Earth geodetic sat (original) (raw)

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Earth geodetic sat

Category of spacecraft.


SECOR American earth geodetic satellite. Geodesy satellite operated by US Army, USA. Launched 1962 - 1965.

Anna American earth geodetic satellite. Geodesy satellite built by Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) for USAF, US Navy, US Army, NASA, USA. Launched 1962.

D French earth geodetic satellite. Small French science and technology satellites used on early Diamant launch vehicle tests. Science satellite, France. Launched 1966.

Pageos American earth geodetic satellite. 100 foot diameter. balloon. Geodesy satellite built by G. T. Schjeldahl Co. (Balloon) for NASA, USA. Launched 1966.

Diadem French earth geodetic satellite. French geodetic satellites. Geodesy satellite for CNES, France. Launched 1967.

Sfera Russian earth geodetic satellite. The Sfera geodetic system covered a broad development for solving problems in geodetics, continental drift, and precise location of cartographic points. Geodesy satellite built by NPO Prikladnoi Mekhaniki (NPO PM), Russia. Launched 1968 - 1978. Used KAUR-1 bus.

TOPO American earth geodetic satellite. US Army topographic / geodesic satellite built by Cubic Corporation for U.S. Army Topographic Command, USA. Launched 1970.

Starlette French earth geodetic satellite. Geodesic satellite. Geodesy satellite for CNES, France. Launched 1975-1993.

LAGEOS American earth geodetic satellite. The LAGEOS satellites were passive vehicles covered with retroreflectors designed to reflect laser beams transmitted from ground stations. Geodesy satellite built by Bendix Corp. (body), Perkin ELmer (reflectors)(#1), ASI (#2) for NASA, ASI, USA. Launched 1976 - 1992.

Astrofizika Russian earth geodetic satellite. Cosmos 1066. Based on the Meteor-1 bus but carried special optical instruments for the observation of lasers on Earth. Technology satellite built by VNIIEM, International. Launched 1978. Used Meteor Bus.

Geo-IK Russian earth geodetic satellite. Development of a second generation geodetic satellite system began in 1977. Geodesy satellite built by NPO Prikladnoi Mekhaniki (NPO PM), Russia. Launched 1981 - 1994. Used KAUR-1 bus.

EGS Japanese earth geodetic satellite. Experimental Geophysical Payload; new launch vehicle test flight. EGS (Ajisai). Improvement of the accuracy of domestic geodetic triangulation network. Geodesy satellite operated by NASDA, Japan. Launched 1986.

Etalon Russian earth geodetic satellite. Passive geodetic satellites, 1415 kg, 1.294 m in diameter, covered with 306 antenna arrays, each with 14 corner cubes for laser reflection. Geodesy satellite, Russia. Launched 1989.

STELLA French earth geodetic satellite. Laser reflectors.

GFZ-1 German earth geodetic satellite. GFZ-1 was a geodetic satellite designed to improve the current knowledge of the Earth's gravity field. Geodesy satellite built by Kayser-Threde, Institute of Space Device Engineering - Moscow for GFZ, Germany. Launched 1995.

Zeya Russian earth geodetic satellite. The Zeya satellite was used for navigation and geodesy tests from a sun-synchronous orbit.

LRE Japanese earth geodetic satellite. The 87 kg Laser Ranging Experiment was a passive mirror ball of diameter 51 cm and carried 24 glass sheets and 126 prisms on its surface. Geodesy satellite for NASDA, Japan. Launched 2001.

GRACE American earth geodetic satellite. 2 launched, 2002.03.17 (GRACE 1 ) and (GRACE 2 ). The GRACE mission was to accurately map variations in the Earth's gravity field over its 5-year lifetime. Earth Science, Gravity field mapping satellite built by Astrium, Space Systems/Loral (SS/L) for NASA, DLR, Germany. Launched 2002. Used the Flexbus bus.

Gravity Probe-B American earth geodetic satellite. Gravity Probe B. Gravity Probe B was an experiment developed by NASA and Stanford University to test two unverified predictions of Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity.

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