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Oct. 8, 2007


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Don't worry, the Indyfan name isn't going away. This is a transitional url.

Jan. 9, 2006

First We're Bourne...

Frank Marshall, who is attached to produce Indy IV, stated in an interview with IESB that Indy IV would happen after The Bourne Ultimatum, which will begin shooting August 1st. As with all such talk, details are sketchy. He has not read the script, but "everyone" is happy with what they have read. Long-suffering Indy fans may remember past indications that the script was good only to have Lucas veto it. Hopefully, "everyone" includes The Flanneled One this time. Thanks to James for the heads up.

Jan. 20, 2006

Indy IV in 2007?

Apparently, the Golden Globes gave inquisitive types a chance to ask around about Indy IV. In this blurb, Lucas answers frustrated fans with: "You know, we just write and write and write and write and write. But we are getting closer, and hopefully this year we will have a start date and we will have a script that we all love and hopefully it will come out next year." Although this bit of timing info is as mealy-mouthed as always, Harrison Ford may ultimately force Lucas to use-or-lose him if it doesn't happen soon. In this IMDB WENN news item, Ford says: "It's looking very good to do another one. I haven't felt this positive about it happening in a long time... but if it doesn't happen in the next two years we should all forget it." (Source: AICN)

Jan. 9, 2006

First We're Bourne...

Frank Marshall, who is attached to produce Indy IV, stated in an interview with IESB that Indy IV would happen after The Bourne Ultimatum, which will begin shooting August 1st. As with all such talk, details are sketchy. He has not read the script, but "everyone" is happy with what they have read. Long-suffering Indy fans may remember past indications that the script was good only to have Lucas veto it. Hopefully, "everyone" includes The Flanneled One this time. Thanks to James for the heads up.

July 20, 2005

So You Want Indy's Jacket... Fork Over 50 Grand!

Well, I guess it could cost you more... You'll have no debates about accuracy with this one. Profiles in History will be holding an auction on July 29th in Beverly Hills, CA where a genuine jacket worn by Harrison Ford in Last Crusade will be sold. If you can't make it in person, you can bid via eBay. Thanks to Greg Clausen for the info. (BTW, I think the final price was 80 Grand)...

June 15, 2005

Will War of the Worlds Publicity Bear Any Fruit?

So it begins... Spielberg has another movie to plug, and the Indy question will be asked again and again. Will the answer be satisfying? Doubtful. The USA Weekend interview will go online Friday (6/17).

Mar. 3, 2005

Ten Years of Indiana Jones on the Web

Did you know that I started this page ten years ago? Here's a walk down memory lane.

Sept. 19, 2004

Henry Jones, Sr. Fanmade Figure

Have a look at Mark Poon's rendition of Indy's dad. It is quite detailed and apparently quite posable and realistic. A Toys McCoy Indy would look right at home next to this beaut'. I can almost see Jr. seeking approval from Sr. only to get crossed arms and a scowl.

Sept. 2, 2004

Leaving Shangri-La

So what event has brought me out of my reclusive stupor? I'm not really sure. I do have a jaw-dropping rendition of Indy witnessing the glory of the map room by Dianne Smith to share. I'm less enamoured by the thought of the JAG guy donning the fedora, but I yield to the artist's discretion. I hope to post again before another year has passed...

Oct. 19, 2003

Indy DVDs!

I haven't had time to do anything with the site for a while, but I will definitely be at Best Buy this Tuesday to pick up the Indy DVD set (with Best Buy's bonus Raiders featurette disc). It's been a long time coming...

Sept. 23

The New

Check out the changes to . The What's New section has some articles on the making of the trilogy. I'm sure we will see more as the DVD release approaches and beyond.

Aug. 7

Your Indy Fandom Could Get You on TV!

To promote the Indy trilogy on DVD, Wal-Mart will be airing a national commercial featuring Raiders-quoting fans. If you're within range of the Wal-Mart at 7250 Carson Blvd., Long Beach, CA, show up tomorrow, Friday, August 8th between 10am and 6pm and audition. There's another TBD location on Saturday, presumably in the general vicinity. If you need contact info, email me.

Aug. 6

Indy DVDs Available Two Weeks Early

According to The Digital Bits, Paramount has moved the release date for the Indy trilogy on DVD from November 4th to October 21st.

Aug. 5's Disney Indy Figure Pics

Check out the pics of some of the newly release Disney Indy figures over at Sadly, Marion hasn't got any prettier from early pics, but the Cairo swordsman and the German mechanic look pretty good. The figures are $8 a piece, but are only available in a Disney park. Apparently, the powers that be think that it's better for scalpers to buy from the park and soak Indy fans for more money than to sell directly to us via mail order... brilliant...

July 30

Emporer's Tomb Coming to the Mac

Long suffering Mac owners rejoice! The port of Emporer's Tomb is slated for release sometime in September. This news makes Emporer's Tomb one of the most widely available Indy games of all time with versions available on PC, Mac, PS2, XBox, and Gamecube. Plus it's the first Indy adventure available to Mac owners since Fate of Atlantis.

July 16

Drew Struzan Book in November

According to, a book called Drew Struzan/Oeuvre will be released in November, covering the career of the artist behind such classic movie posters as Last Crusade and Temple of Doom. Sounds like a great coffee table book! While you're at the artist's website, why not check out a recent piece of Indy artwork he created which combines elements from the entire Indy trilogy. (Source: TheRaider.Net)

June 25

Emporer's Tomb for PS2 Tomorrow!

The long wait for PS2-owning Indy fans is nearly over. Run out to retailers tomorrow and buy Indiana Jones and the Emporer's Tomb. P.S. If you're poking around the LucasArts site, why not sign up for the sweepstakes... You could win some licensed gear, games and Drew Struzan artwork.

June 2

Raiders Fan Film Remake

Harry Knowles of AICN tells a fascinating story of a group of kids who upon seeing Raiders in 1981 were inspired to completely remake Raiders with their own acting, effects, etc. There's a short clip at the end of the article.

June 1

AFI Heroes & Villains on Tuesday

AFI will air another in a series of Top 100 shows on CBS June 3 at 8pm EDT, this one highlighting heroes and villains throughout film history. Indiana Jones is certain to be featured and Harrison Ford is one of the many actors interviewed for the special.

Harrison Ford Star on Walk of Fame

Back in March I saw Harrison Ford's star on the Walk of Fame. Apparently, it was not THE Harrison Ford I had expected. On May 30th, the Ford who played Indiana Jones finally got a star dedicated to him in a prominent place in front of the Kodak Theater. The star I had seen belongs to a silent film actor whose last film was made in 1932.

May 6

Finally! Indy DVDs in November Official!

The long-awaited, long-rumored Indy DVD set is scheduled for a November 4th release, lengthily entitled "The Adventures of Indiana Jones -- The Complete DVD Movie Collection." It will contain all three Indy movies as well as a bonus disc of extras, including interviews with the Big Three (Ford, Spielberg, Lucas). (Source: USA Today) Thanks to Mike Buckley for the info.

Apr. 28

Indy DVD in November?

Jonathon Miller has the following bit of info gathering to report:

I was on the phone to a local (Western Australia) office of Paramount Home Entertainment today in regard to a problem I had with my Godfather DVD Collection, when the lady on the other end of the line let slip with a reference to the Indy DVDs (ie: both are very much creator-controlled, unlike the majority of back catalogue titles).

While seemingly unable to assist with my Godfather issue, I managed to coerce the following information regarding the Indiana Jones films on DVD.

Digital Bits says that that the buzz is to expect an announcement from Paramount in the next few weeks to this effect.

Apr. 9

Indy DVD Reports

TheForce.Net is reporting that there will be minor modifications to the trilogy on DVD:

Industrial Light and Magic are working on the Indy DVD Trilogy right now. Hard to believe, isn't it? Hopefully, it will be worth the wait. Here's what I do know - apparently ILM is having to conduct a major restoration of the original print. There's quite a bit of digital film cleanup they're conducting as well.

No, there's not new scenes added (and the guy with the sword doesn't shoot first, thank goodness), but they are removing certain errors and weak elements from the picture. Expect wiring, equipment and reflections to be removed digitally - anything that distracted or looked weak in the final release may be evaluated again. Basically they've come up with a list of what gets fixed. When you see the DVD, hopefully the only thing you'll see is a beautiful movie with great sound, not lots of little annoyances that Steve and George want out.

Also, the March issue of Hotdog magazine is reporting that the following about the DVDs:

Good news concerning the Indiana Jones trilogy; Its definitely happening this year, and about bloody time too. Details are scarce, but so far stunt coordinator Vic Armstrong has been confirmed as providing a commentary for each film, which will be recorded shortly. It does look as though Raiders may have the prefix added, but hopefully Spielberg will refrain from any CGI additions, like replacing Indys whip with a walkie-talkie.

Thanks to Johan for the info.

Apr. 1

No Joke

The April Fool's tradition ended last year, as far as I can remember. The following story is not a joke, unless I'm the sucker...

New Disney Indy Figures

According to, a second wave of Disney Theme Park exclusive figures will be produced: Indy, Marion, Cairo swordsman, German mechanic, and a Nazi (it's not clear which one from the pic). I was just at Disneyland last week (Indy ride 5 times, woo hoo!) and I saw that they were out of the 4" Indy figure so there is definitely a demand that this line should satify. I'm a little disappointed in Marion's appearance. She looks a little too Butch. Hopefully these are prototypes that don't reflect the final product.

Feb. 25

Emporer's Tomb Available for Xbox

You lucky Xbox owners can now buy Indiana Jones and the Emporer's Tomb at a video game retailer near you. The PC version will follow and sometime later (estimated mid-May) on PS2.

Indy IV Set in China?

MyFrequency.Co.Uk is reporting an interesting rumor. Apparently, John-Rhys Davies was at the BAFTA awards lamenting the fact that no one's talked to him about donning the fez to play Sallah again. He said, "I'd love to do it but if it's set in China then there may be no place for me." When asked if he let out a secret he reportedly hurried away saying, "Er no, I'm not saying anything." Thanks to Andy Gibbons for the heads up.

Jan. 13

Lucas Expects Indy IV Shooting This Year

At last night's New York Film Critics Awards told FOX News' Roger Friedman that he wrote the story for Indy IV last summer and he expects shooting to begin this year. Hopefully, the progress that Frank Darabont is making matches his expectations. Thanks to TheRaider.Net, Joe G. and B. Monarch for the heads up.

New Art Contest?

With the rumor mill ticking up ever so slightly and a new Indy game coming out, I'm excited about what the new year will bring to Indy fandom. Putting on a new art contest is the perfect way to celebrate this second (or is it third, ... fourth?) wind. We've done several of these contests, but I think I could benefit from a little input this time around. I welcome your suggestions ( In particular I'm looking for prize ideas (sponsorships? donations?).

Dec. 17

Connery to Return in Indy IV

According to IMDB, Steven Spielberg has confirmed that Sean Connery will reappear as Henry Jones, Sr. in Indy IV, but "only for a few scenes". Spielberg also wants to work in an appearance by Karen Allen, but early plans for a Kate Capshaw reprise are uncertain, as Darabont isn't sure how to "work her into the script." Thanks to Brian M. for the info.

Nov. 18

Darabont's Progress on Indy IV Script

Ain't It Cool News is reporting from the 2002 Creative Screenwriting Expo on Darabont's guest appearance. Apparently, Darabont and Spielberg hold story meetings at least once a week, currently. The reader reports that Darabont is "trying to be true to the character, but without being repetitive." Thanks to TheRaider.Net for the info.

Oct. 25

Young Indy DVDs in the Future reports on an interview with Rick McCallum for Video Business. In the interview McCallum estimates that Young Indy DVDs with an educational focus will take 3-4 years to produce:

We're going ahead with the Young Indiana Jones DVDs; we are so committed to those. Even though the series wasn't a major hit here, it was a huge hit in the rest of the world. It's such a great opportunity, because what we're going to try to do is produce historical documentaries about each of the historical characters. It's a way of giving it to a school and saying, "Look, we know how hard it is to teach children. Try and use this as a tool. Let them see something that is fun for them and easy for them to watch." Hopefully, they can pick something that they can start to learn and watch another documentaries about the person and start to see them in the historical time.

We're having really great, great speakers talk about the time, what it means to fall in love--one episode featured Indiana learning how to make love with Mata Hari, slowly. And, you know, what it's like to be a spy, what it was like to be a woman at that time, what does it mean to make love and how does that affect social and historical issues.

It will probably take three or four years to get it done. We're hiring some really great documentary filmmakers.

Thanks to readers, Berg, Rob-DFW, and Donovan for the heads up.

Oct. 9

Raider.Net Emperor's Tomb Interview

TheRaider.Net has an interview with Jim Tso of LucasArts on the upcoming action game, Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb. It sounds like they are moving away from the usual adventure game style and focusing on the action. Plus, the game takes place before the movies and they seem to be hinting at the possibility of meeting up with Wu Han (Indy's friend who dies in Club Obi Wan while posing as a waiter).

Sept. 12

No DVD Release Date? Sacre Bleu!

According to TheRaider.Net, Paramount has cried wolf before at the same film festival and a contact at Lucasfilm said there are still no specific plans on an Indy DVD release. I guess I should have stuck to my old rule of not believing anything from foreign sources...

Sept. 9

Le Indy DVDs Coming October 2003?

From Deauville (a French film festival) DVDRAMA, reports (in French) that Paramount plans on releasing the long-awaited Indy DVDs worldwide in October 2003. (Source: TheRaider.Net)

Indy 4 Pencilled In?

According to Cinema Confidential, Ford was recemtly heard at the American Film Festival to say, "Steven Spielberg and myself have reserved time in 2004 to begin shooting." ( Source: TheRaider.Net )

July 29

Indy DVDs Christmas 2003?

According to Ain't It Cool News the Indy trilogy is expected from Paramount by Christmas 2003. I guess we've waited this long... Thanks to IndyCoil for the info.

July 17

Indy's Son Never Discussed

Along with the usual assurances that he wants to make Indy IV and he's is not too old, Ford told USA Today that writing in a son for Indy has never been discussed. Thanks to James for spotting that tidbit.

July 1

Rob MacGregor Interview

TheRaider.Net has a pretty good interview with Rob MacGregor, author of the Last Crusade novelization as well as the author who began the Indiana Jones novel series with six books.

June 20

Ford Tempers Indy IV Enthusiasm

With Spielberg and Lucas beating the drums about Indy IV, Ford on a promotional junket for K-19 took a cautionary stance, saying "Well, it's official that we have an ambition to make the film, but unless we get a script that we're all happy with, I don't think it's sure that will happen. So, I'm very happy about the fact that we've all committed to a certain idea, and we're developing it and hoping it will be fruitful." Let's hope Darabont can please all parties involved with his script. Source: Cinescape

June 18

Indy IV Update

Well, you may have noticed I'm having a tough time keeping up with the Indy 4 tidbits that keep coming out. TheRaider.Net is doing a good job of it, so you might want to check out their recent news items. To sum up: Darabont writing, filming in 2004, release Summer 2005, Connery returns. I've taken this opportunity to update my Reality Check page. Most of the plot possibilities are likely to be out-of-date, but without any recent plot rumors that history is the best we've got.

May 31

Darabont to Scribe Indy IV

After a parade of rumored writers over the past year or so, perhaps this latest story, covered by the likes of Variety and CNN, will stick. Frank Darabont, Oscar-nominated writer, has contributed many scripts to Young Indy and will soon sign up to write Indy IV. Paramount insiders predict a July 4th weekend release in 2005. Thanks to a Tim Elliott for the info.

May 28

Lucas: Indy IV Probably Filming in 2004

Lucas recently spoke to MTV Movie House. He said of Indy IV, "we're in the process of hiring a writer, and hopefully we'll be able to start shooting... not next year, but probably the year after." So, there you have it... George's best guess. Source: TheRaider.Net

May 15

U.S. Wings Jacket Contest is hosting a contest sponsored by U.S. Wings with a low barrier to entry, unlike prior contests. Not an artist? Can't write a single sentence in grammatically correct English? This is your chance! It couldn't be easier. Guess the number by May 31st. One entry per person. Grand prize is a jacket, while first prize is $100.

Indy IV Location Rumors

On AICN, some random fellow says sets are being constructed in Morocco for production in July/August. On Dark Horizons, some other random fellows vacationing in Arizona saw a suspicious group of people packing digital cameras, apparently scouting locations which can pass for 1950's American Southwest. Reportedly, if they like what they see, they'll be back in August/September. Thanks to James for the heads up.

May 8

Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb

At E3, LucasArts announced a new Indy game coming for X-Box, PS2, and PC this fall. It looks like a 3-D action/adventure like the prior Infernal Machine with improved graphics. Check out the official site. Thanks to A. Hutchins for the heads up.

Apr. 29

IJ and the Curse of the Ex's?

In a recent issue of Entertainment Weekly, producer Kathleen Kennedy says a new writer (not Stoppard, as reported by Variety) will start writing in June and submit a first draft by fall. One scene will bring Indy together with a group of past girlfriends likely including cameos by Karen Allen and Kate Capshaw. Thanks to Indiana Eastwood for the info.

Apr. 23

Another Indy Scribe Approached

Variety is reporting that Indy 4 is finally moving forward now that budget details have been worked out with Paramount. The Big Three are currently wooing Tom Stoppard who recently worked on rewrites of Ford's upcoming sub flick, K-19, and hopes are that production will begin in 2004. Thanks to Donovan and James for the info.

Apr. 16

Lucas to Start Working on Indy IV Next Week!?

While talking to Leonard Maltin at the recent BAFTA awards ceremony, Ford said of Indy IV, "It's going to happen. It's going to happen. We have what we all believe to be a good idea. There's a lot of work ahead of us, but we are all looking forward to it," while Lucas optimistically said, "If I finish up with Episode 2 this week I have to begin work in INDY 4 next week." Personally, I'm (as always) cautiously optimistic... Source: Dark Horizons - Thanks to A.D.Elrod for the heads up!

Rob McGregor Appearance in Dallas

Dallas Comic and Toy Fest 4 held June 22-23 will have special guest Rob MacGregor, the most prolific and many would say best Indy author who wrote the Last Crusade novelization and six in the series of Bantam Indy novels. Thanks to Donovan for the info.

Apr. 2

McCoy Interview

Marcel of the Indiana Jones Information Center recently interviewed the author of the last three Indiana Jones novels, Max McCoy. The interview covers how he got the job, his sources of inspiration, and struggles with Lucasfilm limiting his portrayal of the character.

Mar. 22

Streaming Indy Content

If you've got a fast connection, you might want to check out Sci-fi Web Channel's 10 minute RealPlayer interview with Drew Struzan. Most of the interview is occupied by Star Wars, but one segment covers the 20th Anniversary Raiders poster. Apparently, he wasn't allowed to sign his work at first, so he included a symbol to signify his initial. Also, if you missed last year's Entertainment Tonight Indy special, a clip of a Ford interview where he describes the plane accident he was involved in on the first day of shooting is online. Thanks to TheRaider.Net for the info.

Raiders Widescreen on AMC - Mar. 27

AMC has been airing Raiders and Temple all month, but apparently in mostly "Pan and Scan". According to Indiana John, next Wednesday's primetime airing is going to be in widescreen mode. If you're lucky, they'll also have a recent interview with Karen Allen. James describes what happened when he watched.

Mar. 7

Raiders and Temple on AMC

Friday March 8th will be the first showing of Raiders and Temple on AMC, which will be airing throughout the month. In honor of the veritable month of Indy, AMC has added Indy content to their site, including an Indy rumor roundup, an article on the serials which inspired Lucas, a Quicktime version of the Raiders trailer, and the chance to win an adventure vacation.

Feb. 25

HotDog Indy Special

The March 2002 issue of the UK movie mag, Hotdog, features Indy on the cover with several recent interviews of Raiders cast and crew. Although the Indy section only spans 14 pages, it is packed with humorous anecdotes and choice bits of trivia. Here in the States, it may be a while before we can buy this issue. A quick trip to Borders found the January issue, so check back in a month or so. Thanks to Hotdog magazine for the preview.

Feb. 15

Indy on AMC in March

American Movie Classics (AMC) will be showing Raiders and Temple throughout the month of March, beginning March 8th. Indiana John of has been working closely with an AMC staff member to develop promotional content for that will cover a variety of Indy topics. This content will appear beginning March 4th, and will include a sweepstakes.

First, ABC's double feature airing this Sunday and Monday (see sidebar), now this. Indy is getting a lot of airtime these days. I hope it's a sign of things to come...

Jan. 30

Indy IV Clarifications

According to AICN, Spielberg attended a film course at USC where he clarified some of his comments from the Golden Globes. Reiterating his publicist, he says that they have a storyline, but not a full-fledged script. As for the timing, he gave no comment, but confirms that Lucas will be involved as much as he has been in past films. Also, Variety reports that inside sources at DreamWorks say Kate Capshaw's role in the Indy IV storyline will be limited to a cameo. Thanks to DreamWorks SKG Fansite for the info.

Jan. 25

Lucas Biography on A&E

This Sunday at 8pm ET/PT, A&E will be airing a two-hour biography special about George Lucas. It promises to include new interviews from the likes of Spielberg and Ford. Although, Star Wars will probably be the focus, in two hours you've got to think that Indy will get some play. Thanks to Ed for spotting this on

Jan. 22

Publicist Rains on Indy IV Parade

E! Online is reporting that despite the big news straight from Spielberg's mouth, his publicist Marvin Levy, tempers his words saying, "They have a story for an Indy 4, which George Lucas, Harrison and Steven have been working toward, [but] They don't have a script." Also, he insists that "It's not his next picture. We don't know what his next picture's going to be. Right now, Steven's been described as being in development heaven. They do have a story they like and they have title, but it's not been revealed." Thanks to James for the head up.

New Indy Game Coming!

According to Gamespot, LucasArts has announced an agreement with The Collective, the studio that created Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Fallen, to develop the next Indy game. Reportedly it will feature "fast-paced fighting action and challenging puzzles" and will be released this fall for PCs and consoles. Thanks to Chaz LiBretto for the link. Also, here's a LucasArts press release.

Jan. 21

Indy IV Next on Spielberg's Plate - Willie to Return

FOX News is reporting Indy IV is Spielberg's priority after filming Catch Me If You Can. He said, "We have a title, but we're not ready to announce it. I will give you one clue, though. Kate is in it." The interviewer was quick to ask whether it was in the form of a flashback, but Spielberg assured them that she would be in the present. Also, Ford was apparently free to change his standard line from "When we have a script..." to "It was always about getting the right script, and now we have it." Thanks to Shane for the link.

Jan. 16

Ford To Be Honored at Golden Globes

Although first reported in this spot back in November, I figured a reminder was in order given that the moment is almost upon us. Ford will receive the Cecil B. DeMille Award at The Golden Globes, which will air this Sunday at 8pm EST. In fact, Harrison Ford is interviewed in this week's TV Guide, characterizing the honor as a "Geezer of the Year award," recognizing his endurance rather than his talent. I wonder if he'll be that brutally forthright in his acceptance speech... The first part of the interview is available online. The requisite Indy IV question gets the standard answer: "I would do it if I liked the script."

Spielberg To Receive Lifetime Achievement Award

At ShoWest 2002, an industry trade show, Spielberg will be awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award on March 7th. You know, I don't like all this "lifetime achievement" stuff either... It sounds like their careers are over. Thanks to Harrison Ford Web for the info.

Dec. 12

Young Indy for Christmas

The Sci-fi Channel will be airing Young Indiana Jones from 8am to 6pm EST on Dec. 25th. In order they will air the following 2 hour movies: Oganga Giver and Taker of Life, Mystery of the Blues (that one where Ford shows up briefly sporting his Richard Kimble beard), Adventures in the Secret Service, Journey of Radiance (Teddy Roosevelt/Picasso), and Passion for Life (Krishnamurti/typhoid fever). Those last two concern the youngest Indy, and were never released on video, so you might want to set your VCR. Thanks to Kumba and Donovan for the heads up.

Dec. 3

Paramount Loses Indy Rights?

According to a story on TheRaider.Net, the 20.5 year contract Paramount has for the Indiana Jones franchise has expired, leaving room for another studio to step in. This could be interpretted as a promising development given Spielberg's complaints of Paramount's apparent reluctantance to do Indy IV. If true, we will likely get confirmation in the trades soon, and hopefully more details. Thanks to Tim for the heads up.

Nov. 15

Ford Wins Cecil B. DeMille Award

ComingSoon.Net is reporting that Ford will be presented with the Cecil B. DeMille Award for "outstanding contribution to the entertainment field" at the Golden Globes which will be telecast by NBC on January 20 at 8pm EST. Harrison will be joining his cinematic father, Sean Connery, who won the award in 1996.

Oct. 17

Another Indy-alike?

MGM has recently acquired an action-adventure pitch from (get this) the screenwriter of the upcoming Scooby Doo. The film, currently entitled Genghis, is based on an actual expedition organized by Maury Kravitz, a commodities trader and lawyer, searching for the tomb of the ruthless Mongol ruler. Check out this FilmForce article for details.

Oct. 12

New Time Slot: Indy Radio Show

The Indy Radio Show, put on by the fine folks at and the upcoming, is moving to Fridays at 9pm EST. Use the microphone link at to get there. This may be the last week at this location according to Lycos.

StarWars.Com "Misc." Forum recently opened a forum for the discussion of non-Star Wars Lucasfilm properties. Although a miniscule measure of recognition to Indy, its better than the prior state of affairs: no recognition. Thanks to Sean for the heads up.

Sept. 19

Indy Radio Show

Tomorrow and every Thursday at 8pm ET, the new website dedicated to Indiana Jones video games,, will be hosting a chat operated like a talk radio show. Unfortunately, (for me at least) a Windows machine is required.

Sept. 5

Indyfan Forum Returns!

Thanks for your kind words and encouragement. You asked for it, so here it is. Welcome back!

Sept. 4

Indyfan Forum Reopens Tomorrow

After the closing of the Forum over a week ago, I received an outpouring of emails from many who were saddened by the loss, but understanding of the situation. Your sentiments, along with a lucky break in finding a new script, have given me the chance to bring back the Forum. Now, things will be slightly different this time around, as registration is required. Reserve your Forum name today by signing in. Enter your name and password and click "Identify Me". Then, confirm your password and press "Register Now". If you have trouble or your rightful name seems to have already been taken, email me and we'll get things straightened out before the grand opening.

Clamation Spielberg vs. Lucas

Joshua Meeter has sent in some info about remaking his clamation short, "The Award Showdown" , where clay-Lucas and clay-Spielberg battle it out for a Lifetime Achievement award, assisted by their creative properties. Check out his new website which follows the progress of his remake process. The original short is hosted by

Aug. 30

Lucas: Indy IV Not Completely Hopeless

In an interview with SithClan, Lucas admits that Star Wars is what he will be focused on through 2005 and unlike Spielberg he doesn't like to work on multiple projects at the same time. He says that it will be tough for Ford, Spielberg, and himself to find a whole year in common to reserve for Indy IV, but all hope is not lost. Thanks to Indy-Web for the French to English translation.

Certainly nothing new, but it's usually the line we hear from Rick McCallum, rather than Lucas himself.

Aug. 26

Forum Closure

With great sadness I'm announcing that I have shut down the Indyfan Forum. I no longer have the patience required to constantly defend the Forum from elements which choose to poison the discussion with strife and turmoil. I began this site in 1995 for the fun of it, and added the Forum in 1997 to give others a place to share this hobby, but after all this time it has become quite the opposite. It is a chore and constant source of frustration. Perhaps in some happy future, Indy IV will be officially announced and all this ugliness will be a dim memory, and I will once again have the enthusiasm and wherewithal to open the Forum again. Until then, I hope you continue to visit the site, as I am optimistic that will have the energy to update and improve the rest of without the cloud of the Forum hanging over me. Meanwhile there are other fine sites out there that the discussion may continue:'s Club Obi Wan is a great place to share your interest in Indy's acoutrements while TheRaider.Net's The Raven is a good place for general Indy discussion.

Aug. 21

The Lost Ark on TLC

The Learning Channel will be airing a special on the lost Ark of the Covenant called The Lost Ark this Thursday, Aug. 23 at 7pm EDT. An encore presentation occurs early Friday at 2am. Thanks to fx7 for the info.

Aug. 13

Temple of Boredom is airing an Indy spoof entitled Indiana Jones and the Desperate Cry for Adventure where Indy has obviously let himself go and finds himself longing for those glory days. The twenty minute short is good for a few laughs.

Aug. 7

Indy Is One Bad.. Shut Yo' Mouth!

A new Disney project written by Tyger Williams (Menace II Society) tentatively called Indiana Jackson will cast recording artist Pras in a comedy where Jackson adventures to Ethiopia on a quest to find the Staff of Moses. The lead female role, Precious Stone, is yet to be cast. Source: (Hollywood Reporter)

Aug. 1

Future Indy Game?

In a recent chat, LucasArts President Simon Jeffery implies that another Indy game is planned when in response to a question about non-Star Wars games, he says: "We are working on a number of original titles, some of which will be very familiar to you. We certainly haven't forgotten about Indy either..." Thanks to Jay for the info.

July 31

M.Night Has Faith...

With the absence of facts, sometimes secondhand enthusiasm is all we have to get us through. Those following the rumors know that there was a possibility that the Sixth Sense scribe would write the script for Indy IV. According to AICN, Shyamalan recently said "I was never contacted formally to do the project, I did publicly express interest, but nothing really ever came to fruition. I have talked with all of them besides George (lucas), and it sounds exciting. They have their ideas and I of course as a fan, have ideas of how they should do it. They will get it done, I just don't think it will be completed for some time. It will probably be the biggest film ever made, I think it would even topple Star Wars and Titanic at this point." Thanks to James for the heads up.

July 30

Indy on Sci-fi

Raiders of the Lost Ark and Temple of Doom will be aired on the Sci-fi channel in letterbox format this week. Check the sidebar for details. Thanks to Indiana Banzai for the info.

July 25

Short Round Grown Up

Check out this pic of a Goonies reunion to see what Jonathan Ke Quan looks like today. Shorty got taller... Thanks to James for the link.

July 11

Indy IV ... Not!

After a vacation from all things cyber, and some technical difficulties getting back into the swing of things, I see that I've missed some Indy happenings in the past week. Namely, Paramount characterized the Page Six rumor as "idle gossip". (Thanks to Dark Horizons). There was also some silliness on AICN about mixing H.P. Lovecraft and Indy that's good for a laugh.

July 5

Indy IV Script Rumblings

As you may have guessed, I've been on vacation. On July 3, Dark Horizons reported on a Calgary Sun interview with Kathleen Kennedy, Spielberg's producing partner. She said "to be honest there is no script because there isn't even a writer in place. It sounds like a slam dunk to do another Indiana Jones but you have to get everyone available and committed and then you have to get a screenplay that excites everyone. In reality that could probably take years." Today on a slightly more positive note, Page Six gossip depicts Paramount in a quandry over how the studio will make any money when the price tag for the Big Three could run $150 million including the back end, although they have "given the green light to look at scripts." Thanks to Katanga for the info.

Weekend of Indy

USA and the SciFi Channel will be airing many hours of Indy entertainment this weekend. Check the "On The Tube" sidebar for times.

June 19

Art Showcase: Full Results

Well, here it is after a couple evenings' work: Adam's commentary on our picks and the remaining entries. Thanks to all who participated and donated. See the Indyfan Art Showcase 2001: Raiders of the Lost Art

June 18

Art Showcase Commentary Delayed

Sorry folks, but it will probably be at least another day before the Art Showcase commentary will be ready. I just got Adam's input this morning, as he had an unexpected opportunity that he couldn't pass up. Please be patient with us...

June 15

Ebert: Croft Is Enjoyable, But No Indiana Jones

Roger Ebert gives one of the more positive reviews of Tomb Raider, which opens today. Inevitably comparisons will be drawn between Lara and Indy, and it looks like the "big guy" puts Indy on top. Only time will tell what the general movie-going public's consensus will be (Of course, I'm betting on Indy). Thanks to Indiana Dog for the heads up.

June 12

Congrats to Raiders AFI's #10 Thrill

AFI's countdown of the 100 most thrilling movies of all time put Raiders of the Lost Ark at #10, with horror, suspense films rounding out most of the top ten.

Indyfan Art Showcase Prize Winners

Thanks to all who participated in our celebration of the 20th anniversary of Indiana Jones' debut, Raiders of the Lost Ark. We appreciate all the work you put into honoring this great adventure film. We'll begin by recognizing the top winners and follow with full commentary and the remaining entries on June 18th.

Happy 20th Anniversary!

Today marks 20 years since Indiana Jones was introduced to the world in Raiders of the Lost Ark. In celebration we will be announcing the prize winners for the Art Showcase later today, at approximately 8pm EDT.

June 7

Paramount Holding Spielberg Back

In an interview printed in Starlog's 25th anniversary edition, Steven Spielberg says that he is ready for Indy IV but Paramount Studios is holding him and Lucas back for reasons not given. As soon as Lucas get things worked out he will get on to the project. Source: Dreamworks Fansite by way of ComingSoon.Net. Thanks to Tim Wilson for the info.

June 1

Art Showcase ... LAST DAY!

If you intend to enter the Art Showcase this is your last chance. The dealine is tonight at midnight US Pacific time.

May 31

AFI's 100 Years... 100 Thrills

CBS will air a countdown of the 100 most thrilling action movies of all time on June 12th from 8-10pm. And who better to host the proceedings than the guy who has starred in six of the public's chosen top ten, Harrison Ford. If you want Indy to stay on top, be sure to cast your votes. Thanks to Rocky, J.Gorman, and TheForce.Net for the info.

Indy DVD in 2002?

Lately rumors have been flying that Indy will come to DVD in 2002. Dark Horizons reports "Two independent sources have confirmed Lucasfilm is working on the trilogy for release on DVD sometime early next year." Digital Bits concurs (at least when you can access the site).

May 30

Art Showcase Deadline, Friday Night

Only a few days remain to get your Art Showcase entry in. I want to clarify that although "midnight on June 1st" technically means one thing, our intent was to allow people all of Friday to enter. Also, I notice that a time zone wasn't given for the deadline, so I'm defining it as Pacific. So, if I receive your entry by a minute after 11:59pm Pacific on June 1st, you will be eligible. Sorry for the confusion.

May 19

Raiders Supervising Sound Editor Interview

Adam McDaniel has turned in an excellent interview with Richard L. Anderson, the award-winning Supervising Sound Editor of Raiders of the Lost Ark, celebrating an important aspect of filmmaking which is often overlooked.

Art Showcase Deadline On The Horizon

Less than two weeks remain to enter Indyfan Art Showcase 2001: Raiders of the Lost Art. You have until June 1st, but don't procrastinate too long...

May 11

Raiders 20th Celebrated in Star Wars Insider

Issue #54 of Star Wars Insider will celebrate the upcoming anniversary of Raiders with an Indy back cover which promises an Indy IV update, 20 pages of Raiders history and more. The issue is shipping to subscribers May 18th and is expected to hit newsstands June 14th. Check out the full story at Thanks to Tim Wilson for the link. Oops, I guess Jay was first...

May 3

Art Showcase 2001 Deadline about a Month Away

With about a month to go on the Art Showcase celebrating Raiders' we have absolutely ZERO entries submitted. I realize artwork takes time, so I'm not ready to panic, but maybe it's time to sweeten the pot. In addition to the previously announced line of Disney Indy figures and vehicles, Adam McDaniel, my fellow judge, has donated a print of his latest Indy art, Indy XX (pictured at left). Plus, Donovan has submitted the Raiders soundtrack, Michaelson has donated the hardback Raiders novelization, and I've also put up a hardback Raiders storybook. Do you see a pattern? We are celebrating the Raiders twentieth, right? We will give the Best-Of-Show first choice, then depending on our collection of (eventual) entries, we will categorize and dole out the remaining prizes. See the full rules.

Apr. 26

The Winner of the US Wings Jacket Is...

Matthew Werner - After much deliberation, Michaelson and myself have decided to award this entusiastic young Indyfan with the prize. Thanks to all who participated. There were many worthy entries, making it a tough decision. And a big thanks to U.S. Wings for their generousity.

Apr. 22

U.S. Wings Jacket Finalists!

Congratulations to Karen Hemrick, Matthew Werner, Kam Napier, Greg Shambarger, and Gemma-Jayne 'Harry' Hudgell, who are the five finalists in the running to win the first production U.S. Wings Cotton Indy Jacket. Now, it goes to the Indyfan Forum to discuss who is most worthy. The final decision will be announced on the morning of April 26th.

Apr. 19

Deadline Looming For Jacket Contest

You have until April 20, 11pm EDT to enter for a chance to win the first production Cotton Indy Jones Jacket from U.S. Wings. All you need is a few persuasive words and its yours! See the rules for full details.

Portable Indy Review

The Game Boy Color version of Infernal Machine gets a rather glowing review from TheForce.Net. Check it out. (Source: TheRaider.Net)

Apr. 16

Cryptic Indy IV Mentions

In Premiere's Power List, Harrison Ford's entry (48th) mentions that Ford is "still up for doing a fourth Indiana Jones adventure, which producer Lucas just set up at Paramount." The source of this news and what exactly is meant by "set up" remains a mystery. (Source: TheForce.Net)

In another story from TheForce.Net, an attendee of Jedi-Con Germany reports that Rick McCallum "talked about Indy 4, it could be 2005/6 till they start but he didnt make the impression as if this ever happens." Of course, we may have been able to read more into it if the report was written by a native English speaker.

Apr. 12

U.S. Wings Jacket Pics

U.S. Wings has posted pics of its upcoming Cotton Indy Jones Jacket. If you're persuasive you could win one in our recently announced contest.

Apr. 11

Win the First Production U.S. Wings Cotton Jacket!!!

Temperatures are rising and it's about time to put away our beloved leather jackets. U.S. Wings may have the cure to that particular brand of springtime blues in the form of a cool, lightweight cotton Indy Jones jacket. In a contest brought to you by the generosity of U.S. Wings and jointly conducted by Indy Gear and Indyfan, you have the opportunity to win the very first production Cotton Indy Jones Jacket (Pics coming soon).

In 250 words or less, you must convince the judges, Micah and Michaelson, and a jury of your peers, the Forum, that you deserve this honor. Deadline: April 20, 11pm EDT. See the rules for full details.

Apr. 2

Back to Normal

Well, I hope you enjoyed yesterday's April Fools joke. If you missed it, look here.

Apr. 1

April Fools!!!

Sorry for the misinformation campaign. I probably broke some April Fools rule by denying any jokes ahead of time, but technically the joke involved my sister posting the page, so... Oh forget it, I lied to throw you off the scent, ok? Happy!? I hope you enjoyed it.

Mar. 27

Portable Indy Nearly Ready To Go

Apparently, the version of Infernal Machine which is being adapted to Game Boy Color is slated for release this month. Jerry King has posted his first impressions in the Forum. Most places I checked still have the title for preorder, but the release is supposed to happen this month, so cross your fingers.

Mar. 19

Indyfan Art Showcase 2001!!!

It's my pleasure to announce Indyfan Art Showcase 2001: Raiders of the Lost Art, which is dedicated to celebrating the upcoming 20th anniversary of Indiana Jones' debut, Raiders of the Lost Ark. The contest deadline is June 1, 2001, giving Adam McDaniel and I time to judge them and post results on the date of Raiders' release, June 12th. You could win the complete line of Disney Indy figures and vehicles. See the Showcase 2001 page for full details.

If you are a merchant of Indy-related items or just an Indy fan who wants to celebrate the big 2-0 by donating a prize, contact me. More prizes will be announced later.

Mar. 7

Indy Whip Brings Hefty Sum

Yesterday at Sotheby's in New York, the whip Spielberg donated to UNICEF Ireland's Movie Action for Children fund-raiser brought 74,000,makingupagoodchunkofthe74,000, making up a good chunk of the 74,000,makingupagoodchunkofthe406,850 raised thus far. Check out the Reuters article for full details on the auction. (Attribution: MovieHeadlines.Net)

Trilogy Airs Next Week on Sci-Fi

If you haven't invested in the letterbox set of VHS Indy tapes (shame, shame,...), you have the opportunity to catch them in their widescreen glory on cable next week. See the box on the right for airtimes. Thanks to Joseph Schluttenhofer and Collin Pieper for the heads up.

Feb. 15

Drew Struzan Interview has an exclusive interview with Drew Struzan, covering his Indy artwork which has graced movie posters, novels, and video games. Of particular interest is the story behind the Drew-like artwork on the recent Young Indy video covers. Apparently, Drew composed and sketched the art, but other obligations when the powers that be finally decided to give the green light prevented Drew from finishing his own work. Sadly, Paramount hired someone else to finish them.

Feb. 14

First Pics of Disney Airplane and Motorcycle Surface

Thanks to The Man with the Hat for spotting the new Indy airplane and motorcycle sets on ebay. Unfortunately the pics only give a tantalizing hint of what they might look like. It appears that the airplane is the flying wing from Raiders with foldable wings, and the motorcycle set includes the motorcycle and sidecar from Crusade, complete with a seat-straddling Indy, a Brother of the Cruciform Sword, and another figure, presumably Henry Jones Sr. As soon as my shipment arrives, I'll post better pics.

UPDATE: On closer look at the seller's description, the included figures in the motorcycle set are Indy, Thug, German Pilot and Machine Gunner. Certainly an odd mix.. .

Feb. 13

Ford Signs On As Indy With DreamWorks?

Ananova quite matter-of-factly states that Ford will be receiving £15 million for Indy IV which Spielberg is planning will start production next spring. The source goes on to mention that "the guest star list Steven has planned is amazing with Connery, his wife Kate Capshaw and Karen Allen who was in the first Jones movie." If Ananova's "senior source" is legit, this is big news indeed. Obviously, I'm a bit cautious, considering the eternity that we have been waiting and the mass of rumors we've weathered. Hopefully we'll get some confirmation from other sources soon.

Thanks to Sean at Harrison Ford Online for the alert.

Feb. 6

Another Indy Whip on the Block

Movie Action for Children, a fund-raising campaign organized by Unicef Ireland, will be auctioning off movie memoribilia to raise money for the prevention of mother to child HIV transmission in Africa. Steven Spielberg donated a whip used in the making of the Indy movies, which will be auctioned March 6th at Sotheby's in New York.

Thanks to Donovan for the info.

Feb. 5

Traffic Scribe Approached For Indy IV

In an interview with the New York Times, Stephen Gaghan, the screenwriter responsible for Traffic offhandedly mentions that "he received a call asking if he was interested in writing the screenplay for the next Indiana Jones movie." last week. Thanks to MovieHeadlines.Net for the info.

Jan. 26

Brits Vote Indy as Best Hero

The UK movie mag, Total Film, polled 80,000 film fans and they voted Indiana Jones as the greatest movie hero of all time, relegating British superspy, Bond, to second.

Thanks to Mike Marosy for spotting this at TheForce.Net

Jan. 24

Indy Motorcycle and Airplane at Disney World (Or Not...)

The fabled motorcycle and airplane sets in the Disney Indy collection are now available through Disney World Merchandising at 407-363-6200 (8am-8pm EST M-F, 8am-5pm EST Sat.) The operator you get may need some convincing. Each set is 8,andshippingisstill8, and shipping is still 8,andshippingisstill8.95 minimum and agonizingly slow (we've waited 16 or so years for Indy toys what's another few weeks?). You'll be buying sight-unseen, since no one has any online pics. Any Orlando-native Indy fan out there willing to do a little recon?

UPDATE: Indy Jones Fan begs to differ. Without my knowledge, I apparently made a "wish list" order. He says, the sets "will not be available until Jan 28th at the earliest but there are NO GUARANTEES." Grr... UPDATE to the UPDATE: INDY 500 quotes Richard as saying that the airplane and motorcycle sets will not be available until late Feb. or early March.

Thanks to Marhala Bartender and Kentucky Jones for the info and encouragement.

Jan. 16

Indy Action Figure at Disney World

The 4" articulated action figure in Disney's new line of Indy toys has been seen on ebay (see Dr. Jones' post), but you don't have to buy it on auction. Currently, Disneyland doesn't have a supply of the action figures but Disney World does. Unfortunately, their mail order number isn't toll free. Call Disney World Merchandising at 407-363-6200 (8am-8pm EST M-F, 8am-5pm EST Sat.) When I called they had the action figure ($6), the Micro Action figure set ($10), and the tank ($6) in stock.

Jan. 15

Indy DVD in 2002?

According to a Digital Bits report on the VSDA show, in Las Vegas, "The Indiana Jones Trilogy will likely find its way to DVD in 2002." I'm a little unclear as to the reliability of the source, as the quoted sentence is the only information they provide, so take it with a grain of salt. Thanks to MovieHeadlines.Net for the info.

Jan. 12

More Disney Indy Pics

It looks like Dr. Jones is brushing up on his photography skills. Check out the three new images of the 10" Indy figure ( one | two | three ) and the back of the playset box, listing all the available toys.

Jan. 11

Mail Order The Disney Indy Toys

Don't fill the coffers of scalpers buying Indy toys at Disney and selling them on ebay. You can order directly through Disneyland DelivEARS at (800)362-4533 M-F 8am-5pm PST, and Sat. 8am-4pm PST. The 10" figure is 15andtheMicroplaysetsare15 and the Micro playsets are 15andtheMicroplaysetsare10 each. Standard shipping is $6. Thanks to Indy Andrew Jones and Scott's Willie for the info.

Jan. 9

Disney Indy Toys

Thanks to Dr. Jones we can get a glimpse at some of the new Indy toys recently spotted at Walt Disney theme parks. The new line consists of a 10" Indy vinyl figure, a 6" Indy action figure, and several "Micro Action" sets: a motorcycle set with Henry Jones, Jr. and Sr., an airplane set, a tank set, and a figure set with Indy, Marion, Cairo Swordsman, German Mechanic, and two Nazis (looks like Dietrich and Indy in disguise to me). Dr. Jones sent in several shots of the 10" figure (front | side | box1 | box2 | face) and one of the figure set.

Dec. 22

Have a Merry Christmas!

I hope Santa brings you all the Indy stuff you want, although I hear the elves just don't have the skills necessary to make a Toys McCoy figure. BTW, I'm having some troubles connecting to the 'net on a reliable basis, so there may be some radio silence with that and various holiday activities.

Dec. 14

Ford Inside the Actor's Studio Encore

Bravo will be re-airing the episode of Inside the Actor's featuring Harrison Ford this Sunday night at 8pm and midnight ET. If you missed it the first time, take advantage of this opportunity. Thanks to Donovan for the info.

Portable Indy Screenshots

The adaptation of Infernal Machine to Game Boy Color that we heard about in September is coming along nicely, and is on track for a March 2001 release. IGN has a preview with the first screenshots. Thanks to Thuggee Bear for the heads up.

Dec. 10

Rob McGregor Interview

As an early Christmas present to us, Dale Dassel has posted his interview with Rob McGregor, the author of the first six of the Indy novel series. The interview, which focuses primarily on Seven Veils, reveals some of the motivation and sources behind his settings and characters. Also, apparently Rob is the one to credit (or blame) for the "eye-patched old Indy" character in the Young Indy series. Check it out.

Dec. 7

Entertainment Tonight Indy Special

According to, the weekend edition of Entertainment Tonight will focus on the Indiana Jones series of films. The hour-long program, Indiana Jones: Behind the Adventure, will have interviews with Spielberg, Lucas, Ford, and Connery and lots of behind-the-scenes info. They also promise the latest scoop on Indy IV. Check your local listings for times. Thanks to Sean for the info.

Speaking of behind-the-scenes, IndianaJones.Com's latest pic shows a sculptor working on the "Leap of Faith" chasm.

Dec. 5

Friday Is Last Day For Indy N64 Pre-order

A reminder to all N64-owning Indy fans: The deadline for pre-ording Infernal Machine is nearly here. The only source for the game will be through this offer, as it will not make it to retail. According to the official site, Blockbuster will be renting it starting Dec. 15th. on the Lost Ark

There is an informative article on covering the Ark of the Covenant history and theory, complete with interactive multimedia to explore. (Attribution: MovieHeadlines.Net)

Nov. 30

Young Indy That Could Have Been

Prompted by the Hales interview, Laird Malamed, who worked on Young Indy, has sent in some very interesting info about episodes that were planned, but never made. Unfortunately, plans for episodes with Abner Ravenwood and Belloq never came to be. Maybe we'll see some of those ideas in the form of flashbacks in Indy IV...

Indy Props on the Block

On December 12th, Christie's will be auctioning a lot of film memorabilia from the residences of Sir Noel Coward, including a whip used by Ford in Temple of Doom, as well as Mola Ram's headress and skull chalice, and a grail diary from Crusade. All the value estimates are in pounds, but I'm not going to bother with the conversion. Let's just say they're worth a hefty sum.

Thanks to Dan Borton for the detailed info. Also see the NY Post article mentioned by TheRaider.Net.

Nov. 29

Shyamalan Unsure About Indy?

Hints by Ford and others have indicated that the writer/director of Sixth Sense is being courted for script work on Indy IV. Previously, Night seemed excited to do it, but recently his words to Cindy Pearlman are more cautious. "I've got to think about it," Shyamalan said. "There are a lot of things on my plate, and with the actors strike coming up, I'm not sure what I want to do next." Thanks to MovieHeadlines.Net for the story.

Back From Vacation

I'm back from a long time away on vacation. It will take some time for me to work through the backlog of emails and news items. Please be patient and stay tuned...

Nov. 20

Jonathan Hales Interview

Although TheForce.Net pointed folks to a Jonathan Hales interview in Star Wars Insider for the Episode II info, TV's Jeff noticed that Hales started out writing scripts for the Young Indy series, so the interview has a few insights into that process. In one particularly interesting part, Hales mentions some Indy eps that were never made, including a whole series of adventures in South America after the war to pre-Columbian ruins and in one of the expected brushes with greatness, meeting Babe Ruth in Cuba when the American all-star team went to Cuba to play baseball.

Nov. 10

Factor 5/LucasArts Interview on IGN64

In an interview about Infernal Machine for N64, LucasArts credits Blockbuster's "large role in influencing video game customers" as a " tremendous way to provide special attention for this release." An assertion that, I believe, rings rather hollow, as Blockbuster will not rent the game until after the pre-order deadline has passed.

Nov. 6

George Lucas on Spielberg

ShowBizData has some Indy-heavy comments from Lucas on Spielberg, commending him as an artist and a craftsman. Thanks to TheForce.Net for the info.

Nov. 2

IGN Indy Giveaway

IGN has 10 copies of Infernal Machine for N64, t-shirts, and an Indy hat to give away. All you have to do to for a chance to win a prize is answer questions based on their Infernal Machine preview.

Thanks to TheRaider.Net for spotting this.

Oct. 29

Indy on N64 Will Be Limited Release

Perhaps my fears were warranted after all. It appears that with the hype of the coming generation of consoles, once again Indy is getting the short shrift. You WILL NOT be able to buy Infernal Machine for N64 at your local Best Buy or Wal-Mart. The game is not being sold retail. The ONLY way to own the Indy N64 game is to pre-order it directly from LucasArts. Blockbuster will also rent the title, but you won't be able to try before you buy, as the pre-order deadline is December 8th and Blockbuster begins renting December 11th. If you want this title, pre-order it now, as supplies are limited. *grrr*

Oct. 24

A Week With Indy N64 on IGN

Just when I was beginning to wonder why no one was paying any attention to the upcoming release of Infernal Machine for N64, IGN dedicates a whole week to him. Today's segment covers the first level of the platform adaptation. Thanks to Thuggee Bear for the heads up.

Oct. 20

Indy-Web.Com Open For Business

A new Indy site, debuts today. To kick it off, they are having a fan fiction contest where writers can compete for prizes.

Oct. 16

M. Night Shyamalan/Indy Connection

The November issue of Premiere has an interview with the Sixth Sense scribe/director, who may write the Indy sequel. Apparently, seeing Raiders as a boy was a life-changing event, inspiring him to make movies:

Manoj Shyamalan was a small and fearful boy of 12, the only Hindu in his Catholic school - where his parents had enrolled him for discipline - when he entered a Philadelphia movie theater to see Raiders of the Lost Ark and walked out a different person. It wasn't the first film he'd ever seen, of course. And he'd be hard pressed years later to remember what it was, exactly, that bowled him over. But something about that movie got into his bloodstream and it changed his life forever.

Thanks to MovieHeadlines.Net for the original story. (First spotted on TheRaider.Net)

Oct. 10

Raiders 20th Anniversary Campaign

A fellow going by the moniker, Anonymous Director, has begun a campaign to encourage the re-release of Raiders to theaters in 2001, twenty years after its release by creating his own trailer. Check out his site,, for the fan-made trailer.

Oct. 9

Case of the Missing Indy 5 Story

Apparently, Ain't It Cool News posted a story which was reported on by MovieHeadlines.Net from a "scooper" saying that "Lucas and Speilberg plan to make 2 more Indy films not one." A rather bold claim to say the least. The interesting part is that AICN seems to have withdrawn the story. I can find no trace of it on Harry's site. I can only assume Harry came to his senses and deleted it.

Oct. 3

Ford's Next Not Indy?

For those of you worried about where Ford's next 20 million dollar paycheck was going to come from, Variety is reporting that it will likely be K-19, a Soviet sub drama, where Ford plays the protagonist, a Russian sub captain.

Oct. 2

IMDB Interview With Harrison Ford

In an interview with IMDB, a standard age question got Ford postulating on Indy's character development:

I think we have to show that he's suffered some wear and tear over the years. That's going to make his character that much more interesting. For me, adding some flaws and layers is what is going to make Indy even more interesting. We can address issues like whether his character's virtues are based on his youth or on other aspects of human nature like his wisdom, his toughness, his resourcefulness, his integrity. A lot of work went into creating Indy and giving him a certain history and identity, and I think it will be extremely fascinating to expand on that. It's something that I think the public would enjoy watching.

Check out the full interview. Thanks to MovieHeadlines.Net for the info.

Sept. 29

Indy IV Officially In Production?

Patterson has posted an interesting message stating that Lucasfilm has placed a moratorium on licensing Indiana Jones merchandise as the sequel is "in production." According to Patterson, a similar period of no licensing started about a year and a half before Crusade's release. Let's hope Lucasfilm legal isn't being overly optimistic.

Sept. 26

Behind The Scenes Pics

Take a look at the newest addition to the gallery section in a very long time, a batch of very cool behind the scenes photos. Thanks to Donovan for sending them in.

Sept. 25

Michelle Yeoh In Indy IV?

In an interview with Cinescape HK action star, Michelle Yeoh, said that she and Spielberg "had a couple of meetings, and [...] did talk about [Indy 4]. He is one guy who has a passion for filmmaking. He's inspiring. And I love the Indiana Jones films. Would I be interested? Of course I'm going to jump up and say, 'Yes, please!'"

I have the sneaking suspicion that she is referring to the same meetings that the Chinese press was reporting back in 1998. The subject of the script may have changed since then.

Complete Art Showcase Posted

Although we've already named the top honors, many worthy entries are left to be seen. They have now been posted. Take a look...

Indyfan Art Showcase 2000

Sept. 21

Temple Of Doom Could Have Been Darker?

I've been so busy with putting together the Art Showcase pages, I nearly missed reading the third installment to Raiders of the Lost Drafts at TheRaider.Net. This time Bellosh compares the earlier drafts of Temple with the final cut, revealing that although it was roundly criticized for its dark tone, Temple could have been darker yet.

Sept. 20

May I Have The Envelope, Please...

The results of Indyfan Art Showcase are in. Adam and I were thoroughly impressed with talent and creativity exhibited in the field of entries. Today, we are announcing the artwork and artists who took top honors in the Showcase, including the prize winners. The remaining entries will be posted in the coming days (Hopefully by week's end).

Indyfan Art Showcase 2000 Results

Sept. 17

Art Showcase Results Coming Wednesday

This Wednesday, Sept. 20 at 10pm EDT, the results of the Art Showcase will be announced and the entries posted for all to see. Tune in and check out the amazing amount of talent displayed by your fellow Indy fans.

Young Indy VCR Reminder

Don't forget to set your VCRs tomorrow and throughout the week. See the sidebar for details.

Sept. 13

Ford Interview at Popcorn

An interview with Popcorn nicely summarizes all the current facts about Indy IV development. Apparently, M. Night Shyamalan is "anxious to write the script," however they haven't shook on it yet. Plus, in response to a question on his age, Ford said "I think I am as capable now of faking it as I was 20 years ago. I do hope that Sean [Connery] can keep up."

Thanks to Thuggee Bear for the heads up.

By the way I wasn't thinking straight when I earlier titled this news item, Ford Hints at Connery's Involvement In Indy IV. The quote about Sean was obviously a reference to the recent "Can you take him?" hubub. Sorry for the mixup.

Sept. 11

Next Week Only Chance For Young Indy?

Next week, Monday through Friday at 2pm ET, USA will be airing five more Young Indy movies (see sidebar). If a recent Home Theater Forum chat with Paramount is any indication, this may be your only opportunity to see them. The Paramount reps said, and I quote, "We're undecided whether to release more Young Indys on tape..." Meaning that this whole business of renaming and reordering could be for naught. They may yet decide to distribute the remaining Young Indy tapes, but I'm angered that there's even a question. Releasing chapters 6, 8, 10, etc. should guarantee that you will release 5, 7, 9, ... How can you just leave it incomplete? Complete Adventures of Indiana Jones? What a joke... Perhaps an encouraging email to listing all the Young Indy videos you've bought and how you much you want the unreleased videos would help them decide...

Indy DVD A Long Way Off

Here's the full quote from the chat mentioned above:

JeffKleis> I realize that you don't know when Lucas will let you do Indiana Jones [DVD], but why wasn't it released with last year's remastered VHS? Of course, I do seem to be detecting a pattern here regarding Lucas and DVD :( When we do see Indy, I heard a rumor that we will see Young Indiana Jones DVDs at the same time. Can you confirm/deny this, and tell us when there will be more Young Indy tapes?

MartinB> We're undecided whether to release more Young Indys on tape, however I don't see it where we'd link the film DVDs to the TV series. Maybe they could conceivably be released around the same time, but we'd never link them in any other way. Ron, to be frank, Indiana Jones ain't anytime soon, sorry. It's going to take a whole year to prep them at the very least!

From the answer, we can assume the Indy DVDs are not even being worked on or they've just begun. Either way, its clear it will be more than a year before we see an Indy DVD.

Thanks to Ed Sabol for the heads up. I missed it on the first skim through the interview.

Sept. 10

Art Showcase Status

I've finally been able to collate all the artwork I received via email and put into a form Adam and I can view and make our judgements. At least one piece of artwork (maybe more) needs to be scanned in, so we may both view it. As it stands we got about 50 entries! It's going to take a little time to go through them and give them all their due consideration. Stay tuned...

Sept. 7

Last Chance To Enter Artwork - ONE DAY ONLY!

All entries into the Indyfan Art Showcase 2000 are due tomorrow, Friday, Sept. 8. If you want to get in under the wire, speed read the rules and send your info and image to

Sept. 6

Analog Indy Our Only Hope

In the filming of What Lies Beneath, Ford had his face scanned for the effects artists to utilize in the film. He seemed a bit concerned about the implications, however, saying "I don't want to be doing Coke adverts when I'm dead. If I choose to do them when I'm alive, I want to participate in profit from it." Certainly a digital Harrison wouldn't be as good as the real-life model, but the way Indy IV's going, some may have had this possibility in the back of their minds. ( Source: )

Sept. 5

Portable Indy

According to a press release posted at TheForce.Net, a deal has been struck for THQ to develop a version of Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine for Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance due for release in Spring 2001. Thanks to Jay for the heads up.

On a related note, an preview says that the N64 version of Infernal Machine is on track for release later this year. Link courtesy of Riggs.

Aug. 31

Only One Week Left For Art Showcase Entries

I'm caught up with all the art showcase entries I know about. You should have received a message stating "Indyfan Art Showcase Entry Accepted" if everything with your entry is in order. If you haven't heard from me, your entry may have slipped through the cracks. Please resend it.

Aug. 23

Art Showcase Deadline Looming

I'm happy that my recent plea brought in more entries to join the one entry I had. The number of entries still isn't quite what I would term a "showcase." There are only two and half weeks left to go until the Sept. 8 deadline. Enough time to create your masterwork, but not enough time to dawdle. Speaking of masterworks, take a look at Adam McDaniel's Raiders painting. It really has a Struzan feel to it. Look what "mere" fans can do! Don't worry though. Adam's judging the winners with me, so he's not eligible to enter.

TheRaider.Net Series: Raiders of the Lost Drafts

TheRaider.Net continues an interesting series of essays by Bellosh, this time comparing the evolving scripts of Raiders to the final product. The second installment is definitely worth the read.

Aug. 22

News Repeat: Ford on Inside the Actor's Studio

I actually reported this on February 15, but didn't get to see it until this past weekend. Unfortunately, a couple people missed the Ford interview on Bravo, so here's a rerun of that six month old Indy IV news:

Forum poster, Rick, was fortunate enough to attend the recent taping of Inside the Actor's Studio with Ford as the guest. When asked if there would be another Indy movie, Ford said, "Oh Yehhh...(audience claps)....... Now wait, I'm not makin' any announcement here tonight. I want it to happen. There is no script yet that everybody is REALLY happy with. George is a bit pre-occupied with that 'other' movie (audience laughs), but Steven and I are very ambitious to do it. But we all realize it has to be great."

Aug. 21

Portman Wishes She Could Be Indy's Daughter

Just for completeness, you probably should know that Corona's Coming Attractions is reporting on a rumor that Natalie Portman (and I quote) "has asked George Lucas (about) the possibility of playing Indiana Jones's daughter." Yeah, and I want to date Colleen of Survivor fame. Sure, maybe Natalie has a better chance with her wish, but it's got to be in the script, doncha' think? Ok, I haven't read the Indy IV script, but I'm betting her royal highness hasn't either.

Aug. 18

Fielding's Survival Guide Clarification

The primary author of the Indiana Jones Survival Guide, Robert Young Pelton, has confirmed to me that the publication of the book is indeed linked to Indy IV. This has been stated before, but Amazon's recent message that the book had been cancelled muddied the waters a bit.

Ford Interview on Bravo

Just a reminder that this Sunday, August 20 at 8pm ET, Bravo will air the long-awaited airing of Inside the Actor's Studio with Harrison Ford as the guest.

Aug. 15

TheRaider.Net Series: Raiders of the Lost Drafts

TheRaider.Net has begun an interesting series of essays by Bellosh discussing the influences and origins of Raiders of the Lost Ark. You might want to check it out. The first part is here.

Fielding's Survival Guide Dead?

Several folks have reported that sent them the following message:

Hello from
We are sorry to report that the release of the following item has been cancelled:
Robert Young Pelton, et al "Fielding's Indiana Jones Adventure and Survival Guide"
Though we had expected to be able to send this item to you, we've since found that it will not be released after all. Please accept our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience we have caused you. We have cancelled this item from your order.

Although it may be a bit foolish, I am still holding out hope that we will eventually see this title published. I believe that Amazon is just cancelling their July 2000 entry which is obviously wrong. All we have to go in is Pelton's assertion that it will be out with Indy IV, whenever that is...

Aug. 8

Indyfan Art Showcase 2000 - One Month To Go!

The art contest deadline is fast approaching. Only a month remains until Sept. 8, 2000. So far I have only received ONE entry, while ToySyndicate has provided us with two substantial prizes ($100 and $50 gift certificates). If you've been procrastinating or wavering on whether to participate, it's time to get crackin'!

See the Indyfan Art Showcase 2000 page for full details.

Aug. 7

Real-Life Indiana Jones

Harrison Ford, apparently tired of waiting for someone to write heroic deeds for him to act on the big screen is content to the play the part in real life. According to an AP story, Ford flew a 20-year-old female hiker who was struck ill from heat, altitude, and dehydration to a nearby hospital. The woman didn't recognize the pilot until a medical technician clued her in. She was quoted as saying, "I can't believe I barfed in Harrison Ford's helicopter."

Aug. 3

Grail Auction Update

Planet Hollywood's grail prop auction has closed, and the prop brought a whopping $12,456. Apparently this is one of twelve "stunt" grails made for Last Crusade. The eight "hero" grails, higher quality props made for closeups, would probably bring an even heftier sum. If you barely missed winning the bid, another one of Crusade's grails are going up for auction tomorrow in the Orlando area. See for details. Thanks to Scott Butler for the info.

For the Indy fan with a ton of disposable income, Planet Hollywood still has a goodie or two that may draw some interest. A Indy voodoo doll from Temple of Doom goes up on the block on Aug. 11.

Aug. 1

Ford on Bravo

Thanks to a Bravo press release posted at Harrison Ford Web we have more details on Ford's upcoming appearance on Inside the Actor's Studio. Looks like it's going to be a great interview.

July 27

Fielding's Guide Update

According to TheForce.Net, Robert Pelton, author of the (hopefully) forthcoming Indiana Jones Survival Guide, recently mentioned the oft-delayed Indy book in a radio interview. The online booksellers alternatively list the book as already published in July 1998 (bzzt!), July 1999 (wrong again!), and Amazon says November 15, 2000 (can you say, grain of salt?). According to Pelton, the book's release is linked to the release of Indy IV, an event with even more uncertainty in timing (2003, 2005, 2007...!?)

July 26

Ford in People Magazine

The upcoming issue of People (8/7/2000) will feature Ford on the cover. Although the article inside is light on Indy content for the most part, there is a rare behind-the-scenes photo of Ford and Spielberg chillin' between takes. Check it out. Thanks to Donovan for the info.

July 24

Props on the Block

With Planet Hollywood having financial troubles, apparently they are dipping into their stash of movie memorabilia to pad the bottom line. Among the items coming up for sale is a grail used in the filming of Last Crusade. Details on the prop (e.g. whether its a "stunt" grail, a closeup grail, etc.) won't be available until at least the beginning of the auction on July 27. Thanks to Cereal Killer who spotted this info in People magazine.

Also, Indy Magnoli is auctioning off a highly detailed grail diary replica based on the one seen in Last Crusade. While most of us may not have that kind of money to spend on such an item, the documentation and pictures on his ebay entry are worth the visit. For further information on the grail diary, check out The Grail Diary Website

July 19

NY Post Ford Interview

A recent NY Post interview is heavier on Indy content than most I've read lately. In it Ford talks about the parts of his body that he's damaged for Indy's sake and addresses how the age issue might affect the storyline in an Indy sequel. Thanks to Jonesy for the heads up.

Ford's Upcoming TV Appearances

Usually as far from the press as humanly possible (read Wyoming), Harrison only steps into the spotlight when he's plugging his latest. Regardless of whether What Lies Beneath is any good, it's a great opportunity for every reporter from coast to coast to ask him about an Indy sequel. Eventually, they may wear him down enough that he'll give something away. :) Ford will appear on Letterman on Monday, July 24 and Conan O'Brien on Tuesday, July 25 (early Wed, actually). Also, A&E is re-airing the Ford Biography: Reluctant Hero on Tuesday, July 24 at 8pm EDT. E! has a Celebrity Profile on Saturday, July 22 at 7pm EDT. On a related note E! also has a River Phoenix: True Hollywood Story two hours earlier at 5pm EDT.

July 18

Ford's WLB Junket Yields More Indy Quotes

In a forum post Ken has transcribed a Ford quote from E! News Daily:

George, Steven and I sat down 3 months ago and talked about a number of ideas . As soon as George is free from the burden of coming up with the stories for the next 2 Star Wars films he will turn his attention to this. I would expect sometime in the next couple years that we will get a script and we will make a 4th Indiana Jones.

Also, Ford confirms to that he has met with M. Night Shyamalan. In an earlier interview, he told The Calgary Sun that M.Night's involvement as scripter was just a rumor. This time, however, Ford says: "Can't really tell you that at the moment." rather than nixing it. ( Reference: Cinescape )

July 17

Ford on Sixth Sense Scripter

In an interview with the Calgary Sun, Ford chalks the talk of M. Night Shyamalan writing Indy IV up to "just another industry rumor." What? Variety's fallible? Say it ain't so... Thanks to TheRaider.Net for the info.

July 13

Indyfan Art Showcase 2000

You'd think that after the herculean effort Adam put into last summer's trivia contest, he'd swear off that sort of activity for good, but no, he's raring to go for another contest. Once again, Adam's initiative and enthusiasm has the community abuzz.

This time, however, it will be a contest of a different sort. Rather than test your Indy quotient, we want to see you express your Indy fandom through art. And, if the praise and adulation of your fellow Indyfans isn't quite enough of an incentive, how about the chance to win a $100 gift certificate from ToySyndicate!? (You may know them from such imports as last year's Toys McCoy Indy figure) Certificates are redeemable at ToySyndicate, which is packed full of action figures and other assorted coolness.

The contest deadline is Sept. 8, 2000. See the Indyfan Art Showcase 2000 page for full details. I can't wait to see your Indy-inspired creations!

July 11

Ryan Replacement?

It's been widely reported that Ford wants his next role to be an action hero. Among the speculated possibilities is another outing as Jack Ryan. Last month, Hollywood Reporter said that the Harrison was unhappy with the script for Sum of All Fears, and had taken a pass on it. Popcorn later had word from the director of past "Ford as Ryan" films that Harrison was still up for the role. According to Variety's Michael Fleming, however, another actor is being sought for the role, Ben Affleck. I think we can finally check Ryan off our list of obstacles between us and Indy IV. Too bad it's not the only one.

July 10

Make Your Own Clover Lighter

Fall Guy has some advice on how to make your own clover lighter, which you should recognize from the burning castle scene in Last Crusade.

June 27

Lucasfilm Writer Search

MovieHeadlines.Net got a few more details out of Lucasfilm regarding Variety's M.Night revelation. Apparently, Indy IV is actively being worked on, although M.Night isn't the sole writer being considered and a firm deal has not been made. Thanks to nitzsche for the heads up.

June 22

Sixth Sense Scripter To Scribe Sequel?

Variety is reporting that M. Night Shyamalan, Sixth Sense scripter, is in talks with the Big Three about writing Indy IV, which they hope to shoot in 2002. Thanks to Sean from Harrison Ford HQ and Jim Bartos for sending in the heads up.

Apparently, Harry heard about this back in May, but didn't get confirmation in time for the scoop.

In the never-ending quest for scoop credit, Corona reminds us that they posted this rumor back in February (although they didn't seem to believe it at the time). According to them, this discussion began six months ago!

Remy No Longer With Us

French actor, Ronny Coutteure, who played Young Indy's friend through many episodes has died at the age of 48. [Source: AICN]

Raiders of the Lost LP Track

John Williams Central has posted an MP3 of 6 minutes of Well of Souls music omitted from the DCC Compact Classics Raiders CD, which came only on the record album. A word of warning: be sure to change the name of the file from .zip to .mp3. It doesn't need to be unzipped. [Source: TheRaider.Net]

June 20

Om Namah Shivaya... Om Namah Shivaya...

Thanks to Rick for the nitpick within a nitpick... I didn't really know what that guy descending into lava pit was actually chanting, so I just tried my best to write it out. Apparently, it means "I bow to Shiva," a very holy mantra to devout Hindus. My apologies for mangling it...

IndianaJones.Com Nitpick -- You Betrayed Shiva! :-)

Kevin H. Martin, a staff writer for Cinefex magazine sets the record straight on the official site's caption for their behind-the-scenes Temple pic. He writes, "The lava was not added later -- it was all shot together (they just haven't turned on the lights beneath the toy figure yet). Check out our old magazine coverage in Cinefex 18 for detailed explanation and pictures."

June 19

Jones v Croft

Check out what Wizard magazine imagines would happen in a faceoff between virtual adventurer, Lara Croft, and our whip-wielding hero. Thanks to the new movie news site, MovieHeadlines.Net for the info. For another take on this matchup, see Comic Book Universe Battles.

Um Num Shiva, Um Num Shiva...

Every once in a while IndianaJones.Com posts a behind-the-scenes pic that gives us a glimpse of how the Indy movies were brought to life. A recent Scrapbook pic shows the Temple lava pit sans lava.

June 9

Disney Is 'Keeping Up With The Joneses'

The grand re-opening of the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular show at Disney-MGM Studios in Orlando, FL, will be held this Saturday, June 10. A press release has been issued which highlights the publicity stunt where Disney has invited 500 Joneses, including a 3 yr. old named Indiana Kent Jones, as special guests to the event. Thanks to Adam for the info.

June 8

Ford Snubs Ryan

According to Hollywood Reporter, Ford has passed on the next Jack Ryan installment, Sum of All Fears, because of script problems. Ford is looking for an action movie to be his next. I'd like to join Cinescape Insider in suggesting Indy IV.

June 6

Chris Llewellyn's Custom Figures

TheRaider.Net for the past few days has been showcasing the work of Chris Llewellyn. Pics of his custom figures are available in their Fanwork Museum. The Short Round figure is particularly impressive.

Old News