Dedkov (original) (raw)

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Dedkov, Anatoli Ivanovich

Belarusian pilot cosmonaut, 1970-1983.

Status: Deceased; Active 1970-1983. Born: 1944-07-24. Died: 2016-09-17. Birth Place: Luchin, Gomel.

Graduated from Higher Air Force School in Tshuguyev, Kharkov Oblast, 1966. Graduated from Gagarin-Air Force Academy, 1976, pilot. Soviet Air Force pilot. Trained as commander for mission to Salyut 6 1975-1977. Worked in Kaliningrad. From October 1994 instructor at the Cosmonaut Training Center and from 1995, electrical engineer there.

More at: Dedkov.

Family: Cosmonaut. Country: Belarus. Agency: VVS. Bibliography: 4452.

1944 July 24 - .

1970 March 24 - .

1970 April 27 - .

1970 April 30 - .

2016 September 17 - .

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