matrixStats: Functions that Apply to Rows and Columns of Matrices (and to Vectors) (original) (raw)

Reverse imports:

abcrf, ablasso, ACNE, ActivityIndex, adproclus, airpart, AlpsNMR, AMARETTO, amplican, apollo, aroma.affymetrix,, aroma.core, aroma.light, atena, autonomics, bage, Banksy, BASiCS, BatchQC, BayesfMRI, BayesianPlatformDesignTimeTrend, bcf, bigstep, BindingSiteFinder, bingat, binsreg, BioNERO, biscuiteer, blackbox, BloodGen3Module, bmm, bnbc, bnclassify, bnem, BREADR, brms, BSgenome, bspcov, bulkAnalyseR, bumphunter, calmate, Canek, CARBayesST, cardelino, CATALYST, causalOT, CDI, celda, CelliD, cellmigRation, cellWise, CEMiTool, ChAMP, Chicago, ChIPpeakAnno, CIPerm, cliqueMS, clusterExperiment, clustifyr, cmapR, cna, cnaOpt, CNVScope, coconots, coin, cointmonitoR, cointReg, cola, colorrepel, compcodeR, ComplexHeatmap, condiments, conformalbayes, conquer, consensus, cophescan, corrcoverage, cosinor2, countts, CpGFilter, CRISPRball, crlmm, csdR, cSEM, CureDepCens, cvCovEst, cytofQC, cytomapper, cytoMEM, DAMOCLES, DCATS, DCLEAR, ddtlcm, dearseq, decompr, deconvR, DELocal, DeMixT, DepCens, DepecheR, DepInfeR, DESeq2, DHS.rates, diffUTR, Dino, disbayes, DiscoRhythm, DMCFB, dmrseq, DMtest, Doscheda, doseR, dplR, DSWE, dwp, eaf, easier, ecospat, eGST, EMDomics, EMMAgeo, ENmix, EnrichedHeatmap, EpiDISH, epimutacions, epistasisGA, eseis, evaluomeR, EventPointer, ExceedanceTools, expss, extraChIPs, FADA, fairsubset, familial, FateID, FEAST, felp, fergm, fipp, fishpond, flexmsm, flocker, flowCore, flowGraph, flowWorkspace, fMRItools, footBayes, FRASER, funcharts, funtooNorm, GAD, gcapc, gDNAx, GenEst, geneticae, GeneTonic, genomation, GenomAutomorphism, geocmeans, GeoThinneR, geva, ggdmc, GJRM, glmGamPoi, GLMMadaptive, GNET2, GPGame, GRaNIE, graper, graphicalMCP, GUIDEseq, GUniFrac, Gviz, gwasurvivr, GWENA, HACSim, haldensify, Harman, hbamr, HDSpatialScan, hermes, HERON, hipathia, Hmsc, Holomics, HonestDiD, hubEnsembles, ICBioMark, icpack, IMIFA, immApex, ImpactEffectsize, incidental, InDisc, iNETgrate, Infusion, iPath, iperform, iraceplot, JMbayes2, JointFPM, jointseg, kgschart, kissDE, kpmt, latrend, LDM, ldsep, lemur, LFDREmpiricalBayes, lfproQC, liminal, locaR, loo, LS2Wstat, lspartition, ltmle, Luminescence, M3Drop, magpie, maic, matrixTests, mbsts, mcmcsae, MEAL, MEDseq, memes, metabCombiner, MetabolicSurv, metamicrobiomeR, MetaNeighbor, methrix, MethylAid, mgcViz, miclust, MicrobiomeStat, miesmuschel, migest, miloR, MiMIR, MinimumDistance, miRecSurv, mixOmics, mnem, moanin, MOCHA, MoEClust, monocle, moocore, MOSim, motifbreakR, motifTestR, mrfDepth, msImpute, mult.latent.reg, multinomialLogitMix, multistateQTL, multivarious, muscat, mvpd, mzipmed, NanoStringDiff, nbconv, nearBynding, nempi, nestedcv, netZooR, neurobase, nn2poly, nnSVG, NormalyzerDE, nparMD, obfuscatoR, occupancy, omicplotR, omicsPrint, omicsViewer, omicwas, OncoBayes2, OptimalDesign, Ostats, OUTRIDER, pandaR, pARI, PathoStat, pecora, penppml, PepSetTest, PepsNMR, pgKDEsphere, phosphonormalizer, Pigengene, PINSPlus, pipeComp, PlackettLuce, pmp, posterior, priorsense, PRONE, ProteoMM, PSCBS, PSIM, QDNAseq, Qindex, RAC, RaceID, rADA, RadioGx, ramr, RandomForestsGLS, randomGLM, randomizationInference, RBesT, RCarb, recommenderlab, reconsi, reservr, RGCCA, rhierbaps, RiboDiPA, RJcluster, RNAmodR, RNAseqQC, robustlm, Rogue, RolDE, rpm, RSquaredMI, rsvddpd, RTCC, rTLsDeep, rtrend, rvec, samr, SANvi, scDataviz, scDesign3, scDHA, SCFA, scISR, scmap, scMET, scMultiSim, scone, scp, scPCA, scPloidy, scpoisson, sctransform, sechm, seeds, sensobol, Seurat, SGP, SIAMCAT, simona, simPIC, simPop, singleCellTK, singscore, sizeMat, slasso, slingshot, SpaceMarkers, SpaNorm, SparseArray, sparseMatrixStats, spatzie, spdesign, splatter, SpliceWiz, SPOTlight, spqn, SQI, SRTsim, stabiliser, stability, stagedtrees, stapler, staRdom, statar, stm, stoppingrule, sts, summarytools, sumR, SuperCell, surveyPrev, susieR, sva, target, TaxaNorm, TCA, templateICAr, tenXplore, ThurMod, TopDom, topGO, tradeSeq, transmogR, TRESS, UBayFS, Unico, UPG, VanillaICE, variancePartition, VaSP, Voyager, vsclust, WaverideR, weakARMA, WeMix, WGCNA, winputall, WQM, Wrench, yarn, zitools