British sculpture (original) (raw)
Click here for Elisabeth Frink
Charles Sargent Jagger (1885-1934)
Royal Artillery memorial, 1921
Click here for Jagger
Karin Jonzen (1914-1998)
Seated Nude, 1951
Click here for Jonzen
Eric Gill (1882-1940)
Ecstasy, 1911
Uli Nimptsch (1897-1997))
Seated Figure, 1951
Vanessa Pooley (1958-)
Big P.B., 2000, 117 cm
George Fullard ( 1923-1973
Peter (Laszlo) Peri (1899-1967)
Gilbert Bayes (1872-1953)
Sigurd with Ring, 1909, 28"
Gilert Bayes (1872-1953)
Gilert Bayes (1872-1953)
Offerings of Peace
Joyce Bidder (1906-1999)
Labour, 1932, 21 " high
George James Frampton (1860-1928)
Peter Pan, 1911, 118 " (on the left)
Alan Howes (1888-1969))
The New Age, 1922, 33 "
James Pittendrigh Macgillivray (1886-1938))
Ariadne at Naxos, 1915, 26"
Glyn Warren Philpot (1884-1937)
Head of Negro, 1919, 10 "
Charles De Sousy Ricketts, 1866-1931
Silence (memorial to Oscar Wilde) 1905, 14"
Anton Van Wouw (1862-1945)
Seated man with cooking pot, 7 " high,
Anton Van Wouw (1862-1945)
Bushman hunting, 1902,19"
Anton Van Wouw (1862-1945)
Bushman - detail
Paul Fletcher
J. Rutter
Paul Fletcher
Norman Herdsman
Enzo Plazzotta (1921-1981)
Enzo Plazzotta (1921-1981)
Enzo Plazzotta (1921-1981)
Gerald Laing (1936- )
Alan Durst (1883-1970)
William Reid Dick (1879-1961)
Man Child
Alfred Drury (1856-1944)
Spirit of Night (1898-1905)
More work can be found here
Wilfred Dudeney
[](edward delaney1.jpg)
Edward Delaney (Ireland - b. 1930)
Wolfe Tone Click here for Delaney
Leslie Cubitt Bevis (1892-1984)
E. J. Clack
Diana Fountain, 1953
(Thanks to Robert Mileham)
Hermon Cawthra
(1886 - 1971)
Thomas Baylis Huxley-Jones
Dennis Huntley
(b. 1928)
Philip Lindsey Clark (1889-1977)
NOTE: this and many other monumental sculptors
are courtesy of the indefatigable efforts of Lawson Gordon
Edward Bainbridge Copnall (1903-1973)
Alfred Frank Hardiman (1871-1949)
Francis Derwent Wood (1871-1926)
Charles Leonard Hartwell (1873-1951)
Tyson Smith (1883-1972)
William Goscombe John (1860-1952)
Charles Thomas Wheeler (1892-1974)
Albert Toft (1862-1949)
Louis Frederick Roslyn (1878 - 1934)
William McMillan (1887-1977)
David McFall (1919-1988)
Francis Cavanagh
(this piece done 1938)
[](ivor robert-jones.jpg) [](ivor robert-jones 2.jpg)
[](ivor robert-jones 3.jpg)
Ivor Robert-Jones
[](winifred turner.jpg) [](winifred turner6.jpg)
[](winifred turner2.jpg) [](winifred turner5.jpg)
[](winifred turner4.jpg) [](winifred turner3.jpg)
[](winifred turner7.jpg)
Winifred Turner
Arthur George Walker
Michael RIzzello
Gertrude Hermes
charles Dyson Smith