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Part of SA-200

Credit: Manufacturer Image

American military strategic defense satellite. BMDO technology demonstration; Miniature Seeker Technology Demonstration. Research satellite built by Spectrum Astro for SDIO, USA. Launched 1992. Used the SA-200S bus.

Status: Operational 1992. First Launch: 1992-11-21. Last Launch: 1996-05-17. Number: 3 . Gross mass: 170 kg (370 lb).

More at: MSTI.

Family: Military, Military strategic defense sat. Country: USA. Launch Vehicles: Scout, Scout G-1, Pegasus, Pegasus H. Launch Sites: Vandenberg, Vandenberg SLC5, Point Arguello WADZ. Agency: USAF. Bibliography: 2, 276, 279, 6, 12859, 12860, 12861.

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MSTI MSTICredit: Manufacturer Image

MSTI-2 MSTI-2Credit: Manufacturer Image

1992 November 21 - . 13:45 GMT - . Launch Site: Vandenberg. Launch Complex: Vandenberg SLC5. LV Family: Scout. Launch Vehicle: Scout G-1.

1994 May 9 - . 02:47 GMT - . Launch Site: Vandenberg. Launch Complex: Vandenberg SLC5. LV Family: Scout. Launch Vehicle: Scout G-1.

1996 May 17 - . 02:44 GMT - . Launch Site: Point Arguello. Launch Complex: Point Arguello WADZ. Launch Pad: Aircraft from Vandenberg.. Launch Platform: L-1011. LV Family: Pegasus. Launch Vehicle: Pegasus H.

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