Chapman (original) (raw)

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Chapman, Philip Kenyon

Australian scientist astronaut, 1967-1972.

Status: Inactive; Active 1967-1972. Born: 1935-03-05. Birth Place: Melbourne.

Educated Sydney; MIT.

Official NASA Biography as of June 2016: Philip Kenyon Chapman (Sc.D.) NASA Astronaut (former)

PERSONAL DATA: Born March 5, 1935, in Melbourne, Australia. He is married and has a son and a daughter. His hobby is oil painting, and he also enjoys skiing, swimming, sailing, and playing squash.

EDUCATION: Graduated from Parramatta High School in Parramatta, N.S.W., Australia; received a bachelor of science degree in Physics and Mathematics from Sydney University in 1956; and from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a master of science degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics in 1964 and a Doctorate of Science in Instrumentation in 1967.

ORGANIZATIONS: Senior member of the American Astronautical Society; and member of the Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition (ANARE) Club, the American Association Society, and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

SPECIAL HONORS: Recipient of the British Polar Medal.

EXPERIENCE: Chapman served with the Royal Australian Air Reserve from 1953 to 1955. From 1956 to 1957, he worked for Philips Electronics Industries Proprietary Limited in Sydney, Australia. He then joined the Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition (IGY) serving for two years as an auroral/radio physicist.

From 1960 to 1961, he was an electro-optics staff engineer in flight simulators for Canadian Aviation Electronics Limited in Dorval, Quebec. His next assignment was a staff physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he worked in electro-optics, inertial systems, and gravitational theory until the summer of 1967.

He has logged 1000 hours flying time in jet aircraft.

NASA EXPERIENCE: Dr. Chapman was selected as a scientist-astronaut by NASA in August 1967. After initial academic training and a 53-week course in flight training at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas, he was involved in preparations for lunar missions, serving in particular as mission scientist for the Apollo 14 mission. Because of the lack of spaceflight opportunities for scientist-astronauts in the 1967 intake, Dr. Chapman left NASA in July 1972. He is now with Arthur D. Little Company, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts.


This is the only version available from NASA. Updates must be sought direct from the above named individual.

Official NASA Biography

NAME: Philip Kenyon Chapman (Sc.D.)
NASA Astronaut (former)

PERSONAL DATA: Born March 5, 1935, in Melbourne, Australia. He is married and has a son and a daughter. His hobby is oil painting, and he also enjoys skiing, swimming, sailing, and playing squash.

EDUCATION: Graduated from Parramatta High School in Parramatta, N.S.W., Australia; received a bachelor of science degree in Physics and Mathematics from Sydney University in 1956; and from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a master of science degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics in 1964 and a Doctorate of Science in Instrumentation in 1967.

ORGANIZATIONS: Senior member of the American Astronautical Society; and member of the Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition (ANARE) Club, the American Association Society, and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

SPECIAL HONORS: Recipient of the British Polar Medal.

EXPERIENCE: Chapman served with the Royal Australian Air Reserve from 1953 to 1955. From 1956 to 1957, her worked for Philips Electronics Industries Proprietary Limited in Sydney, Australia. He then joined the Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition (IGY) serving for two years as an auroral/radio physicist.

From 1960 to 1961, he was an electro-optics staff engineer in flight simulators for Canadian Aviation Electronics Limited in Dorval, Quebec. His next assignment was a staff physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he worked in electro-optics, inertial systems, and gravitational theory until the summer of 1967.

He has logged 1000 hours flying time in jet aircraft.

NASA EXPERIENCE: Dr. Chapman was selected as a scientist-astronaut by NASA in August 1967. After initial academic training and a 53-week course in flight training at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas, he was involved in preparations for lunar missions, serving in particular as mission scientist for the Apollo 14 mission. Because of the lack of spaceflight opportunities for scientist-astronauts in the 1967 intake, Dr. Chapman left NASA in July 1972. He is now with Arthur D. Little Company, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts.


More at: Chapman.

Family: Astronaut. Country: Australia. Flights: Apollo 14. Projects: Apollo. Agency: MIT. Bibliography: 12, 5252.

1935 March 5 - .

1967 August 4 - .

1971 January 31 - . 21:03 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC39A. Launch Platform: LUT2. Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.

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