Scarlet Knights (British flying mutants) (original) (raw)


Membership: Arthur Hardy, Edward("Ned"), Jennifer,Lisa Hardy, Malcolm,Nell,the Scarlet Knight (Colin Hardy)

Purpose: To serve the people

Aliases: None

Affiliations: The British people

Enemies: Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) (indirectly, as she was responsible for removing their powers)

Base of Operations: London, England

First Appearance: New Excalibur I#6 (June, 2006)

History: (New Excalibur I#6 (fb) - BTS) - When Colin Hardy's mutant powers manifested, his newfound power also transferred to his family, granting them all the ability to fly. Donning costumes, the mutant family became the heroic Scarlet Knights, dedicating themselves to serving the people. As the father Arthur Hardy became the Scarlet Knights' captain, the Scarlet Knights became specialized in search and rescue operations, with field leader Colin, Arthur and older siblings Edward ("Ned)" and Jennifer handling combat operations while mother Lisa Hardy and the younger siblings Malcolm and Nell handled the peacetime operations. Eventually becoming famous, the Scarlet Knights participated in the annual Farnborough Air Show, where they became the favorite attraction. During one of their rescue operations, each of the Scarlet Knights were carrying their maximum amount of passengers when a bright flash signaling the events of M-Day occurred. M-Day caused Colin to lose his mutant powers, thereby causing the other Scarlet Knights to lose theirs as well and they all fell from the sky with passengers in hand. Sadly, the passengers and nearly all of the Scarlet Knights perished in the fall, leaving Colin as the only survivor.

(New Excalibur I#6 - BTS) - Joining the Royal Air Force as a squadron leader, the guilt-stricken and angry Colin Hardy recorded a video in which he recounted his experiences with the Scarlet Knights and what M-Day had cost him. As the video progressed, Colin remarked on how before M-Day, he had no idea how much the public hated mutants, but afterwards, he saw how the public cheered at the loss of so many mutants. Colin eventually revealed a detonator and announced that the public had sown the wind with their own hatred and that it time for them to reap what they had sown. Proclaiming that M-Day had taken away his purpose, his family and his future, turning his dreams into ash, Colin activated the detonator, announcing his intent to give the public a taste of what was to come. With the detonator activated, explosions rocked Shepherd's Cross Railway Station in London, devastating the area. Since Colin's video was not released publicly, neither the metropolitan police nor the Shepherd's Cross security were able to identify Colin's involvement in the terrorist attack, but British intelligence agency MI-13 discovered Colin's video and were shocked that a hero such as Colin could have committed such an act. Agent Pete Wisdom reminded MI-13 that the Scarlet Knights, Colin's family, had been all wiped out in an instant with no clue as to who was responsible.

Comments: Created by Chris Claremont, Michael Ryan and Rick Ketcham.

The Scarlet Knights were never directly seen on-panel, only on video screens flashing back to their heroic deeds.

While it seems likely that each of the Scarlet Knights had the last name of Hardy, especially since the Marvel Atlas confirmed that the Scarlet Knights parents were named Arthur and Lisa Hardy, we did not have explicit confirmation that all of the siblings all shared the last name of Hardy (only Colin was confirmed to have the last name Hardy).

Profile by Proto-Man.

The Scarlet Knights have no known connections to:

Arthur Hardy

Arthur Hardy was granted the power of flight by the activation of his son Colin's mutant powers and he soon became the Scarlet Knights' captain after his family decided to use their powers to become heroes. After becoming famous at the annual Farnborough Air Show, Arthur led the combat operations of the Scarlet Knights up until the events of M-Day removed Colin's powers, which in turn removed Arthur's powers as well, causing him to fall from the sky and die upon hitting the ground.

Before losing his powers, Arthur Hardy had the mutant power of flight.

--New Excalibur I#6 (fb) - BTS (seen only on video screen)


Edward (nicknamed "Ned") was granted the power of flight by the activation of his brother Colin's mutant powers and he soon joined his family as the heroic Scarlet Knights. As one of the older siblings, Ned aided Colin, his father Arthur and sister Jennifer in combat operations and was famous from the Scarlet Knights' annual appearance at the Farnborough Air Show. During one of the Scarlet Knights' rescue operations, Colin's powers were removed by the events of M-Day and Ned's powers were removed in turn, causing him and his family to fall to the ground, dying on impact.

Before losing his powers, Ned had the power of flight.

--New Excalibur I#6 (fb) - BTS (seen only on video screen)


Jennifer was granted the power of flight by the activation of her brother Colin's mutant powers and she soon joined her family as the heroic Scarlet Knights. As one of the older siblings, Jennifer aided Colin and her father Arthur in combat operations and was famous from the Scarlet Knights' annual appearance at the Farnborough Air Show. During one of the Scarlet Knights' rescue operations, Colin's powers were removed by the events of M-Day and Jennifer's powers were removed in turn, causing her and her family to fall to the ground, dying on impact.

Before losing his powers, Jennifer had the power of flight.

--New Excalibur I#6 (fb) - BTS (seen only on video screen)

Lisa Hardy

Lisa Hardy was granted the power of flight by the activation of her son Colin's mutant powers and she soon joined her family as the heroic Scarlet Knights. As the mother of the family, Lisa handled the Scarlet Knights' peacetime operations alongside her youngest children Malcolm and Nell and became famous from the Scarlet Knights' annual performances at the Farnborough Air Show. During one of the Scarlet Knights' rescue operations, Colin's powers were removed by the events of M-Day and Lisa's powers were removed in turn, causing her and her family to fall to the ground, dying on impact.

Before losing his powers, Lisa Hardy had the power of flight.

--New Excalibur I#6 (fb) - BTS (seen only on video screen)


Malcolm was granted the power of flight by the activation of his older brother Colin's mutant powers and he soon joined his family as part of the heroic Scarlet Knights. As one of the youngest siblings, Malcolm worked with his mother Lisa and sister Nell to handle the Scarlet Knights' peacetime operations and became famous from the Scarlet Knights' annual performances at the Farnborough Air Show. During one of the Scarlet Knights' rescue operations, Colin's powers were removed by the events of M-Day and Malcolm's powers were removed in turn, causing him and his family to fall to the ground, dying on impact.

Before losing his powers, Malcolm had the power of flight.

--New Excalibur I#6 (fb) - BTS (seen only on video screen)


Nicknamed "Little Nell," Nell was granted the power of flight by the activation of her older brother Colin's mutant powers and she soon joined her family as part of the heroic Scarlet Knights. As one of the youngest siblings, Nell worked with her mother Lisa and brother Malcolm to handle the Scarlet Knights' peacetime operations and became famous from the Scarlet Knights' annual performances at the Farnborough Air Show. During one of the Scarlet Knights' rescue operations, Colin's powers were removed by the events of M-Day and Nell's powers were removed in turn, causing her and her family to fall to the ground, dying on impact.

Before losing his powers, Nell had the power of flight.

--New Excalibur I#6 (fb) - BTS (seen only on video screen)

The Scarlet Knight

Colin Hardy was a mutant whose powers manifested as flight that was granted not only to him but to his entire immediate family. When the family decided to become heroes, calling themselves the Scarlet Knights, Colin became the field leader and took on the codename of the Scarlet Knight. Enjoying the heroic life, Colin aided his father Arthur and siblings Jennifer and Ned in the Scarlet Knights' combat operations while also becoming famous from performances at the annual Farnborough Air Show. During a search and rescue operation, the events of M-Day removed Colin's superhuman powers and as a result, the other Scarlet Knights also lost their powers and the entire family plummeted to the ground. The only survivor of the fall, Colin joined the Royal Air Force, quickly becoming a squadron leader, but he was plagued by anger at the world for their hatred of mutants and the mourning he felt for his family. Eventually decided to send a warning to the world, Colin recorded a video recounted the heroic deeds the Scarlet Knights had performed before detonating explosives at the Shepherd's Cross Railway Station. While local police and security were unable to determine Colin's involvement, British intelligence agency MI-13 learned of Colin's involvement and were shocked that the once heroic Scarlet Knight could have committed such a terrorist act but MI-13 agent Pete Wisdom reminded MI-13 of the recent loss Colin had suffered.

Before losing his powers, the Scarlet Knight had the power of flight.

--New Excalibur I#6 (fb) - BTS (#6 - BTS, (seen only on video screen)

images: (without ads)
New Excalibur I#6, p3, pan1 (Scarlet Knights, main image+Jennifer, Malcolm, Nell & Ned images)
New Excalibur I#6, p4, pan1 (Scarlet Knights rescuing civilians)
New Excalibur I#6, p5, pan1 (Arthur Hardy & Lisa Hardy images)
New Excalibur I#6, p2, pan1 (Scarlet Knight)

New Excalibur I#6 (June, 2006) - Chris Claremont (writer), Michael Ryan (pencils), Rick Ketcham (inks), Mike Marts (editor)

First Posted: 05/08/2019
Last updated: 05/08/2019

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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