doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btx434> but it has been extended since then with the Robin Hood algorithm and thus contains unpublished work.">

detrendr: Detrend Images (original) (raw)

Detrend fluorescence microscopy image series for fluorescence fluctuation and correlation spectroscopy ('FCS' and 'FFS') analysis. This package contains functionality published in a 2016 paper <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btx434> but it has been extended since then with the Robin Hood algorithm and thus contains unpublished work.

Version: 0.6.15
Depends: R (≥ 3.1)
Imports: arrayhelpers (≥ 1.1.0), autothresholdr (≥ 1.3.11), checkmate (≥ 1.9.3), doParallel, dplyr, filesstrings (≥ 3.2.4), foreach, ijtiff (≥ 2.2), iterators, magrittr (≥ 1.5), parallel, plyr, purrr, Rcpp (≥ 1.0.10), RcppParallel (≥ 5.1.7), rlang (≥ 0.3.3), stringr (≥ 1.4), tools, withr (≥ 2.1)
LinkingTo: Rcpp (≥ 1.0.10), RcppParallel (≥ 5.1.7)
Suggests: abind, covr, ggplot2, glue (≥ 1.3.0), graphics, gridExtra, knitr, lattice, MASS, matrixStats, mgcv, pacman, R.utils, rmarkdown, spelling, testthat (≥ 3.0), tidyr
Published: 2023-03-04
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.detrendr
Author: Rory Nolan ORCID iD [aut, cre], Luis Alvarez ORCID iD [ctb, cph], Sergi Padilla-ParraORCID iD [ctb, ths, cph]
Maintainer: Rory Nolan
License: BSD_3_clause + file
NeedsCompilation: yes
SystemRequirements: GNU make
Language: en-US
Citation: detrendr citation info
Materials: README NEWS
CRAN checks: detrendr results



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