STS-104 (original) (raw)

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Part of ISS

Credit: NASA

ISS Assembly flight. Delivered Quest Airlock.

AKA: Atlantis;ISS-7A. Launched: 2001-07-12. Returned: 2001-07-25. Number crew: 5 . Duration: 12.77 days.

STS-104 was an American ISS Assembly shuttle flight with a crew of five American astronauts and a major space station module, the Quest Airlock. Orbiter OV-104 Atlantis main engine cutoff and external tank separation was at 0913 GMT. Atlantis was then in an orbit of 59 x 235 km x 51.6 deg. The OMS-2 burn at 0942 GMT increased velocity by 29 m/s and raised the orbit to 157 x 235 km x 51.6 deg and another burn at 1240 GMT raised it further to 232 x 305 km. Atlantis docked with the International Space Station at 0308 GMT on July 14. The main payload on STS-104 was the Quest Joint Airlock, built by Boeing/Huntsville. It consisted of an Equipment Lock for storage and the Crew Lock, based on the Shuttle airlock. The 13,872 kg payload consisted of:

The six metric ton Airlock consisted of two cylinders of four meters diameter and a total length six meters. The Airlock could be pressurized by the externally-mounted high pressure oxygen-nitrogen tanks, and was to be the sole unit through which all future EVAs were to take place. (Until that point, all EVA entries/exits had been through a Russian module in ISS, with non-Russians having to wear Russian space suits). Another payload was the "EarthKAM" of middle/high school interest. It was to allow pupils to command picture-taking of chosen spots on Earth; they were expected to target 2,000 spots. The shuttle also carried out pulsed exhaust tests during maneuvers to enable better understanding of the formation of HF echoes from the shuttle exhaust. The echoes were obtained by ground based radars in an experiment called SIMPLEX (Shuttle Ionospheric Modification with Pulsed Local EXhaust). The STS-104 crew returned to Atlantis on July 22, and undocked at 0455 GMT. After flying around the station they departed the vicinity at 0615 GMT. Atlantis landed at 0338:55 GMT on July 25, touching down at Kennedy Space Center runway 15.

More at: STS-104.

Family: Manned spaceflight. People: Gernhardt, Hobaugh, Kavandi, Lindsey, Reilly. Country: USA. Spacecraft: Atlantis. Launch Sites: Cape Canaveral. Agency: NASA, NASA Houston.

Photo Gallery

2001 July 12 - .

2001 July 12 - .

2001 July 12 - .

2001 July 12 - . 09:03 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC39B. LV Family: Shuttle. Launch Vehicle: Space Shuttle.

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2001 July 13 - .

2001 July 13 - .

2001 July 14 - .

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2001 July 15 - .

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2001 July 15 - .

2001 July 15 - . 03:07 GMT - .

2001 July 16 - .

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2001 July 17 - .

2001 July 17 - .

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2001 July 18 - .

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2001 July 18 - .

2001 July 18 - . 03:10 GMT - .

2001 July 19 - .

2001 July 19 - .

2001 July 19 - .

2001 July 20 - .

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2001 July 21 - .

2001 July 21 - .

2001 July 21 - .

2001 July 21 - . 04:34 GMT - .

2001 July 22 - .

2001 July 22 - .

2001 July 22 - .

2001 July 23 - .

2001 July 23 - .

2001 July 23 - .

2001 July 24 - .

2001 July 24 - .

2001 July 24 - .

2001 July 24 - .

2001 July 25 - .

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