Kamoya South II Mine, Kamoya, Kambove, Kambove Territory, Haut-Katanga, DR Congo (original) (raw)

Kamoya South II Mine, Kamoya, Kambove, Kambove Territory, Haut-Katanga, DR Congoi

Regional Level Types
Kamoya South II Mine Open-Cast Mine (Active)
Kamoya - not defined -
Kambove Town
Kambove Territory Territory
Haut-Katanga Province
DR Congo Country



Latitude & Longitude (WGS84):

10° 52' 13'' South , 26° 34' 10'' East

Latitude & Longitude (decimal):

Nearest Settlements:

Place Population Distance
Kambove 36,702 (2016) 3.1km
Likasi 422,414 (2016) 22.3km

Long-form identifier:



Other/historical names associated with this locality:

Kamoya Sud Mine; Kamoya South Mine

A benched open cut secret mine first opened in 1998. The mine “owners” employed a strict security force to enforce a “no specimen policy” on the miners. All specimens during mine operation were obtained at the mill, hence, the locality was attributed to several erroneous mine localities. There are eleven “Kamoya” prospects, occurrences, etc. but only one large open pit (Kamoya South II Mine) and the large open pit is the source of virtually all important “Kamoya” carrollite specimens to date.

Located 2 km west of Kambove.

Note: The Wikipedia link (both the English and French versions) currently (October 2023) states that this mine is identical to the Kamfundwa Mine. This is incorrect! When the Kamoya II South Mine was still a secret location, many specimens of carrollite were falsely attributed to the Kamfundwa Mine, as well as to Mashamba and other places.

Select Mineral List Type

Standard Detailed Gallery Strunz Chemical Elements

Commodity List

This is a list of exploitable or exploited mineral commodities recorded at this locality.

Mineral List

14 valid minerals.

Detailed Mineral List:

BaryteFormula: BaSO4References: Weiss, S. (2006): Carrollit, Dolomit, Nickelin, Sphärocobaltit und Baryt aus der Provinz Shaba, Kongo. LAPIS 31 (9), 44-46
BorniteFormula: Cu5FeS4References: Jordi Fabre specimen
CalciteFormula: CaCO3References: Jordi Fabre specimen King, V. & R.L. Morgan (2005), Crystallograpy of Carrollite from the Kamoya South II mine, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rochester Mineralogical Symposium.
CarrolliteFormula: CuCo2S4Habit: Extremely complexColour: Brilliant silverFluorescence: NoneDescription: Spectacular crystals of varied, complex habitsReferences: King, V. & R.L. Morgan (2005), Crystallograpy of Carrollite from the Kamoya South II mine, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rochester Mineralogical Symposium.
ChalcociteFormula: Cu2SReferences: King, V. & R.L. Morgan (2005), Crystallograpy of Carrollite from the Kamoya South II mine, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rochester Mineralogical Symposium. Weiss, S. (2006): Carrollit, Dolomit, Nickelin, Sphärocobaltit und Baryt aus der Provinz Shaba, Kongo. LAPIS 31 (9), 44-46
ChalcopyriteFormula: CuFeS2References: King, V. & R.L. Morgan (2005), Crystallograpy of Carrollite from the Kamoya South II mine, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rochester Mineralogical Symposium. RWMW specimen + Weiss, S. (2006): Carrollit, Dolomit, Nickelin, Sphärocobaltit und Baryt aus der Provinz Shaba, Kongo. LAPIS 31 (9), 44-46
CopperFormula: CuReferences: King, Van (n.d.) Personal communcation.
DolomiteFormula: CaMg(CO3)2References: RWMW specimen + Weiss, S. (2006): Carrollit, Dolomit, Nickelin, Sphärocobaltit und Baryt aus der Provinz Shaba, Kongo. LAPIS 31 (9), 44-46
MalachiteFormula: Cu2(CO3)(OH)2References: King, Van (n.d.) Personal communcation.
PlancheiteFormula: Cu8(Si8O22)(OH)4 · H2OReferences: King, Van (n.d.) Personal communcation.
QuartzFormula: SiO2References: Weiss, S. (2006): Carrollit, Dolomit, Nickelin, Sphärocobaltit und Baryt aus der Provinz Shaba, Kongo. LAPIS 31 (9), 44-46
ShattuckiteFormula: Cu5(Si2O6)2(OH)2References: King, Van (n.d.) Personal communcation.
SideriteFormula: FeCO3References: Weiss, S. (2006): Carrollit, Dolomit, Nickelin, Sphärocobaltit und Baryt aus der Provinz Shaba, Kongo. LAPIS 31 (9), 44-46
SpherocobaltiteFormula: CoCO3References: King, V. & R.L. Morgan (2005), Crystallograpy of Carrollite from the Kamoya South II mine, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rochester Mineralogical Symposium. Weiss, S. (2006): Carrollit, Dolomit, Nickelin, Sphärocobaltit und Baryt aus der Provinz Shaba, Kongo. LAPIS 31 (9), 44-46

Other Databases

Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamfundwa_Mine
Wikidata ID: Q6357081

Other Regions, Features and Areas containing this locality

DR Congo

This page contains all mineral locality references listed on mindat.org. This does not claim to be a complete list. If you know of more minerals from this site, please register so you can add to our database. This locality information is for reference purposes only. You should never attempt to visit any sites listed in mindat.org without first ensuring that you have the permission of the land and/or mineral rights holders for access and that you are aware of all safety precautions necessary.
