Constellation Orion (original) (raw)

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English name:



see Stellar data



A constellation, which is the head of a constellation family, located in the equatorial region of the sky and belongs certainly to the most famous constellations. It extends from RA=4h 40m to RA=6h 20m and DECL=+23 degrees to DECL=+8 degrees.
In some ways the central part of this constellation reminds on a oblique sand-glass. In wintertime Orion is a magnificent constellation which can easily be found by the the three stars forming a line building the belt of the Hunter. The belt stars point towards Sirius, the brightest star in the constellation of the Larger Dog, Canis Major, situated SE of Orion.
From his belt there hangs a well defined deggar, which is known for one of the most famous nebulas in the sky: The Large Orion Nebula (M42).
Orion lies close enough to the Milky Way to be interesting enough to be swept even with low-power telescopes or binoculars.
Additionally to the data given above there is a skychart to locate the stars and objects.

Stars and objects

The shoulder star alpha Ori, Betelgeuse, is a variable red giant; its brightness varies from 0.4 mag to 1.3 mag with no set period. It belong to the 20 brightest stars in the sky. During it pulsations the diameter of the star varies from 300 to 400 times the diameter of the sun.
The leg of the hunter, beta Ori, Rigel (arab.: the foot), is a blue-white giant of 0.08 mag. This makes it the sixth brightest star in the sky and the brightest in the constellation Orion. With medium sized telescopes it is possible to distinguish the companion of Rigel, a 7th mag star (smaller telescopes may fail to reveal the companion because of the glare of Rigel).
This constellation offers a great number of binaries and multiple stars:
For binoculars and smaller telescopes the following stars are of interest:

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C. Kronberg --- 97/03/29 --- smil at