

Naturalism, Free Thought, Atheism

Nature Mysticism

Nature Mysticism in the Garden

Nature Spirits - A Glossary

Nature Studies in Northern California, Oregon, and Washington

Nei Jia Quan (Internal Martial Arts) Dictionary

Neo-Pagan Celebrations and Holidays

Liturgical - Neo-Pagan

Neo-Pagan Spirituality

Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm (1844 - 1900)

Northern California T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong Directory: Instructors, Schools, Information

Northern California: Hiking, Camping, Travel

Notebooks of an Old Philosopher


The hypertext documents listed on this webpage are licensed for usage under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

These hypertext documents were created and revised by Michael P. Garofalo,

Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Vancouver, Washington � 2000-2023CCA 4.0

Return to Alphabetical Index


Oak Tree in the Courtyard

Ocean and Seashore Life: Four Days in Grayland

OctoberQuotations, Poetry, Lore, Sayings

October, Samhain, Halloween, Day of the Ancestors, October 31st Neo-Pagan Celebration

Old Druid's Final Journey

Older Persons, Seniors, Elderly

Older Persons Exercise and Wellness Programs

Older Persons: Balance and Fall Prevention

A OldPhilosopher's Notebooks


One Old Druid's Final Journey - Notebooks of the Librarian of Gushen Grove

1,001 Zen Buddhist Koans - Subject Index

Open Minded, Broadminded

Opening a Mountain 60 Koans Collection Indexes

Opening the Four Gates

Organized Religions - My Personal Opinions

Oregon - Coastal Northwestern Oregon

Oregon T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong Directory: Instructors, Schools, Information

Oregon, Washington and California - Day Hiking and Camping

Return to Alphabetical Index


Pagans, Druids, and Neo-Pagan Spirituality

Pain, Discomfort, Uneasiness - Hedonism

Pa Kua Chang (Eight Trigrams Boxing)

Paramitas, Virtues, Ethics, Buddhism


Pathways in the Green Valley Blog

Performing String Figures and Storytelling by Mike Garofalo

Personal Lifestyle, Life Values, Character, Virtue Ethics

Perseverance, Willpower, Determination, Resolve - Quotations

Philosophy - Epicurus (341-270 BCE)

Philosophy - Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm (1844 - 1900)

Philosophy - Notebooks of Mike Garofalo

Philosophy - My Reading

Philosophy and Religion - Free Thought, Atheism, Naturalism

Photography by Karen and Mike Garofalo

Photography Gallery

Photography Projects 2022-

Photography of Southwestern Coastal Washington

Pilates: Links, Bibliography, Resources, Quotes, Notes

Play, Games, Fun, Pretending - Quotations

Pleasures - Epicureanism

Pleasures - Hedonism

Pleasures, Delight, Satisfaction - Quotations

Pleasures, Satisfaction, Sensuality

Poetry by Mike Garofalo

Pole Weapons, Chen Style Taijiquan

Political and Social Commentary and Recommendations

Portland, Oregon, Parks, Walking and Bicycling

Post Standing Postures: Standing Meditation (Wu Ji)

Pragmatism and American Philosophy

Pranayama: Breathing Techniques from Yoga

Principles of T'ai Chi Ch'uan Movement Art

Principles of Taijiquan by Taoist Master Chang San-Feng

Private Instruction by Michael P. Garofalo, Instructional Programs

Process Philosophy

Psychology, Self-Help, Biblio-Therapy, Self-Improvement

Pulling Onions: The Quips and Maxims of a Gardener by Michael P. Garofalo

Push Hands - T'ui Shou

Puzzling Questions, Riddles, Dilemmas, Paradoxes

Pyrrhonism, Sextus Empiricus, Ancient Skeptics

Return to Alphabetical Index


Qigong, Chi Kung, Dao Yin, Yangsheng Gong, Chinese Yoga

Qigong and Yoga Classes, Red Bluff, California. Instructor: Mike Garofalo.

Qigong Ball Exercises, Medicine Balls, Taiji Balls

Qigong: Bibliography and Links

Qigong: Bibliography and Links 2007

Qigong Blog Posts

Qigong - Breathwork

Qigong, Ch'i Kung - Chinese Mind-Body Exercises

Qigong - Eight Section Brocade (Ba Duan Jin)

Qigong for Seniors

Qigong Instructor Qualifications: Michael P. Garofalo in Red Bluff, California

Qigong Practice: Tips, Suggestions, Lessons

Qigong Ruler - Taiji Chih

Qigong: Temple Chi Kung

Qigong: Valley Spirit Center

Qigong Walking

Qigong-Yoga Exercise Cycle

Qi or Ch'i and Taijiquan

Queen Mother of the West, Xi Wangmu, Chinese

Questions and Answers in Cloud Hands Blog

Quiet and Solitude

Quotations, Sayings, Insights, Classics, Quips: Yang Style Taijiquan

Quotations, Sayings, Insights, Classics, Quips: Chen Style Taijiquan

Quotes for Gardeners - Thematic Index

Return to Alphabetical Index


Raja Yoga

Rants, Social and Political Commentary

Reading, Books, Libraries

Realms of the Dragons

Record of the Empty Hall 100 Koans Collection Indexes

Red Bluff, California - Gardening

Red Bluff, California - Notebooks

Red Bluff, California - Qigong Classes

Red Bluff, California - Sacred Circle

Red Bluff, California - Photos in the Cloud Hands Blog

Red Bluff, California - Photos of Our Gardens (1998-2008)

Red Bluff, California - Valley Spirit Center

Red Bluff, California - Valley Spirit Taijiquan

Red Bluff, California - Weather

Red Bluff, California - Yoga Classes


Reiki (Ushi Shiki Ryoho) - Karen Garofalo, Reiki Master

Reiki: Valley Spirit Center Red Bluff, California

Relaxation and Taijiquan

Relaxation (Sung, Song) Loosened Softened

Religion and Nature

Religion - Free Thought, Atheism

Religious Views of Michael P. Garofalo

Religious Views of Mike Garofalo

Renewable Energy Resources

Resolve, Will. Willpower, Self Control, Self Discipline

Resume of Michael P. Garofalo

Retreat, Solitude, Retreat, Silence - Quotations

Reviews of the Cloud Hand's Website

Riddles, Puzzles, Dilemmas, Paradoxes

Riding the Ox - A Zen Parable

Rinzai (Linji) Zen School

Ripening Peaches: Daoist Studies and Practices

Rituals and Liturgy - Neo-Pagan

Roman Hearth Neo-Pagan Religion

Rooting, Central Equilibrium, Vertical Powers, Zhong Ding, Gravity Forces, Centering

Royal (Raja) Yoga

RSS Feed for the Cloud Hands Blog

Ruler, Chen Style Taijiquan

Ruler, Hun Yuan Qigong

Ruler - T'ai Chi

Return to Alphabetical Index


Saber - Chen Taijiquan

Saber (Dao, Broadsword)

Sacred Circle Garden, Red Bluff, California

Sacred Circles and Spheres

Samhain, Halloween, Day of the Ancestors, October 31st

****Samurai Zen: The 100 Warrior Koans**

San Shou, Push Hands, Two Persons Applications Drills

Satisfaction, Happiness, Flourishing, Delight, Pleasures, Enjoyment - Quotations

Seashore Life: Four Days in Grayland

Seasonal Celebrations

Seasons and Months, Annual Cycle, in Coastal Southwest Washington

Seasons of the Year

Seeing, Vision, Looking

Self-Help, Psychology, Biblio-Therapy, Self-Improvement

Self Control, Self Mastery, Choices, Will Power


Selling Our Home in Red Bluff

Seniors, Aging, Older Persons, Elderly, Gerontology

Senior Citizens Fitness Programs

Senior Fitness - Red Bluff, CA

Senses, Feeling, Five Senses

Sensing Hands: Push Hands - T'ui Shou

SeptemberQuotations, Poetry, Sayings

September, Autumnal Equinox, Mabon, Alban Elfed, September 21st Neo-Pagan Celebration, Fall, Final Harvests

Serenity, Tranquility (Atraxia), Peace of Mind - Quotations

73 Standard Competition Form, Sun Style Taijiquan

Sexual Magick

Shambhala Warriorship: Tibetan Buddhism

Sharing, Generosity, Giving, Hospitality - Quotations

Shellfish, Oysters/Clams, Willapa Bay, Southwestern Washington

Shifu Miao Zhang Points the Way

Shoong, Sung, Song - Loose, Relaxed, Open, Yielding, Responsive

Short Form, Chen Style: 18, 19, 36, 38, 56

Short Form, Yang Style, Beijing Simplified 24

Short Poems and Haiku by Mike Garofalo

Short Staff Martial Arts: Jo Do, Aikijo, Jojutsu, Gun Quan

Silence and Listening

Silk Reeling, Chen Style Taijiquan

Silk Reeling (Chan Ssu Gong), Chen Taijiquan

Simplicity, Frugality, Down to Earth, Uncomplicated - Quotations

Simplicity: Reducing Your Energy Consumption

Simplified 24 From, Yang Style Taijiquan


Skeptics, Septics

Skilled Strengths, Jin, Correct Strength Movement, Martial Skill, Controlled Power

Smell, Odor

Soaring Crane, Intermediate Program, Level 3, Valley Spirit T'ai Chi Ch'uan

Social and Political Commentary and Recommendations

Softened Relaxation (Sung, Song) Relaxed Loosened Softened

Solar Power

Solitary Druids, Hedge Druids, Solitary Neo-Pagans

Solitude, Retreat, Silence - Quotations

Solo Camping in a Yurt

Solstice - Summer Holiday - Neo-Paganism Summer Solstice June

Somaesthetics, Body-Mind Practices, Embodied Cognition

Soto Zen Buddhist School

Soulful Gardening

Sound, Hearing, Listening

Sound of One Hand 150 Koans Indexes

Southwestern Washington

Speaking to the Spirit Meditation

Spear Weapons, Chen Style Taijiquan

Spiraling, Rotating, Turning, Twisting, Silk Reeling

The Spirit of Gardening 3,500 Quotes Arranged by 150 Topics, History, Guides, Psycho-Spiritual Aspects of Gardening

The Spirit of Gardening

Spirit of Gardening Reading List

Spiritual Exercises of Stoic Philosophers


Spirituality and Gardening

Spontaneity, Impulsive, Free - Quotations


Staff Weapons: Chen Style Taijiquan

Staff Weapons: Jo, Bo, Cane, Staff, Spear

Standard 32 Sword (Jian) Form - Yang Style Bibliography, Links, Quotes, Notes.

Standing Like A Tree - Zhan Zhuang

Standing Meditation (Wu Ji)

Standing Meditation - General

State Park Yurt Camping in Southwestern Washington and Northwestern Oregon

Stick, Bang, Chih, Wand, Ruler

Sticking Hands - T'ui Shou

Sticking Hands - T'ui Shou

Stoicism, Stoics, Hellenistic Ethics

Storytelling and String Figures by Mike Garofalo

Stoves, Hearths, Fireplaces, Kitchens, Campfires

Strength Training

Strength Training for Seniors

Stretching and Flexibility Exercises

Strings on Your Fingers

String Figures, String Art, String Games

**** Subject Index to 1,975 Zen Buddhist Koans**

Subject Index to the Cloud Hands Website

Subject Index to Green Way Research

Subject Index to the Hypertext Notebooks of Michael P. Garofalo

Subject Index to the Internet Publications of Michael P. Garofalo

Summer (June, July, August, September): Quotes, Sayings, Poems, Lore

Summer Solstice, June 21st, Neo-Pagan Celebration

Summer Harvest Celebration: Summer Fest, First Harvest, Lammas, Lughnasadh, August

Sun Lu-Tang's (1861-1933) Chronology

Sun Lu-Tang's (1861-1933) Biography

Sun Lu-Tang (1861-1933): Baguaquan, Hsingyiquan, and Taijiquan Grandmaster

Sunshine, Sun, Solar Energy

Sun Style Bagua Quan

Sun Style Internal Martial Arts Glossary

Sun Style Hsingyi Quan

Sun Style Qigong

Sun Style Sword

Sun Style Taijiquan

Sun Style Taijiquan Index

Sun Style Taijiquan Online Videos

Sun Style Taijiquan, 73 Standard Competition Form

Sunyata, Emptiness, Interdependent Arising

Sword, Chen Style Taijiquan

Swordsmanship and T'ai Chi Ch'uan

Sword 32 Standard Sword (Jian) Form - Yang Style

Sword - Wudang Style

Return to Alphabetical Index


T'ai Chi Ch'uan (Taijiquan)

T'ai Chi Chuan Blog Posts

T'ai Ch'i Classics, Literature, Lore, Quotations

Tai Chi for Arthritis

Tai Chi for Diabetes

T'ai Chi Ch'uan Ball Exercises, Qigong Balls, Medicine Balls, Exercise Balls

T'ai Chi Ch'uan (Taijiquan) : Bibliography and Links

Ta'i Chi Ch'uan Cane (Wood), Zhang

T'ai Chi Ch'uan - Chen Style

T'ai Chi Ch'uan for Seniors

T'ai Chi Ch'uan Subject Index

T'ai Chi Ch'uan Instructor: Michael P. Garofalo in Red Bluff, California

T'ai Chi Ch'uan Instructor Qualifications of Michael P. Garofalo

T'ai Chi Ch'uan: Links and Bibliography

Tai Chi Chuan Movement Principles

T'ai Chi Ch'uan, Red Bluff, CA

T'ai Chi Ch'uan Short Form, Beijing Simplified 24, Yang Style

T'ai Chi Ch'uan Ruler (Stick, Chih)

T'ai Chi Ch'uan Short Staff

T'ai Chi Ch'uan Staff

T'ai Chi Ch'uan Sword (Jian)

T'ai Chi Ch'uan 24 Yang Form

T'ai Chi Ch'uan: Valley Spirit Center Red Bluff, California

Tai Chi Ruler

Taijiquan (T'ai Chi Ch'uan)

Taijiquan: Bibliography and Links

Taijiquan Blog Posts

Taijiquan - Breathwork

Taijiquan Classics, Literature, Lore, Quotations

Taijiquan For Good Health, Fitness and Vitality

Taijiquan Glossary

Taijiquan Instructor: Michael P. Garofalo in Red Bluff, California

Taijiquan_Jian_ (Sword)

Taijiquan - Principles of Practice

Taijiquan: Valley Spirit Center Red Bluff, California

Taijiquan: Valley Spirit Center, Vancouver, Washington

Takeaway Trump and the Republicants

Taming the Ox - A Zen Allegory or Parable

Tantric Yoga

Taoism, Nature Mysticism, Alchemy

Taoism - Wudang Qigong

Taoist and Buddhist Scriptures

Taoist and Eastern Classics, Making This Life Significant Series

Taoist Lessons and Chapters - Indexes

Taoist Perspectives

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu Over 25 English translations of 81 Chapters and Detailed Indexing

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu - English Language Translators Index

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu - Spanish Language Translators Index

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu - Chapter and Subject Index

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu - Introduction

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu - Bibliography

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu - Blog Posts

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu - Concordance, Index, Dictionary

Tara, Drolma, Star Goddess, Tibet

Taoist Mystics

Tarot: Studies, Research, Magick and Practices

Taste, Flavors

Teaching and Learning Taijiquan, Qigong and Yoga

Tehama Family Fitness Center, Red Bluff, California

Temple Qigong - A Nine Movement Exercise Set

Text Art, Concrete Poetry, Graphic Arts with Text

Text Art and Concrete Poetry by Mike Garofalo

Text Art Blog Posts by Mike Garofalo

Thankfulness, Gratitude, Appreciation, Cheerfulness - Quotations

Thirteen Jings, Energies, Trained Responses

Thirteen Postures: 8 Gates and 5 Steps

Thirteen Treasures Walking Qigong

32 Standard Sword (Jian) Form - Yang Style

The 300 Missing Poems of Han Shan (Circa 700 CE)

Tibetan Buddhism: Shambhala Warriorship, Yoga, Tantra

The Tiger: The Five Animal Frolics (Wu Qin Xi)

Tiger, Hidden Tiger, Beginning Program, Level 2, Valley Spirit T'ai Chi Ch'uan


Tips, Suggestions and Lessons for Qigong Practice


Touching, Hands, Fingers, Digital Manipulation

Tranquility (Atraxia), Serenity, Inner Peace, Solitude - Quotations

Tranquility in Gardening

Transmission of Light Kiezan Biographies

Transformation, Changing, Reconditioning, Evolving

Translation: Concordance for the Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing)

Travel in Northern California, Oregon, and Washington

Tree of Life, Yggdrasil

Tree Qigong - Zhan Zhuang - Standing Like A Tree

Trees - Quotations, Poems, Lore, Wisdom

Trees - Lore, Magick, Myths, Magick

Trees - Spirits

Trigrams and Hexagrams of the I Ching (Book of Changes)

Tui Shou, Push Hands, Two Person Taijiquan Drills

Twelve Animals of Hsing I Chuan (Xing I Quan)

Two Person Taijiquan Drills, Dalu, San Shou

24 From, Yang Style, Standard

Return to Alphabetical Index


Uncle Mike's Cellphone Poetry Series

Utilitarianism - Bibliography, Links, Resources

Utilitarianism - Hedonism

Return to Alphabetical Index


Valley Spirit Center Michael P. Garofalo, M.S. Vancouver, Clark County, Washington

Valley Spirit Center Red Bluff, California

Valley Spirit Blog

Valley Spirit Fitness and Well Being Website

Valley Spirit (Gu Shen) Concept

Valley Spirit Idea

Valley Spirit Journal by Michael P. Garofalo (May 2003-July 2005)

Valley Spirit Journal by Michael P. Garofalo (August 2005- )

Valley Spirit Labyrinths

Valley Spirit Qigong

Valley Spirit Photography Gallery - Old

Valley Spirit Photography Gallery - New

Valley Spirit Taijiquan, Red Bluff, California

Valley Spirit Taijiquan Instructional Program

Valley Spirit T'ai Chi Ch'uan, Qigong, and Yoga

Valley Spirit - Tao Te Ching

Vancouver, Washington, Cloud Hands Home

Vancouver, Washington, Home Gardening

Vancouver, Washington, Parks, Walking and Bicycling


Vernal Equinox, Spring, Ostara, Rebirth, Athena-Minerva, Resurrection, March 21st

Vertical Powers, Zhong Ding, Central Equilibrium, Gravity Forces, Rooting, Centering

Via Positiva

Virtue Ethics

Virtues and a Good Life Website

Virtues: A Reading List, Bibliography, Links

Virtues in the Martial Arts

Virtues, Paramitas, Ethics, Buddhism

Vision, Seeing, Looking

Vitality, Health and Qigong

Vitality, Vigor, Energy, Enthusiasm - Quotations

VSC = Valley Spirit Center, Red Bluff, California

VSCL = Valley Spirit Center Library, Red Bluff, California, Library of Michael P. Garofalo

Return to Alphabetical Index


Walking and Labyrinths

Walking and Taijiquan

Walking Blog Posts

Walking - Eight Ways of Walking Qigong

Walking - General Fitness Exercise

Walking - Meditation

Walking - Quotations

Walking Staff and Cane

Walking: Valley Spirit Center Red Bluff, California

War Powers Authorization by Public Vote - 28th Amendment Proposal

Washington, Oregon and California - Day Hiking and Camping

Washington - Coastal Southwestern Washington State

Washington T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong Directory: Instructors, Schools, Information


Watts, Alan (1915-1973)

Waving Hands Like Clouds: T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong

Way of the Short Staff: Jo Do, Aikijo, Jojutsu, Cane, Gun Quan

Ways of Walking


Weightlifting Training for Seniors

Wheel of the Year, Seasonal Celebrations

Who is the Green Wizard?

Who is the Librarian of Gushen Grove?

The Whole World is a Single Flower 365 Koans Collection Indexes

Wild Goose Qigong

Willapa Bay, Southwestern Washington

Will Power, Determination, Grit, Self Control, Self Mastery, Choices, Strength of Character

Winter Home - Uncle Mike's Cellphone Poetry Series

Winter (December, January, February, March) - Quotations, , Lore, Poetry

Winter Months

Winter Solstice, Yule, New Year, Saturnalia, Christmas, December 20th - January 1st

Wintun Native Americans, Nomolaki Tribe, Red Bluff, California


Working in the Garden

Worship, Liturgy, Rituals - Neo-Pagan

Wudang Mountain - Taoism, Taijiquan and Qigong

Wudang Mind/Body Arts

Wudang Qigong

Wudang Sword

Wuji Qigong

Wu Ji - Standing Meditation

The hypertext documents on this webpage are licensed for usage under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

These hypertext documents were created and revised by Michael P. Garofalo, Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Vancouver, Washington � 2000-2021CCA 4.0

Return to Alphabetical Index

Cloud Hands Blog of Michael P. Garofalo


Xing Yi Quan

Xing Yi Quan Five Fists

Xing I Quan (Hsing I Chuan) - Twelve Animals

Return to Alphabetical Index


Yoga Class, TFFC, Red Bluff, CA

Yang, Cheng Fu (1883-1936): Chronology

Yang Family Taijiquan Genealogy

Yand Style Push Hands and Da Lu

Yang Style Saber

Yang Style Staff

Yang Style Sword

Yang Style Traditional Taijiquan Long Form 108 Movements

Yang Style of Taijiquan

Yang Style Taijiquan Long 108 Form

Yang Style Taijiquan - Notes and Comments

Yang Style Taijiquan: Quotations, Sayings, Insights, Quips, Classics

Yang Style Taijiquan Short Form 24 Movements

Yin-Yang Sensitivity Training: Sticking Hands - T'ui Shou


Yoga Blog

Yoga - Chinese - 12 Animals

Yoga Class, Red Bluff, CA - Instructor: Michael P. Garofalo

Yoga and Qigong Classes, Red Bluff, California. Instructor: Mike Garofalo.

Yoga - Breathwork

Yoga - Hatha

Yoga - Kriya

Yogalates: Links, Bibliography, Resources, Quotes, Notes

Yoga Instructor Qualifications of Michael P. Garofalo

Yoga - Red Bluff, CA

Yoga -Tantric

Yoga - Taiji Index

Yoga - Valley Spirit Center

Yurt Camping on the coast in Southwestern Washington

Return to Alphabetical Index


Zen: Blyth, Reginald Horace(1898-1964)

Zen Buddhist Koans - Indexes

Zen Buddhist Quotations

Zen/Chan Buddhist Poetry

Zen Echoes 43 Koans

Zen Koans

Zen Koans Subject Indexes

Zen Koans: The Fireplace Records

Zen Master Raven 183 Koans Collection Indexes

Zen Poems: "Above the Fog" by Mike Garofalo

Zen Poetry: Bibliography, Links, Quotations, Resources

Zhang Sanfeng(circa 1200 CE)

Zhan Zhuang - Standing Like A Tree

Zhong Ding, Central Equilibrium, Vertical Powers, Gravity Forces, Rooting, Centering

Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu, Zhuang Zhou, Master Chuang, Kwang-dze) 369—286 BCE

Return to Alphabetical Index

Michael P. Garofalo

Short Biography of Mike Garofalo

Resume of Mike Garofalo

Poetry by Mike Garofalo

Poetry - The Fireplace Records

Pulling Onions: Aphorisms, Quips, Observations

Reviews, Awards and Feedback for the Spirit of Gardening Website

Reviews and Feedback for my Haiku and Zen Websites

Reviews and Feedback for the Cloud Hands T'ai Chi Ch'uan Website

Cloud Hands Blog by Mike Garofalo

Yoga, Qigong and Taijiquan Instructor

Substitute Teacher

Our Red Bluff, California, Garden and Home

Send E-mail to Michael P. Garofalo

Michael P. Garofalo

Return to Alphabetical Index

Current Teaching

Cloud Hands Blog by Mike Garofalo

I still teach private lessons in 2023 at the age of 78. I teach taijiquan, qigong, balance, and positive psychology. However, I do focus now on writing and reading in my retirement years.

Return to Alphabetical Index

Contact Information:

Michael P. Garofalo

Green Way Research

City of Vancouver, Washington State, North West USA, 2023

Contact Mike by Email

City of Vancouver, Clark County, State of Washington, Columbia River Valley, Northwest USA (April 2017-) Red Bluff, Tehama County, North Sacramento Valley, Northern California, USA (June 1998-March 2017) East Los Angeles, San Gabriel Valley, Los Angeles County, California, USA (1945 -1998)

This webpage was last modified, edited, improved, revised, reformatted, changed, graphics added, or updated on October 22, 2023.

This webpage was first published online in January of 2000.

The hypertext documents listed on this webpage are licensed for usage under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

These hypertext documents were created and revised by Michael P. Garofalo,

Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Vancouver, Washington � 2000-2023CCA 4.0

Cloud Hands Blog of Michael P. Garofalo

Facebook of Michael P. Garofalo

Return to the Alphabetical Index of Mike Garofalo's Hypertext Documents

Green Way Research

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