Unha (original) (raw)

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North Korean intermediate range ballistic missile family.


Unha-1 North Korean intermediate range ballistic missile. Two-stage ballistic missile. First stage is 18 m long, second is 14 m long.

Unha-2 North Korean satellite launch vehicle. 3 stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Taepo Dong 2 + 1 x Unha-2 Stage 2 + 1 x Unha-2 Stage 3.

Unha-3 North Korean satellite launch vehicle consisted of the Taepodong 2 IRBM with a third stage.

Country: Korea North. Spacecraft: Kwangmyongsong.

2006 July 4 - . 20:01 GMT - . Launch Site: Gitdaeryung. LV Family: Unha. Launch Vehicle: Unha-1. FAILURE: Failure.

2009 April 5 - . 02:30 GMT - . LV Family: Unha. Launch Vehicle: Unha-2. FAILURE: Third stage failure..

2012 April 12 - . 22:39 GMT - . Launch Site: Tongchang-ri. LV Family: Unha. Launch Vehicle: Unha-3. FAILURE: Failed at second stage separation..

2012 October 23 - . Launch Site: Semnan. LV Family: Unha. Launch Vehicle: Unha-3. FAILURE: Launch vehicle exploded on pad, causing extensive damage..

2012 December 12 - . 00:49 GMT - . Launch Site: Tongchang-ri. LV Family: Unha. Launch Vehicle: Unha-3.

2016 February 7 - . 00:30 GMT - . Launch Site: Sohae. LV Family: Unha. Launch Vehicle: Unha-3.

2017 July 27 - . 09:29 GMT - . Launch Site: Semnan. Launch Complex: Semnan LC31. LV Family: Unha. Launch Vehicle: Simorgh.

2019 January 15 - . 00:29 GMT - . Launch Site: Semnan. Launch Complex: Semnan SC. LV Family: Unha. Launch Vehicle: Simorgh.

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