Robert Burns: A Glossary of Scottish Terms (original) (raw)

While it�s true that the poems and songs of Scotland�s beloved ploughman poet Robert Burns (1759-1796) can be enjoyed without knowing the meaning of every word, the language he uses is so musical and interesting that a glossary of terms makes good reading in its own right. Since I�m in lucky possession of such a glossary* I thought it would be fun to include the words and their meanings here. It will be a time-consuming project, to be sure**. But I hope the effort will help me remember more of these lovely, beautiful words, and that I will thereby live a richer linguistic life.
� William Michaelian

* Included in Selected Poems of Robert Burns
The Macmillan Company, New York (1926; reprinted 1937)

** After eight months, the glossary is finally complete. Now, since this has been such a pleasant, educational experience, and since the page is attracting so many visitors from around the world, I�ve decided to make it even more useful by adding the entire Index of First Lines. Who knows � maybe someday this will earn me an epitaph like the one Burns penned for �Holy Willie�:

Here Holy Willie�s sair worn clay
Taks up its last abode;
His saul has taen some other way�
I fear, the left-hand road.

The index begins (minus the corresponding page numbers) under �John Anderson My Jo,� in the right-hand column.

Background, development, and pronunciation:
Robert Burns and the Scots Tongue

Robert Burns: A Glossary of Scottish Terms Introductory Poem from Songs and Letters: The Library Card in My Rabbie Burns

A�, all.
Aback, away from.
Abeigh, at a shy distance.
Aboon, above.
Abread, abroad, in sight.
Abreed, in breadth.
Abusin�, abusing.
Acquent, acquainted.
A�-day, all day.
Adle, putrid water, liquid filth, mire.
Advisement, advice.
Ae, one, only.
Aff, off.
Aff-hand, at once.
Aff-loof, extemporaneously, off-hand.
Afore, before.
Aften, often.
A-gley, off the right line.
Aiblins, perhaps.
Aik, an oak.
Aiken, oaken.
Ain, own.
Air, early.
Airl-penny, earnest money.
Airles, earnest money.
Airn, iron.
Airns, irons.
Airt, direction, point of compass, to direct.
Airted, directed.
Aith, an oath.
Aits, oats.
Aiver, an old horse.
Aizle, a hot cinder.
Ajee, to the one side, out of line, ajar.
Alake! alas!
Alang, along.
Amaist, almost.
Amang, among.
An�, and.
An�s, and is.
Ance, once.
Ane, one.
Aneath, beneath.
Anes, ones.
Anither, another.
Artfu�, artful.
Ase, ashes.
Asklent, obliquely, aslant.
Asteer, astir.
A�thegither, altogether.
Athort, athwart.
Atween, between.
Aught, eight.
Aughteen, eighteen.
Aughtlins, anything, in the least.
Auld, old.
Auld�s, as old as.
Aulder, older.
Auldfarran, sagacious.
Aumous, alms.
Ava, at all, of all.
Awa, away.
Awe, to owe.
Awee, a little time.
Awfu�, awful.
Awkart, awkward.
Awnie, bearded.
Ay, always.
Ayont, beyond.

Ba�, a ball.
Babie-clouts, baby-clothes.
Backet, a shallow wooden trough.
Bade, endured, remained, desired.
Baggie, (dim. of bag), the stomach.
Bainie, bony, muscular.
Bairns, children.
Bairntime, a family of children.
Baith, both.
Bakes, biscuits.
Ballats, ballads.
Balou, lullaby.
Ban�, band.
Banes, bones.
Bang, a stroke. An unco bang, a heavy effort or �tough job.
Bannet, a bonnet.
Bannock, a cake of oatmeal bread.
Bardie, dim. of bard.
Barefit, barefooted.
Barkit, barked.
Barkin, barking.
Barm, yeast.
Barmie, of, or like barm, yeasty.
Batch, a party.
Batts, the botts.
Bauckie-bird, the bat.
Baudrons, the cat (a generic name, like Reynard for the fox).
Bauks, cross-beams.
Bauk-en�, end of a bank or cross-beam.
Bauld, bold.
Bauldly, boldly.
Baumy, balmy.
Bawk, an open space in a cornfield, generally a ridge left untilled.
Baws�nt, having a white stripe down the face.
Bawtie, a generic name for a dog.
Be�t, be it.
Bear, barley.
Beas�, beasts, vermin.
Beastie, dim. of beast.
Beet, add fuel to fire.
Befa�, befall.
Behint, behind.
Belang, belong to.
Beld, bald.
Bellum, a noise, an attack.
Bellyfu�, bellyful.
Belyve, by and by, soon.
Ben, into the spence or parlor. � R.B.
Benmost bore, the innermost recess, or hole.
Bethankit, the grace after meat.
Beuk, a book. Devil�s pictur�d beuks, cards.
Bicker, wooden dish, cup; a short rapid run.
Bid, to wish, or ask.
Bide, to stand, to endure.
Biel, Bield, a habitation, shelter.
Bien, plentiful, well-to-do, comfortably.
Big, Bigg, to build.
Bigs, builds.
Billie, a good fellow, fellow, chap.
Bings, heaps of anything, such as turnips, potatoes.
Birdies, dim of birds.
Birk, birch.
Birken, birchen.
Birken shaw, small birch wood.
Birkie, spirited fellow, (sometimes slightly depreciatory).
Birring, whirring.
Birses, bristles.
Bit, crisis, nick of time.
Bizzard gled, a kite.
Bizz, bustle.
Bizzy, Bizzie, busy.
Bizzies, buzzes.
Black Bonnet, the elder.
Blae, blue, bleak.
Blastie, little blasted creature, dwarf, a term of contempt.
Blastit, blasted, withered.
Blate, shamefaced, bashful.
Blather, bladder.
Blaud, to slap hard, to thwack; a quantity of anything.
Blaudin�, pelting.
Blaw, to blow, to brag.
Blaws, blows.
Blawn, blown.
Bleatin, bleating.
Bleerit, bleared.
Bleeze, a blaze.
Bleezin, blazing.
Blellum, an idle talking fellow, blabber.
Blether, the bladder; nonsense.
Blethers, nonsense.
Bleth�rin, talking idly.
Blin�, blind.
Blins, blinds.
Blin�t, blinded.
Blink, a blink o� rest, a short period of repose, a short time, a moment, a look, a glimpse.
Blinks, looks smilingly.
Blinkers, a term of contempt (cf. �blighters�); pretty girls, esp. one who glances slyly, or gives the �glad eye.
Blinkin, smirking.
Blitter, bittern.
Blue-gown, one of those beggars who get annually on the king�s birthday a blue cloak or gown with a badge (cf. Edie Ochiltree in Scott�s The Antiquary).
Blude, Bluid, blood.
Bludie, Bluidy, bloody.
Blume, bloom.
Bluntie, a sniveller, stupid person.
Blypes, shreds.
Bock, vomit, belch.
Boddle, a small coin.
Boggie, dim. of bog.
Bogles, ghosts.
Bonie, beautiful, pretty.
Bonnocks, same as bannocks.
Boord, board.
Boortrees, elder shrubs, �planted much of old in hedges of barnyards. � R.B.
Boost, must needs.
Bore, a hole or rent.
Botch, an angry tumor. � R.B.
Bouk, corpse, body.
Bouses, drinks.
Bow-hough�d, crook-thighed.
Bow-kail, cabbage.
Bow�t, crooked.
Brae, the slope of a hill.
Braid, broad.
Braid Scots, broad Scotch.
Braid-claith, broad-cloth.
Braik, A kind of heavy harrow.
Braing�t, reeled forward.
Brak, broke.
Brak�s, broke his.
Brankie, well attired.
Branks, a kind of wooden curb for horses.
Brany, brandy.
Brash, sickness.
Brats, rags.
Brattle, a short race, a sprint; also a noisy onset.
Braw, handsome.
Brawly, perfectly.
Braxies, morbid sheep, sheep that have died by disease or accident.
Breastie, dim. of breast.
Breastit, sprang up or forward, pressed forward with the breast.
Brechan, a horse-collar.
Breckan, fern, bracken.
Bree, juice, liquid, liquor.
Breeks, breeches.
Breer, briar.
Brent, straight, brent new, brand new, smooth, unwrinkled.
Brewin, brewing.
Brief, a writing.
Brig, a bridge.
Brither, brother.
Brock, badger.
Brogue, a trick, fraud.
Broo, water, broth.
Brooses, races at country weddings who shall first reach the bridegroom�s house on returning from church.
Brose, thick meal and water, porridge.
Browst, as much malt liquor as is brewed at a time.
Browster-wives, ale-house wives.
Brugh, burgh, borough.
Brulzie, brulyie, a broil.
Brunstane, brimstone.
Brunt, burned.
Brust, burst.
Buckie, dim. of buck, a smart young fellow, also a perverse or refractory person.
Buckskin, Virginian, American.
Buff, to best.
Bughtin-time, the time of collecting the sheep in the pens.
Buirdly, strong, imposing-looking, well-knit, �husky�.
Buke, book.
Bum, to hum.
Bum-clock, a beetle.
Bumming, making a noise like a bee.
Bummle, a blunderer, an idler, a drone.
Bunker, chest, window-seat.
Burdie, dim. of burd, girl, young woman, damsel.
Bure, bore, did bear.
Burn, a small stream, brook.
Burnie, dim. of burn.
Burnewin, i.e. burn the wind, a blacksmith.
Bur-thistle, the spear-thistle.
Busking, dressing, decorating.
Buskit, dressed.
Busks, adorns.
Buss, a bush.
Bussle, a bustle.
But, without, unprovided with.
But an� ben, kitchen and parlor.
By, past, apart.
By attour, besides, moreover.
Byke, a multitude, a swarm, a beehive.

Ca�, to drive; a call.
Ca�d, named, driven.
Ca�s, calls.
Ca�t, called.
Ca� throu�, to push forward.
Cadger, a carrier, peddler.
Cadie, a young fellow, a lad.
Caff, chaff.
Caird, traveling tinker.
Calf-ward, a small inclosure for calves.
Callans, boys.
Caller, fresh.
Callet, a trull.
Cam, came.
Cankert, cankered.
Cankrie, cankered, crabbed.
Canna, cannot.
Cannie, careful, softly, wary, artful, cautious, gentle.
Cannilie, dexterously, carefully, quietly.
Cantie, in high spirits, cheerful, lively.
Cantin�, canting.
Cantrip, a charm, a spell.
Cants, merry stories, sprees.
Cape-stane, cope-stone.
Cap�rin, capering.
Careerin, cheerfully.
Carl, a churl, countryman, fellow.
Carlin, an old woman.
Cartes, cards.
Cartie, dim. of cart.
Caudrons, cauldrons.
Cauf, a calf.
Cauk and keel, chalk and red clay, crayons.
Cauld, cold.
Caulder, colder.
Caups, wooden drinking vessels.
Causey, causeway.
Cavie, a hen-coop.
Chamer, chamber.
Change-house, a tavern.
Chap, a fellow.
Chapman, a pedlar.
Chaup, a blow, a stroke.
Chear, cheer.
Cheek for chow, cheek by jowl.
Cheep, chirp.
Cheerfu�, cheerful.
Chiel, young fellow, chap.
Chimla, Chimlie, chimney.
Chittering, trembling with cold, shivering.
Chows, chews.
Chuck, chicken, fowl, also a term of endearment.
Chuckie, dim. of chuck.
Christendie, Christendom.
Chuffie, fat-faced.
Clachan, a hamlet, a village.
Claise, clothes.
Claith, cloth.
Claith�d, clothed.
Claithing, clothing.
Clamb, climbed.
Clankie, a sharp stroke, a knock.
Clap, clapper of a mill.
Clark, clerkly, pertaining to erudition.
Clarkit, wrote.
Clarty, dirty.
Clash, idle talk, to talk.
Clatter, to talk idly, Kintra clatter, the tattle or gossip of the country.
Claught, clutched (past tense of cleek).
Claughtin, catching at anything greedily.
Claut, to snatch at, to lay hold of, to clutch; a quantity scraped together by niggardliness, a handful.
Clautet, scraped.
Claver, clover.
Clavers, idle stories, gossip, nonsense.
Claw, scratch.
Clean, handsome, shapely.
Cleckin, a brood.
Cleed, to clothe.
Cleeding, clothing.
Cleek, to seize, to clutch; cleek the sterling, �pinch the ready [money_].
Cleekit, linked themselves.
Clegs, gad-flies.
Clink, to rhyme, money.
Clinkin, sitting down smartly or abruptly.
Clinkumbell, the church bell-ringer.
Clips, shears.
Clishmaclaver, idle conversation, gossip.
Clockin-time, hatching-time.
Cloot, the hoof.
Clottie, Satan (i.e. hoofie).
Clours, bumps or swellings after a blow.
Clouts, clothes.
Clout, to patch, a patch.
Clud, a cloud.
Cluds, multitudes.
Clue, a portion of cloth or yarn.
Clunk, the sound emitted by liquor when poured or drunk from a narrow- necked bottle, esp. when it is half-empty.
Coatie, dim. of coat.
Coaxin, coaxing.
Coble, a fishing-boat.
Cock, to erect, to stick up aggressively.
Cock, a good fellow.
Cockie, dim. of cock, a good fellow.
Cod, a pillow.
Co�er, to cover.
Coff, to buy, to purchase.
Coft, bought.
Cog, a wooden dish.
Coggie, dim. of cog.
Coila, from Kyle, a district of Ayshire, so called, saith tradition, from Coil, or Coila, a Pictish monarch. R.B.
Collieshangie, an uproar, a quarrel, a row.
Commans, commandments.
Comin�, coming.
Compleenin, complaining.
Converse, conversation.
Cood, the cud.
Coofs, fools, ninnies; dull, spiritless fellows.
Cookit, that appeared and disappeared by fits.
Cooser, a courser, a stallion.
Coost, cast, shed.
Cootie, a wooden kitchen dish. Fowls whose legs are clad with feathers are also said to be cootie.
Corbies, crows.
Corn�t, fed with oats.
Corss, the market-place, or market cross.
Couldna, could not.
Counted, considered.
Countra, country.
Couthie, kindly, loving, friendly.
Cowe, to terrify; to lop, to prune; a fright; Cowe the caddy, terrify the fellow.
Cowp the cran, to tumble over, lit.
, to upset the fish-basket � i_.e., �to spill the beans.
Cowpet, Cowpit, tumbled, upset.
Cow�rin, cowering.
Cour, Cowr, to cover.
Cowt, Cowte, a colt.
Cozie, cozy.
Crabbit, crabbed.
Crack, a story or harangue, talk.
Crackin, conversing, gossiping.
Craft, a croft.
Craft rig, a croft ridge.
Craig, the throat, the neck.
Craigie, dim. of craig, the throat.
Craigs, crags.
Craigy, craggy.
Craiks, landrails.
Crambo-clink, rhymes.
Crambo-jingle, rhymes.
Crankous, cranky.
Cranreuch, hoar frost.
Crap, to crop.
Craps, crops.
Craw, to crow.
Crawlin, crawling.
Creel, my senses wad be in a creel, to be crazed, to be fascinated.
Creepie-chair, the chair or stool of repentance.
Creeshie, greasy.
Crocks, old sheep.
Croods, coos.
Crooded, cooed.
Cronie, a comrade.
Croon, bellow, roar.
Crouchie, crook-backed.
Crouse, gleefully, with spirit.
Crowdie, porridge.
Crowdie-time, breakfast-time.
Crummock, a staff with a crooked head.
Crump, crisp, brittle.
Crunt, a blow on the head with a cudgel.
Cuddle, to fondle.
Cuifs, see coofs.
Cummock, a short staff with a crooked head.
Cunnin, cunning.
Curch, a female head-dress.
Curchie, a curtsey.
Curmurring, a rumbling noise.
Curpin, the crupper, the rump.
Curple, the crupper.
Cushats, wood-pigeons.
Custock, the centre of a stem of cabbage.
Cutty, short, bob-tailed.
Cutty-stool, stool of repentance.
Cut, fashion, shape.

Daez�t, stupefied.
Daffin, merriment, folly.
Daft, foolish.
Dails, deals of wood for sitting on.
Daimen-icker, an ear of corn now and then.
Daisie, daisy.
Daimies, dim. of dames.
Dam, water, mill-race.
Danton, daunton, to subdue.
Dang, knocked, pushed, see ding.
Dappl�t, dappled.
Darg, labor, task, a day�s work.
Darin, daring.
Darklins, darkling.
Daud, to pelt.
Daudin�, pelting.
Dauntingly, dauntlessly.
Daut, to dare.
Daut�t, dared.
Daur na, dare not.
Daut, Dawre, to fondle, to make much of.
Dawtit, fondled, caressed.
Daurk, darg, a day�s labor.
Davie�s, King David�s.
Daw, dawn.
Dawin, the dawning.
Dawds, lumps, large pieces.
Dead-sweer, but little inclined, reluctant.
Deave, to deafen.
Deil, devil.
Deil ma care, devil may care.
Deil haet, devil a thing.
Deleerit, delirious.
Delvin, delving.
Descrive, to describe.
Deservin, deserving.
Deservin�t, deserving of it.
Deuk, a duck.
Devel, a stunning blow.
Dictionar, dictionary.
Diddle, to move quickly, to shake.
Differ, difference.
Dight, cleaned from chaff; to wipe away.
Din, dun in color.
Dine, dinner-time.
Ding, to surpass, be pushed or upset.
Dings, knocks.
Dink, neat, trim.
Dinna, do not.
Dinner�d, dined.
Dirl, a vibrating blow, to vibrate.
Dirl�d, executed with spirit.
Disagreet, disagreed.
Dizzen, dozen.
Dizzie, dizzy.
Dochter, daughter.
Doin�, doing.
Doited, stupefied, having faculties impaired, esp. by age.
Donsie, vicious, restive, testy.
Dooked, ducked.
Dool, sorrow.
Doos, pigeons, doves.
Dorty, supercilious, huffy, ill-humored.
Douce, grave, sober, steady.
Doucely, soberly.
Doudled, dandled.
Dought, could, might (past tense of dow).
Dought na, did not, or did not choose to.
Doup, the backside.
Doup-skelper, one that strikes the tail.
Dour, Doure, stubborn.
Douser, more sedate (see douce).
Dow, Dowe, do, can.
Dowff, pitiless, silly, dull.
Dowie, low-spirited, dreary, mournful.
Downa bide, cannot stand.
Downa do, a phrase signifying impotence.
Doylt, stupid.
Doytin, walking stupidly, doddering.
Dozen�d, impotent, torpid, benumbed.
Dozin, stupefied, impotent, dry-rotted.
Draiglet, draggled.
Drants, prosings, drawls.
Drap, drop, a small quantity.
Drappie, dim. of drap.
Drapping, dropping.
Draunting, drawling, of a slow enunciation, (same as drant).
Draw�t, draw it.
Dree, to endure.
Dreeping, dripping.
Dreigh, tedious, long-drawn-out.
Dribble, drizzle.
Driddle, to work, walk or act in a feeble, unsteady, or uncertain manner, to toddle.
Drift, a drone. Fell aff the drift, wandered from his companions.
Droddum, the breech.
Drone, the bagpipe.
Droop-rumpl�t, that droops at the crupper.
Drouk, to drench.
Droukit, wet, drenched.
Drouth, thirst.
Drouthy, thirsty.
Druken, drunken.
Drumly, muddy, turbid.
Drummock, meal and water mixed raw.
Drunt, pet, sour humor, huff.
Dry, thirsty.
Dub, a muddy or stagnant pool, a puddle.
Duds, garments.
Duddie, ragged.
Duddies, garments.
Dung, knocked (see ding).
Dunted, beat, thumped.
Dunts, blows, knocks.
Durk, a dirk.
Dusht, pushed or thrown down violently.
Dwalling, dwelling.
Dwalt, dwelt.
Dyke, a low wall or fence of turf or stones.
Dyvors, bankrupts, disreputable fellows, beggars.

Earns, eagles.
Eastlin, eastern.
Ee, eye, to watch.
Een, eyes.
E�e brie, the eyebrow.
E�en, evening.
E�enins, evenings.
Eerie, scared, dreading spirits, timid, weird.
Eild, age.
Eke, also.
Elbucks, elbows.
Eldritch, frightful, unearthly.
Eleckit, elected.
Eller, an elder.
En�, end.
Enbrugh, Em�brugh, Edinburgh.
Enow, enough.
Ensuin, ensuing.
Erse, Gaelic.
Especial, especially.
Ettle, design, intent.
Ev�n down, downright, positive.
Expeckit, expected.
Expec�, expect.
Eydent, diligent.

Fa�, lot, portion.
Fa�, fall.
Face�t, faced.
Faddom�t, fathomed.
Fae, foe.
Faem, foam.
Faikit, excused, let go with impunity.
Failins, failings.
Fair-fa�, a benediction.
Fairin, a present, a reward.
Fairly, entirely, completely.
Fallow, a fellow.
Fa�n, have fallen.
Fan�, Fand, found.
Farls, cakes of oat-bread.
Fash, trouble, annoyance.
Fash your thumb, trouble yourself in the least.
Fash�t, troubled.
Fashous, troublesome.
Fasten-een, Shrove Tuesday.
Fatt�rels, ribbon-ends.
Faught, a fight.
Fauld, a fold.
Faulding, folding.
Faulding slap, the gate of the fold.
Faun, fallen.
Fause, false.
Faut, Faute, fault.
Fautor, transgressor, culprit.
Fawsont, seemly, well-fashioned.
Fearfu�, fearful.
Feat, spruce, neat.
Fecht, to fight.
Fechtin, fighting.
Feck, the greater portion, bulk; also, value, return.
Feckly, mostly.
Fecket, an under waistcoat with sleeves.
Feckless, powerless, without pith.
Feg, a fig.
Feide, feud.
Feirie, clever, nimble, vigorous.
Fell, the flesh immediately under the skin; keen, biting, nippy; tasty.
Fen, a successful struggle, a shift.
Fend, to keep off, to live comfortably.
Ferlie, to wonder; a term of contempt.
Fetch�t, pulled intermittently.
Fey, predestined.
Fidge, to fidget.
Fidgin-fain, tingling with eagerness.
Fiel, soft, smooth, well, comfortably.
Fient, a petty oath. The fient a, the devil a bit of.
Fier, Fiere, healthy, sound; brother, friend, comrade.
Fillie, a filly.
Fin�, find.
Fissle, to fidget, to tingle.
Fit, foot.
Fittie-lan, the near horse of the hindmost pair in the plough.
Fizz, to make a hissing noise like fermentation.
Flaffan, flapping, fluttering.
Flae, a flea.
Flang, flung, or capered.
Flannen, flannel.
Flarin, flaring.
Flatt�rin, flattering.
Fleech�d, supplicated, wheedled, coaxed, fawned.
Fleechin, supplicating, coaxing, wheedling.
Fleesh, a fleece.
Fleg, a kick, a random stroke, a sudden motion.
Fleth�rin, flattering.
Flewit, a sharp blow.
Fley�d, scared.
Flichterin�, fluttering.
Flie, a fly.
Flinders, shreds.
Flinging, capering.
Flingin-tree, striking part of a flail.
Fliskit, fretted.
Flit, remove.
Flittering, fluttering.
Flyte, to scold.
Fodgel, squat or plump.
Foor, fared.
Foord, a ford.
Foorsday, Thursday.
Forbears, forefathers.
Forbye, besides.
Forfairn, worn-out, jaded.
Forfoughten, over-fatigued with labor or fighting, exhausted.
Forgather, to make acquaintance with, meet.
Forgather�d, met.
Forgie, forgive.
Forjesket, jaded with fatigue.
Forrit, forward.
For�t, for it.
Fother, fodder.
Fou, full, tipsy; a bushel.
Foughten, troubled, exhausted.
Fouth, an abundance.
Fow, bushel.
Frae, from.
Frammit, estranged.
Freath, to froth.
Fremit, strange, foreign.
Frien�, friend.
Fright, a person or thing of grotesque or extraordinary aspect.
Fu�, full.
Fud, the scut of the hare.
Fuff�t, blew, puffed.
Fumblin�, awkward.
Furder, furtherance.
Furms, wooden forms or seats.
Furnicator, fornicator.
Furr-ahin, the hindmost horse on the right hand of the plough.
Furrs, furrows.
Fushionless, foisonless, without strength or pith.
Fy, an exclamation of haste.
Fyke, to be in a fuss about trifles, to fret.
Fyle, to soil or dirty.
Fyl�d, dirtied.

Gab, to speak glibly; the mouth.
Gabs, tongues.
Gae, go, gave.
Gaed, walked, went.
Gaen, gone.
Gaets, manners, ways.
Gane, gone.
Gang, to go.
Gangrel, vagrant.
Gapin, gaping.
Gar, to make, to cause, to compel.
Gar�t, made.
Garten, garter.
Gash, sagacious; also self-complacent.
Gashin, conversing.
Gat, got.
Gate, manner, (see gaet), way or road.
Gatty, enervated.
Gaucie, comfortable looking, buxom.
Gaud, goad.
Gaudsman, a ploughboy, the boy who drives the horses in the plough.
Gaun, going.
Gaunted, yawned.
Gawcie, see gaucie.
Gawkies, foolish persons.
Gaylies, pretty well, tolerably.
Gear, wealth, goods. Weel-hain�d gear, well saved drink.
Geck, to toss the head in wantonness or scorn.
Ged, pike.
Gentles, gentry.
Genty, slender, graceful.
Geordie, George. The yellow letter�d Geordie, a guinea.
Get, offspring.
Ghaists, ghosts.
Gie, give.
Gied, gave.
Gien, given.
Gi�en, given.
Gie�s, give us.
Gif�, if.
Giftie, dim. of gift.
Giglets, giggling children, or girls.
Gillie, dim. of gill.
Gilpey, a lively young girl.
Gimmer, a ewe from one to two years old.
Gin, if.
Gipsie, gipsy.
Girdin�, girthing, the belly-band of a saddle or harness.
Girdle, a griddle.
Girn, to grin.
Gizz, a wig.
Glaikit, thoughtless, flighty.
Glaizie, glossy, shiny.
Glaum�d, grasped, snatched.
Gled, a kite, a hawk.
Gleed, a live coal.
Gleg, sharp, quick, cleverly, swiftly.
Gleib, a glebe.
Glib-gabber, smooth-tongued.
Glinted, glanced.
Glintin, glancing.
Gloamin, twilight.
Gloamin-shot, sunset.
Glowrin, staring.
Glowr�d, looked earnestly, stared.
Glunch, a frown, a sour look.
Goavin, looking round with a strange inquiring gaze, staring stupidly.
Gotten, got.
Gowan, the mountain daisy.
Gowany, daisied.
Gowd, gold.
Gowden, golden.
Gowdspink, goldfinch.
Gowdy, head.
Gowff�d, knocked hither and thither, like a golf-ball.
Gowk, a foolish person.
Gowling, howling.
Graff, a grave.
Grained, groaned.
Graip, a stable fork.
Graith, harness, field implements, accoutrements.
Graithing, gear, vestments.
Granes, groans.
Grape, to grope.
Graped, Grapit, groped.
Grat, wept.
Gratefu�, grateful.
Graunie, grandmother.
Gree, a prize; to agree.
Gree�t, agreed.
Greet, to weep.
Greetin, weeping.
Grey-neck, an indifferent person, a mugwump.
Grievin, grieving.
Grippet, gripped, caught hold of.
Grissle, gristle.
Grit, great.
Groaning maut, ale for the midwife and her gossips.
Grozet, a gooseberry.
Grumphie, the sow.
Grun�, the ground.
Grunstane, a grindstone.
Gruntle, the face, snout, �mug�; a grunting noise.
Grunzie, the snout.
Grushie, thick, of thriving growth.
Grusome, ill favored, shudder-some.
Grutten, wept.
Gude, God; good.
Gudeen, good even.
Gudeman, goodman, man of the house.
Gudes, goods, merchandise.
Guid, good.
Guid-e�en, good even.
Guid-mornin, good morning.
Guidfather, father-in-law.
Guidwife, the mistress of the house, the landlady.
Guid-willie, hearty, cordial, full of good will.
Gully, a large knife.
Gulravage, riot.
Gumlie, muddy, discolored.
Gumption, understanding.
Gusty, tasteful.
Gutcher, grandfather.

Ha�, hall.
Ha� Bible, hall-Bible, the great Bible that lay in the hall, or principal apartment.
Ha� folk, servants.
Haddin, holding, inheritance.
Hae, have, here (in the sense of take).
Haet, the least thing. Deil haet, an oath of negation. Damn�d haet, nothing.
Ha�f, Haff, the half.
Haffets, the temples.
Haffet locks, locks at the temples.
Hafflins, partly.
Hafflins-wise, almost half.
Hag, a scar, or gulf in mosses and moors, a bog.
Haggis, a kind of pudding boiled in the stomach of a cow or sheep.
Hain, to spare, to save.
Hain�d, spared.
Hairst, harvest.
Haith, a petty oath.
Haivers, idle talk.
Hal�, hall.
Hald, an abiding-place.
Hale, whole, entire; Hale breeks, breeches without holes, uninjured.
Haly, holy.
Hallan, a partition wall in a cottage.
Hallions, clowns, common fellows.
Hallowmas, All Saints� Day (Nov. 1).
Hame, home.
Hamely, homely, simple, unpretentious.
Han�, hand.
Hand-breed, a hand-breadth.
Handless, without hands, useless, awkward.
Hand-waled, carefully hand-picked.
Hangit, hanged.
Hansel, a gift for a particular season, or the first money on any particular occasion, a first gift.
Han�t, handed.
Hap, to wrap, to shelter. Winter hap, winter clothing.
Hap, hop.
Ha�pence. half-pence.
Happer, a hopper.
Happing, hopping.
Hap-step-an�-lowp, hop, step, and jump; with a light airy step.
Harkit, hearkened.
Harn, a coarse fabric of flax or hemp.
Har�sts, harvests.
Hash, a soft, useless fellow, one who makes a hash of things, an oaf.
Hash�d, smote, disfigured, cut up.
Haslock, descriptive of the finest wool, being the lock that grows on the
hals or throat.
Has�t, has it.
Hastit, hasted.
Haud, to hold, would keep.
Hauds, holds.
Hauf, the half.
Haughs, low-lying lands, meadows.
Hauns, see han�.
Haurl, to drag, to trail.
Haurls, drags.
Haurlin, peeling, dragging off.
Hauver, oatmeal.
Havins, good manners.
Hav�rel, half-witted.Hawkie, a cow, properly one with a white face.
Healsome, wholesome.
Heapet, Heapit, heaped.
Hearin�, hearing.
Hearse, hoarse.
Hear�t, hear it.
Heartie, dim. of heart.
Hech, an exclamation of wonder.
Hecht, promised, offered.
Hechtin�, making a pant.
Heckle, a board, in which are fixed a number of sharp pins, used in dressing hemp, flax, &c;.
Hee balou, a term used by nurses when lulling children, lullaby.
Heels-o�er-gowdy, head over heels.
Heeze, to elevate, to hoist.
Heft, haft.
Hellim, the helm.
Hem shinn�d, having shins like the hames of a horse-collar, which curve outward.
Hen-broo, chicken-broth.
Here awa, here about.
Herriet, harried.
Herrin, herring.
Herryment, plundering, devastation.
Hersel, herself.
Het, hot. Gie him�t het, give him it hot.
Heugh, a coal pit, a steep.
Heuk, a reaping-hook.
Hich, Hie, high.
Hidin�, hiding.
Hilch, to hobble, to limp.
Hilchin, halting, limping.
Hill-tap, hill top.
Hiltie siltie, helter skelter.
Himsel, himself.
Hiney, honey.
Hing, to hang.
Hingin�, Hinging, hanging.
Hirples, walks with difficulty, limps, hobbles.
Hirplin, limping.
Hissels, hissel, so many cattle as one person can attend.
Histie, bare, barren.
Hitch, a loop or knot.
Hizzies, young women, wenches, lasses.
Hoast, a cough.
Hoble, to hobble.
Hoddin, the motion of a man on horseback, jogging.
Hoggie, a young sheep after it is weaned and before it is shorn.
Hog-score, a kind of distance-line drawn across the rink at curling.
Hog-shouther, a kind of horse-play by justling with the shoulder.
Hol�t, holed, perforated.
Hoodie-craw, the hooded crow.
Hoodock, miserly.
Hool, the outer skin or case.
Hoolie! stop! go easy!
Hoord, hoard.
Hoordet, hoarded.
Horn, a spoon made of horn, a comb made of horn.
Hornbook, a primer.
Hornie, Satan.
Host, a cough (same as hoast).
Hostin, coughing.
Hotch�d, fidgeted, �shook a shoulder�.
Houghmagandie, fornication.
Houlets, owls.
Housie, dim. of house.
Hov�d, swelled.
Howdie, a midwife.
Howe, hollowly, a hollow or dell.
Howe-backit, sunk in the back.
Howes, hollows.
Howkit, digged, dug up.
Howlet-faced, faced like an owl.
Hoyse, hoist.
Hoy�t, urged on.
Hoyte, to smile crazily.
Hughoc, dim. of Hugh.
Hunder, a hundred.
Hunkers, hams.
Huntit, hunted.
Hurcheon, a hedgehog.
Hurchin, an urchin.
Hurdies, hips, buttocks.
Hurl, to fall down ruinously; to ride, to trundle.
Hushion, a footless stocking.
Hyte, mad.

Icker, an ear of corn.
Ier�oe, a great-grandchild.
Ilk, Ilka, each, every.
Ill-Thief, the Devil.
Ill-willie, ill-natured, malicious, niggardly.
Indentin, indenturing.
Ingine, genius, ingenuity.
Ingle-cheek, the fireside.
Ingle-lowe, the household fire, fire-light.
In�s, in his.
In�t, in it.
I�se, I shall or will.
Isna, is not.
Ither, other.
Itsel, itself.

Jad, a jade.
Janwar, January.
Jauk, to dally, to trifle.
Jaukin, trifling, dallying.
Jauner, foolish talk.
Jauntie, dim. of jaunt.
Jaups, splashes.
Jaw, to pour, to dash; talk, impudence.
Jillet, a jilt.
Jimp, to jump; slender.
Jimps, a kind of easy stays or underbodice.
Jimpy, neatly.
Jink, to dodge, to move quickly.
Jinker, that turns quickly.
Jinkers, gay, sprightly girls.
Jinkin, dodging.
Jirkinet, an outer jacket or jerkin worn by women.
Jirt, a jerk.
Jo, sweetheart, a term expressing affection and some degree of familiarity.
Jobbin�, jobbing.
Joctelegs, clasp-knives.
Joes, lovers.
Johnny Ged�s Hole, the grave.
Jokin, joking.
Jorum, the punch-bowl.
Jouk, to duck, to dodge, to make obeisance.
Jow, to swing and sound.
Jumpit, jumped.
Jundie, to justle.

Kaes, daws.
Kail, broth made with vegetables, esp. colewort or cabbage.
Kail-blade, the leaf of the colewort or cabbage.
Kail-runt, the stem of the colewort or cabbage.
Kain, farm produce paid as rent.
Kebars, rafters.
Kebbuck, a cheese.
Kebbuck-heel, the remaining portion of a cheese.
Keckle, to cackle, to laugh.
Keekin�-glass, a looking-glass.
Keekit, peeped.
Keeks, peeps.
Keel, red ochre, or reddle, used for marking sheep.
Keepit, kept.
Kelpies, water-spirits.
Ken, know.
Kend, Kenn�d, known.
Kennin, a little bit, �merely as much as can be perceived�.
Kent, knew.
Kep, to catch anything when falling.
Ket, a matted fleece.
Kiaugh, anxiety, worry.
Kickin�, kicking.
Kilbagie, whisky from Kilbagie distillery.
Killie, Kilmarnock.
Kilt, to tuck up.
Kimmer, a girl, a wench.
Kin�, kind.
King�s-hood, a part of the entrails of an ox.
Kintra, country.
Kirn, a churn.
Kirns, harvest-homes, merry makings.
Kirsen, to christen.
Kissin�, kissing.
Kist, a shop counter, a chest.
Kitchens, seasons, makes palatable.
Kittle, to tickle, ticklish, difficult.
Kittlin, a kitten.
Kiutlin, cuddling.
Knaggie, like knags, or points of rock, knobby.
Knappin-hammers, hammers for breaking stones.
Knowe, a hillock, a knoll.
Knurl, a churl.
Knurlin, a dwarf.
Kye, cows.
Kyle, a district of Ayrshire.
Kyles, nine-pin Kyles, the game of skittles.
Kytes, bellies.
Kythe, discover, show.

Laddie, a lad.
Lade, a load.
Laggen, the angle between the side and bottom of a wooden dish.
Laigh, low.
Laik, lack.
Lair, lore, learning.
Lairing, wading and sinking in snow and or mud.
Laith, loath.
Laithfu�, bashful, sheepish.
Lallan, lowland.
Lambie, dim. of lamb.
Lampit, limpet.
Lan�, land, estate.
Lan� afore, the foremost horse on the left hand in the plough.
Lane, alone.
Lanely, lonely.
Lang, long.
Langer, longer.
Lap, leaped.
Laughin, laughing.
Lave, the rest.
Lav�rock, lark.
Lawin, shot, reckoning, bill.
Lawlan�, lowland.
Lazie, lazy.
Lea�e, leave.
Leal, true, loyal.
Lea-rig, a grassy ridge.
Lear, lore, learning.
Lee, the lea, grass, untilled land.
Lee-lang, live-long.
Leesome, pleasant, lawful.
Leeze me, a phrase of congratulatory endearment, I am happy in thee, or proud of thee.
Leister, a three-barbed instrument for sticking fish, a salmon-spear.
Len�, lend.
Leugh, laughed.
Leuk, look, appearance.
Ley crap, lea crop.
Libbet, gelded.
Licket, beaten, licked.
Licks, a beating. Gat his licks, got a beating.
Liein, telling lies.
Lien, lain.
Lift, heaven, the sky; a large quantity, a load.
Lightly, to undervalue, to slight.
Liken, to compare.
Lilt, sing.
Limbies, dim. of limbs.
Limmer, a kept mistress, a strumpet, a jade, a minx.
Limpit, limped.
Lin, Linn, a waterfall.
Linket, tripped deftly and vigorously.
Linkin, tripping, hurrying.
Lint, flax. Sin lint was i� the bell, since flax was in flower.
Linties, linnets.
Lintwhite, linnet.
Lippened, trusted.
Lippie, dim. of lip.
Loan, loanin�, lane, farm road, path.
Lo�ed, loved.
Lon�on, London.
Loof (pl. looves), palm of the hand.
Loosome, lovesome.
Loot, did let.
Looves, palms.
Losh, a petty oath.
Lough, a lake.
Loun, loon, lown, a lout, a clown, a boor.
Loup, to leap.
Lovin�, loving.
Low, flame.
Lowan, Lowin, flaming, blazing.
Lowpin, Lowping, leaping.
Lows�d, loosed.
Lowse, to loosen.
Luckie, a grandmother, an alewife, any elderly woman.
Lug, the ear; to produce, to bring out.
Lugget, eared. Lugget caup, eared cup.
Luggies, small wooden dishes with handles, porringers.
Luke, look.
Lum, the chimney.
Lunardie, a bonnet called after Lunardi the aeronaut.
Lunt, a column of smoke.
Luntin, smoking.
Luve, love.
Luvers, lovers.
Lyart, grey.
Lynin, lining.

Mae, more.
Mailie, Molly.
Mailins, farms.
Mair, more.
Maist, almost, most.
Maistly, mostly.
Mak, make.
Makin, making.
Mang, among.
Manse, a parsonage house.
Manteels, mantles.
Mark, an old Scots coin, of slightly greater value than the English shilling�worth about 26c in American money.
Mar�s year, 1715, the year of Mar�s rebellion.
Mashlum, made of mixed meal.
Maskin-pat, a tea-pot.
Maukin, a hare.
Maun, must.
Maunna, must not.
Maut, malt.
Mavis, the thrush.
Mawin, mowing.
Mawn, a large wicker basket; mown.
Maybe, perhaps.
Meere, a mare.
Meikle, much, great.
Melder, corn or grain of any kind sent to the mill to be ground.
Mell, to meddle.
Melvie, to soil with meal-dust.
Men�, mend.
Mense, tact, discretion, decorum.
Merle, blackbird.
Merran, Marian.
Mess John, the clergyman.
Messin, a cur, a tyke, a mongrel.
Midden, the dunghill.
Midden-creels, dunghill baskets.
Midden-hole, a gutter at the bottom of the dunghill. R.B.
Midge, a gnat.
Mim, prim, affectedly meek.
Mim-mou�d, prim-mouthed.
Min, Min�, remembrance, mind.
Minds me, reminds me.
Mind�t-na, cared not.
Minnie, mother.
Mirk, dark, gloomy.
Misca�d, abused.
Misguidin�, misguiding.
Mishanter, misfortune, mishap.
Miska�t, abused.
Mislear�d, mischievous, unmannerly.
Mist, missed.
Misteuk, mistook.
Mither, mother.
Mixtie-maxtie, confusedly mixed, jumbled.
Mizzl�d, muzzled.
Moistify, to make moist.
Mony, many.
Mools, the earth of graves, dust, clods.
Moop, to nibble; to keep company with.
Moorlan�, moorland.
Moss, a morass.
Mottie, dusty, containing motes.
Mou, mouth.
Moudieworts, moles.
Mousie, dim. of mouse.
Movin�, moving.
Muckle, great, big, much.
Musie, dim. of muse.
Muslin-kail, broth composed simply of water, shelled barley, and greens; beefless broth.
Mutchkin, an English pint.
Mysel, myself.

Na�, not, no.
Nae, no.
Naebody, nobody.
Naething, nothing.
Naig, a nag.
Naigies, dim. of nags.
Nane, none.
Nappy, ale, liquor.
Natch, notch.
Near�t, near it.
Neebors, neighbors.
Needna, need not.
Negleckit, neglected.
Neist, Niest, next.
Neuk, nook, corner.
New-ca�d, newly driven.
Nick, to break, to sever suddenly, to cut off short.
Nickan, cutting.
Nicket, cut off, caught.
Nick-nackets, curiosities.
Nicks, cuts. Auld crummie�s nicks, marks on the horn of a cow.
Nieve-fu�, a fist-full.
Nieves, fists.
Niffer, exchange.
Niger, a negro.
Nits, nuts.
Nocht, nothing.
Norland, Northland, Northern.
Notet, noted.
Nowte, cattle.

O�, of.
O�erlay, an outside dress, an overall.
O�erword, any term frequently repeated, a refrain.
Ony, any.
Orra, supernumerary, extra.
O�t, of it.
Ot�s, of it is.
Ought, aught, anything.
Oughtlins, anything in the least, at all.
Ourie, shivering, drooping.
Oursel, ourselves.
Out-cast, a quarrel.
Outler, un-housed.
Owre, over, too.
Owrehip, a way of fetching a blow with the hammer over the arm.
Owsen, oxen.

Pack, pack an� thick, on friendly or intimate terms.
Paidle, to paddle, to wade.
Paidles, wanders about weakly, or without object or motive.
Paidl�t, paddled.
Painch, paunch, stomach.
Paitricks, partridges.
Pangs, crams.
Parishen, the parish.
Parritch, oatmeal boiled in water, stirabout.
Parritch-pats, porridge-pots.
Pat, put; a pot.
Pattle, a plough-staff.
Paughty, haughty, insolent.
Paukie, cunning, sly, shrewd, artful.
Pay�t, paid.
Pechan, the stomach.
Pechin, panting.
Peel, a tower.
Peeling, peeling.
Penny wheep, small beer.
Petticoatie, dim. of petticoat.
Pettle, a plough-staff.
Philibeg, a Highland kilt.
Phraisin, flattering.
Pickle, a small quantity, a few.
Pit, put.
Pits, puts.
Placads, public proclamations.
Plack, an old Scotch coin, the third part of a Scotch penny, twelve of which make an English penny.
Pladie, dim. of plaid.
Plaiden, plaiding, coarse wollen cloth.
Plaister, plaster.
Platie, dim. of plate.
Pleugh, plough.
Pliskie, a trick.
Pliver, a plover.
Plumpit, plumped.
Pocks, wallets.
Poind, to seize for sequestration, impound, distrain.
Poind�t, poinded.
Poortith, poverty.
Posie, a bouquet.
Pou, to pull.
Pouchie, dim. of pouch.
Pouk, to poke.
Poupit, the pulpit.
Pouse, a push.
Poussie, a hare.
Pou�t, pulled.
Pouts, poults, chicks.
Pouther�d, powdered.
Pouthery, powdery.
Pow, the head, the skull.
Pownie, a pony, a small horse.
Powther, powder.
Praise be blest, an expression of thankfulness.
Prayin, praying.
Pree, to taste.
Preen, a pin.
Prent, print.
Pridefu�, prideful, proud.
Prie�d, tasted.
Prief, proof.
Priestie, dim. of priest.
Priggin, haggling.
Primsie, demure, precise.
Propone, to propose.
Proveses, provosts.
Pu�, to pull.
Pu�d, pulled.
Puddin�, a pudding.
Puddock-stools, mushrooms, toadstools.
Pund, pounds.
Pursie, dim. of purse.
Pyet, the magpie.
Pyke, to pick.
Pyles, grains.

Quaick, quack.
Quat, quit, quitted.
Quaukin, quaking.
Quean, young woman, lass.
Quey, a cow from one year to two years old, a heifer.
Quo�, Quod, quoth.

Rade, rode.
Raep, Rape, a rope.
Raibles, rattles, recites by rote, gabbles.
Rair, to roar. Wad rair�t, would have roared.
Rairin, roaring.
Raise, rose.
Raize, to excite, to inflame.
Ramblin, rambling.
Ramfeezl�d, fatigued.
Ramgunshock, harsh, ill-tempered, surly.
Ram-stam, headlong, precipitate.
Randie, quarrelsome, loud-tongued, obstreperous.
Randy, scoundrel, rascal, virago, ill-mannered beggar.
Ranklin�, rankling.
Ranting, noisy, full of animal spirits, roistering.
Rants, jollifications, sprees.
Raploch, coarse, homespun, rough.
Rash, a rush.
Rash-buss, a clump of rushes.
Rattan, Ratton, a rat.
Raucle, strong, bitter, sturdy.
Raught, reached.
Raw, a row.
Rax, to stretch, to extend.
Rax�d, stretched out, extended.
Raxin, stretching.
Ream, cream, foam, froth.
Reave, to rob.
Rebute, a discomfiture, a repulse.
Red, rede, counsel, advice.
Red-wud, stark mad.
Reekin, smoking.
Reekit, smoked, smoky.
Reeks, smokes.
Reestit, withered, scorched; balked (of horses).
Reflec�, reflect.
Reif randies, thieving beggars.
Remead, remedy.
Remuve, remove.
Respecktit, respected.
Restricked, restricted.
Rew, to take pity.
Rickles, small stacks of grain in the fields.
Rig, a ridge.
Riggin, rafters, roof-tree.
Rigwooddie, withered, sapless, twisted.
Rin, run.
Rink, the course of the stones, a term in curling.
Rinnin, running.
Ripp, a handful of unthrashed grain.
Ripple, weakness in the back and reins.
Ripplin-kame, a flax-comb.
Riskit, made a noise like the tearing of roots, cracked.
Rive, to burst, to split, to tug.
Rives, tears to pieces.
Rives�t, tears it.
Roastin�, roasting.
Rock, a distaff.
Rockin, a social gathering, the women spinning on the rock or distaff.
Roon, shred, strip.
Roos�d, praised.
Roose, to praise, to flatter.
Roosty, rusty.
Roun�, round.
Roupet, hoarse as with a cold, husky.
Routhie, well filled, abundant.
Rowes, rolls.
Rowin, rolling.
Row�t, rolled.
Rowte, to low, to bellow.
Rowth, abundance, plenty.
Rowtin, lowing.
Rozet, rosin.
Ruefu�, rueful.
Run-deils, downright or thorough-going devils.
Rung, a cudgel.
Runkl�d, wrinkled.
Runts, the stems of cabbage.
Ryke, reach.

Sabs, sobs.
Sae, so.
Saft, soft.
Sair, sore, hard, severe, to serve.
Sairly, sorely.
Sair�t, served.
Sang, song.
Sannock, Alexander.
Sark, a shirt, a chemise.
Sarkit, provided in shirts.
Sauce, scorn, insolence.
Saugh, the willow.
Saugh woodies, willow withes.
Saul, soul.
Saunt, saint.
Saut, salt.
Saut backets, salt troughs or boxes.
Sautet, salted.
Saw, to sow.
Sawin, sowing.
Sawmont, a salmon.
Sax, six.
Saxpence, sixpence.
Say�t, say it.
Scaith, hurt, damage.
Scaud, to scald.
Scaur, to scare. Scaur, a jutting cliff, or bank of earth.
Scaur, frightened.
Scawl, a scold.
Scho, she.
Schoolin�, schooling, teaching.
Scones, barley cakes.
Sconner, to loathe, to sicken (with disgust); loathing, disgust.
Scraichin, screaming, crying harshly.
Scrapin�, scraping.
Screed, a tear, a rent; to repeat glibly.
Scriechin, screeching.
Scrievin, gliding easily and swiftly, careering.
Scrimpit, scanty.
Scrimply, scantly.
Scroggie, covered with stunted shrubs.
Sculdudd�ry, a ludicrous term denoting fornication, obscentity.
See�t, see it.
Seisins, freehold possessions.
Seizin, seizing.
Sel, self.
Sell�t, sold.
Sen�, send.
Servan�, servant.
Set, sat.
Sets, becomes, sets off, starts.
Settlin, gat a fearfu� settlin, was frightened into quietness.
Shachl�t, deformed, twisted out of shape.
Shaird, a shred, a shard.
Sha�na, shall not.
Shangan, a cleft stick.
Shank, the leg and foot.
Shanks, legs.
Shanna, shall not.
Sharin�t, sharing it.
Shaul, shallow.
Shaver, a wag.
Shavie, a trick.
Shaw, show.
Shaw�d, showed.
Shaws, thickets, small woods.
Shearer, a reaper.
Sheep-shank, wha thinks himsel nae sheep-shank bane, who thinks himself no unimportant personage.
Sheerly, wholly.
Sheers, shears, scissors.
Sherra-moor, Sheriff-muir.
Sheugh, a shallow trench, a ditch, a furrow.
Sheuk, shook.
Shiel, a shieling, a hut, a shed.
Shill, shrill.
Shillin�s, shillings.
Shog, a shake.
Shools, shovels.
Shoon, shoes.
Shor�d, threatened, offered.
Shore, to threaten, to warn or admonish.
Shouldna, should not.
Shouther, shoulder.
Shure, sheared, cut grain.
Sic, such.
Sicker, secure.
Siclike, suchlike.
Sidelins, sidelong.
Sighin�, sighing.
Siller, money; of the color of silver.
Simmer, summer.
Sin�, since.
Sindry, sundry.
Sinfu�, sinful.
Singet, singed.
Singin�, singing.
Sing�t, sing it.
Sinn, the sun.
Sinny, sunny.
Sinsyne, since then, from that time.
Skaith, injury.
Skaithing, injuring.
Skeigh, high-mettled, skittish, shy, proud, disdainful.
Skellum, a worthless fellow, a scamp.
Skelp, a slap, a smack, to run, to hurry, to skip or trip.
Skelpie-limmer, �a technical term in female scolding� R.B; i.e., hussy.
Skelpin, walking smartly, resounding.
Skelping, slapping, spanking.
Skelpit, hurried.
Skelvie, shelvy.
Skinking, thin, watery.
Skinklin, glittering, showy.
Skirl, to shriek, to squall.
Skirlin, shrieking.
Sklent, to deviate from truth, to direct obliquely, or sidelong.
Sklented, slanted, squinted.
Sklentin, slanting.
Skouth, range, scope, play.
Skreech, to scream.
Skreigh, to scream, to whinny.
Skyrin, anything that strongly takes the eye, showy, gaudy, loud in color.
Skyte, a sharp oblique stroke, a lash.
Slade, slid.
Slae, the sloe.
Slaps, flashes; gates, stiles, breaches in hedges.
Slaps, flashes; gates, stiles, breaches in hedges. Slaw, slow.
Slee, sly, ingenious.
Sleest, slyest.
Sleekit, sleek.
Slidd�ry, slippery.
Sloken, to quench, to allay thirst, to slake.
Slypet, slipped, fell over.
Sma�, small.
Smeddum, dust, insect powder.
Smeek, smoke.
Smiddy, a smithy.
Smoor�d, smothered.
Smoutie, smutty.
Smytrie, a litter, a numerous collection of small individuals.
Snap, smart, quick, sharp.
Snapper, to stumble.
Snash, abuse, impertinence.
Snaw broo, melted snow.
Snawie, Snawy, snowy.
Sned, to lop, to cut.
Sneeshin, snuff.
Sneeshin-mill, a snuff box.
Snell, bitter, biting, keen.
Snellest, sharpest, keenest.
Snick, the latch of a door or gate.
Snirtle, to laugh slyly, to snigger.
Snood, a fillet.
Snool, to cringe, to submit tamely, to snub.
Snoov�d, Snoov�t, moved slowly and steadily, toddled off.
Snowkit, snuffed, pried with the nose.
Sodger, a soldier.
Sodgerin�, soldiering.
Soger, a soldier.
Sonsie, jolly, comely, pleasant, buxom.
Soom, to swim.
Soor, sour.
Sootie, sooty.
Sough, a heavy sigh.
Souk, a suck, a sup.
Soupe, a spoonful, a small quantity of anything liquid.
Souple, supple.
Souter, Sowter, a shoemaker, a cobbler.
Sowens, a kind of porridge made by steeping the seeds of oats in water, allowing the liquor to sour, and then boiling it till it is thick.
Sowps, spoonfuls.
Sowth, to try over a tune with a low whistle or hum.
Sowther, to solder, to make up.
Spae, to prophesy.
Spails, chips of wood, splinters.
Spairges, dashes or scatters about, spatters, sprinkles.
Spairin, sparing.
Spak, spake.
Spate, a flood.
Spavie, spavin.
Spaviet, having the spavin.
Spean, to wean.
Speel, to climb.
Speel�d, climbed.
Speer, Spier, to inquire, to ask.
Spence, the country parlor.
Spier�d, Spier�t, inquired.
Spinnin, spinning.
Spleuchan, a tobacco-pouch.
Splore, a frolic, a commotion, a row.
Sprachled, clambered.
Sprattle, to struggle, to scramble.
Spreckled, speckled.
Spring, a quick air in music, a Scottish reel.
Spritty, full of the roots of sprits, or rushes.
Sprush, spruce.
Spunk, fire, spirit, mettle; a match, a spark.
Spunkie, full of spirit; whisky.
Spunkies, Wills o� the wisp.
Spurtle, a stick which porridge, broth &c.; are stirred while boiling.
Squattle, to squat.
Squeel, to squeal.
Stacher�d, staggered, walked unsteadily, tottered.
Stacher�t, staggered.
Stack, stuck.
Staggie, dim. of stag.
Staig, a horse of one, two, or three years old, not yet broken for riding, nor employed in work.
Stan�, a stand. Wad stan�t, would have stood.
Stanes, stones.
Stang, to sting.
Stank, a pool or pond, a moat.
Stap, to stop.
Stark, strong.
Starns, stars.
Starnies, dim. of starns.
Startin, starting.
Startles, runs hurriedly, courses.
Starvin, starving.
Staukin, stalking.
Staumrel, half-witted.
Staw, a stall.
Staw, stole; to surfeit.
Stechin, cramming, panting with repletion.
Steek, to close, to shut.
Steeks, stitches, in needlework or knitting.
Steer, to injure, to molest, to stir up.
Steeve, firm, compacted.
Stells, stills.
Sten, a leap or bound. Hasty stens, hasty stretches or rushes.
Sten�t, reared.
Stents, assessments, dues.
Steyest, steepest.
Stibble, stubble.
Stibble-rig, the reaper in harvest who takes the lead; a stubble-ridge.
Stick-an-stowe, totally, altogether.
Stilt, halt, limp with stilts or crutches.
Stimpart, a quarter peck.
Stirk, a cow or bullock a year old.
Stockin, stocking.
Stockit, stocked.
Stocks, plants of cabbage.
Stoited, walked stupidly, lurched.
Stoitered, staggered.
Stoor, harsh, stern.
Stoppit, stopped.
Stot, an ox.
Stoure, dust, dust blown on the wind; pressure of circumstances.
Stown, stolen.
Stownlins, by stealth.
Stowrie, by stealth.
Stoyte, to stumble.
Strade, strode.
Strae, straw, a fair strae-death, a natural death, a death in bed.
Straik, to stroke.
Straikit, stroked.
Strak, struck.
Strang, strong.
Strappan, Strappin, strapping.
Straught, straight.
Streamies, dim. of streams.
Streekit, stretched, laid out (a corpse). Streekit owre, stretched across.
Strewin, strewing.
Striddle, to straddle.
Stringin, stringing.
Stroan�t, pissed.
Strunt, spiritous liquor of any kind; to walk sturdily.
Studdie, a stithy.
Stumpie, dim. of stump; a short quill.
Stuff, corn, grain.
Sturt, to molest, to vex, to worry.
Sturtin, frighted, staggered.
Styme, see a styme, see the faintest outline or glimmer.
Sucker, sugar.
Sud, should.
Sugh, a rushing sound, a sigh, a wail.
Sumphs, stupid fellows, blockheads, churls.
Sune, soon.
Suppin�, supping.
Suthron, Southern, English.
Swaird, sward.
Swall�d, swelled.
Swank, active, nimble.
Swankies, strapping young fellows.
Swap, an exchange.
Swarf, to swoon.
Swat, sweated.
Swatch, sample, specimen.
Swats, new ale.
Swearin�, swearing.
Sweatin, sweating.
Swinge, to lash, to flag, to thrash.
Swingein, whipping.
Swirl, a curl.
Swirlie, knotted, gnarled.
Swith, swift, quick, haste!
Swither, doubt, hesitation.
Swoom, swim.
Swoor, swore.
Sybow, a young onion.
Syne, since, then.

Tack, possession, lease.
Tackets, a kind of nails for driving into the heels of shoes, hobnails.
Tae, toe. Three-tae�d, three-toed.
Taed, a toad.
Taen, taken.
Tairge, to task severely, to cross-examine.
Tak, to take.
Tald, told.
Tane, the one.
Tangs, tongs.
Tapmost, topmost.
Tapetless, pithless.
Taps, tops.
Tapsalteerie, topsy-turvy.
Tarrow, to murmur, to delay, to show reluctance.
Tarry-breeks, a sailor.
Tassie, a small goblet, a cup.
Tauld, told.
Tawie, tractable, docile.
Tawpies, foolish, thoughtless girls or women.
Tawted, matted, uncombed.
Teats, small quantities.
Teen, vexation, chagrin.
Tell�d, told.
Tellin�, telling.
Temper pin, the wooden pin used for tempering or regulating the motion of a spinning-wheel; a fiddle-peg.
Ten-hours� bite, a slight feed to the horses while in yoke in the forenoon.
Tent, to take heed, to tend, to mark, to observe.
Tentie, heedful, watchful.
Tentier, more careful.
Tester, an old silver coin, worth about sixpence.
Teughly, toughly.
Teuk, took.
Thack and rape, thatch and rope, the roofing material of a cottage or grain-stack, hence common necessaries, such as shelter.
Thae, those.
Thairm, fiddlestrings, catgut.
Thankfu, thankful.
Thankit, thanked.
Theekit, thatched, covered up, secured.
Thegither, together.
Themsels, themselves.
Thick, pack and thick, friendly.
Thieveless, cold, aimless, spiritless.
Thigger, beg.
Thir, these, their.
Thirl�d, thrilled.
Thole, to suffer, to endure.
Thou�s, thou art.
Thowes, thaws.
Thowless, slack, lazy.
Thrang, busy, a crowd.
Thrapple, throat, gullet, windpipe.
Thrave, twenty-four sheaves of corn, including two shocks.
Thraw, to sprain or twist, to cross or contradict.
Thrawin, twisting.
Thrawn, twisted.
Thraws, throes.
Threap, to maintain by dint of assertion.
Thresh, to thrash.
Threshing, thrashing.
Thretteen, thirteen.
Thretty, thirty.
Thrissle, the thistle.
Thristed, thirsted.
Through: mak to through, make good.
Throwther, a� throwther, through-other, pell mell.
Thuds, that makes a loud intermittent noise, resounding blows.
Thummart, the polecat.
Thumpit, thumped.
Thysel�, thyself.
Tidins, tidings.
Tight, girt, prepared.
Till, unto.
Till�t, to it.
Timmer, timber, the tree boughs.
Timmer propt, timber propt.
Tine, to lose, to go astray.
Tint, lost.
Tint as win, lost as won.
Tinkler, a tinker.
Tips, tups, rams.
Tippence, twopence.
Tippenny, two-penny ale.
Tirl, to strip; to knock for entrance.
Tirlin, unroofing, stripping.
Tither, the other.
Tittlin, whispering.
Tocher, marriage portion, dowry.
Tocher-band, dowry band.
Todlin, tottering.
Tods, foxes.
Toom, empty.
Toop, a ram.
Toun, a hamlet, a farm-house.
Tout, the blast of a horn or trumpet, a toot.
Touzie, rough, shaggy.
Touzle, to rumple.
To�ve, to have.
Tow, a rope; flax.
Towmond, a twelvemonth.
Towzling, rumpling, disheveling.
Toy, a very old fashion of female head-dress consisting of a close cap of linen or wool, with flaps coming down the shoulders.
Toyte, to totter.
Tozie, flushed with drink, tipsy.
Transmugrify�d, metamorphosed.
Trashtrie, trash.
Treadin�, treading.
Trews, trousers.
Trickie, tricksy.
Trig, spruce, neat.
Trinkling, trickling.
Trin�le, the wheel of a barrow.
Troggin, wares sold by wandering merchants.
Troke, to exchange, to deal with, to barter.
Trottin, trotting.
Trouse, trousers.
Trow�t, believed.
Trowth, in truth, a petty oath.
Tryst, a fair, a cattle-market.
Trysted, appointed, agreed upon.
Trysting, meeting.
Try�t, have tried.
Tulzie, tulyie, a quarrel, a squabble.
Tunefu�, tuneful.
Tup, a ram.
Twa, two.
Twa fauld, twofold, doubled up.
Twa-three, two or three.
Twal, twelve o�clock.
Twalpennie worth, twelvepenny worth in old Scottish money; equal to one pennyworth sterling.
Twalt, the twelfth.
Twang, twinge.
Twined, reft.
Twins, bereaves, takes away from, robs.
Twistle, a twist, a sprain.
Tyke, a vagrant dog, a mongrel.
Tyne, to lose.
Tysday �teen, Tuesday evening.

Unchancy, dangerous.
Unco, very, uncommonly, excessively, mightily, great extreme, strange.
Uncos, strange things, news of the country side.
Unkend, Unkenn�d, unknown.
Unsicker, unsecure.
Unskaith�d, unhurt.
Upo�, upon.
Usquebae, whisky.

Vap�rin, vaporing.
Vauntie, proud, in high spirits.
Vera, very.
Viewin, viewing.
Virls, rings, bands.
Vittel, Vittle, victual, grain.
Vogie, proud, vain, conceited.
Vow, an interjection expressive of admiration or surprise.

Wa�, wall.
Wa� flower, the wall flower.
Wab, a web.
Wabster, a weaver.
Wad, would; a wager; to wed.
Wad a haen, would have had.
Wadna, would not.
Wadset, a mortgage.
Wae, sorrowful.
Wae days, woful days.
Waefu�, woful.
Wae�s me, woe�s me.
Waesucks! alas!
Wae worth, woe befall.
Waft, weft, the cross thread that goes from the shuttle through the web.
Waifs, stray sheep.
Wair�t, spend it.
Wal�d, chose.
Wale, choose, choice. Pick and wale, of choicest quality.
Walie, ample, large.
Wallop, to kick, to dangle, to dance; wallop in a tow, to hang one�s self.
Waly, ample.
Wame, the belly.
Wamefou, bellyful.
Wan, did win, earned.
Wanchancie, unlucky, dangerous.
Wanrestfu�, restless.
War�d, spent, bestowed.
Ware, to spend, worn.
Wark, work.
Wark-lume, a tool to work with.
Warks, works, in the sense of buildings, manufactures, &c;.
Warld, world.
Warlock, a wizard.
Warly, worldly.
Warran, warrant.
Warsle, to wrestle.
Warst, worst.
Warstl�d, wrestled.
Wasna, was not.
Wast, west.
Wastrie, prodigality, riot.
Wat, wet; wot, know.
Waterbrose, brose made of meal and water simply.
Waterfit, waterfoot, river-mouth.
Wattle, a wand.
Wauble, to swing, to reel, to wobble.
Waught, a hearty draught.
Waukening, awakening.
Waukens, wakens.
Waukit, thickened with toil, horny, calloused.
Waukrife, wakeful.
Wauks, awakes.
Waur, to fight, to defeat; worse.
Waur�t, worsted.
Weans, children.
Weanies, dim. of weans.
Weason, the weasaned.
Wee, little. A wee, a short period of time. A wee a-back, a small space behind.
Weel, well.
Weel-faured, well-favored.
Weel-gaun, well-going.
Weel-kent, well known.
Weepers, mournings, crape streamers.
Weet, wet, dew, rain.
We�se, we shall or will.
Westlin, western.
Wha, who.
Wha e�er, whoever.
Whaizle, to wheeze.
Whalpit, whelped.
Wham, whom.
Whan, when.
Whang, a large or thick slice; to flog, to �beat up.�
Whar, Whare, where.
Wha�s Whase, whose.
Whatfor no? for what reason not?
Whatt, whetted or cut.
Whaup, a curlew.
Whaur�ll, where will.
Wheep, flying nimbly (see also penny wheep).
Whiddin, scudding, moving nimbly without noise.
Whigmeleeries, crochets, whims.
Whingin, crying, complaining, fretting, whining.
Whins, furse bushes, gorse.
Whirlygigums, useless ornaments.
Whisht, peace. Held my whisht, kept silence.
Whiskit, whisked.
Whissle, whistle. So gat the whissle o� my groat, to play a losing game.
Whistle, the throat.
Whitter, a hearty draught of liquor.
Whun-stane, whinstone, granite.
Whup, a whip.
Whyles, sometimes.
Wi�, with.
Wick, a term in curling, to strike a stone in an oblique direction.
Widdiefu, gallows-worthy; a rascal, a hempy.
Widdle, a struggle or bustle.
Wiel, a small whirlpool, an eddy.
Wifie, dim. of wife.
Wight, strong, powerful.
Wil� cat, the wild cat.
Willow wicker, the smaller species of willow.
Willyart, wild, strange, timid.
Wimplin, waving, meandering.
Wimpl�t, wimpled.
Win�, wind.
Winkin, winking.
Winn, to winnow.
Winna, will not.
Winnock-bunker, a seat in a window.
Winnocks, windows.
Wins, winds.
Win�t, did wind.
Wintle, a staggering motion, a somersault.
Wintles, struggles, swings, wriggles.
Winze, curse.
Wiss, wish.
Witha�, withal.
Withoutten, without.
Wonner, a wonder, a marvel, (a contemptuous appellation).
Wons, dwells.
Woo�, wool.
Woodie, the gallows; a rope, more properly one made of withes or willows.
Wooer-babs, garters knotted below the knee in a couple of loops or love-knots.
Wordie, dim. of word.
Wordy, worthy.
Worl�, world.
Worset, worsted.
Wow, an exclamation of pleasure or wonder.
Wrang, wrong, mistaken.
Wranged, wronged.
Wreeths, wreaths, snow-drifts.
Wud, mad, wild.
Wumble, a wimble.
Wyle, to beguile, to decoy.
Wyliecoat, a flannel vest.
Wyling, beguiling.
Wyte, to blame, to reproach.

Yard, a garden.
Yaud, a worn-out horse.
Yealings, coevals.
Yell, dry, barren. As yell�s the bill, giving no more milk than the bull.
Yerd, the earth.
Yerket, jerked, lashed.
Yerl, an earl.
Ye�se, you shall or will.
Yestreen, yesternight.
Yetts, gates.
Yeukin, itching.
Yeuks, itches.
Yill, ale.
Yill-caup, ale-stoup.
Yird, earth.
Yirth, the earth.
Yokin, yoking; a bout, a set to.
Yont, beyond.
Yoursel, yourselves, yourself.
Yowe, ewe.
Yowie, dim. of yowe.
Yule, Christmas.

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Also by William MichaelianPOETRY Winter Poems
ISBN: 978-0-9796599-0-4
52 pages. Paper.
Another Song I Know
ISBN: 978-0-9796599-1-1
80 pages. Paper.
Cosmopsis Books San Francisco

Signed copies available

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John Anderson My Jo

John Anderson my jo, John,
When we were first acquent,
Your locks were like the raven,
Your bonie brow was brent;
But now your brow is beld, John,
Your locks are like the snaw;
But blessings on your frosty pow,
John Anderson my jo!

John Anderson my jo, John,
We clamb the hill thegither,
And monie a canty day, John,
We�ve had wi� ane anither;
Now we maun totter down, John,
And hand in hand we�ll go,
And sleep thegither at the foot,
John Anderson my jo!


Accept the gift a friend sincere
Ae fond kiss, and then we sever!
Again rejoicing Nature sees
A guid New-Year I wish thee, Maggie!
A little, upright, pert, tart, tripping wight
Altho� my back be at the wa�
An honest man here lies at rest
An� O for ane and twenty, Tam!
As Mailie, an� her lambs thegither
Auld chuckie Reekie�s sair distrest
Auld comrade dear and brither sinner
A� ye wha live by sowps o� drink

Bannocks o� bear meal
Behind yon hills where Lugar flows
Blithe hae I been on yon hill
But lately seen in gladsome green
By yon castle wa�, at the close of the day

Ca� the yowes to the knowes
Come boat me o�er, come row me o�er
Comin through the rye, poor body
Contented wi� little, and cantie wi� mair

Dear Smith, the sleest, paukie thief
Duncan Gray came here to woo

Edina! Scotia�s darling seat!
Expect na, Sir, in this narration

Fair fa� your honest, sonsie face
Farewell, thou fair day, thou green earth,
and ye skies
Farewell, ye dungeons dark and strong
First when Maggie was my care
Flow gently, sweet Afton, among thy green
For Lords or Kings I dinna mourn
Friend of the Poet, tried and leal

Go fetch to me a pint o� wine
Guid-morning to your Majesty!
Guid speed an� furder to you, Johny
Green grow the rashes, O!

Had I the wyte, had I the wyte
Hail, Poesie! thou Nymph reserved!
Hail, thairm-inspirin� rattlin� Willie!
Hark! the mavis� evening sang
Has auld Kilmarnock seen the Deil?
Ha! whare ye gaun, ye crowlin ferlie!
Health to the Maxwells� vet�ran Chief!
Hear, Land o� Cakes, and brither Scots
Hee balou! my sweet wee Donald
Here awa, there awa, wandering Willie
Here Holy Willie�s sair worn clay
Here�s a health to them that�s awa
How lang and dreary is the night
How Wisdom and Folly meet, mix, and unite
Husband, husband, cease your strife

I am my mammie�s ae bairn
I gaed a waefu�gate yestreen
I gat your letter, winsome Willie
I hae a wife o� my ain
I hold it, Sir, my bounden duty
I lang hae thought, my youthfu� friend
I mind it weel, in early date
I�m three times doubly o�er your debtor
Inhuman man! curse on thy barb�rous art
In simmer when the hay was mawn
In this strange land, this uncouth clime
Is there a whim-inspired fool
Is there, for honest poverty
It is na, Jean, thy bonie face
It was a� for our rightfu� King
It was upon a Lammas night

John Anderson my jo, John

Kilmarnock wabsters, fidge and claw
Kind Sir, I�ve read your paper through

Lament in rhyme, lament in prose
Lassie wi� the lint-white locks
Last May a braw wooer cam down
the long glen
Late crippled of an arm, and now a leg
Let other Poets raise a fracas
Long life, my Lord, an� health be yours

My curse upon thy venomed stang
My heart is a breaking, dear tittie
My heart is sair, I dare na tell
My heart�s in the Highlands, my heart is
not here
My honor�d Colonel, deep I feel
My Lord, I know your noble ear
My lov�d, my honor�d, much respected
My love she�s but a lassie yet

No scuptur�d marble here, nor pompous lay
Now in her green mantle blythe Nature arrays
Now Kennedy, if foot or horse
Now Nature cleeds the flowery lea
Now Nature hangs her mantle green
Now Robin lies in his last lair
Now westlin winds and slaught�ring guns

O a� ye pious godly flocks
�O cam ye here the fight to shun
O Death! thou tyrant fell and bloody!
Of a� the airts the wind can blaw
O Goudie! terror o� the Whigs
O how can I be blithe and glad
O Kenmure�s on and awa, Willie!
O leeze me on my spinnin wheel
O Logan, sweetly didst thou glide
O luve will venture in where it daur na
weel be seen
O Mary, at thy window be
O May, thy morn was ne�er sae sweet
O merry hae I been teethin� a heckle
O mirk, mirk is this midnight hour
O, my luve is like a red, red rose
O, once I lov�d a bonie lass
O, open the door, some pity to shew
O poortith cauld, and restless love
Oppress�d with grief, oppress�d with care
O rough, rude, ready-witted Rankine
Orthodox, Orthodox, wha believe in
John Knox
O saw ye bonie Lesley
O thou pale Orb, that silent shines
O Thou, that in the Heavens dost dwell
O thou! whatever title suit thee
O Thou, who kindly dost provide
Our thrissles flourish�d fresh and fair
O were my love yon lilac fair
O wha my babie-clouts will buy?
O whistle, and I�ll come to you, my lad
O, Willie brewed a peck o� malt
O ye wha are sae guid yoursel
O ye, whose cheek the tear of pity stains

Scots, wha hae wi� Wallace bled
Searching auld wives� barrels
She is a winsome wee thing
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
Simmer�s a pleasant time
Sir, as your mandate did request
Sir, o�er a gill I gat your card
Some books are lies frae end to end
Some hae meat, and canna eat
Still anxious to secure your partial favor
Sweet closes the evening on Craigie-burn-

The bairns gat out wi� an unco shout
The blude-red rose at Yule may blaw
The boniest lad that e�er I saw
The gloomy night is gath�ring fast
The lovely lass o� Inverness
There�s auld Rob Morris that wons in
yon glen
There�s a youth in this city, it were a
great pity
There�s braw braw lads on Yarrow braes
There�s nought but care on ev�ry han�
There was a lad was born in Kyle
There was a lass, and she was fair
There was three Kings into the East
The simple Bard, rough at the rustic plough
The sun had clos�d the winter day
The weary pund, the weary pund
The wind blew hollow frae the hills
The wintery west extends his blast
They snool me sair, and haud me down
This wot ye all whom it concerns
Thou lingering star, with less�ning ray
Thou�s welcome, wean! mishanter fa� me
Thou whom chance may hither lead
�Twas in that place o� Scotland�s isle

Upon a simmer Sunday morn
Upon that night, when fairies light

Weary fa� you, Duncan Gray
Wee, modest, crimson-tipped flower
Wee, sleekit, cow�rin, tim�rous beastie
Wha is that at my bower door!
What can a young lassie, what shall a
young lassie
What needs this din about the town
o� Lon�on
What will I do gin my Hoggie die?
When biting Boreas, fell and doure
When chapman billies leave the street
When chill November�s surly blast
When first my brave Johnnie lad
When lyart leaves bestrew the yird
When Nature her great masterpiece design�d
When o�er the hill the eastern star
While at the stook the shearers cowr
While briers an� woodbines budding green
While Europe�s eye is fixed on mighty things
While new-ca�d kye rowte at the stake
While winds frae aff Ben-Lomond blaw
Why, ye tenants of the lake
Wi� braw new branks in mickle pride
Willie Wastle dwalt on Tweed
Wow, but your letter made me vauntie!

Ye banks, and braes, and streams around
Ye flowery banks o� bonie Doon
Ye Irish Lords, ye Knights an� Squires
Ye Jacobites by name, give an ear, give an ear

End of Index