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On June 20, 2024, the parties exchanged copies of the agreement as part of the state visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Vietnam. The ceremony was held in the presence of the leaders of the two countries at the Presidential Palace in Hanoi. Head of the HSE delegation, Vice Rector Victoria Panova, and VNU Rector Le Quan also participated in the event.

726 participants received certificates of achievement (winners’ diplomas), and more than 200 have already become HSE students. This event is one of the largest and most recognised projects of HSE University, which allows participants to gain university admission with a full or partial scholarship. Registration for the competition in Russian is already underway. Soon, registration for the HSE International Olympiad in English (INTO HSE) will kick off.

An international team of authors, including researchers at HSE University, have examined decision-making by nationals of 11 countries.People tend to make more mistakes when confronted with the need for quick decision-making. When the advantages of each option are known, the behaviour of individuals from different nationalities varies depending on their cultural level of risk aversion.

A series of paired solo exhibitions has been launched at the HSE ART GALLERY on Pionerskaya: projects by teachers and students of the HSE Art and Design School are now exhibited at one venue. The first project in this series is by Vladislav Efimov, a teacher, and Alexandra Zamuruyeva, a student of the ‘Design and Contemporary Art’ programme.

The Faculty of Economic Sciences celebrated its 32nd birthday. Students, graduates, teachers, and friends gathered for the traditional EconomFest at HSE University on Pokrovsky Bulvar. The event featured quizzes, contests, lectures, and meetings with teachers. Festival guests enjoyed dancing, drawing lessons, new acquaintances and a three-tier cake.

HSE University-St Petersburg hosted the Indian Students Week. The event gathered more than 50 students from 15 top Indian universities, including IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, UPES, and IIM Amritsar. The goal of this initiative is to introduce talented students from India to educational opportunities in Russia.

HSE University and the Institute of Legislation and Legal Policy (ILLP) under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan have signed a memorandum of intent, which will form the basis for a future cooperation agreement.

Sociologist Valeria Kondratenko is skilled at handling big data and enjoys working with it. In her interview with the HSE Young Scientists project, she discusses academic research, her admiration for Pierre Bourdieu, and her passion for weightlifting.

In May 2024, Pretoria, the capital of South Africa, hosted the BRICS+ Youth Innovation Summit, where students from HSE University represented Russia. They successfully defended their business projects and were among the top 15 speakers, winning the event. The summit was organised by the South African BRICS Youth Association (SABYA).

Student Voices

I appreciate the opportunity to study at HSE, as it is one of the most prestigious universities in Russia. HSE University has the best environment to help me grow academically. Education is serious here and requires a lot from students to pass subjects, which in turn motivates me to study harder.

Thu Trang Pham (Vietnam), Bachelor’s student at the Faculty of World Economy and International Relations

Travelling to Russia as an international student was a safe and easy experience. Foreign students can easily move around the city and visit tourist attractions. HSE University has become not only a university for me, but also a home, a special place where I met my wife and countless good friends from all over the world.

Daniel Suarez (Colombia), Master’s programme in Agrarian Economics

Life in the dormitory at HSE has been an extensive and immersive experience, allowing me to embrace cultural diversity on a whole new level. Sharing meals, celebrating festivals, and engaging in cultural exchanges made every day a memorable experience, and it felt like a global community within the dormitory walls.

Ayomide Adedini (Nigeria), Master’s programme in Political Analysis and Public Policy

Studying and living in Russia is amazing. I am sure that HSE is going to provide unique opportunities and crucial knowledge for my career. I feel the possibility to build my future with my hands and on my own.

Lorenzo Trufolo (Italy), Master’s programme in International Trade Policy

I chose the Population and Development programme due to the various perspectives and methods that are taught throughout the course, and that was indeed the most exciting part about it. Even though the programme was challenging, the professors' assistance and guidance has been extremely valuable.

Lana Al-Halabi (Syria), Master's programme ‘Population and Development’

As an aspiring economist and statistician, I wanted to broaden my horizons and gain a global perspective in the field of economics. HSE’s reputation for excellence in economics made it the perfect choice for me.

Richard Asiamah (Ghana), Master’s programme ‘Stochastic Modelling in Economics and Finance’

HSE University in Numbers

95 %

of alumni find employment within six months of graduation

> 55,000

students and doctoral students

> 400

international partners


instructors and researchers


centres of excellence
