STS-86 (original) (raw)

RME 1332: Space Station - Test of PCS Hardware

Payload And Vehicle Weights: Orbiter (Atlantis) empty and 3 SSME's; 69,000 kg; Shuttle System at SRB Ignition: 2,047,561 kg; Orbiter Weight at Landing with Cargo: 114,163 kg; Spacehab: 6,551 kg.

NASA Official Mission Summary:

(7th Shuttle-Mir docking)
Pad A
87th Shuttle mission
20th flight OV-104
Night launch
7th Shuttle-Mir docking
6th U.S. crew member on Mir
1st U.S.-Russian EVA
Extended mission
40th KSC landing
James D. Wetherbee, Commander (4th Shuttle flight)
Michael J. Bloomfield, Pilot (1st)
Jean-Loup J.M. Chretien, Mission Specialist (1st) (CNES, French Space Agency)
Wendy B. Lawrence, Mission Specialist (2nd)
Scott E. Parazynski, Mission Specialist (2nd)
Vladimir Georgievich Titov, Mission Specialist (2nd Shuttle, 4th spaceflight) (Russian Aviation and Space Agency)
Embarking to Mir - Mir 24 crew member: David A. Wolf, Mission
Specialist and Cosmonaut Researcher (2nd Shuttle, 1st Mir)
Returning from Mir - Mir 23/24 crew member: C. Michael Foale, Mission Specialist and Cosmonaut Researcher (5th Shuttle, 1st Mir)
Orbiter preps (move to):
OPF - May 24,1997
VAB - Aug. 11, 1997
Pad - Aug. 18, 1997


September 25, 1997, 10:34:19 p.m. EDT. On-time liftoff occurred after final approval for flight to Mir given earlier in day by NASA Administrator Daniel Goldin, following his review of independent and internal safety assessments regarding safety of Mir and Shuttle-Mir missions. The reviews included assessments conducted routinely prior to Shuttle-Mir dockings and two independent studies prompted by a spate of problems on the station, including a fire and a collision.


October 6, 1997, 5:55:09 p.m. EDT, Runway 15, Kennedy Space Center, Fla. Rollout distance: 11,947 feet (3,641 meters). Rollout time: one minute, 22 seconds. Mission duration: 10 days, 19 hours, 20 minutes, 50 seconds. Landed on revolution 170, on the first opportunity after two opportunities Oct. 5 were waved off due to low clouds. Last flight of Atlantis prior to departure to California for second Orbiter Maintenance Down Period (OMDP). Scheduled to return to KSC in late August 1998 to begin preparations for STS-92, third International Space Station assembly flight.

Mission Highlights:

The seventh Mir docking mission continued the presence of a U.S. astronaut on the Russian space station with the transfer of physician David A. Wolf to Mir. Wolf became the sixth U.S. astronaut in succession to live on Mir to continue Phase 1B of the NASA/ Russian Space agency cooperative effort.

Foale returned to Earth after spending 145 days in space, 134 of them aboard Mir. His estimated mileage logged was 58 million miles (93 million kilometers), making his the second longest U.S. space flight, behind Shannon Lucid's record of 188 days. His stay was marred by a collision June 25 between a Progress resupply vehicle and the station's Spektr module, damaging a radiator and one of four solar arrays on Spektr. The mishap occurred while Mir 23 Commander Vasily Tsibliev was guiding the Progress capsule to a manual docking and depressurized the station. The crew sealed the hatch to the leaking Spektr module, leaving inside Foale's personal effects and several NASA science experiments, and repressurized the remaining modules.

An internal spacewalk by Tsibliev and Mir 23 Flight Engineer Alexander Lazutkin was planned to reconnect power cables to the three undamaged solar arrays, but during a routine medical exam July 13 Tsibliev was found to have an irregular heartbeat. Foale then began training for the spacewalk, but during one of the training exercises, a power cable was inadvertently disconnected, leaving the station without power. On July 21, it was announced that the internal spacewalk would not be conducted by the Mir 23 crew but their successors on Mir 24.

On July 30, NASA announced that Wendy Lawrence, originally assigned to succeed Foale on Mir, was being replaced by Wolf. The change was deemed necessary to allow Wolf to act as a backup crew member for the spacewalks planned over the next several months to repair Spektr. Unlike Wolf, Lawrence could not fit in the Orlan suit that is used for Russian spacewalks and she did not undergo spacewalk training.

Following their arrival at the station Aug. 7, Mir 24 Commander Antaoly Solovyev and Flight Engineer Pavel Vinogradov conducted the internal spacewalk inside the depressurized Spektr module Aug. 22, reconnecting 11 power cables from the Spektr's solar arrays to a new custom-made hatch for the Spektr. During the spacewalk, Foale remained inside the Soyuz capsule attached to Mir, in constant communication with the cosmonauts as well as ground controllers.

On Sept. 5, Foale and Solovyev conducted a six-hour external extravehicular activity to survey damage outside Spektr and to try and pinpoint where the breach of the module's hull occurred. Two undamaged arrays were manually repositioned to better gather solar energy, and a radiation device left previously by Jerry Linenger was retrieved.

Docking of Atlantis and Mir took place at 3:58 p.m. EDT, Sept. 27, with the two mission commanders opening the spacecraft hatches at 5:45 p.m. Wolf officially joined the Mir 24 at noon EDT, Sept. 28. At the same time, Foale became a member of the STS-86 crew and began moving his personal belongings back into Atlantis. Wolf will be replaced by the seventh and last U.S. astronaut to transfer to Mir, Andrew S. W. Thomas, when the orbiter Endeavour docks with the Russian space station during the STS-89 mission in January 1998.

First joint U.S.-Russian extravehicular activity during a Shuttle mission, which was also the 39th in the Space Shuttle program, was conducted by Titov and Parazynski. During the five-hour, one-minute spacewalk Oct. 1, the pair affixed a 121-pound Solar Array Cap to the docking module for future use by Mir crew members to seal off the suspected leak in Spektr's hull. Parazynski and Titov also retrieved four Mir Environmental Effects Payloads (MEEPS) from the outside of Mir and tested several components of the Simplified Aid for EVA Rescue (SAFER) jet packs. The spacewalk began at 1:29 p.m. EDT and ended at 6:30 p.m.

During the six days of docked operations, the joint Mir 24 and STS-86 crews transferred more than four tons of material from the SPACEHAB Double Module to Mir, including approximately 1,700 pounds of water, experiment hardware for International Space Station Risk Mitigation experiments to monitor the Mir for crew health and safety, a gyrodyne, batteries, three air pressurization units with breathing air, an attitude control computer and many other logistics items.

The new motion control computer replaced one that had experienced problems in recent months. The crew also moved experiment samples and hardware and an old Elektron oxygen generator to Atlantis for return to Earth. Undocking took place at 1:28 p.m. EDT, Oct 3. After undocking, Atlantis performed a 46-minute flyaround visual inspection of Mir. During this maneuver, Solovyev and Vinogradov opened a pressure regulation valve to allow air into the Spektr module to see if STS-89 crew members could detect seepage or debris particles that could indicate the location of the breach in the damaged module's hull.

During the flight, Wetherbee and Bloomfield fired small jet thrusters on Atlantis to provide data for the Mir Structural Dynamics Experiment (MISDE), which measures disturbances to space station components and its solar arrays. Other experiments conducted during the mission were the Commercial Protein Crystal Growth investigation; the Cell Culture Module Experiment (CCM-A), the Cosmic Radiation Effects and Activation Monitor (CREAM) and the Radiation Monitoring Experiment-III (RME-III); the Shuttle Ionospheric Modification with Pulsed Local Exhaust (SIMPLE) experiment; and the Midcourse Space Experiment. Two NASA educational outreach programs were also conducted, Seeds in Space-II and Kidsat.

Orbiter performance was nominal.

More at: STS-86.

Family: Manned spaceflight. People: Bloomfield, Chretien, Lawrence, Parazynski, Titov, Vladimir, Wetherbee. Country: USA. Spacecraft: Atlantis. Launch Sites: Cape Canaveral. Agency: NASA, NASA Houston.

Photo Gallery

1997 September 26 - .

1997 September 26 - . 02:34 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC39A. Launch Platform: MLP2. LV Family: Shuttle. Launch Vehicle: Space Shuttle.

1997 September 27 - .

1997 September 28 - .

1997 September 29 - .

1997 September 29 - .

1997 September 30 - .

1997 October 1 - .

1997 October 1 - .

1997 October 2 - .

1997 October 3 - .

1997 October 4 - .

1997 October 5 - .

1997 October 5 - . 15:08 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Soyuz-U-PVB.

1997 October 6 - .

1997 October 6 - .

1997 October 6 - .

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