MartinBauer (original) (raw)

Dr. Martin A. Bauer Technische Universit�t M�nchen, Institut f�r Informatik I16Fachgebiet Augmented Reality Left the chair in 2007, now working as Product Manager Knee, Brainlab




T. Sielhorst, M. Bauer, O. Wenisch, G. Klinker, N. Navab Online Estimation of the Target Registration Error for n-ocular Optical Tracking Systems to appear Proceedings of Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2007), Brisbane, Australia, October 2007, pp. 652-659. (bib)
M. Bauer Tracking Errors in Augmented Reality Dissertation (PhD thesis), Fakult�t f�r Informatik, Technische Universit�t M�nchen, September 2007 (online version) (bib)
D. Pustka, M. Huber, M. Bauer, G. Klinker Spatial Relationship Patterns: Elements of Reusable Tracking and Calibration Systems The Fifth IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, Oct. 22 - 25, 2006, pp. 88-97. (bib)
M. Bauer, M. Schlegel, D. Pustka, N. Navab, G. Klinker Interactive Visualization of the Predicted Accuracy of Marker-Based Optical Tracking Systems Demonstration at the Fifth IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, Oct. 22 - 25, 2006. (bib)
M. Bauer, M. Schlegel, D. Pustka, N. Navab, G. Klinker Predicting and Estimating the Accuracy of n-occular Optical Tracking Systems The Fifth IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, Oct. 22 - 25, 2006, pp. 43-51. (bib)
G. Hillebrand, M. Bauer, K. Achatz, G. Klinker Inverse Kinematic Infrared Optical Finger Tracking 9th International Conference on Humans and Computers (HC 2006), Aizu, Japan (bib)
J. Newman, M. Wagner, M. Bauer, A. MacWilliams, T. Pintaric, D. Beyer, D. Pustka, F. Strasser, D. Schmalstieg, G. Klinker Ubiquitous Tracking for Augmented Reality International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) 2004, Arlington, VA, USA, Nov 2-4, 2004, pp. 192-201. (bib)
M. Bauer, M. Wagner, M. Tönnis, G. Klinker, V. Broy Lehrkonzept f�r ein Augmented Reality Praktikum 1. GI Workshop "Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität", Chemnitz, 27. - 28. September 2004 (bib)
J. Traub, M. Feuerstein, M. Bauer, E.U. Schirmbeck, H. Najafi, R. Bauernschmitt, G. Klinker Augmented Reality for Port Placement and Navigation in Robotically Assisted Minimally Invasive Cardiovascular Surgery Proceedings of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS 2004), pp. 735 - 740, Chicago, USA, June 2004 (bib)
M. Wagner, A. MacWilliams, M. Bauer, G. Klinker, J. Newman, T. Pintaric, D. Schmalstieg Fundamentals of Ubiquitous Tracking Second International Conference on Pervasive Computing, Hot Spots section, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 18--23 2004 (bib)
R. Bauernschmitt, E.U. Schirmbeck, M. Groher, P. Keitler, M. Bauer, H. Najafi, G. Klinker, R. Lange Navigierte Platzierung endovaskulärer Aortenstents Z Kardiologie 2004 93 S3: 116 (bib)
J. Newman, M. Wagner, T. Pintaric, A. MacWilliams, M. Bauer, G. Klinker, D. Schmalstieg Fundamentals of Ubiquitous Tracking for Augmented Reality Technical Report TUM-I0323, Technische Universität München; Technical Report TR-188-2-2003-34, Vienna University of Technology (bib)
A. MacWilliams, C. Sandor, M. Wagner, M. Bauer, G. Klinker, B. Bruegge Herding Sheep: Live System Development for Distributed Augmented Reality Proceedings of The Second International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2003), pp. 123-132. (bib)
M. Bauer, O. Hilliges, A. MacWilliams, C. Sandor, M. Wagner, G. Klinker, J. Newman, G. Reitmayr, T. Pintaric, T. Fahmy, D. Schmalstieg Integrating Studierstube and DWARF International Workshop on Software Technology for Augmented Reality Systems. Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 7, 2003 (bib)
G. Klinker, A.H. Dutoit, M. Bauer, J. Bayer, V. Novak, D. Matzke Fata Morgana -- A Presentation System for Product Design International Symposium on Augmented and Mixed Reality (ISMAR 2002), Darmstadt 2002, pp. 76-85. (bib)
C. Sandor, A. MacWilliams, M. Wagner, M. Bauer, G. Klinker SHEEP: The Shared Environment Entertainment Pasture Demo at IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality ISMAR 2002, Darmstadt, Germany, Sept. 30 - Oct. 1, 2002. (bib)
H. Kruppa, M. Bauer, B. Schiele Skin Patch Detection in Real-World Images Annual Symposium for Pattern Recognition of the DAGM 2002, Springer LNCS 2449, p. 109f (bib)
M. Bauer, B. Bruegge, G. Klinker, A. MacWilliams, T. Reicher, C. Sandor, M. Wagner An Architecture Concept for Ubiquitous Computing Aware Wearable Computers International Workshop on Smart Appliances and Wearable Computing. Vienna, Austria, July 2, 2002 (bib)
M. Bauer, B. Bruegge, G. Klinker, A. MacWilliams, T. Reicher, S. Riß, C. Sandor, M. Wagner Design of a Component-Based Augmented Reality Framework Proceedings of The Second IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Augmented Reality (ISAR 2001), pp. 45-54. (bib)

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Finished and Currently active Diploma Theses, SEPs I (co-)supervised





Wintersemester 2006/2007

Sommersemester 2006

Wintersemester 2005/2006

Sommersemester 2005

Wintersemester 2004/2005

Sommersemester 2004

Wintersemester 2003/2004

Sommersemester 2003

Wintersemester 2002/2003

shalom, chaver.