Ekspress (original) (raw)

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Part of Gals

Credit: NPO PM

Russian communications satellite. The Ekspress series communications satellite closely resembled the Gals spacecraft and shared a similar spacecraft bus. Communication satellite built by NPO Prikladnoi Mekhaniki (NPO PM) for RSCC (Kosmicheskiya Svyaz), Russia. Launched 1994 - 1996.

AKA: 11F639;EXPRESS;Sesat. Status: Operational 2000. First Launch: 2000-04-17. Last Launch: 2000-04-17. Number: 1 . Gross mass: 2,500 kg (5,500 lb).

Ekspress replaced the Gorizont spacecraft, with deployment to 13 geosynchronous positions beginning in 1994 and continuing beyond 2005.

Nine months after Gals 1 was launched, Ekspress 1 was inserted into a nearly geosynchronous orbit. Ekspress was to replace the widely used Gorizont spacecraft, and plans called for deployments at 13 locations (40 degrees , 53 degrees , 80 degrees , 90 degrees , 96.5 degrees , 99 degrees , 103 degrees , 140 degrees , 145 degrees , 205 degrees , 322.5 degrees , 346 degrees , and 349 degrees , all East longitude) just for domestic needs and to support the Intersputnik Telecommunications Association. Additional Ekspress spacecraft were to be sold to foreign companies, e.g., Rimsat, Ltd. In fact, only the first two satellites launched was of the original configuration. Further state-sponsored launches were not funded, however a total of 12, many heavily modified and with European electronics packages, were launched through 2005.

While the Express solar arrays were identical to those on Gals, the spacecraft bus had slightly smaller dimensions of 3.6 m by 6.1 m. A typical Ekspress payload included 10 C-band and two Ku-band transponders. The improved Ekspress-A model was launched from 1999.

The improved Express-AM-1 satellite first flew in 2004 and was produced by Reshetnev NPO PM jointly with NEC/Toshiba Space Systems for the Russian Satellite Communications Company. The satellite was designed to provide a package of communications services (digital TV, telephony, video conferencing, data transmission, the Internet access) and to deploy satellite networks by applying VSAT technology. The Express-AM spacecraft was equipped with up-to-date antenna systems, to provide high-quality communications and uniform coverage in C- and Ku- bands.

Satellite characteristics

More at: Ekspress.


Family: Communications, Geosynchronous orbit. Country: Russia. Engines: SPT-100. Launch Vehicles: Proton, Proton-K/DM-2, Proton-K/DM-2M, Proton-M/Briz-M. Launch Sites: Baikonur, Baikonur LC200/39. Agency: Reshetnev bureau. Bibliography: 102, 2, 274, 4, 552, 554, 6, 67, 6473, 12304, 12305.

Photo Gallery

Ekspress EkspressCredit: Dmitry Pieson

Ekspress Ekspress

Amos 5 Amos 5Credit: Manufacturer Image

Ekspress AM-22 Ekspress AM-22Credit: Manufacturer Image

Ekspress AM-8 Ekspress AM-8Credit: Manufacturer Image

Ekspress AT2 Ekspress AT2Credit: Manufacturer Image

Kazsat-3 Kazsat-3Credit: Manufacturer Image

Luch-5B Luch-5BCredit: Manufacturer Image

Lybid 1 Lybid 1Credit: Manufacturer Image

Sesat SesatCredit: Manufacturer Image

Cosmos 2471 Cosmos 2471Credit: Manufacturer Image

Uragan-K2 Uragan-K2Credit: Manufacturer Image

Zohreh 1 Zohreh 1Credit: Manufacturer Image

2000 April 17 - . 21:06 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC200/39. LV Family: Proton. Launch Vehicle: Proton-K/DM-2M.

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