Soyuz TMA-12M (original) (raw)

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Part of ISS

ISS Expedition EO-29. Six-month, long-term, resident crew of the International Space Station.

AKA: Cliff;ISS EO-39. Launched: 2014-03-25. Returned: 2014-09-11. Number crew: 3 . Duration: 169.21 days.

The third planned rendezvous burn at 23:48 GMT was cancelled due to a software problem, leaving the spacecraft in a 297 x 333 km x 51.7 deg orbit. Rendezvous with the ISS was rescheduled to 27 March. It maneuvered to a 414 x 425 km orbit on 26 March. Docking with the ISS at the Poisk module was at 23:53 GMT on 27 March. On September 10 at 23:01 GMT Skvortsov, Artemev and Swanson undocked from the Poisk module in Soyuz TMA-12M. The deorbit burn at 01:30 GMT September 11 was followed by module separation at 01:58, atmosphere entry at 02:01, and landing in Kazakhstan at 02:23.

More at: Soyuz TMA-12M.

Family: Manned spaceflight. People: Artemyev, Skvortsov, Swanson. Country: Russia. Spacecraft: Soyuz TMA.

2014 March 25 - . 21:17 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Soyuz-FG.

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