Molecular crowding stabilizes folded RNA structure by the excluded volume effect (original) (raw)

. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2011 Jun 30.

Published in final edited form as: J Am Chem Soc. 2010 Jun 30;132(25):8690–8696. doi: 10.1021/ja101500g


Crowder molecules in solution alter the equilibrium between folded and unfolded states of biological macromolecules. It is therefore critical to account for the influence of these other molecules when describing the folding of RNA inside the cell. Small angle x-ray scattering experiments are reported on a 64 kDa bacterial group I ribozyme in the presence of polyethylene-glycol 1000 (PEG-1000), a molecular crowder with average molecular weight 1000 Da. In agreement with expected excluded volume effects, PEG favors more compact RNA structures. Firstly, the transition from the unfolded to the folded (more compact) state occurs at lower MgCl2 concentrations in PEG. Secondly, the radius of gyration of the unfolded RNA decreases from 76 Å to 64 Å as the PEG concentration increases from 0 to 20 % wt./vol. Changes to water and ion activities were measured experimentally, and theoretical models were used to evaluate the excluded volume. We conclude that the dominant influence of the PEG crowder on the folding process is the excluded volume effect.


The folding of ribonucleic acids (RNAs) into their compact, native, form is a process whose details are the subject of much current research12. The link between structural specificity and biological function is particularly well illustrated in the case of ribozymes because their catalysis requires precise alignment of substrates, active site residues and metal ions within the 3D folded structure of the RNA3. The efficient realization of that alignment by the folding of an RNA chain into a specific three-dimensional tertiary structure is essential for the proper function of a healthy cell.

It is known that cells contain up to 30% by volume of macromolecular species such as proteins, DNA and other RNA4,5. This crowding affects the chemical activity of any given species, depending on the size and shape of all molecules present58. In this work, our aim was to measure the change in the folding energetics of RNA imposed by the introduction of crowder molecules into the solution.

Historically, RNA folding experiments have focused on dilute solutions with as few components as possible: RNA, dissociated cations and anions, and buffer (i.e. Tris-HCl). In such a system, the close association of cations with the RNA and the expulsion of anions reduce the electrostatic repulsion between phosphodiesters, allowing the RNA to fold910. Divalent ions like Mg2+ are particularly efficient in stabilizing RNA tertiary structures1117. However, other species in the solution can influence the RNA’s chemical potential, and therefore change the equilibrium between folded and unfolded states. Therefore, experiments in dilute solution fail to measure other contributions to RNA stability in vivo, notably excluded volume effects caused by inert cosolutes.

There are a number of ways in which crowding can affect the equilibrium between unfolded and folded states of RNA. Firstly, the chemical potential of a molecule depends on the fraction of the total solution volume in which it can exist7. Other macromolecues reduce this available volume by different amounts for folded and unfolded RNA due to the different size of these states, and therefore change the chemical potential of each state by different amounts (Figure 1). This excluded volume effect strongly depends on the relative sizes of all species present, and due to interactions between three and higher numbers of particles, becomes highly non-linear with concentration18,19. For the case of RNA folding, the excluded volume effect is expected to favor more compact structures. Secondly, crowders can change the activities of the ions that are the primary driver for folding in solution, and the activity of the solvent (in this instance, water), which will alter transitions dependent on those components. Thirdly, there can be some specific surface interaction between the crowder and the RNA.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Molecular crowding and RNA folding. The unfolded RNA (left side) is modeled as a random coil without internal excluded volume (a Brownian walk). The dashed line around the unfolded RNA represents the effective hard particle used in eq 1, defined as a convex hull surrounding the coil that excludes volume available to all other particles in the solution [36]. The folded RNA (black circle; right side) is modeled as a hard sphere. The dark blue circles represent crowder molecules; the lighter blue ‘halos’ represent the (RNA size-dependent) volume that is excluded to the center of gravity of the RNA molecules due to the crowders. The uppermost crowder on the unfolded side is as close to the RNA as possible, hence the center of the RNA is at the light blue halo’s edge. Δ_G_0 is the Gibbs free energy change for RNA folding at the standard state, defined as Δ_G_0 = _G_F,0 − _G_U,0 = −_RT_ln_K_0; ΔΔ_G_U = _RT_lnγU and ΔΔ_G_F = _RT_lnγF are the changes in free energies of the unfolded and folded RNA states due to the introduction of crowders, γ’s defined according to eq 1; Δ_G_0,C = (_G_F,0+ _RT_lnγF) − (_G_U,0+ _RT_lnγU).

Experiments have been reported on the folding of RNA molecules in solutions containing small molecules (osmolytes) such as sugars or trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) that primarily influence folding through surface interactions20. All of the osmolytes studied destabilized the secondary structures of various RNAs. Some of the tertiary structures of the RNAs were also destabilized, while other tertiary structures were stabilized. These were attributed to the balance of favorable and unfavorable surface interactions of the osmolytes with the bases, sugars and phosphates20. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations qualitatively agreed with this work21. In addition, the MD simulations emphasized the importance of crowder size in determining the mechanism and magnitude of crowder effect.

Larger, more inert, crowders are more likely to promote entropic stabilization as a consequence of the excluded volume effect, in contrast with small osmolytes. Experimental verification of these excluded volume effects in biological macromolecules have largely come from indirect measures of compactness. For example, non-specific polymers promote the association of ribosomal subunits22 and also the self-cleavage of a 50 nucleotide hammerhead ribozyme23. More recently, ribozyme turnover was found to be accelerated by adding neutral crowding cosolutes, including polyethylene glycol (MW = 8000)24,25. Polyethylene glycol and Ficoll crowding agents were found to promote protein folding in solution; these last results used circular dichroism spectroscopy, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and NMR spectroscopy26. SANS measurements on non-biological polymeric molecules found that adding Ficoll, a highly branched polysaccharide, caused the radius of gyration (_R_g) of the random coil structure of the polymer to decrease. This was pictured as a direct analogue of biological polymers in the interior of cells and showed evidence of the promotion of folding by crowders in situ27. Simulations of mechanical unfolding experiments in crowded solutions have been performed for the protein ubiquitin28. These confirmed that crowding increases the force needed to unfold ubiquitin, and furthermore that this force increases as the diameter of the crowder decreases.

We investigated the MgCl2 dependent folding of a 195 nt group I ribozyme derived from the pre-tRNA of the bacterium Azoarcus, in the presence of the crowder polyethylene glycol (PEG). This ribozyme is the smallest known self-splicing group I intron and its stability lends itself to such studies29. Previous work followed the compaction of this ribozyme using small angle X-ray (SAXS) and neutron scattering techniques30,31. These clearly highlighted the importance of stable 3D tertiary interactions for the two-state folding transition. Here, we use SAXS to directly monitor collapse and folding of the ribozyme in the presence of the crowder polyethylene glycol (PEG). We found that PEG stabilizes the compact RNA, shifting midpoints of MgCl2 titrations to lower concentrations. Additionally, we measure the change in water activity and show that the change in RNA stablity is due to the excluded volume effect rather than perturbations to the activities of ions or water.

Experimental Methods

RNA solution preparation

The Azoarcus ribozyme (195 nt) was transcribed in vitro from pAz-IVS digested with _Ear_I and gel purified as previously described31,32. The transcription reactions (10 ml) were done in 50 ml centrifuge tubes with 5 μg/ml plasmid DNA, 2 mM of each nucleotide triphosphate and 50000 units of T7 RNA polymerase. Reactions were incubated at 37°C for 6 hours and then concentrated to ~ 3 ml using Amicon Ultra-15 centrifugal filter devices (Millipore). The RNA was then purified from a denaturing 4% polyacrylamide gel and extracted from the gel overnight in 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 1 mM EDTA and 250 mM NaCl. The purified RNA was then concentrated and exchanged with 500 mM Tris-HCl, then twice more with 20 mM Tris-HCl. The resultant RNA was at 5 mg/ml, as measured from UV absorption at 260 nm; the stock was incubated at 50 °C for 5 minutes before use to unfold the RNA.

RNA solutions for SAXS experiments were 0.4 mg/ml in 20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5) with the correct PEG concentration. RNA solution was drawn from the stock through a 1 mm capillary tube at 37 °C, passing through the X-ray beam for each measurement; the solution was kept flowing in order to minimize radiation damage to the RNA. Prior to each measurement, the RNA solution was incubated and stirred for 3 minutes at 37 °C.


SAXS measurements were performed using the BioCAT 18ID beamline at Argonne National Lab Advanced Photon Source. The wavelength was 1.033 Å (energy 12 keV) and measurements were made in the momentum transfer range 0.006 – 0.34 Å−1. SAXS data were radially averaged and corrected for background signal due to the buffer.

The scattering functions, I(Q), were indirectly Fourier transformed into real space pair distribution functions of electron density, P(r), using the GNOM fitting routine33. The radius of gyration, _R_g, of the RNA molecules was then calculated from these distributions as the root-mean square of the distances of scattering points (electron density) from their weighted centre. We use this as a single parameter to define the extent of the molecules, but it should be borne in mind that contributions to P(r) come from a distribution of molecular sizes and shapes, and therefore _R_g also represents this distribution.

PEG has intrinsically low X-ray contrast with water34 (0.56 moles of electrons per cm3) allowing the measurement of RNA structure (approximately 0.93 moles of electrons per cm3) without significant interference from the PEG. Another commonly studied large molecular crowder, Ficoll, has strong X-ray scattering which made it difficult to separate the scattering contributions due to it and RNA.

Vapor pressure osmometry

Vapor pressure osmometry was used in this work to measure the change in water activity due to the presence of crowders. We used a Wescor 5520 vapor pressure osmometer which operates as a dewpoint hygrometer to determine the water vapor pressure above a solution. Further details can be found in Ref [35]. The measured osmolality (mOsm – milliosmoles) can then be used to calculate the water activity, _a_W, using the equation: mOsm = −(106ln_a_W)/_M_1, where _M_1 is the molecular mass of water.

Excluded volume calculations

The excluded volume effect, and its effect on the Gibbs free energy of different sized RNA molecules, is represented schematically in Figure 1. The activity coefficients of a probe particle (RNA) in a fluid containing a mixture of hard-particle co-solutes (PEG) can be calculated using relatively simple approximate equations of state18,19. From Ref. 18, if _ρ_k is the number particle density of the _k_th particle species then the activity coefficient due to crowding of the _i_th species is:

lnγi=−ln(1−〈〈V〉〉)+Hi〈〈S〉〉+Si〈〈H〉〉+Vi〈〈1〉〉1−〈〈V〉〉+Hi2〈〈S〉〉2+2Vi〈〈H〉〉〈〈S〉〉2(1−〈〈V〉〉)2+Vi〈〈H2〉〉〈〈S〉〉3(1−〈〈V〉〉)3 (1)

where〈〈 _X_〉〉 = Σ_ρ_k_X_k and H = R (particle radius), S = 4π_R_2, and V = (4π/3)_R_3 for spherical particles. These functions for other hard shapes are given in Ref. 18.

The above approach was applied to denatured biological particles, modeled as a random coil without internal excluded volume (a Brownian walk) by Minton36. In this approach, the effective particle for eq 1 is a the convex hull of a Brownian walk, and the parameters are H = (2/3π)1/2_h_i, S = (2π/3)_h_i2, V = 4(2π/3) 1/2_h_i3/27, where _h_i is the rms end-to-end distance of the _i_th denatured state. _h_i is defined with reference to _h_0, which is the equilibrium rms end-to-end distance at unit concentration and standard temperature and pressure. It takes a value of √6_R_g where _R_g is the experimentally measured radius of gyration of the denatured state. A distribution of free energies associated with different _h_is are used to calculate a partition function, representing an ensemble of denatured particles, and an apparent particle activity follows from this.

From eq 1 it is noted that, in general, the smaller the crowder, the greater the chemical potential of the test particle, for a given volume fraction of crowder. This condition is clearly unphysical at some point; as the crowder gets smaller it eventually becomes indistinguishable from the solvent. We therefore multiply the crowder concentration by a factor f, which will be a function of the ratio of the radii of the crowder, _R_c, with respect to the test particle, _R_p, as well as the conformation of both. We know that in the limits of _R_c = 0 and _R_c = _R_p, f should approach 0 and 1, respectively. As a first approximation, we use f = (_R_c/_R_p).


PEG reduces Rg of unfolded RNA

We used SAXS to measure global structural parameters of the Azoarcus ribozyme in solutions with varying concentrations of MgCl2 and PEG in order to measure how the excluded volume effect changes the stability of folded RNA. Small angle scattering intensities, I(Q), are shown in Figure 2 for the Azoarcus ribozyme in 0% and 18% wt./vol PEG1000, 20 mM Tris-HCl solution at a range of MgCl2 concentrations. As the titration progresses, the intensity in the Q range 0.02 – 0.1 Å−1 increases at higher MgCl2 concentrations, indicating a compaction of the overall RNA structure. There is no significant scattering due to PEG 1000 in this Q range (not shown).

Figure 2.

Figure 2

SAXS measurements of RNA folding. I(Q) from 0.4 mg/mL Azoarcus ribozyme in a) no PEG and b) 18% PEG, plus 20 mM Tris-HCl and 0–3.13 mM MgCl2. The significant increase in I(Q) occurs between 0.5 and 0.81 mM MgCl2 (0% PEG), and 0.14 and 0.51 mM MgCl2 (18% PEG), as the RNA becomes more compact. Systematic variation at the extreme low and high Q values in (b) are due to slight beam drift during this titration, resulting in inaccurate background subtraction. This only affects the extreme _Q_-values, however, which were truncated in the analysis. We confirmed, using experiments where the beam had not drifted, that truncation of these data did not significantly affect the Fourier transform and the derived _R_g values.

Titration curves with _R_g values from Fourier transforms of the scattering data are shown in Figure 3. The measured _R_g’s in the completely unfolded state decrease with increasing PEG concentration, from 76 Å in 0 % PEG to 64 Å in 20 % PEG (% by w/v) and _R_g of the folded RNA appears to decrease in a similar fashion, but over a much smaller range, between 33 Å in 0 and 5 % PEG and 29 Å in 20 % PEG. The sizes of the unfolded state are larger than those determined previously31 although the shape of the density correlation functions are similar. This difference is due to improved statistics of the recent data, particularly in the high Q region. With improved statistics, the fitted function of P(r) approaches zero at high r without any external constraint, in contrast to fits to the previous data31. The _R_g for the folded state is close to that predicted by the crystal structure of the ribozyme, 31.1 Å31,37.

Figure 3.

Figure 3

MgCl2 titration curves of _R_g values at a range of PEG concentrations. Solid lines are fits to an adjusted Hill equation (eq 2); this equation assumes a two-state model of RNA collapse, and a linear decrease in Rg of the unfolded RNA with increasing MgCl2 concentration. Parameters of the fits are given in Table S1. These data come from individual titration measurements; for a demonstration of their reproducibility, see the supporting information.

PEG stabilizes folded (compact) state

Increased MgCl2 concentrations are associated with a spatial collapse of the RNA particle, reflected in lower _R_gs (Figure 3). These Rgs were fitted to an adjusted Hill equation similar to that used previously38, assuming that Rg decreases linearly with increasing MgCl2 concentration in the unfolded state, which we observe in the low MgCl2 region. This is likely due to localized Mg2+ ions allowing the unfolded RNA to explore configuration space with lower _R_gs because of partial electrostatic screening. The use of a two-state equilibrium model for the folding transition is justified by mutational studies on Azoarcus ribozyme which show that the main collapse transition is due to a specific folding of the RNA31. According to this model, the fraction of folded RNA varies with the square of the radius and hence the Hill equation becomes:

Rc2=(RU,0−kc)2−cncmn+cn[(RU,0−kc)2−RF2], (2)

in which Rc is the radius of gyration at Mg2+ concentration c, RU,0 is the radius of gyration of the unfolded RNA at zero MgCl2 concentration, k is a constant, _c_m is the folding midpoint concentration, RF is the radius of gyration of the folded RNA, and n is the Hill coefficient. We interpret the Hill coefficient as reflecting the dependence of the folding equilibrium on MgCl2 concentration, which is related to the change in the preferential interaction coefficient of the ions with the unfolded and folded RNA15,39.

As seen in Figure 3, the modified Hill equation fits the data well for all of the PEG concentrations tested. The midpoint of the transition from unfolded to native state in the absence of PEG is 0.7 mM MgCl2 at 37 °C, slightly higher than that observed previously for the Azoarcus ribozyme at 32 °C (0.34 mM).31

Importantly, PEG lowered the midpoints (_c_m) of the folding transitions, consistent with added stabilization of the folded RNA. The midpoint of the folding transition for RNA in 20% PEG is 0.21 mM, considerably lower than for the solution without PEG. Apart from a small increase in _c_m between 0 and 5% PEG, the transition midpoints decreased smoothly as the weight/volume fraction of PEG was increased from 5% to 20% (Figure 4). The standard state free energy change of RNA folding is calculated using Δ_G_0 = −_RT_ln(_K_0), where _K_0 = 1/c_m_n at the transition midpoint because the unfolded and folded RNA activities are equal. Δ_G_0 = −2.86 RT in the aqueous solution. The introduction of 20% PEG lowers the total folding free energy by 5.8 k_B_T, which is a large relative stabilization, in agreement with the expectation that crowding stabilizes more compact structures. This observation is in agreement with previous calculations that demonstrate large excluded volume effects for probe particles in solutions with smaller crowder particles18.

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Midpoints of Azoarcus ribozyme transitions. Red symbols: experimental transition midpoints (cm) calculated using the modified Hill equation (eq 2). Error bars represent the difference in MgCl2 concentration between the data points just above and below the midpoint of the fit. Blue curve: theoretical change in transition midpoint due to excluded volume effects18, calculated from changes to the chemical potential assuming that both the unfolded and folded RNA are hard spheres. Green curve: same as blue curve but with unfolded particles modeled as a chain with Brownian walk statistics.

Ionic activity change due to crowder

Molecular crowding changes the activities of the ions and solvent, as well as of the RNA. Therefore, we asked whether the reduction in _c_m with the addition of crowders, as shown in Figure 4, is due to an increase in MgCl2 activity, _a_MgCl2, rather than a change in the chemical potentials of the folded and unfolded RNA. This was tested using vapor pressure osmometry to measure the water activity of MgCl2 solutions, and from this determine the MgCl2 activity.

Figure 5 shows the natural logarithm of water activity, ln_a_W, as a function of MgCl2 molality for solutions containing 10 and 18% PEG. The water activity decreases only slightly with increasing MgCl2 concentration, and to the same degree in 10 and 18% PEG solutions. Hence, PEG and MgCl2 contribute to the water activity independently, and independent Gibbs-Duhem relations can be written describing the effects of PEG and MgCl2 on water activity. Thus, x_w_d(ln_a_w) = −x_MgCl2_d(ln_a_MgCl2) and the activity of MgCl2 is independent of PEG concentration for a given MgCl2 molality.

Figure 5.

Figure 5

Water activity in PEG solutions. Measured water activity, _a_W, from vapor pressure osmometry as a function of MgCl2 molality in solutions containing 10 and 18% PEG. The arrows are equal length and are intended to illustrate the fact that PEG and MgCl2 molality independently affect the water activity.

Neutron scattering experiments concluded that the hydration layer of Li+ cations in concentrated solutions were unaffected by the presence of polyethylene oxide40, which is chemically similar to PEG. Whilst not being conclusive, such observations tend to support our assertion that MgCl2 activities are unchanged in solution by the addition of PEG.

The tirations in Figure 3 show _R_g as a function of MgCl2 molarity; for comparison with these titrations we calculated the MgCl2 activities as functions of molarity for the different PEG solutions. For example, the molality of 1 mM MgCl2 in 20% PEG is 20% higher than 1 mM MgCl2 in 0% PEG. This corresponds to a difference in chemical potential of 3.5%, obtained by integrating the Gibbs-Duhem relation, using experimental water activities. Independently of other effects, this change in ion activity would shift the transition midpoint from 0.7 mM in aqueous solution to 0.675 mM in 20% PEG 1000. As this is much less than the experimentally observed change, we conclude that other phenomena must dominate the effect of molecular crowding on ribozyme folding.

We also measured the pH of solutions of 20 mM Tris-HCl with 0 – 20% PEG 1000, and found that it changes by less than 0.07 pH units. As the catalytic activities of group I ribozymes are relatively insensitive to changes in pH up to pH 10.241, the change we measure is likely to have a negligible effect on the RNA’s structure.


Water activity change due to crowders

Our results show that a molecular crowder (PEG 1000) favors compact structures of the Azoarcus ribozyme, strongly perturbing the folding equilibrium. As this effect cannot be explained by an increase in MgCl2 activity, other phenomena such as desolvation or excluded volume must contribute to the change in chemical potential due to PEG.

Next, we consider whether the activity of the water alone can drive a change in transition midpoint. It has been shown that DNA molecules become more hydrated when they form duplexes42, and also that the inverse, de-hydration, occurs with the formation of higher-order structures, such as quadruplexes43, or three-way junctions44. Moreover, the stability of these structures is altered when the water activity is changed due to the introduction of PEG as a molecular crowder. It follows, therefore, that a reduction of water activity due to molecular crowding will de-stabilize RNA secondary structure, but will stabilize tertiary structure in RNA.

To quantify the number of waters that would have to be released during folding of the Azoarcus ribozyme in order to explain the change in chemical potential, we modify the analysis found in Refs [4244]. The folding of an RNA molecule in a solution containing cosolute (CS, in this paper PEG) and magnesium ions (Mg2+) is represented, at constant temperature and pressure, by the equation:

(∂lnKobs∂lnaW)T,P=ΔnMg2+(∂lnaMg2+∂lnaW)T,P−ΔnW−ΔnCS(∂lnaCS∂lnaW)T,P. (3)

where Δ_n_x is the number of molecules of species x that are released or taken up during the transition from unfolded to folded RNA; _K_obs is the observed equilibrium constant (ratio of folded to unfolded RNA concentrations) and the _a_’s are the activities of the various species.

At the transition midpoints there are equal fractions of folded and unfolded RNA, hence _K_obs is constant and the derivative on the left hand side of eq 3 is zero. We assume that Δ_n_CS is zero, i.e. the PEG is not directly released or taken in during the folding transition. We also identify _a_Mg2+ with the midpoint concentration, _c_m. With these assumptions we re-arrange eq 3 to obtain:

ΔnMg2+(∂lncm∂lnaW)T,P=ΔnW. (4)

This is the derivative of the MgCl2 concentration at the folding transition midpoint (_c_m) with respect to water activity, which is obtained from vapour pressure osmometry, multiplied by Δ_n_Mg2+, which we assume to be identical to the value obtained from Hill analyses of the titration curves (n in eq 2). The gradient of Δ_n_Mg2+ln _c_m plotted as a function of ln_a_W (Figure 6) is therefore Δ_n_W, the number of water molecules released during the folding transition. The value obtained from a fit to Figure 5 is 970 ± 90.

Figure 6.

Figure 6

Change in water activity linked to RNA folding. Log of the transition midpoint MgCl2 concentration (_c_m) multiplied by n from eq 1, versus the log of water activity aw obtained from vapor pressure osmometry measurements. The slope of the line represents the total number of waters Δnw that would have to be released during folding in order to account for the measured perturbation to the folding free energy.

It is important to recognize that 970 molecules represents the number of water molecules that must be released to account for the free energy change of tertiary structure formation. To estimate how many water molecules could be plausibly released during the tertiary folding transition of the ribozyme, we calculated the solvent accessible surface area (SASA) using the POPS program45,46 for the native structure37 and for two approximations of the unfolded state. In one model of the unfolded state, we separated the native structure into its constituent helical domains, leaving all the base-pairing as it is for the native state. For the second estimate, we also unpaired all the helices that are unstable at MgCl2 concentrations below the main folding transition, based on nuclease probing experiments47.

The total SASAs are 33,900 Å2 for the folded structure and 36,300 Å2 and 36,900 Å2 for the lower and upper limit unfolded structures, respectively. Thus, the total surface area buried during the tertiary folding transition is approximately 2,400 – 3,000 Å2. The number of hydrating water molecules per unit surface volume was calculated to be 0.018 Å−3 for tRNA, where the surface volume is taken to be a volume within 3.5 Å of the surface48. We assume that the surface water density for the Azoarcus ribozyme is the same and calculate the surface volume as the SASA multiplied by 3.5. This gives a total difference of 152 and 194 water molecules associated with the RNA surface for the lower and upper approximations, respectively, which is significantly fewer than the 970 waters predicted from the change in chemical potential of the RNA. We conclude, therefore, that the magnitude of the stabilization of the folded state that we observe is unlikely to be driven entirely by changes to the water activity due to the presence of crowders.

Excluded volume effects

We now consider the excluded volume effects as the origin of the change in RNA folding midpoint concentration. The difference between the activity coefficients of RNA molecules with different radii in a crowded solution can be calculated using eq 1 in the materials and methods section. Two sets of calculations were performed using two different approximations for the unfolded RNA. In the first, we assumed the unfolded RNA is a hard sphere. In the second, depicted schematically in Figure 1, we assumed the configuration of the unfolded chain is described by a Brownian walk. In both cases, we assumed the folded RNA and PEG are hard spherical particles. Both of these models (Brownian walk and hard sphere) are approximations to the actual RNA structure. The unfolded state is likely to be more ordered than a Brownian walk, but less ordered than a hard sphere. Nonetheless, these approximations allow us to gauge whether the excluded volume can account for the magnitude of the shift in RNA folding midpoint observed experimentally.

The radius of PEG 1000 was assumed to be constant across all Mg2+ and PEG concentrations with a value of 7.34 Å, calculated from _R_PEG = (3MPEG_ν_PEG/4π_N_A)1/3, in which MPEG and _ν_PEG are the molecular weight and partial specific volume of PEG, respectively. A radius of 7.34 Å is also consistent with previous neutron scattering measurements49.

Next, we calculate how the changes in activity coefficients of the folded and unfolded RNA shifts the transition midpoints, As shown in Figure 1, the change in standard state folding free energy upon the addition of crowder is defined to be Δ_G_0,C = (_G_F,0+ _RT_lnγF) − (_G_U,0+ _RT_lnγU) = Δ_G_0 + RT_Δln(γ), where γF and γU are the activity coefficients due to crowder of the folded and unfolded state, calculated according to eq 1. As can be seen in Figure 1, the light blue halos depicting excluded volume around the crowders are larger for the unfolded than the folded RNA. Hence, γU is larger than γF for a given crowder size and concentration. Δ_G is related to a transition midpoint, c_m, using the identity Δ_G = −_RT_ln(1/_c_mn), so we can calculate the new transition midpoint due to the addition of crowder as _c_m = _c_m,0exp(Δln(γ)/n), where Δ_G_0 = −_RT_ln(1/_c_m,0n) and _c_m,0 is the transition midpoint with no crowder. It should be noted that this approach to translating a folding energy perturbation into a shift in MgCl2 concentration at the folding midpoint is equivalent to that used by Minton36 to calculate the effect of volume exclusion on protein denaturation by urea.

For a two-state collapse between hard spheres with _R_gs of 60 and 31 Å (corresponding to the experimentally measured values, just before and after the collapse transition), the predicted Mg2+ midpoint was 0.25 mM in 20% PEG. If the unfolded RNA is modeled by a Brownian walk with _h_i = √6_R_g = 186 Å (_R_g in this instance is taken to be the completely unfolded state at 0% PEG, 76 Å), the predicted midpoint was 0.34 mM MgCl2. The predicted midpoint changes for 0–25% PEG are compared to the experimentally measured midpoints in Figure 4.

It can be seen in Figure 4 that these simple excluded volume models correctly predict the magnitude of the RNA stabilization at 20% PEG, while the changes in water and ion activity predict a change of only a few percent. However, the shapes of the theoretical and experimental curves do not match. The experimental folding transitions change most in the higher PEG region, unlike in the models where a larger change occurs at lower PEG concentrations. The models also do not capture the small increase in _c_m between 0 and 5% PEG, although this increase is barely greater than experimental uncertainty.

The difference between the theoretical and experimental curves almost certainly originates in the simplistic models (Brownian chain, sphere) used to represent RNA and PEG in the excluded volume calculations. These simplified shapes do not accurately represent the complex shape of the ribozyme, and do not account for differences in the dynamics or flexibility of the folded and unfolded RNA. Further work is needed to model these effects more precisely. Nonetheless, the simple models allow us to gauge the magnitude of the excluded volume effect, and determine if it is comparable to the shift in transition midpoint observed experimentally.

Given the approximations introduced in our analysis, it is encouraging that the excluded volume models describe the magnitude of the transition midpoint shift. Certainly, we find that changes in the activities of the water and ions cannot be responsible for the experimentally observed shift in the Mg2+ titrations. We therefore conclude that excluded volume effects are responsible for the increased stability of the folded RNA, but the simplified models outlined here do not describe the details of these effects.

Biological Significance

The natural intracellular environment is a crowded place. We have shown that this crowding significantly perturbs the free energies of RNA conformers due to the excluded volume effect, favoring structures that are more compact. Furthermore, the magnitude, direction and qualitative nature of the crowding perturbation, as measured experimentally, can be explained with simple models describing the excluded volume. For the Azoarcus ribozyme in solutions containing PEG, these perturbations are responsible for a shift in the collapse transition from 0.7 mM to 0.21 mM MgCl2 in 0% and 20% PEG solutions, respectively, or a change in folding free energy of ~ −6 k_B_T. For comparison, in a solution containing 0.21 mM MgCl2 and 0% PEG, just 0.016% of the ribozymes are folded as opposed to 50% when 20% PEG is added.

There are several reasons why folding of the Azoarcus ribozyme is sensitive to the excluded volume effect of molecular crowding. Firstly, under the low ionic strength buffer used in our experiments, the unfolded state is extended and semi-rigid, resulting in a large compaction of the RNA when it folds in the presence of MgCl230. Thus, the volumes swept out by the unfolded and folded RNAs differ dramatically, as seen in the _R_gs derived from the experimental scattering data (Figure 3). Secondly, the entropy gained by the release of waters and co-ions from the unfolded RNA is probably much smaller than for a protein of comparable size50. At the same time, entropy is lost because more counterions associate tightly with the folded RNA13. Therefore, changes in water activity and ion activity due to molecular crowding likely offset each other, reducing their effect on the RNA folding equilibrium.

Many domains of RNA structure are less stable than the Azoarcus ribozyme, requiring more than 5 mM MgCl2 to fold in vitro. For such RNAs, molecular crowding may favor compact intermediates that more readily bind proteins or other ligands that stabilize their native fold. The energetic constraints placed on bio-macromolecular species due to their excluded volume contribute to the functioning of, and therefore evolution of, that species. We have shown that for a non-coding ribozyme this contribution is non-negligible and we anticipate that this result is true generally.

Supplementary Material



The authors thank Tom Irving (BioCAT), Lin Yang and Marc Allaire (NSLS X9) for assistance with SAXS experiments, D. Draper and D. Lambert for assistance with the Vapor pressure osmometry experiments, R. Behrouzi for help with sample preparation, and D Thirumalai for helpful discussions. This work was supported by NIST and a grant from the NIH (GM60819). Use of the Advanced Photon Source was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Basic Energy Sciences, Office of Science, under contract No. W-31-109-ENG-38. BioCAT is a National Institutes of Health-supported Research Center RR-08630. Use of the National Synchrotron Light Source, Brookhaven National Laboratory, was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886.


Supporting Information Available

Figures S1 and S2 illustrate the reproducibility of the scattering data and Table S1 reports the fit parameters in Figure 3. This information is available free of charge via the Internet at


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Supplementary Materials
