STS-119 (original) (raw)

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Part of ISS

ISS assembly mission. Delivered to the ISS and installed the fourth starboard truss segment (ITS S6) and fourth set of solar arrays and batteries.

AKA: Discovery;ISS-15A. Launched: 2009-03-15. Returned: 2009-03-28. Number crew: 6 . Duration: 12.81 days.

Deliver to the ISS and install the fourth starboard truss segment (ITS S6) and fourth set of solar arrays and batteries.

More at: STS-119.

Family: Manned spaceflight. People: Acaba, Antonelli, Archambault, Arnold, Ricky, Phillips, Swanson. Country: USA. Spacecraft: Discovery. Launch Sites: Cape Canaveral. Agency: NASA.

2009 March 15 - . 23:43 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC39A. LV Family: Shuttle. Launch Vehicle: Space Shuttle.

2009 March 16 - .

2009 March 17 - .

2009 March 18 - .

2009 March 19 - .

2009 March 19 - .

2009 March 20 - .

2009 March 21 - .

2009 March 21 - .

2009 March 22 - .

2009 March 23 - .

2009 March 23 - .

2009 March 24 - .

2009 March 25 - .

2009 March 26 - .

2009 March 27 - .

2009 March 28 - .

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