4.2 Booleans (original) (raw)

4.2 Booleans🔗

True and false booleans are represented by the values#t and #f, respectively, though operations that depend on a boolean value typically treat anything other than#f as true. The #t value is always eq? to itself, and #f is always eq? to itself.

See Reading Booleans for information on reading booleans and Printing Booleans for information on printing booleans.

See also and, or, andmap, and ormap.

Returns #t if v is #t or #f,#f otherwise.


> (boolean? #f)
> (boolean? #t)
> (boolean? 'true)

Returns #t if v is #f, #f otherwise.


> (not #f)
> (not #t)
> (not 'we-have-no-bananas)

Note that immutable? is not a general predicate for immutability (despite its name). It works only for a handful of datatypes for which a single predicate—string?,vector?, etc.—recognizes both mutable and immutable variants of the datatype. In particular, immutable? produces#f for a pair, even though pairs are immutable, sincepair? implies immutability.

See also immutable-string?, mutable-string?, etc.


4.2.1 Boolean Aliases🔗

The bindings documented in this section are provided by the racket/bool and racket libraries, but not racket/base.

An alias for #t.

An alias for #f.

Returns (equal? a b) (if a and b are symbols).

(boolean=? a b) → boolean?
a : boolean?
b : boolean?

Returns (equal? a b) (if a and b are booleans).

Returns (not v).

Same as (not (and expr ...)).


> (nand #f #t)
> (nand #f (error 'ack "we don't get here"))

Same as (not (or expr ...)).

In the two argument case, returns #t if neither of the arguments is a true value.


> (nor #f #t)
> (nor #t (error 'ack "we don't get here"))

Checks to be sure that the first expression implies the second.

Same as (if expr1 expr2 #t).


> (implies #f #t)
> (implies #f #f)
> (implies #t #f)
> (implies #f (error 'ack "we don't get here"))

Returns the exclusive or of b1 and b2.

If exactly one of b1 and b2 is not #f, then return it. Otherwise, returns#f.


> (xor 11 #f)
> (xor #f 22)
> (xor 11 22)
> (xor #f #f)
4.2.2 Mutability Predicates🔗

The bindings documented in this section are provided by the racket/mutability and racket libraries, but not racket/base.

Added in version of package base.

Predicates that combine string?, bytes?,vector?, box?, and hash? withimmutable? or its inverse. The predicates are potentially faster than using immutable? and other predicates separately.