Joan of Arc - Maid of Heaven (original) (raw) pages devoted to teaching the historical truth about Joan of Arc's life:
Quick Facts about the Life of Joan of Arc is a great place to start for those who are not real familiar with the history of Joan of Arc. Tracing her life from birth to death this page explains the highlights of Joan's life and includes pictures and maps.
Excellent Encyclopedia type Biography that covers Joan's entire life and legacy and contains links back to pages for more detailed information.
Timeline about the Life of Joan of Arc is a very detailed timeline about Joan's life starting with her birth in 1412 thru her canonization in 1920.
Long Biography and History of Joan of Arc contains a very extensive list of resources related to the life of Joan. You will be able to find virtually anything you ever wanted to know about Joan of Arc on one of the available resources listed on this page.
Short Biography is a page containing links to several short biographies about Joan of Arc that provide a good overview on Joan's life and history.
Joan of Arc Quotes lists quotes about Joan of Arc and a long list of quotes by Joan herself. The best way to really learn about Joan is to read the actual words that she spoke.
Reference Material related to Joan of Arc contains an extensive list of useful sources for studying Joan and includes links to many free books available online.
Joan of Arc Books Online list all of the complete books about Joan online free and complete at
Frequently Asked Questions Relating to the Life and History of Saint Joan Of Arc contains answers to some of the more common questions that people have about Joan.
Information on Specialized Topics lists various resources available about topics like Joan's sword, banner, coat of arms, armor, voices, letters etc.
Hundred Years War Battles & Joan Of Arc provides a stunning view of the impact Joan made in reversing the course of the Hundred Years War
Reviews of Books and Movies about the life of Joan of Arc is a page that is very useful for finding the best books and movies to learn about Joan. In-depth reviews of some of the most popular books and movies about Joan of Arc in terms of their historical accuracy.
Beatification of Joan of Arc contains a translation of the official pronouncement of Beatification as well as pictures and a description of the Beatification ceremony of April 18, 1909.
Official Pronouncement of Canonization Ceremony making Joan of Arc a Saint is a translation of the official Vatican ceremony pronouncing Joan of Arc a Saint on May 16, 1920.
Historical Pictures and Paintings of Joan of Arc is a sequence of pictures containing historical artwork dedicated to Joan that exemplifies all of the art that has been created to honor her life.
Joan of Arc Pictures and Artistic Representations is an index of all the pages at containing pictures of Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc Cultural Depictions contains a list of notable artistic creations devoted to Saint Joan in literature, paintings, sculputre, music etc.
Description of the painting by Jules Bastien-Lepage of Joan of Arc and her Voices shows the famous painting by Jules Bastien-Lepage of Joan in the garden of her house with her Voices.
Painting by Lenepveu of Saint Joan of Arc being Burned at the Stake shows the famous painting of Joan of Arc being burned at the stake by Jules-Eug�ne Lenepveu.
Page about Saint Joan of Arc's Birthday explaining when and where Joan of Arc was born.
Page about St. Joan of Arc's Feast Day explaining the annual celebration on May 30th each year.
Page about St. Catherine, one of Joan of Arc's Voices giving backgound information about Catherine of Alexandria with links to more detailed biographical data.
Joan of Arc - Friends & Companions is a list of the major people in Joan's life with links to more information about them.
Joan of Arc's Letters lists the letters dictated and sent by Joan during her life.
Trial of Condemnation record translated by W.P. Barrett is an invaluable resource containing dialoge between Joan and her judges at her trial of condemnation that took place in Rouen and condemned her to death.
Trial of Nullification (Rehabilitation) contains a description of the trial that overturned the ruling of Joan's trial in Rouen in 1431 and contains much eyewitness testimony about Joan.
Long list of sites related to Joan of Arc that contain even more information about Joan presented in a variety of interesting ways.
Free Movies and Videos about Joan of Arc contains the full movie The Passion of Joan of Arc by Carl Dreyer and some other videos about Joan of Arc available online.
Joan of Arc and her Scottish Knights explains the part that soldiers from Scotland played in helping Joan defeat the English.
A Monk of Fife: A Romance of the Days of Jeanne D'Arc is the complete book by Andrew Lang that is a fictional account of Scots fighting with Joan of Arc.
Friedrich Schiller's play Maid of Orleans is the entire play Maid of Orleans available online free here at
Page about George Bernard Shaw's Play Saint Joan is a description of the play Saint Joan by G.B. Shaw and links to the entire play.
Mark Twain's writings about Joan of Arc contains Mark Twain's essay on Joan and a brief explanation of his writings about her.
Mark Twain's Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc is the full book by Mark Twain about Joan of Arc available online free here at This is probably the best fictional account of Joan of Arc's life ever written.
Joan of Arc's History for Kids contains links to the best pages for a younger audience as well as a video history suitable for all ages.
Joan of Arc Blog Ben's blog about Joan of Arc contains the latest happenings related to Joan and
Joan of Arc - Maid of Heaven Sitemap is a list of all the pages at and contains more pages with historical information about Joan of Arc.