Mutaurus (Mogul character, Thor foe) (original) (raw)
Real Name: Mutaurus
Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Asgard)
Occupation: Warrior
Group Membership: Mogul's agents
Affiliations: Demon-Riders,Jinni Devil, Mogul,Ogur;
formerly pawn of Morgan Le Fay
Enemies: Alibar, Hawkeye (Clint Barton), Shezada, Thor Odinson, Warriors Three (Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Chamber of Doom, within the Mystic Mountain
First Appearance: Thor I#143/2 (August, 1967)
Powers/Abilities: Mutaurus possessed superhuman strength (Class 75?) and durability. He lowered his head while charging, and could be tricked into smashing into objects or beings during that time.
Height: 15' (by approximation)
Weight: 9375 lbs. (by approximation, see comments)
Eyes: Red
Hair: None
(Thor I#143/2 (fb) - BTS) - The origin of Mutaurus is unrevealed, but at some point, he was placed in a chamber underneath Mogul's throne room in the Mystic Mountain; Mutaurus slew all those who entered the chamber.
(Thor I#143/2) - When Thor and the Warriors Three invaded the Mystic Mountain to battle Mogul, Volstagg followed Mogul's sister, Shezada, back to the tyrant's palace. Shezada tricked Volstagg by opening a trapdoor beneath him, and he fell into Mutaurus' chamber; but Volstagg had put his arm around Shezada before he dropped, and he pulled her down with him as he fell. They both landed before Mutaurus.
Volstagg sidestepped Mutaurus' first charge, and Shezada, fearing for her own life, led Volstagg to the Enchanted Rod of Wondrous Wizard Power. Using the Enchanted Rod, Volstagg fired at Mutaurus and caused him to fade from sight.
(Thor I#474 (fb) - BTS) - Mutaurus was actually trapped within the Enchanted Rod, and he was soon joined by Mogul, after the tyrant was defeated. But some time later, Shezada freed Mogul from his confinement within the Enchanted Rod, and Mogul unleashed Mutaurus.
(Thor I#474 (fb)) - Mutaurus captured and imprisoned Alibar.
(Thor I#474 (fb)) - As part of Mogul's assault force against Asgard, Mutaurus pursued Volstagg, who goaded him into charging; Volstagg fled between a pair of rocks wide enough for his own bulk to fit through, but too narrow for Mutaurus' lowered horned head to pass. After crashing into the barrier, Mutaurus was rendered senseless.
(Avengers III#1) - Mutaurus was one of many magical beings summoned from Asgard to Earth as part of a plot by Morgan Le Fey. He fought Hawkeye alongside Manhattan's East River for a short struggle before vanishing, along with the others summoned.
Comments: Created by Stan "The Man" Lee, Jack "King" Kirby and "Wild" Bill Everett.
Obvious parallels to the Minotaur of the Labyrinth (see clarifications).
In regards to the calculation of Mutaurus' weight: He's very broad/thick, and he's from Asgard, so he may be superhumanly dense (that's under debate). I'd say he would weigh like 600 lbs. at 6' tall. 15' tall is 2.5 x the height of 6', and weight increases with the cube of the height, so he would be 15.65 times as heavy at 15' tall, which is 9375 lbs. ---Snood
Mutaurus looks like a mechanical being in the first two images, but he looks more like a living being in the third -- my guess is he originally wore some sort of an armored suit, but in the third image, he's only wearing portions of the helmet. -- Ron Fredricks
Mutaurus supposedly died during the Ragnarok in Thor II#85.
Profile by Snood
Mutaurus has no known connections to:
- The Minotaur - of the Hyborian era, also dwelt within a maze--Conan the Barbarian I#142
- The Minotaur - of Crete--Eternals II#5
- The Minotaur - an agent of the Mole Man--Avengers I#17
- The Minotaur - Milos Vryolak--Iron Man I#24
- Minotaur - of the **Menagerie of Myth**--Marvel Team-Up II#2
- Minotaurus - one of the Changelings--Incredible Hulk II#252
- The Minotroids 2099 - creations of Deathstryk--Ravage 2099#30
- Dragonus - another minotaur creature--Werewolf by Night I#2
- or any other "Minotaur" characters
images: (without ads)
Thor I#143/2, p3, pan1 (Mutaurus, facing Volstagg and Shezada)
Thor I#474, p6, pan1 (Mutaurus)
Avengers III#1, p4, pan1 (Mutaurus battles Hawkeye)
Thor I#143/2 (August, 1967) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Jack Kirby (pencils), Bill Everett (inks), Artie Simek (letters)
Thor I#474 (May, 1994) - Roy Thomas (writer), Sandu Florea (pencils), Bob Petrecca (inks), Ovi Hondru (colors), John Workman (letters), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Avengers III#1 (February, 1998) - Kurt Busiek (writers), George Perez (pencils), Al Vey (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
First Posted: 04/02/2004
Last updated: 06/05/2022
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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