Resurs-Spektr (original) (raw)

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Part of Yantar

Credit: Manufacturer Image

Russian civilian surveillance satellite. Study 1994. Earth Observation (all), cosmic rays (#2) satellite built by TsSKB-Progress for Roskosmos, Russia. Launched 2013 - 2016. Used Yantar bus.

Status: Operational 2013. First Launch: 2013-06-25. Last Launch: 2014-12-26. Number: 2 . Gross mass: 6,600 kg (14,500 lb).

As early as 1989 Russian officials indicated that future civil Earth observation satellites could employ digital electronic transmission techniques in real-time or near-real-time (as used on the Yantar 4KS1 military photographic reconnaissance satellite). This capability was to be realized under the civilian Resurs-Spektr program. The Resurs-Spektr V spacecraft was a modified Yantar 4KS1 satellite and reportedly would produce 3-5 m resolution stereo images. Almaz-class phased-array antennas enabled downlinks via geostationary relay satellites. A second Resurs-Spektr variant, Resurs-Spektr R1, with a side-looking radar, was also proposed. Another possible replacement was an imaging variant of the Kuban spacecraft, which was under development for several years for microgravity research. None of these commercial variants of the Yantar satellite went into production in post-Soviet Russia.

More at: Resurs-Spektr.

Family: Civilian surveillance satellite, Surveillance, Surveillance orbit. Country: Russia. Launch Vehicles: R-7, Soyuz-2-1B. Launch Sites: Baikonur LC31. Agency: Kozlov bureau. Bibliography: 119, 13021.

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Cosmos 2502 Cosmos 2502Credit: Manufacturer Image

2013 June 25 - . 17:28 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC31. Launch Pad: LC31/6. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Soyuz-2-1B.

2014 December 26 - . 18:55 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC31. Launch Pad: Baikonur LC31/6. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Soyuz-2-1B.

2016 March 13 - . 18:56 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC31. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Soyuz-2-1B.

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