STS-84 (original) (raw)

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Part of Mir

Delivered to Mir and returned to earth 2500 kg of payload.

AKA: Atlantis;Spacehab Double Module. Launched: 1997-05-15. Returned: 1997-05-24. Number crew: 6 . Duration: 9.22 days.

Atlantis blasted off on a night launch to Mir, docking with the station on May 17 at 02:33 GMT. Jerry Linenger, who had begun his stay on Mir in mid-January aboard STS-81, would return aboard STS-84. Michael Foale would be left at the station for his stint as the American crew member of Mir. The crew transferred to Mir 466 kg of water, 383 kg of U.S. science equipment, 1,251 kg of Russian equipment and supplies, and 178 kg of miscellaneous material. Returned to Earth aboard Atlantis were 406 kg of U.S. science material, 531 kg of Russian logistics material, 14 kg of ESA material and 171 kg of miscellaneous material. Atlantis undocked from Mir at 01:04 GMT on May 22. After passing up its first landing opportunity due to clouds over the landing site, the Shuttle fired its OMS engines on the deorbit burn at 12:33 GMT on May 24. Atlantis landed at 13:27 GMT at Kennedy Space Center's runway 33.

Cargo Bay Payloads: Orbiter Docking System; Spacehab-DM; European Proximity Sensor. In-Cabin Payloads: SIMPLEX; MSX; CREAM; RME's.

Developmental Test Objectives
Detailed Supplementary Objectives
Risk Mitigation Experiments

Payload And Vehicle Masses: Orbiter (Atlantis) empty and 3 SSME's: 69,030 kg; Shuttle System at SRB Ignition: 2046772 kg; Orbiter Weight at Landing with Cargo: 100,289 kg; Spacehab-DM: 4,187 kg; Orbiter Docking System: 1,821 kg.

NASA Official Mission Summary:

(6th Shuttle-Mir docking)
Pad A
84th Shuttle mission
19th flight OV-104
6th Shuttle-Mir docking
5th U.S. crew member on Mir
37th KSC landing
Charles J. Precourt, Commander (3rd Shuttle flight)
Eileen M. Collins, Pilot (2nd)
Jean-Francois Clervoy, Payload Commander (2nd) (European Space Agency)
Carlos I. Noriega, Mission Specialist (1st)
Edward T. Lu, Mission Specialist (1st)
Elena V. Kondakova , Mission Specialist (1st Shuttle, 2nd spaceflight) (Russian Aviation and Space Agency)
Embarking to Mir � Mir 23/24 crew member: C. Michael Foale,
Mission Specialist and Cosmonaut Researcher (4th Shuttle, 1st Mir)
Returning from Mir � Mir 22/23 crew member: Jerry M. Linenger,
Mission Specialist and Cosmonaut Researcher (2nd Shuttle, 1st Mir)
Orbiter Preps (move to):
OPF - Jan. 22, 1997
VAB - April 19, 1997
Pad - April 24, 1997


May 15, 1997, 4:07:48 a.m. EDT. Liftoff occurred on time following smooth countdown.


May 24, 1997, 9:27:44 a.m. EDT, Runway 33, Kennedy Space Center, Fla. Rollout distance: 8,384 feet (2,555 meters). Rollout time: 51 seconds. Mission duration: Nine days, five hours, 19 minutes, 56 seconds. Landed on revolution 144, on the second KSC opportunity after being waved off from the first due to low clouds in the vicinity.

Mission Highlights:

Sixth Shuttle-Mir docking highlighted by transfer of fourth successive U.S. crew member to the Russian Space Station. U.S. astronaut Mike Foale exchanged places with Jerry Linenger, who arrived at Mir Jan. 15 with the crew of Shuttle Mission STS-81. Linenger spent 123 days on Mir and just over 132 days in space from launch to landing, placing him second behind U.S. astronaut Shannon Lucid for most time spent on-orbit by an American. Another milestone reached during his stay was one-year anniversary of continuous U.S. presence in space that began with Lucid's arrival at Mir March 22, 1996.

Other significant events during Linenger's stay included first U.S.-Russian spacewalk. On April 29, Linenger participated in five-hour extravehicular activity (EVA) with Mir 23 Commander Vasily Tsibliev to attach a monitor to the outside of the station. The Optical Properties Monitor (OPM) was to remain on Mir for nine months to allow study of the effect of the space environment on optical properties, such as mirrors used in telescopes. On Feb. 23, a fire broke out on the 11-year-old station. It caused minimal damage but required station's inhabitants to wear protective masks for about 36 hours until cabin air was cleaned. Besides Linenger, crew members aboard Mir at the time included two Mir 22 cosmonauts and a German cosmonaut, and two Mir 23 cosmonauts.

STS-84 docking with Mir occurred May 16 at 10:33 p.m. EDT above the Adriatic Sea. Hatches between two spacecraft opened at 12:25 a.m., May 17. Greetings exchanged between STS-84 crew and Mir 23 Commander Vasily Tsibliev, Flight Engineer Alexander Lazutkin and Linenger, followed by a safety briefing. Linenger and Foale officially traded places at 10:15 a.m. EDT. Transfer of items to and from Mir proceeded smoothly and was completed ahead of schedule. One of first items transferred to station was an Elektron oxygen-generating unit. Altogether about 249 items were moved between the two spacecraft, and about 1,000 pounds of water moved to Mir, for a total of about 7,500 pounds of water, experiment samples, supplies and hardware.

Research program planned for Foale featured 35 investigations total (33 on Mir, two on STS-84, and another preflight/postflight) in six disciplines: advanced technology, Earth observations and remote sensing, fundamental biology, human life sciences, space station risk mitigation, and microgravity sciences. Twenty-eight of these were conducted during previous missions and were to be continued, repeated or completed during Foale's stay. Seven new experiments were planned in biological and crystal growth studies and materials processing.

Undocking occurred at 9:04 p.m. EDT, May 21. Unlike prior dockings, no flyaround of the station by the orbiter was conducted, but orbiter was stopped three times while backing away to collect data from a European sensor device designed to assist future rendezvous of a proposed European Space Agency resupply vehicle with the International Space Station.

Other activities conducted during the mission included investigations using the Biorack facility, located in the SPACEHAB Double Module in Atlantis' payload bay, a photo survey of Mir during docked operations, environmental air samplings and radiation monitoring.

Orbiter performance was nominal from launch to landing.

More at: STS-84.

Family: Manned spaceflight. People: Clervoy, Collins, Eileen, Kondakova, Lu, Noriega, Precourt. Country: USA. Spacecraft: Atlantis. Launch Sites: Cape Canaveral. Agency: NASA, NASA Houston.

1997 May 15 - . 08:07 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC39A. Launch Platform: MLP2. LV Family: Shuttle. Launch Vehicle: Space Shuttle.

1997 May 16 - .

1997 May 17 - .

1997 May 18 - .

1997 May 19 - .

1997 May 20 - .

1997 May 21 - .

1997 May 22 - .

1997 May 23 - .

1997 May 24 - .

1997 May 24 - .

1997 May 25 - .

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